Another Trillion in Debt. Thanks Republicans.

This spiraling debt is going to be a danger. That's the problem, once you get citizens addicted to entitlements, you lose Power if you try to wean them off as the other party just promises to keep giving them their fix even if it's unhealthy for the nation.

Look at Ontario, a complete state of dependence, covert government operatives and debt that is at global record levels for a sub borrowers. We just lost 80k jobs last month, a complete train wreck.

Stop funding PP, get the wall done and throw out all free loading illegals who shouldn't be in the nation or don't pay taxes. Make it a law balance the deficit. Force Term Limits to cut down on lobbying.

Oh, and above all, stop all socialists. Call them out, expose them, debate them and prevent them from obtaining power. You get a socialist in the WH, America will be belly up in 18 months.

I was just in Greece two weeks ago. Ten years after the crash the whole country is still in bad shape and the biggest reason is entitlements. They tried to scale them back a few years ago during the recession and the people rioted. Now they are constantly borrowing money from the rest of the EU and their tax rates are astronomical.
The deficit for the fiscal year comes in at $1,271,158,167,126.

That is the single biggest increase to the deficit in a single year dollar wise, even beating out the jump between 2008 and 2009.

That is a 91.2% increase in the deficit from last year, the 2nd largest such jump in the history of our county.

All this in a booming economy!

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

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that's the frustrating part. if we're doing this well, pay down as much of that debt as we can. i don't get it. at all.
As I said before, Trump is a big government kind of guy. The deficit won't come down until we slash government spending, and we need to do that drastically.

Q. What would you cut?

[If the members of congress really believed the Federal Government was spending too much, why wouldn't they lead by example: Cut their salary and benefits.

Why wouldn't Trump pay for the golf carts the Secret Service [SS] rents to follow Trump around the Golf Course?

Why wouldn't Trump comp. the rooms rented by the SS in Trump Tower?]
I would cut about 80% of all discretionary spending save those promises made to our heroes who have paid in blood.
Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth.
That's just a flat out lie. Why do you lie?

And why can't you bring yourself to criticize Trump for shattering Obama's deficit record after whining for eight years about Obama's deficits and debt?

Because you are a hack. That's why.

Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank

The economy is doing nothing now it has not been doing for the last 6 or so years.

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LOL...yeah except we are at full employment, GDP growth over 4%, and consumer confidence is very high. Very unlike the eight years of malaise under the big eared one.
Spoken like an uber Keynesian. Since you fail to criticize Trump's massive deficits, and boast about the economy's performance, your post indicates you believe big government overspending stimulates the economy.

Obama took office when the country was bleeding 600,000 jobs a month.

Trump took office on third base, and you dipshits think he hit a triple!
This spiraling debt is going to be a danger. That's the problem, once you get citizens addicted to entitlements, you lose Power if you try to wean them off as the other party just promises to keep giving them their fix even if it's unhealthy for the nation.

Look at Ontario, a complete state of dependence, covert government operatives and debt that is at global record levels for a sub borrowers. We just lost 80k jobs last month, a complete train wreck.

Stop funding PP, get the wall done and throw out all free loading illegals who shouldn't be in the nation or don't pay taxes. Make it a law balance the deficit. Force Term Limits to cut down on lobbying.

Oh, and above all, stop all socialists. Call them out, expose them, debate them and prevent them from obtaining power. You get a socialist in the WH, America will be belly up in 18 months.

I was just in Greece two weeks ago. Ten years after the crash the whole country is still in bad shape and the biggest reason is entitlements. They tried to scale them back a few years ago during the recession and the people rioted. Now they are constantly borrowing money from the rest of the EU and their tax rates are astronomical.

The problem with Greece was a legal retirement age of 50. That caused the crash there, with 50-year-olds dropping out of the job market and going on their social programs.
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Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank

The economy is doing nothing now it has not been doing for the last 6 or so years.

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LOL...yeah except we are at full employment, GDP growth over 4%, and consumer confidence is very high. Very unlike the eight years of malaise under the big eared one.
Spoken like an uber Keynesian. Since you fail to criticize Trump's massive deficits, and boast about the economy's performance, your post indicates you believe big government overspending stimulates the economy.

Obama took office when the country was bleeding 600,000 jobs a month.

Trump took office on third base, and you dipshits think he hit a triple!

Spot on. Exactly.
I've been pointing out for a while now that the Republicans have ACCELERATED our deficits since coming to power, and that Trump is on track to beat Obama's debt record.

And yet, after whining non-stop for eight years about Obama's debt, you can't find a single pseudocon to criticize the GOP or Trump for spending even more than the Democrats.

The pseuedocons are covered in many, many layers of hypocrisy. They reek to high heaven of it.

This is just like the last time the GOP controlled the White House and Congress at the same time.
Why was this thread moved to Current Events?
The media didn't jack the debt a trillion dollars.
Trump did.
Oh, that's right.....the mods can't have too much bad news about Orange Goon in Politics.
Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank

The economy is doing nothing now it has not been doing for the last 6 or so years.

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LOL...yeah except we are at full employment, GDP growth over 4%, and consumer confidence is very high. Very unlike the eight years of malaise under the big eared one.
Spoken like an uber Keynesian. Since you fail to criticize Trump's massive deficits, and boast about the economy's performance, your post indicates you believe big government overspending stimulates the economy.

Obama took office when the country was bleeding 600,000 jobs a month.

Trump took office on third base, and you dipshits think he hit a triple!
Wrong again.

As I stated, looking on the bright side one has to say the economy is much better under Donnie versus your Messiah.

BO's policies were harmful and destructive to economic growth...even with this, the American people continued to work hard and produce. BO was all about enriching his wealthy donors.

Donnie is actually helping the MC and poor...rather than hurting them as your Messiah did.
Look on the bright side.

Big Ears added $10 trillion to the debt, but the economy just lagged and never reached 3% GDP growth. Now with Donnie, it's booming. You should thank

The economy is doing nothing now it has not been doing for the last 6 or so years.

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LOL...yeah except we are at full employment, GDP growth over 4%, and consumer confidence is very high. Very unlike the eight years of malaise under the big eared one.
Spoken like an uber Keynesian. Since you fail to criticize Trump's massive deficits, and boast about the economy's performance, your post indicates you believe big government overspending stimulates the economy.

Obama took office when the country was bleeding 600,000 jobs a month.

Trump took office on third base, and you dipshits think he hit a triple!
Wrong again.

As I stated, looking on the bright side one has to say the economy is much better under Donnie versus your Messiah.

BO's policies were harmful and destructive to economic growth...even with this, the American people continued to work hard and produce. BO was all about enriching his wealthy donors.

Donnie is actually helping the MC and poor...rather than hurting them as your Messiah did.
Once again, Obama took office during an economic crash. Trump took office on third base.

Obama created more jobs per year in his last five years than Trump has. That's a fact.

The Dow also grew by 300 percent on Obama's watch. It has stalled for the past nine months on Trump's watch.

You sure are doing a shitty job of avoiding facing the fact Trump is outspending and creating bigger deficits than Obama.

Once again, Obama took office during an economic crash. Trump took office on third base.
Obama created more jobs per year in his last five years than Trump has. That's a fact.
The Dow also grew by 300 percent on Obama's watch. It has stalled for the past nine months on Trump's watch.
You sure are doing a shitty job of avoiding facing the fact Trump is outspending and creating bigger deficits than Obama.

What's REALLY pathetic is that you perceive "reality" based solely on WHO'S MOUTH it comes from....even when it's propaganda from idiot Progressive/Gloabalist mouths.
I see the tards are now claiming Obama ran up 10 trillion in debt. They used to claim 8 trillion.

The bigger Trump's debt gets, the bigger they will claim Obama's debt was. Just watch and see.

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11

Debt when Obama took office: $11.9 trillion.

Debt when Trump took office: $20.2 trillion

Total: $8.3 trillion.
You also haven't heard a peep out of the pseudocons about the Republican Congress raising the debt ceiling at least twice since Trump took office.

The stench of hypocrisy is eye-watering.
Do you all know what the formula is that is used to calculate GDP?

Guess what a key variable is in that formula.

Government spending.

You can juice the GDP number by increasing government spending.

Gross Domestic Product - GDP

GDP = C + G + I + NX. C is equal to all private consumption, or consumer spending, in a nation's economy, G is the sum of government spending, I is the sum of all the country's investment, including businesses capital expenditures and NX is the nation's total net exports, calculated as total exports minus total imports (NX = Exports - Imports).
And that’s a Drudge headline.

View attachment 219806

Thank your demands on goverment. Thank your demands for cradle to grave wellfare. How has the war on poverty worked out for you? Thank your demand for free healthcare. Thank your demand for farm subsidies, for green energy subsidies,
demand for foreign aid, demand for freebies, put the blame where it belongs. You have no logic punish government for spending but demand spending. You remind me of the pushme pullyou critter.
I see the tards are now claiming Obama ran up 10 trillion in debt. They used to claim 8 trillion.

The bigger Trump's debt gets, the bigger they will claim Obama's debt was. Just watch and see.

See How the U.S. Debt Tripled Since 9/11

Debt when Obama took office: $11.9 trillion.

Debt when Trump took office: $20.2 trillion

Total: $8.3 trillion.
You should like Donnie Tiny Hands. He spends just like Big Ears.

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