Another Trillion in Debt. Thanks Republicans.

Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank
Both highlighted claims are lies, but you knew that already.
Both claims are exactly right.
Nope. I've already proven you wrong:

Wrong again....

Following today's extremely disappointing US GDP growth data, we have the final nail in the coffin of President Obama's economic reign. Not only is the average annual growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949, he has just become the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

An average annual GDP growth of 1.48% during Obama's two terms...

As a reminder to a few blinkered media types, this means President Obama's "recovery" has officially been the worst recovery in US history (despite adding almost $10 trillion to the national debt)...

Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank
Both highlighted claims are lies, but you knew that already.
Both claims are exactly right.
Nope. I've already proven you wrong:

Wrong again....

Following today's extremely disappointing US GDP growth data, we have the final nail in the coffin of President Obama's economic reign. Not only is the average annual growth rate of just 1.48% during Obama's business cycle the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949, he has just become the only President to have not had even one year of 3% GDP growth.

An average annual GDP growth of 1.48% during Obama's two terms...

As a reminder to a few blinkered media types, this means President Obama's "recovery" has officially been the worst recovery in US history (despite adding almost $10 trillion to the national debt)...

Ah, moving the goalposts now, eh?

Well, dumbass, not even Trump has achieved a 3 percent growth in annual GDP.

You just shot yourself in the mouth.
And that’s a Drudge headline.

View attachment 219806

And that is why I am NOT A REPUBLICAN, because I am a conservative. Both parties over spend, but Republican Party wants the moniker of fiscal responsibility, yet they are as irresponsible as the Dems. The main difference- Dems create long term debt with entitlement spending like BOcare, the Repubs usually create shorter term (not generational entitlements) but tax reductions and infrastructure spending.

What are your core beliefs, as a conservative?
This next part has a little bit of math, and so it will probably drown the pseudocon tards.

Don’t be fooled: Working Americans are worse off under Trump

Using the White House's preferred data, average earnings rose from $894.06 in January 2017 to $937.02 in August 2018. That suggests impressive gains of $42.96 weekly over the 20-month period and $30.02 weekly over the past year. But what about median earnings rather than average earnings — that is, earnings of those in the middle of the distribution?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has a different database for that view, and its quarter-by-quarter numbers show a very different picture. Median weekly earnings of all workers rose from $865 in the first quarter of 2017 to $876 in the quarter ending June 30, 2018. The typical working American's earnings increased $11 weekly over 18 months, barely more than one-quarter of the economic progress touted by the White House.


To determine how much the real earnings of a typical working American fell during that period, simply adjust the $876 in median weekly earnings in the quarter ending June 30, 2018, for the 3.32 percent inflation that occurred in the 18 months from the first quarter of 2017 to that date. The result: $876 in June 2018 had the same value as $848.20 in January 2017. In real terms, the weekly earnings of a typical working American fell $16.80, or 1.9 percent, during Donald Trump's first 18 months as president.

Another blow to the White House's preferred economic narrative: The current earnings decline is a new development. Using the same measure, real median weekly earnings increased substantially during Barack Obama's final 18 months as president.
Democrats only care about debt when republicans run it up
Republicans only care about debt when democrats run it up

In reality no one really cares about the debt
Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank

The economy is doing nothing now it has not been doing for the last 6 or so years.

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LOL...yeah except we are at full employment, GDP growth over 4%, and consumer confidence is very high. Very unlike the eight years of malaise under the big eared one.
Spoken like an uber Keynesian. Since you fail to criticize Trump's massive deficits, and boast about the economy's performance, your post indicates you believe big government overspending stimulates the economy.

Obama took office when the country was bleeding 600,000 jobs a month.

Trump took office on third base, and you dipshits think he hit a triple!
Wrong again.

As I stated, looking on the bright side one has to say the economy is much better under Donnie versus your Messiah.

BO's policies were harmful and destructive to economic growth...even with this, the American people continued to work hard and produce. BO was all about enriching his wealthy donors.

Donnie is actually helping the MC and poor...rather than hurting them as your Messiah did.
Once again, Obama took office during an economic crash. Trump took office on third base.

Obama created more jobs per year in his last five years than Trump has. That's a fact.

The Dow also grew by 300 percent on Obama's watch. It has stalled for the past nine months on Trump's watch.

You sure are doing a shitty job of avoiding facing the fact Trump is outspending and creating bigger deficits than Obama.


Once again name one policy obozo made that grew the economy provided jobs?

This next part has a little bit of math, and so it will probably drown the pseudocon tards.

Don’t be fooled: Working Americans are worse off under Trump

Using the White House's preferred data, average earnings rose from $894.06 in January 2017 to $937.02 in August 2018. That suggests impressive gains of $42.96 weekly over the 20-month period and $30.02 weekly over the past year. But what about median earnings rather than average earnings — that is, earnings of those in the middle of the distribution?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has a different database for that view, and its quarter-by-quarter numbers show a very different picture. Median weekly earnings of all workers rose from $865 in the first quarter of 2017 to $876 in the quarter ending June 30, 2018. The typical working American's earnings increased $11 weekly over 18 months, barely more than one-quarter of the economic progress touted by the White House.


To determine how much the real earnings of a typical working American fell during that period, simply adjust the $876 in median weekly earnings in the quarter ending June 30, 2018, for the 3.32 percent inflation that occurred in the 18 months from the first quarter of 2017 to that date. The result: $876 in June 2018 had the same value as $848.20 in January 2017. In real terms, the weekly earnings of a typical working American fell $16.80, or 1.9 percent, during Donald Trump's first 18 months as president.

Another blow to the White House's preferred economic narrative: The current earnings decline is a new development. Using the same measure, real median weekly earnings increased substantially during Barack Obama's final 18 months as president.

More baby boomers retiring , more taxes from blue States .

If I earn $1,000,000 one year, and you earn $10,000 the same year, and your friend earns $50,000 that year, the average earnings for the three of us is $353,333.

The median income, however, is $50,000.

Now, if the government gives me a tax break the next year, and I earn $1,500,000 that year, and you still earn just $10,000 that year, and your friend still earns $50,000 that year, the average earnings for the three of us rises to $520,000. Woo hoo!

And that is what gets reported by the Administration. Success!

However, the median income is actually unchanged at $50,000.

This is what is happening. The middle and low income American worker is not advancing as quickly in Trump's first 18 months as they did in Obama's first 18 months.
The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

All this in a booming economy!

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

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that's the frustrating part. if we're doing this well, pay down as much of that debt as we can. i don't get it. at all.
As I said before, Trump is a big government kind of guy. The deficit won't come down until we slash government spending, and we need to do that drastically.

Q. What would you cut?

[If the members of congress really believed the Federal Government was spending too much, why wouldn't they lead by example: Cut their salary and benefits.

Why wouldn't Trump pay for the golf carts the Secret Service [SS] rents to follow Trump around the Golf Course?

Why wouldn't Trump comp. the rooms rented by the SS in Trump Tower?]

I would cut about 80% of all discretionary spending save those promises made to our heroes who have paid in blood.

What do you believe would be the consequences of such cuts?
The economy is doing nothing now it has not been doing for the last 6 or so years.

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LOL...yeah except we are at full employment, GDP growth over 4%, and consumer confidence is very high. Very unlike the eight years of malaise under the big eared one.
Spoken like an uber Keynesian. Since you fail to criticize Trump's massive deficits, and boast about the economy's performance, your post indicates you believe big government overspending stimulates the economy.

Obama took office when the country was bleeding 600,000 jobs a month.

Trump took office on third base, and you dipshits think he hit a triple!
Wrong again.

As I stated, looking on the bright side one has to say the economy is much better under Donnie versus your Messiah.

BO's policies were harmful and destructive to economic growth...even with this, the American people continued to work hard and produce. BO was all about enriching his wealthy donors.

Donnie is actually helping the MC and poor...rather than hurting them as your Messiah did.
Once again, Obama took office during an economic crash. Trump took office on third base.

Obama created more jobs per year in his last five years than Trump has. That's a fact.

The Dow also grew by 300 percent on Obama's watch. It has stalled for the past nine months on Trump's watch.

You sure are doing a shitty job of avoiding facing the fact Trump is outspending and creating bigger deficits than Obama.


Once again name one policy obozo made that grew the economy provided jobs?

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia

Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - Wikipedia

American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 - Wikipedia
The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

All this in a booming economy!

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Sent from my iPhone using
that's the frustrating part. if we're doing this well, pay down as much of that debt as we can. i don't get it. at all.
As I said before, Trump is a big government kind of guy. The deficit won't come down until we slash government spending, and we need to do that drastically.

Q. What would you cut?

[If the members of congress really believed the Federal Government was spending too much, why wouldn't they lead by example: Cut their salary and benefits.

Why wouldn't Trump pay for the golf carts the Secret Service [SS] rents to follow Trump around the Golf Course?

Why wouldn't Trump comp. the rooms rented by the SS in Trump Tower?]

I would cut about 80% of all discretionary spending save those promises made to our heroes who have paid in blood.

What do you believe would be the consequences of such cuts?
We would have more income than expenditures. We could then use the balance to pay down the debt.
I started a topic last week asking the pseudocons when Trump turned them into Keynesians.

In this topic, we see the pseudocons avoiding criticizing Trump's massive overspending at all costs.

They literally can't do it. They are such submissive lickspittles, they can't bring themselves to say a single harsh word against the Naked Emperor.

Instead, they give Trump credit for the economy.

So they are okay with massive overspending as long as the economy is growing at less than 3 percent per annum. The very kind of Keynesian thinking which they have accused the Democrats of for decades.

Isn't that fascinating?

In fact, not even Keynes was okay with running up massive debts during a positive economy. In fact, he was very much against overspending during good times and felt that is the when we should be paying DOWN our debts.

So these fuckwit willfully blind monkeys are out-Keynesing Keynes!
LOL...yeah except we are at full employment, GDP growth over 4%, and consumer confidence is very high. Very unlike the eight years of malaise under the big eared one.
Spoken like an uber Keynesian. Since you fail to criticize Trump's massive deficits, and boast about the economy's performance, your post indicates you believe big government overspending stimulates the economy.

Obama took office when the country was bleeding 600,000 jobs a month.

Trump took office on third base, and you dipshits think he hit a triple!
Wrong again.

As I stated, looking on the bright side one has to say the economy is much better under Donnie versus your Messiah.

BO's policies were harmful and destructive to economic growth...even with this, the American people continued to work hard and produce. BO was all about enriching his wealthy donors.

Donnie is actually helping the MC and poor...rather than hurting them as your Messiah did.
Once again, Obama took office during an economic crash. Trump took office on third base.

Obama created more jobs per year in his last five years than Trump has. That's a fact.

The Dow also grew by 300 percent on Obama's watch. It has stalled for the past nine months on Trump's watch.

You sure are doing a shitty job of avoiding facing the fact Trump is outspending and creating bigger deficits than Obama.


Once again name one policy obozo made that grew the economy provided jobs?

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia

Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - Wikipedia

American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 - Wikipedia

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia

Pretty trees , no shovel ready jobs and unemployment went up to 9.5%..

Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act - Wikipedia

Didn't do shit.

American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 - Wikipedia

Copying off of Bush Jr and payroll taxes went up 2% in 2013.

Should the economy take a downturn, and it will, the submissives will then try to blame the Democrats for the economy.

You can't count on it as much as the sun rising in the east tomorrow.

Then they will try to figure out a way to blame the Democrats for Trump's trillion dollar deficits.

Even though the deficit was on a downward trend during Obama's entire Administration, while it has been on an upward trend since Trump took over.

Trump and the GOP have taken half trillion dollar deficits back up over a trillion.

And that is ALLLLLLLL on them.
Should the economy take a downturn, and it will, the submissives will then try to blame the Democrats for the economy.

You can't count on it as much as the sun rising in the east tomorrow.

Then they will try to figure out a way to blame the Democrats for Trump's trillion dollar deficits.

Even though the deficit was on a downward trend during Obama's entire Administration, while it has been on an upward trend since Trump took over.

Trump and the GOP have taken half trillion dollar deficits back up over a trillion.

And that is ALLLLLLLL on them.


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