Another Vicious Crime Against An Asian Caught On Video In NYC Subway And Still No White Supremacy In Sight


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Another Vicious Crime Against An Asian Caught On Video In NYC Subway And Still No White Supremacy In Sight
Video after video shows Asian-Americans being attacked, but the white supremacy narrative the left is pushing is still a mythical unicorn.
Another vicious crime against an Asian caught on video in NYC subway and still no white supremacy in sight (
30 Mar 2021 ~~ By Michio Hasai

Following the shooting murder of eight women, six of whom were of Asian descent, in Atlanta earlier this month, the narrative coming from the left and mainstream media has been that white supremacy is the primary cause of anti-Asian hate crimes across the country. The suspect in the Atlanta attacks is a white male and anti-Asian crimes have been going up, so this narrative has been easy for the left to build.
But once we dig beneath the surface, the truth is very different from what we’re being told. Every day, new videos and pictures emerge on social media showing the perpetrators of attacks on Asian-Americans are not “white supremacists.” Anecdotally, the attacks are coming almost entirely from persons of color, and specifically they’re coming from young, black men.
Social media is a primary method for Cultural Marxists to spread their versions of a narrative. This is important to note because it must be assumed that if there is evidence of white supremacy playing a role in the uptick in anti-Asian crimes, we’d see it all over sites like Twitter in particular. We’re not. A search of keywords pertaining to anti-Asian crimes reveals a common theme, and white supremacy is not it.
Here’s a video released in the last 24-hours that was shared by the NYPD task force assigned to address hate crimes:


The rise in attacks on Asian-Americans has been attributed by the left and mainstream media to Donald Trump calling Covid-19 the “Wuhan Flu” or the “China Virus.” And while his popularity among black voters rose dramatically in 2020, it seems the the demographic associated with rising anti-Asian crimes is not the demographic that is standard for the MAGA movement. If the left’s narrative were true, we would expect to see viral videos popping up daily of red-hat-wearing white people attacking Asian-Americans. That doesn’t seem to be the case.
The left hopes you won’t believe your lying eyes when you examine the suspects in rising anti-Asian crimes. They want you to believe them when they say it’s white supremacy even when the evidence points elsewhere.

Indeed.... "The (Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat) left hopes you won’t believe your lying eyes when you examine the suspects in rising anti-Asian crimes. They want you to believe them when they say it’s white supremacy even when the evidence points elsewhere".

There is little doubt that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left and their Chinese CCP frontmen seized on the Atlanta shooting to promote their racist white supremacy narrative. Yet Asians are not stupid. They know what is happening to them in the urban jungles of Blue Plantation cities and who is doing the harm. They also know the overt discrimination of white “Progressives” when they apply to premier universities and know that they rarely get promoted to positions of leadership beyond technical postings in most companies especially those that espouse “woke” virtue signaling. Yet political change will come very, very slowly and Asians will not necessarily be a detriment to the conservative movement for the foreseeable future. It will boomerrang upon Democrats.
Oh my god!! And the perpetrator was a colored?

Just another reason why they need to be put down, en masse. A law should be passed which legalizes killing themoney-fucks when they do shit like this.

I'd like to see what our risident negroes come up with the justify, or even mitigate, this attack...
..white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
..blacks murder over 3000 per year
...blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
..there is no problem of white supremacy --Biden is a fool to even mention it
When it comes to dishing out random violence, nobody does it better than the poor, oppressed blacks. I wonder how many white folks have fallen victim to black violence while we're focusing on the ones who happen to be asian?
No, it's not a white supremacy thing, it's that a bunch of idiots are using the term "China virus" to cause hate and discontent. And, if I saw someone being attacked for no reason, no matter what the race, I would do my best to stop it. Saw a video on Inside Edition today that showed a black person attacking an Asian elderly woman (interesting how they usually prey on the old), and the 3 people who watched the whole thing did nothing. Me? I've stopped several incidents when people are attacked, and will stop another if I see it in front of me. People who don't do anything are cowards, and not really interested in their fellow humans.
No, it's not a white supremacy thing, it's that a bunch of idiots are using the term "China virus" to cause hate and discontent. And, if I saw someone being attacked for no reason, no matter what the race, I would do my best to stop it. Saw a video on Inside Edition today that showed a black person attacking an Asian elderly woman (interesting how they usually prey on the old), and the 3 people who watched the whole thing did nothing. Me? I've stopped several incidents when people are attacked, and will stop another if I see it in front of me. People who don't do anything are cowards, and not really interested in their fellow humans.

It was rightly called the CHINA VIRUS. Its where it came from. Sadly there are morons out there who do not realize that the blame rests on the Chinese government who routinely abuse their own people.
In Oakland, Chinese have been picked on for years by African Americans. Though a lot of that crime might be due to economic disparity, jealousy or just convenience, picking on a smaller person, as a lot of elderly asian people walk around by foot in Oakland.

I don't know why now suddenly violence against Asians is now portrayed as a Trump incited thing... when before it was all but ignored nationally.

There is no reason why people cannot hear the words uttered "China Virus" without going into a stupid fit of anger or hatred. Could be a problem with our educational system.
Another Vicious Crime Against An Asian Caught On Video In NYC Subway And Still No White Supremacy In Sight
Video after video shows Asian-Americans being attacked, but the white supremacy narrative the left is pushing is still a mythical unicorn.
Another vicious crime against an Asian caught on video in NYC subway and still no white supremacy in sight (
30 Mar 2021 ~~ By Michio Hasai

Following the shooting murder of eight women, six of whom were of Asian descent, in Atlanta earlier this month, the narrative coming from the left and mainstream media has been that white supremacy is the primary cause of anti-Asian hate crimes across the country. The suspect in the Atlanta attacks is a white male and anti-Asian crimes have been going up, so this narrative has been easy for the left to build.
But once we dig beneath the surface, the truth is very different from what we’re being told. Every day, new videos and pictures emerge on social media showing the perpetrators of attacks on Asian-Americans are not “white supremacists.” Anecdotally, the attacks are coming almost entirely from persons of color, and specifically they’re coming from young, black men.
Social media is a primary method for Cultural Marxists to spread their versions of a narrative. This is important to note because it must be assumed that if there is evidence of white supremacy playing a role in the uptick in anti-Asian crimes, we’d see it all over sites like Twitter in particular. We’re not. A search of keywords pertaining to anti-Asian crimes reveals a common theme, and white supremacy is not it.
Here’s a video released in the last 24-hours that was shared by the NYPD task force assigned to address hate crimes:

Listen to full video. He called him a n*gger at the end and it was confirmed by witnesses

When will people learn that "Talk shit, Get hit" is a thing

But I guess Asians losing a fair 1 on 1 fight is hate crime now ? The Asian boy called him a slur. The two fought and he got rocked. Simple.

If you're Asian and insult a black person and they smash you ? That's not a hate crime. That's an ass whooping. Know the difference.

The Asian guy should be charged with a hate crime as he provoked him into beating his ass. Justice served. Seems like the Asian dude started something he couldn't finish, oh well.

A part of me believes the Asian dude "gave up" and let the black guy beat his ass so that he can play the victim later on. When the black guy threw the first punch he squared up so was ready to fight one on one.

Asian people are sneaky like that. So they can run to the police and say that you're the aggressor. It's a common tactic they use.

Everything is a hate crime against Asians. I can see it now...

"I got lucky and got the last box of rice and I needed it for my recipe."


Someone will be like, "Look at that...a black man taking RICE away from an Asian. That's a hate crime."

Look. Unlike the white man in Atlanta shooting and killing those Asians in the massage parlour. This black man left this Asian dude breathing to pass this lesson to his children. This beat down was a generational blessing, if we're being honest.
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Post the full video of stuff if you're going to create the topic. The guy used the "N-Word". Don't use that word in public...EVER!

Talk shit, get hit.
No, it's not a white supremacy thing, it's that a bunch of idiots are using the term "China virus" to cause hate and discontent. And, if I saw someone being attacked for no reason, no matter what the race, I would do my best to stop it. Saw a video on Inside Edition today that showed a black person attacking an Asian elderly woman (interesting how they usually prey on the old), and the 3 people who watched the whole thing did nothing. Me? I've stopped several incidents when people are attacked, and will stop another if I see it in front of me. People who don't do anything are cowards, and not really interested in their fellow humans.
The virus is from China, get over it. The Spanish flu was from Spain and the German measles is from Germany.
Another Vicious Crime Against An Asian Caught On Video In NYC Subway And Still No White Supremacy In Sight
Video after video shows Asian-Americans being attacked, but the white supremacy narrative the left is pushing is still a mythical unicorn.
Another vicious crime against an Asian caught on video in NYC subway and still no white supremacy in sight (
30 Mar 2021 ~~ By Michio Hasai

Following the shooting murder of eight women, six of whom were of Asian descent, in Atlanta earlier this month, the narrative coming from the left and mainstream media has been that white supremacy is the primary cause of anti-Asian hate crimes across the country. The suspect in the Atlanta attacks is a white male and anti-Asian crimes have been going up, so this narrative has been easy for the left to build.
But once we dig beneath the surface, the truth is very different from what we’re being told. Every day, new videos and pictures emerge on social media showing the perpetrators of attacks on Asian-Americans are not “white supremacists.” Anecdotally, the attacks are coming almost entirely from persons of color, and specifically they’re coming from young, black men.
Social media is a primary method for Cultural Marxists to spread their versions of a narrative. This is important to note because it must be assumed that if there is evidence of white supremacy playing a role in the uptick in anti-Asian crimes, we’d see it all over sites like Twitter in particular. We’re not. A search of keywords pertaining to anti-Asian crimes reveals a common theme, and white supremacy is not it.
Here’s a video released in the last 24-hours that was shared by the NYPD task force assigned to address hate crimes:


The rise in attacks on Asian-Americans has been attributed by the left and mainstream media to Donald Trump calling Covid-19 the “Wuhan Flu” or the “China Virus.” And while his popularity among black voters rose dramatically in 2020, it seems the the demographic associated with rising anti-Asian crimes is not the demographic that is standard for the MAGA movement. If the left’s narrative were true, we would expect to see viral videos popping up daily of red-hat-wearing white people attacking Asian-Americans. That doesn’t seem to be the case.
The left hopes you won’t believe your lying eyes when you examine the suspects in rising anti-Asian crimes. They want you to believe them when they say it’s white supremacy even when the evidence points elsewhere.

Indeed.... "The (Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat) left hopes you won’t believe your lying eyes when you examine the suspects in rising anti-Asian crimes. They want you to believe them when they say it’s white supremacy even when the evidence points elsewhere".

There is little doubt that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left and their Chinese CCP frontmen seized on the Atlanta shooting to promote their racist white supremacy narrative. Yet Asians are not stupid. They know what is happening to them in the urban jungles of Blue Plantation cities and who is doing the harm. They also know the overt discrimination of white “Progressives” when they apply to premier universities and know that they rarely get promoted to positions of leadership beyond technical postings in most companies especially those that espouse “woke” virtue signaling. Yet political change will come very, very slowly and Asians will not necessarily be a detriment to the conservative movement for the foreseeable future. It will boomerrang upon Democrats.

What about this one?

“I don’t know which was worse: a stranger yelling and threatening to hurt me for no reason or people around me who witnessed everything and not doing a thing,” she said. “I was angry, frustrated, confused, scared, but I was also heartbroken to see and experience how people could be so cold.... Please take care of each other. Please look out for one another.”

Asian Americans have faced racist attacks and discrimination linked to the COVID-19 pandemic for more than a year. Organizations tracking these incidents have indicated it shows no signs of letting up. By March, Stop AAPI Hate had recorded nearly 4,000 reports of racist incidents against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders since that time last year.

Mostly by white people.
Post the full video of stuff if you're going to create the topic. The guy used the "N-Word". Don't use that word in public...EVER!

Talk shit, get hit.
That's not right. If a little old lady called me stupid could I beat her up? Then why can a black put their hands on me for something insulting I have said?

Nothing anyone says to you is justification for physical violence. Learn to use your words and get a thicker skin if you can't take it.
Oh my god!! And the perpetrator was a colored?

Just another reason why they need to be put down, en masse. A law should be passed which legalizes killing themoney-fucks when they do shit like this.

I'd like to see what our risident negroes come up with the justify, or even mitigate, this attack...

Some folks commit all kinds of mayhem because:

1. Many lack a conscience.

2. Many already possess a criminal record, so they don't care about adding another crime.

3. Thanks to liberal bleeding hearts, they know that nothing will happen to them if they are caught.

And some naive people innocently ask, "Why are people so wary of those folks?:
..white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
..blacks murder over 3000 per year
...blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
..there is no problem of white supremacy --Biden is a fool to even mention it

Asian American Studies Department at San Francisco State University launched STOP AAPI HATE, creating a form for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to report incidents of racism related to the coronavirus.
In the first four weeks, they collected 1,497 incidents, including being called racial slurs, being refused service, being spat on, and being physically assaulted

We all know most of these 1500 events were perpetrated by white Trump supporters.

About 70% of the cases involved verbal harassment, 24% involved shunning, and 8.5% involved physical assault, and several involved multiple types of attacks.
“I was getting in my car after shopping wearing a mask and gloves. A truck drove by and threw a [fast food franchise] drink on my back and yelled “hey chink, you’re f―king nasty,’”

Another respondent said that at a post office, a “middle aged Caucasian woman [was] mumbling ‘f―king Chinese’ around my wife (Chinese) and threw a bag at her.” The assailant “also walked up to [the] window to give all Asian employees the middle finger. My wife was distraught and left.”
Nearly 10% of the incidents involved a potential civil rights violation, like workplace discrimination or being refused service at a business or on public transportation or ride-sharing services.

For example, one incident report involves a person witnessing a racist incident during jury selection in March, involving “an older Taiwanese man” and an “elderly Caucasian judge.”
“The judge asked the man what his son did. The man replied in ‘broken’ English that his son had recently returned from teaching English in China,” the report reads. “The judge joked, ‘Well, I hope he didn’t bring anything back.’

“This is a report for my elderly parents,” another report begins. “They were shunned for wearing masks by an elderly Caucasian man. They were told, ‘Go back to China’ after telling him ... that wearing masks was encouraged by the government.”

I'm sure one of the questions they ask is "was your assailant black or white". And I bet most are white.
..white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
..blacks murder over 3000 per year
...blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
..there is no problem of white supremacy --Biden is a fool to even mention it

Asian American Studies Department at San Francisco State University launched STOP AAPI HATE, creating a form for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to report incidents of racism related to the coronavirus.
In the first four weeks, they collected 1,497 incidents, including being called racial slurs, being refused service, being spat on, and being physically assaulted

We all know most of these 1500 events were perpetrated by white Trump supporters.

About 70% of the cases involved verbal harassment, 24% involved shunning, and 8.5% involved physical assault, and several involved multiple types of attacks.
“I was getting in my car after shopping wearing a mask and gloves. A truck drove by and threw a [fast food franchise] drink on my back and yelled “hey chink, you’re f―king nasty,’”

Another respondent said that at a post office, a “middle aged Caucasian woman [was] mumbling ‘f―king Chinese’ around my wife (Chinese) and threw a bag at her.” The assailant “also walked up to [the] window to give all Asian employees the middle finger. My wife was distraught and left.”
Nearly 10% of the incidents involved a potential civil rights violation, like workplace discrimination or being refused service at a business or on public transportation or ride-sharing services.

For example, one incident report involves a person witnessing a racist incident during jury selection in March, involving “an older Taiwanese man” and an “elderly Caucasian judge.”
“The judge asked the man what his son did. The man replied in ‘broken’ English that his son had recently returned from teaching English in China,” the report reads. “The judge joked, ‘Well, I hope he didn’t bring anything back.’

“This is a report for my elderly parents,” another report begins. “They were shunned for wearing masks by an elderly Caucasian man. They were told, ‘Go back to China’ after telling him ... that wearing masks was encouraged by the government.”

I'm sure one of the questions they ask is "was your assailant black or white". And I bet most are white.
blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate

white Trump supporters = hahahhahaha = bullshit

here--etc MANY links and incidents
BLACKman murders 2 white CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Senior citizens !!!!!!!!!!

HERE--the most RECENT attack on a white by BLACKS:
..white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
..blacks murder over 3000 per year
...blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
..there is no problem of white supremacy --Biden is a fool to even mention it

Asian American Studies Department at San Francisco State University launched STOP AAPI HATE, creating a form for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to report incidents of racism related to the coronavirus.
In the first four weeks, they collected 1,497 incidents, including being called racial slurs, being refused service, being spat on, and being physically assaulted

We all know most of these 1500 events were perpetrated by white Trump supporters.

About 70% of the cases involved verbal harassment, 24% involved shunning, and 8.5% involved physical assault, and several involved multiple types of attacks.
“I was getting in my car after shopping wearing a mask and gloves. A truck drove by and threw a [fast food franchise] drink on my back and yelled “hey chink, you’re f―king nasty,’”

Another respondent said that at a post office, a “middle aged Caucasian woman [was] mumbling ‘f―king Chinese’ around my wife (Chinese) and threw a bag at her.” The assailant “also walked up to [the] window to give all Asian employees the middle finger. My wife was distraught and left.”
Nearly 10% of the incidents involved a potential civil rights violation, like workplace discrimination or being refused service at a business or on public transportation or ride-sharing services.

For example, one incident report involves a person witnessing a racist incident during jury selection in March, involving “an older Taiwanese man” and an “elderly Caucasian judge.”
“The judge asked the man what his son did. The man replied in ‘broken’ English that his son had recently returned from teaching English in China,” the report reads. “The judge joked, ‘Well, I hope he didn’t bring anything back.’

“This is a report for my elderly parents,” another report begins. “They were shunned for wearing masks by an elderly Caucasian man. They were told, ‘Go back to China’ after telling him ... that wearing masks was encouraged by the government.”

I'm sure one of the questions they ask is "was your assailant black or white". And I bet most are white.
..white supremacists murder less than 10 per year
..blacks murder over 3000 every year--including 500 whites--TEN times the rate of vice versa
... any reaction from you needs to be met with an overwhelming level of violence.......

Why don't you go ahead and meet that need - all by yourself - hardass? Go ahead and put your big, fat mouth where your money is. Yeah, but you won't will you, pussy?
... any reaction from you needs to be met with an overwhelming level of violence.......

Why don't you go ahead and meet that need - all by yourself - hardass? Go ahead and put your big, fat mouth where your money is. Yeah, but you won't will you, pussy?

I absolutely would, and I would without hesitation.

The pussy is they guy who'd sit back and watch an attack like that happen and do nothing...

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