Another Trump MAGA success story

Think about it. If you have $100 and interest rates are low you will invest in riskier vehicles such as equities aka stocks. Once rates start moving up you take that $100 and invest in less risky instruments such as bonds because your return is safer. So if a bunch of people follow that same logic then the Dow will be down.
I leave that to my investment broker. I let him take risks with my money because in the long run, it usually pays off. I keep a rather conservative portfolio.
I flipped through five channels every one had the move based on the Fed. BBC, OAN, FOX both stations.
What I read, tells me different. For example, the The Wall Street Journal tells me U.S. businesses are ramping up lobbying against trump’s tariff. "Organizations representing thousands of companies are cooperating on a lobbying campaign called "Tariffs Hurt the Heartland."
dude, not sure what to tell you. the market said otherwise. but nice try.
Think about it. If you have $100 and interest rates are low you will invest in riskier vehicles such as equities aka stocks. Once rates start moving up you take that $100 and invest in less risky instruments such as bonds because your return is safer. So if a bunch of people follow that same logic then the Dow will be down.
I leave that to my investment broker. I let him take risks with my money because in the long run, it usually pays off. I keep a rather conservative portfolio.
yep, same with me.
It's temporary condition. China has boycotted US produce in retaliation for US tariffs on Chinese imports, but China is losing this "trade war" badly, and is taking measures to prevent China from suffering a major economic slowdown, while the US economy is doing so well, the Fed is raising interest rates to prevent it from overheating.
Tech stocks took a big hit today. trump’s tariffs against China are hurting U.S. tech companies instead (source)
It's temporary condition. China has boycotted US produce in retaliation for US tariffs on Chinese imports, but China is losing this "trade war" badly, and is taking measures to prevent China from suffering a major economic slowdown, while the US economy is doing so well, the Fed is raising interest rates to prevent it from overheating.
Tech stocks took a big hit today. trump’s tariffs against China are hurting U.S. tech companies instead (source)
your source does not back your statement. but again, nice try.
Think about it. If you have $100 and interest rates are low you will invest in riskier vehicles such as equities aka stocks. Once rates start moving up you take that $100 and invest in less risky instruments such as bonds because your return is safer. So if a bunch of people follow that same logic then the Dow will be down.
I leave that to my investment broker. I let him take risks with my money because in the long run, it usually pays off. I keep a rather conservative portfolio.

Equities are best if you are young
I flipped through five channels every one had the move based on the Fed. BBC, OAN, FOX both stations.
What I read, tells me different. For example, the The Wall Street Journal tells me U.S. businesses are ramping up lobbying against trump’s tariff. "Organizations representing thousands of companies are cooperating on a lobbying campaign called "Tariffs Hurt the Heartland."
dude, not sure what to tell you. the market said otherwise. but nice try.


SMH -- some wags have no powers of observation whatsoever.
I flipped through five channels every one had the move based on the Fed. BBC, OAN, FOX both stations.
What I read, tells me different. For example, the The Wall Street Journal tells me U.S. businesses are ramping up lobbying against trump’s tariff. "Organizations representing thousands of companies are cooperating on a lobbying campaign called "Tariffs Hurt the Heartland."

Ford just announced layoffs as a result of those tariffs.
The DOW is still a thousand points higher than any time during the Hussein administration. The crazy angry left has reached the point where they switched sides. No longer are they cheerleaders for what's best for America. They have become agents of foreign governments like China and Russia.
US shares suffer sharpest drop in months

US shares suffer sharpest drop in months

US share markets have suffered their sharpest one-day falls in months, as fears about rising interest rates, inflation, trade tensions intensified.

The tech-heavy Nasdaq led the declines, sliding 4%, or 315.9 points, to 7,422.

The Dow Jones and S&P 500 also fell by more than 3%, with losses accelerating towards the end of the day. Netflix fell 8%, while Amazon slid 6%.

The slides extended declines in Europe, where exchanges in Germany and France ended the day down more than 2%.

The Dow fell 831.8 points, or 3.15% to 25,598.7. The S&P 500 dropped 94.6 or 3.29% to 2,785.6 - the biggest one-day fall since early February.

Yep, big numbers there for Trump to trumpet about how his policies are making the economy better.

Hey Genius, you do realize the market is still up big under Trump's Presidency? Or maybe you're like most socialist Dims and do not understand basic math.....:(

Haha, still trying to find crap excuses huh?

I understand basic math, the basic math of "if it's good, it's Trump's, if it's bad, it's not Trump's"

But it's more hypocrisy and bullshit than math, don't you think?
The stock market rises and falls in every presidents term(s).

Funny how when they were rising it was Trump though. And when they're going down "oh, it happens with every president"

Well, when the market was rising most of you idiots claimed it was Obama's, so should be attribute yesterday to Obama also....dumbass.
It’s been bad since trumps policies really started taking effect...

You've got to be kidding.
The stock market rises and falls in every presidents term(s).

Funny how when they were rising it was Trump though. And when they're going down "oh, it happens with every president"

Well, when the market was rising most of you idiots claimed it was Obama's, so should be attribute yesterday to Obama also....dumbass.
It’s been bad since trumps policies really started taking effect...

You've got to be kidding.
Not at all. The Dow is back to January which is about where trumps policies would really take effect.
I flipped through five channels every one had the move based on the Fed. BBC, OAN, FOX both stations.
What I read, tells me different. For example, the The Wall Street Journal tells me U.S. businesses are ramping up lobbying against trump’s tariff. "Organizations representing thousands of companies are cooperating on a lobbying campaign called "Tariffs Hurt the Heartland."

Ford just announced layoffs as a result of those tariffs.
what happened to the other car manufacturers? hmmmm maybe ford is using it as an excuse. I'm going with that since they lay off all the time. nice try though. not consistent with the market.
I flipped through five channels every one had the move based on the Fed. BBC, OAN, FOX both stations.
What I read, tells me different. For example, the The Wall Street Journal tells me U.S. businesses are ramping up lobbying against trump’s tariff. "Organizations representing thousands of companies are cooperating on a lobbying campaign called "Tariffs Hurt the Heartland."
dude, not sure what to tell you. the market said otherwise. but nice try.


SMH -- some wags have no powers of observation whatsoever.
well feel free to post the links asshat dude.
It's temporary condition. China has boycotted US produce in retaliation for US tariffs on Chinese imports, but China is losing this "trade war" badly, and is taking measures to prevent China from suffering a major economic slowdown, while the US economy is doing so well, the Fed is raising interest rates to prevent it from overheating.
Tech stocks took a big hit today. trump’s tariffs against China are hurting U.S. tech companies instead (source)
Not so. There is some anxiety about the "trade war" with China, but as yet no tech company has been hurt by the tariffs. If you read your link carefully, you will see there is some worry that the tech companies might be hurt by the trade war, but so far, none have been. The article glosses over the fact that tech companies are suffering greatly right now from the theft of intellectual property by China, and the President is attempting to end this in the present conflict, so the likely outcome is that the tech companies will benefit in the long run from this exchange of tariffs.

It is important to distinguish between the economy and the stock market. All the economic news continues to be good, but the market is spooked by several rate hikes by the Fed and by anxieties over the whether the President's efforts to end the theft of intellectual property and China's reluctance to open its markets to foreign competition will be successful.

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