Another Trumpist is convicted

Most have been freed with zero repercussions.

some of the big ones were REALLY big traitorous acts. & THEY were pardoned.

accepting a pardon = admission of guilt. hell GENERAL flynn - pleaded guilty.

Don't forget DJT was not a politician so whatever transgressions there were aren't on him.

he, roger stone & manafort go back decades... he was on the inside no doubt about it.

Lastly it is quite partisan.

lol. partisan or not - they were all criminal. like i said some were TRAITOROUS. that's a whooooole other level, zoggy ol' chap. they should have been held accountable but donny pardoned them. flynn, stone, manafort & LOL! steve bannon who was guilty AF for ripping off the very people who voted for trump. that rip off wall that is now going to fall into the rio grande. how appropo, 'eh?

Aside from Wiener and Avenatti, who were overt I don't know many Democrats who suffered such invasive crap.


bill & hillary clinton ring a bell?

Including Hunter Biden, who is now selling paintings for $500M a pop. Nothing to see here folks....

& there is an investigation to see what's what. if he did anything wrong/unethical - it will be determined. if it's wrong - it's wrong.


soooooooooooooooo zogarinooooooooooooo - here's a few more names that ring a bell to ya?

traitor tot, ivanka & eric trump. you bringing up hunter w/out even mentioning donny's spawn? are you kidding?
Not true. Accepting a plea means you don’t want to go bankrupt

pardon = admission of guilt.

manafort = guilty

roger stone = guilty

steve bannon = guilty.

Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)​

There are substantial differences between legislative immunity and a pardon; the latter carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it, while the former is noncommittal, and tantamount to silence of the witness.
Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)
Nope. Not remotely. You should do a deep dive into the Flynn case. If Flynn was mega rich no chance he pleads anything but innocent. Our court system favors the rich.

haaaaaaaaaaaa.......... m'k you go with that. is that why even the judge presiding, called him a traitor?

holy crap, zog.
Holy crap. Make America Great is really traitorous….meanwhile Biden called America systematically racist. That’s pretty traitorous in my book.

america is systematically racist. thinking & saying that is not traitorous.

taking the word & side of a hostile adversary, on TV, in front of the world over our own 17 intel agencies is.

divulging israeli state secrets to known rooooskie spies is traitorous.

having secret discussions & meetings with a hostile adversary & refusing to have them transcribed is traitorous.

Top U.S. Gen. Mark Milley feared Trump would attempt a coup after his loss to Biden, new book says​

Top U.S. Gen. Mark Milley feared Trump would attempt a coup after his loss to Biden, new book says

^^^ traitorous ^^^

let's see if the general refudiates any of the things that are attributed to him. he also said a few bone chilling things about donny & his fascism; but i won't repeat them because they are sensitive topics that i don't want to overstep with you.
Most have been freed with zero repercussions.

some of the big ones were REALLY big traitorous acts. & THEY were pardoned.

accepting a pardon = admission of guilt. hell GENERAL flynn - pleaded guilty.

Don't forget DJT was not a politician so whatever transgressions there were aren't on him.

he, roger stone & manafort go back decades... he was on the inside no doubt about it.

Lastly it is quite partisan.

lol. partisan or not - they were all criminal. like i said some were TRAITOROUS. that's a whooooole other level, zoggy ol' chap. they should have been held accountable but donny pardoned them. flynn, stone, manafort & LOL! steve bannon who was guilty AF for ripping off the very people who voted for trump. that rip off wall that is now going to fall into the rio grande. how appropo, 'eh?

Aside from Wiener and Avenatti, who were overt I don't know many Democrats who suffered such invasive crap.


bill & hillary clinton ring a bell?

Including Hunter Biden, who is now selling paintings for $500M a pop. Nothing to see here folks....

& there is an investigation to see what's what. if he did anything wrong/unethical - it will be determined. if it's wrong - it's wrong.


soooooooooooooooo zogarinooooooooooooo - here's a few more names that ring a bell to ya?

traitor tot, ivanka & eric trump. you bringing up hunter w/out even mentioning donny's spawn? are you kidding?
Not true. Accepting a plea means you don’t want to go bankrupt

pardon = admission of guilt.

manafort = guilty

roger stone = guilty

steve bannon = guilty.

Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)​

There are substantial differences between legislative immunity and a pardon; the latter carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it, while the former is noncommittal, and tantamount to silence of the witness.
Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)
Nope. Not remotely. You should do a deep dive into the Flynn case. If Flynn was mega rich no chance he pleads anything but innocent. Our court system favors the rich.

haaaaaaaaaaaa.......... m'k you go with that. is that why even the judge presiding, called him a traitor?

holy crap, zog.
Holy crap. Make America Great is really traitorous….meanwhile Biden called America systematically racist. That’s pretty traitorous in my book.

america is systematically racist. thinking & saying that is not traitorous.

taking the word & side of a hostile adversary, on TV, in front of the world over our own 17 intel agencies is.

divulging israeli state secrets to known rooooskie spies is traitorous.

having secret discussions & meetings with a hostile adversary & refusing to have them transcribed is traitorous.

Top U.S. Gen. Mark Milley feared Trump would attempt a coup after his loss to Biden, new book says​

Top U.S. Gen. Mark Milley feared Trump would attempt a coup after his loss to Biden, new book says

^^^ traitorous ^^^

let's see if the general refudiates any of the things that are attributed to him. he also said a few bone chilling things about donny & his fascism; but i won't repeat them because they are sensitive topics that i don't want to overstep with you.
Nope. Saying America is systematically racist is something China and Russia would do. It is untrue. Milley may say what he likes and so may you. I follow my gut. It has yet to lead me astray. You do you. I see firsthand how persons like you ruin this country. My parents are immigrants and to them this is the greatest country in the world. Lifelong Democrats until 2008. So like I said you do you. But anyone who says America is systematically racist to my face, I no longer converse with politely as it’s a slap in the face.
Most have been freed with zero repercussions.

some of the big ones were REALLY big traitorous acts. & THEY were pardoned.

accepting a pardon = admission of guilt. hell GENERAL flynn - pleaded guilty.

Don't forget DJT was not a politician so whatever transgressions there were aren't on him.

he, roger stone & manafort go back decades... he was on the inside no doubt about it.

Lastly it is quite partisan.

lol. partisan or not - they were all criminal. like i said some were TRAITOROUS. that's a whooooole other level, zoggy ol' chap. they should have been held accountable but donny pardoned them. flynn, stone, manafort & LOL! steve bannon who was guilty AF for ripping off the very people who voted for trump. that rip off wall that is now going to fall into the rio grande. how appropo, 'eh?

Aside from Wiener and Avenatti, who were overt I don't know many Democrats who suffered such invasive crap.


bill & hillary clinton ring a bell?

Including Hunter Biden, who is now selling paintings for $500M a pop. Nothing to see here folks....

& there is an investigation to see what's what. if he did anything wrong/unethical - it will be determined. if it's wrong - it's wrong.


soooooooooooooooo zogarinooooooooooooo - here's a few more names that ring a bell to ya?

traitor tot, ivanka & eric trump. you bringing up hunter w/out even mentioning donny's spawn? are you kidding?
Not true. Accepting a plea means you don’t want to go bankrupt

pardon = admission of guilt.

manafort = guilty

roger stone = guilty

steve bannon = guilty.

Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)​

There are substantial differences between legislative immunity and a pardon; the latter carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it, while the former is noncommittal, and tantamount to silence of the witness.
Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)
Nope. Not remotely. You should do a deep dive into the Flynn case. If Flynn was mega rich no chance he pleads anything but innocent. Our court system favors the rich.

haaaaaaaaaaaa.......... m'k you go with that. is that why even the judge presiding, called him a traitor?

holy crap, zog.
Holy crap. Make America Great is really traitorous….meanwhile Biden called America systematically racist. That’s pretty traitorous in my book.

america is systematically racist. thinking & saying that is not traitorous.

taking the word & side of a hostile adversary, on TV, in front of the world over our own 17 intel agencies is.

divulging israeli state secrets to known rooooskie spies is traitorous.

having secret discussions & meetings with a hostile adversary & refusing to have them transcribed is traitorous.

Top U.S. Gen. Mark Milley feared Trump would attempt a coup after his loss to Biden, new book says​

Top U.S. Gen. Mark Milley feared Trump would attempt a coup after his loss to Biden, new book says

^^^ traitorous ^^^

let's see if the general refudiates any of the things that are attributed to him. he also said a few bone chilling things about donny & his fascism; but i won't repeat them because they are sensitive topics that i don't want to overstep with you.
Nope. Saying America is systematically racist is something China and Russia would do. It is untrue. Milley may say what he likes and so may you. I follow my gut. It has yet to lead me astray. You do you. I see firsthand how persons like you ruin this country. My parents are immigrants and to them this is the greatest country in the world. Lifelong Democrats until 2008. So like I said you do you. But anyone who says America is systematically racist to my face, I no longer converse with politely as it’s a slap in the face.

oooooOOOOOooooo i know you are just itching to start it up with me again. i won't play. keep it civil or leave me alone, thank you very much.

lol ... you are you.

btw i looked for that post & it's either gone or i am mistaken - but i did ask you if there was any line - & you said 'of course there is' then never answer what exactly. that one is out there - i can grab it but it doesn't prove that you have a line with donny.

that figures.... there really isn't any; including shooting someone on 5th ave. that wasn't hyperbole that's a fact.
Most have been freed with zero repercussions.

some of the big ones were REALLY big traitorous acts. & THEY were pardoned.

accepting a pardon = admission of guilt. hell GENERAL flynn - pleaded guilty.

Don't forget DJT was not a politician so whatever transgressions there were aren't on him.

he, roger stone & manafort go back decades... he was on the inside no doubt about it.

Lastly it is quite partisan.

lol. partisan or not - they were all criminal. like i said some were TRAITOROUS. that's a whooooole other level, zoggy ol' chap. they should have been held accountable but donny pardoned them. flynn, stone, manafort & LOL! steve bannon who was guilty AF for ripping off the very people who voted for trump. that rip off wall that is now going to fall into the rio grande. how appropo, 'eh?

Aside from Wiener and Avenatti, who were overt I don't know many Democrats who suffered such invasive crap.


bill & hillary clinton ring a bell?

Including Hunter Biden, who is now selling paintings for $500M a pop. Nothing to see here folks....

& there is an investigation to see what's what. if he did anything wrong/unethical - it will be determined. if it's wrong - it's wrong.


soooooooooooooooo zogarinooooooooooooo - here's a few more names that ring a bell to ya?

traitor tot, ivanka & eric trump. you bringing up hunter w/out even mentioning donny's spawn? are you kidding?
Not true. Accepting a plea means you don’t want to go bankrupt

pardon = admission of guilt.

manafort = guilty

roger stone = guilty

steve bannon = guilty.

Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)​

There are substantial differences between legislative immunity and a pardon; the latter carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it, while the former is noncommittal, and tantamount to silence of the witness.
Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)
Nope. Not remotely. You should do a deep dive into the Flynn case. If Flynn was mega rich no chance he pleads anything but innocent. Our court system favors the rich.

haaaaaaaaaaaa.......... m'k you go with that. is that why even the judge presiding, called him a traitor?

holy crap, zog.
Holy crap. Make America Great is really traitorous….meanwhile Biden called America systematically racist. That’s pretty traitorous in my book.

america is systematically racist. thinking & saying that is not traitorous.

taking the word & side of a hostile adversary, on TV, in front of the world over our own 17 intel agencies is.

divulging israeli state secrets to known rooooskie spies is traitorous.

having secret discussions & meetings with a hostile adversary & refusing to have them transcribed is traitorous.

Top U.S. Gen. Mark Milley feared Trump would attempt a coup after his loss to Biden, new book says​

Top U.S. Gen. Mark Milley feared Trump would attempt a coup after his loss to Biden, new book says

^^^ traitorous ^^^

let's see if the general refudiates any of the things that are attributed to him. he also said a few bone chilling things about donny & his fascism; but i won't repeat them because they are sensitive topics that i don't want to overstep with you.
Nope. Saying America is systematically racist is something China and Russia would do. It is untrue. Milley may say what he likes and so may you. I follow my gut. It has yet to lead me astray. You do you. I see firsthand how persons like you ruin this country. My parents are immigrants and to them this is the greatest country in the world. Lifelong Democrats until 2008. So like I said you do you. But anyone who says America is systematically racist to my face, I no longer converse with politely as it’s a slap in the face.

oooooOOOOOooooo i know you are just itching to start it up with me again. i won't play. keep it civil or leave me alone, thank you very much.

lol ... you are you.

btw i looked for that post & it's either gone or i am mistaken - but i did ask you if there was any line - & you said 'of course there is' then never answer what exactly. that one is out there - i can grab it but it doesn't prove that you have a line with donny.

that figures.... there really isn't any; including shooting someone on 5th ave. that wasn't hyperbole that's a fact.
If he said America was systematically racist he would lose all my support. That’s pretty clear. Not sure what you don’t understand about that? If he said we don’t need border security he would lose all my support. If he vilified our police force he would lose all my support. How
Many more reasons would you like? You may save this post.
If he said we don’t need border security he would lose all my support.

biden never said that.

If he vilified our police force he would lose all my support.

biden never vilified the police.

Many more reasons would you like?

how'z about what he did at the capital? how'z about what the general thought donny was capable of & had every reason to believe he would try to carry it out? he did try - & luckily our guardrails held.

You may save this post.

lol ... why? if it came out he was a useful idiot of putin's or he was held responsible for his role in ginning up his pawns to do what they did AND he's STILL perpetuating that big lie, much to the detriment of this country's stability ... or he evaded paying taxes & defrauded & owed money to the russian mob & oligarchs - you would still find an excuse.
If he said we don’t need border security he would lose all my support.

biden never said that.

If he vilified our police force he would lose all my support.

biden never vilified the police.

Many more reasons would you like?

how'z about what he did at the capital? how'z about what the general thought donny was capable of & had every reason to believe he would try to carry it out? he did try - & luckily our guardrails held.

You may save this post.

lol ... why? if it came out he was a useful idiot of putin's or he was held responsible for his role in ginning up his pawns to do what they did AND he's STILL perpetuating that big lie, much to the detriment of this country's stability ... or he evaded paying taxes & defrauded & owed money to the russian mob & oligarchs - you would still find an excuse.
If he is a Russian spy, of course. Mueller report didn’t show that. IMO Biden disrespected our police force and our border security. If Trump did that he would lose my support and or if he called our country systematically racist. Save this post.
f he is a Russian spy, of course.

but not what he did in the weeks b4 jan 6 .... ginning his pawns up

or what he did at the capital ...

or how he allowed it to go on for hours b4, not getting the NG in or saying a word to get them to stop as he watched it all on TV?

or how he's CONtinueing that big lie?

wow. just wow.
Normal folk would see a pattern here, but it will be labeled as more fact-free victimhood. Sad :(

A former Chicago bank executive was convicted Tuesday in a scheme to arrange $16 million in loans for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in exchange for a high-level position in the Trump administration.​
Stephen Calk, the former CEO of The Federal Savings Bank, was found guilty of financial institution bribery and conspiracy to commit financial institution bribery after a three-week trial in Manhattan.​
“Calk used the federally-insured bank he ran as his personal piggybank to try and buy himself prestige and power,” Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said in a statement. “Today’s verdict sends the message that corruption at the highest levels of federally regulated financial institutions will be prosecuted by this office.”​
Calk’s lawyer, Paul Schoeman, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.​
In a scheme that stretched from July 2016 to January 2017, Calk worked to approve multiple high-risk loans for Manafort, who urgently needed them to avoid foreclosure on several properties.​

And that has to do with Trump how exactly?
Normal folk would see a pattern here, but it will be labeled as more fact-free victimhood. Sad :(

A former Chicago bank executive was convicted Tuesday in a scheme to arrange $16 million in loans for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in exchange for a high-level position in the Trump administration.​
Stephen Calk, the former CEO of The Federal Savings Bank, was found guilty of financial institution bribery and conspiracy to commit financial institution bribery after a three-week trial in Manhattan.​
“Calk used the federally-insured bank he ran as his personal piggybank to try and buy himself prestige and power,” Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said in a statement. “Today’s verdict sends the message that corruption at the highest levels of federally regulated financial institutions will be prosecuted by this office.”​
Calk’s lawyer, Paul Schoeman, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.​
In a scheme that stretched from July 2016 to January 2017, Calk worked to approve multiple high-risk loans for Manafort, who urgently needed them to avoid foreclosure on several properties.​

And that has to do with Trump how exactly?

you think trump didn't know?
f he is a Russian spy, of course.

but not what he did in the weeks b4 jan 6 .... ginning his pawns up

or what he did at the capital ...

or how he allowed it to go on for hours b4, not getting the NG in or saying a word to get them to stop as he watched it all on TV?

or how he's CONtinueing that big lie?

wow. just wow.
What happened at the Capital was a mostly peaceful protest by the operational definition of leftists. You say wow oh wow and I get it. But you don’t get that I feel the same exact way about you and your ilk. Amazing.
Normal folk would see a pattern here, but it will be labeled as more fact-free victimhood. Sad :(

A former Chicago bank executive was convicted Tuesday in a scheme to arrange $16 million in loans for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in exchange for a high-level position in the Trump administration.​
Stephen Calk, the former CEO of The Federal Savings Bank, was found guilty of financial institution bribery and conspiracy to commit financial institution bribery after a three-week trial in Manhattan.​
“Calk used the federally-insured bank he ran as his personal piggybank to try and buy himself prestige and power,” Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said in a statement. “Today’s verdict sends the message that corruption at the highest levels of federally regulated financial institutions will be prosecuted by this office.”​
Calk’s lawyer, Paul Schoeman, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.​
In a scheme that stretched from July 2016 to January 2017, Calk worked to approve multiple high-risk loans for Manafort, who urgently needed them to avoid foreclosure on several properties.​

And that has to do with Trump how exactly?

you think trump didn't know?
Nothing in the story, nor the filing of the TDS Manhattan corrupt SA says that he did, so you have nothing....
Mueller report didn’t show that.

mueller's investigation was very narrow in scope & not allowed to go beyond his parameters.
$30mil plus narrow?

he was not allowed to ' follow the money '

The Ways In Which The Mueller Investigation Was Restricted​

The Ways In Which The Mueller Investigation Was Restricted |

Rod Rosenstein Didn't 'Land the Plane.' He Made Sure It Never Left the Ground.​

Rod Rosenstein Didn't 'Land the Plane.' He Made Sure It Never Left the Ground.
Normal folk would see a pattern here, but it will be labeled as more fact-free victimhood. Sad :(

A former Chicago bank executive was convicted Tuesday in a scheme to arrange $16 million in loans for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in exchange for a high-level position in the Trump administration.​
Stephen Calk, the former CEO of The Federal Savings Bank, was found guilty of financial institution bribery and conspiracy to commit financial institution bribery after a three-week trial in Manhattan.​
“Calk used the federally-insured bank he ran as his personal piggybank to try and buy himself prestige and power,” Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said in a statement. “Today’s verdict sends the message that corruption at the highest levels of federally regulated financial institutions will be prosecuted by this office.”​
Calk’s lawyer, Paul Schoeman, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.​
In a scheme that stretched from July 2016 to January 2017, Calk worked to approve multiple high-risk loans for Manafort, who urgently needed them to avoid foreclosure on several properties.​

This is like six degrees of Kevin Bacon?
Naw, it's just the standard republican business model.
Because all Democrats are clean. Your partisanship is laughable. You’re such a loser.
Now where did I say that?
f he is a Russian spy, of course.

but not what he did in the weeks b4 jan 6 .... ginning his pawns up

or what he did at the capital ...

or how he allowed it to go on for hours b4, not getting the NG in or saying a word to get them to stop as he watched it all on TV?

or how he's CONtinueing that big lie?

wow. just wow.
What happened at the Capital was a mostly peaceful protest by the operational definition of leftists. You say wow oh wow and I get it. But you don’t get that I feel the same exact way about you and your ilk. Amazing.

mostly peaceful means nothing when there was a coordinated conspiracy fueled by trump.

Normal folk would see a pattern here, but it will be labeled as more fact-free victimhood. Sad :(

A former Chicago bank executive was convicted Tuesday in a scheme to arrange $16 million in loans for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in exchange for a high-level position in the Trump administration.​
Stephen Calk, the former CEO of The Federal Savings Bank, was found guilty of financial institution bribery and conspiracy to commit financial institution bribery after a three-week trial in Manhattan.​
“Calk used the federally-insured bank he ran as his personal piggybank to try and buy himself prestige and power,” Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said in a statement. “Today’s verdict sends the message that corruption at the highest levels of federally regulated financial institutions will be prosecuted by this office.”​
Calk’s lawyer, Paul Schoeman, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.​
In a scheme that stretched from July 2016 to January 2017, Calk worked to approve multiple high-risk loans for Manafort, who urgently needed them to avoid foreclosure on several properties.​

This is like six degrees of Kevin Bacon?
Naw, it's just the standard republican business model.
Because all Democrats are clean. Your partisanship is laughable. You’re such a loser.
Now where did I say that?

zoggy likes to put words in other peoples'mouths.
Normal folk would see a pattern here

The pattern is obvious: You have a real obsession with Donald Trump and an unmet need to seek vengeance on him. Too bad it's going to backfire on you.
Won't you be surprised. View attachment 512512
Oh look, vague threats from the right.
Many times they go way beyond “vague” :omg:
Some of our pals are violent people.
I believe they wish they were. I'm pretty sure they're too scared though.

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