Another way to beat Al Qaeda, energy independence


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Washington (CNN) -- In Osama bin Laden's 1998 fatwa calling for violent jihad against the United States, a key part of the al Qaeda leader's first rationale for holy war is oil.

"For over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples," bin Laden said.

In 2004, three years after the September 11 attacks on the United States, bin Laden summoned his followers to attack oil installations in the Middle East as a way to jack up gas prices and destabilize the American economy.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey has tried to call attention to the link between America's addiction to foreign oil and terrorism. He has repeatedly said U.S. taxpayers were paying for "both sides" in the war on terror, American soldiers on one end and the terrorists who receive support from oil-rich nations on the other.

On every fuel efficient vehicle he drives, he posts the same bumper sticker: "BIN LADEN HATES THIS CAR."

Woolsey's latest petro-sipping car bearing that sticker is a 2011 Chevy Volt which runs on both electricity and gas.

Another way to beat al Qaeda: Energy independence? -
So.. you blame Democrats for screwing up our domestic fuel production and causing these foreign entanglements...that's interesting...
So.. you blame Democrats for screwing up our domestic fuel production and causing these foreign entanglements...that's interesting...

Another lie.

Domestic production continues unabated....

Conservation and alternative energy are the way to go.

James Woolsey knows it. Why don't you?
Oh really.. so Anwars in full production, then.

and we didn't actually blow billions on boneheaded plans for solar energy and wind turbines..
Washington (CNN) -- In Osama bin Laden's 1998 fatwa calling for violent jihad against the United States, a key part of the al Qaeda leader's first rationale for holy war is oil.

"For over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples," bin Laden said.

In 2004, three years after the September 11 attacks on the United States, bin Laden summoned his followers to attack oil installations in the Middle East as a way to jack up gas prices and destabilize the American economy.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey has tried to call attention to the link between America's addiction to foreign oil and terrorism. He has repeatedly said U.S. taxpayers were paying for "both sides" in the war on terror, American soldiers on one end and the terrorists who receive support from oil-rich nations on the other.

On every fuel efficient vehicle he drives, he posts the same bumper sticker: "BIN LADEN HATES THIS CAR."

Woolsey's latest petro-sipping car bearing that sticker is a 2011 Chevy Volt which runs on both electricity and gas.

Another way to beat al Qaeda: Energy independence? -

SO let me get this right? You support the Nuclear power plant Industry? You want us to drill for Oil in Alaska, off the coast of Florida and all across the US? You want us to start using Oil Shale?

Or as usual are you a lying hypocrite?
Do the Muslim retards grasp one reality? That we've made their "homelands" filthy fucking rich by buying their "treasures"?

If they're pissed at anyone, it should be the dictators hogging all the oil money, not the customers buying it. Stupid fucking Muslims haha!
Washington (CNN) -- In Osama bin Laden's 1998 fatwa calling for violent jihad against the United States, a key part of the al Qaeda leader's first rationale for holy war is oil.

"For over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples," bin Laden said.

In 2004, three years after the September 11 attacks on the United States, bin Laden summoned his followers to attack oil installations in the Middle East as a way to jack up gas prices and destabilize the American economy.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey has tried to call attention to the link between America's addiction to foreign oil and terrorism. He has repeatedly said U.S. taxpayers were paying for "both sides" in the war on terror, American soldiers on one end and the terrorists who receive support from oil-rich nations on the other.

On every fuel efficient vehicle he drives, he posts the same bumper sticker: "BIN LADEN HATES THIS CAR."

Woolsey's latest petro-sipping car bearing that sticker is a 2011 Chevy Volt which runs on both electricity and gas.

Another way to beat al Qaeda: Energy independence? -

It is a sad fact that most of our politicians are idiots.

The energy issue must be separated into it's two distinct parts: Energy and waste.

Producing the enrgy is what we need to concentrate on first. We need to be energy independant as soon as possible. We have the energy sources domestically to do this. So far, we have no leader or candidate that has the balls to harvest it.

Be energy indepedent by 2020. If that's your campaign slogan and you have the plan to do it, you win in 2012. This will help the balance of trade, actually WILL create jobs and will solve all of the state government's fiscal problems by expanding the tax base.

Stay on the path we're on and we're even more screwed.

Dealing with the waste from energy production, whether it's CO2 or spent nuclear rods, is the challenge after that. Right now, as a country, we're circling the drain and something dramatic needs to occur to stop the madness.

Unemployment, even as measured by the lying thieves in DC, ticked up again this week.
So.. you blame Democrats for screwing up our domestic fuel production and causing these foreign entanglements...that's interesting...

Another lie.

Domestic production continues unabated....

Conservation and alternative energy are the way to go.

James Woolsey knows it. Why don't you?

Does unabated mean that the Gulf rigs are no longer drilling and have been moved?

Domestic production is good for the moment due to the actions of Clinton and Bush, two realists. The Moron we now have thinks that if we stop all drilling, Unicorns can pull the airplanes on the rainbows in the sky.

The last refinery in the USA was completed and on line in 1976. At that time, we had more than 300 and now we have less than 200.

The Big 0, Nancy and Harry are striving mightily to turn us into a third world country and the EPA is their instrument of destruction. Does EPA stand for "Everthing Profitable's Abhorent"?

Conservation is always wise. Waste not, want not. Alternative energy produces such a small slice of the total that it's not worth considering right now except as a good goal.

The thing about reality is that it's real. Fantasy is not. If you can't separate the two, you've got a hard way to go.
If the GOAL was energy independence, why didn't we start that process way back in the early 70's when Jimmy Carter was warning us about this problem?

The reason that we have not weaned ourselves off dependence on hydrocarbon based energy and we are not evolving toward energy independence is because our masters are not yet ready to give up that gravy train.

Any of you who truly think this is entirely on the Rs or the Ds is missing the bigger picture.
If the GOAL was energy independence, why didn't we start that process way back in the early 70's when Jimmy Carter was warning us about this problem?

The reason that we have not weaned ourselves off dependence on hydrocarbon based energy and we are not evolving toward energy independence is because our masters are not yet ready to give up that gravy train.

Any of you who truly think this is entirely on the Rs or the Ds is missing the bigger picture.

There is no viable alternative to oil. Even Nuclear only address electricity. Even if magically we suddenly had a viable alternative to gas for transport ( or diesel ) it would take a massive investment of money labor and time to create the infrastructure to provide the fuel points for the new source.
Virtually all the alternative energy sources can be exploited by small and medium sized companies. Unlike oil, which requires huge refineries, the intitial investment for wind, solar, and geothermal is within the scope of small localized companies.

And if we were to have EVs with good range, we who are home owners could not only power our homes, but also our vehicles with solar. This is why there is presently so much denigration of solar at the very time that the cost is dropping below $1 a watt to produce the panels.

The last thing that the Conservatives want to see is the American Citizen become independent of the multi-national corperations.
The last thing that the Conservatives want to see is the American Citizen become independent of the multi-national corperations.

So not true,you really don't know any conservatives do you?

This mind set that only republicans or cons,are rich,and only they run large corps is rather
well to be blunt,stupid!
The world is ahead of the US on alternate energy sources.

Maybe a little. But who cares? Oil and natural gas and coal are plentiful, it isn't like any transition needs to happen tomorrow, or even this decade. Economics will iron it out over the next half century, and this is a good thing. Humans don't like quick change, it makes them uncomfortable.
The world is ahead of the US on alternate energy sources.

Maybe a little. But who cares? Oil and natural gas and coal are plentiful, it isn't like any transition needs to happen tomorrow, or even this decade. Economics will iron it out over the next half century, and this is a good thing. Humans don't like quick change, it makes them uncomfortable.

Very uncomfortable...

The last thing that the Conservatives want to see is the American Citizen become independent of the multi-national corperations.

So not true,you really don't know any conservatives do you?

This mind set that only republicans or cons,are rich,and only they run large corps is rather
well to be blunt,stupid!

I know many conservatives that are all for developing wind, solar, and geothermal. But the Conservatives on this board are all willing to tell you that is a waste of time. Even when the cost of wind power is below that of dirty coal.

You see, there is a differance between a conservative and a Conservative. One speaks with logic, and has a rich tradition in this nation. The other has never had an original thought in their ditto-head.
If the GOAL was energy independence, why didn't we start that process way back in the early 70's when Jimmy Carter was warning us about this problem?

The reason that we have not weaned ourselves off dependence on hydrocarbon based energy and we are not evolving toward energy independence is because our masters are not yet ready to give up that gravy train.

Any of you who truly think this is entirely on the Rs or the Ds is missing the bigger picture.

There is no viable alternative to oil. Even Nuclear only address electricity. Even if magically we suddenly had a viable alternative to gas for transport ( or diesel ) it would take a massive investment of money labor and time to create the infrastructure to provide the fuel points for the new source.

As I understand it, Natural gas can power cars and can be stored in gas stations as they currently exist with replacement of their storage and dispensing equipment. Any car on the road right now that runs on gas can be converted to NG for about $5000 and, if manufactured for that purpose in quantity, the cost and performance is about equal. We have a bunch of natural Gas in the USA.

Coal is also abundant in the USA. Old Rocks believes that it is impossible to burn coal cleanly and that it IS possible to power the world with a windmill. Interesting conclusions and unrelated to the real world.

We have the infrastructure to produce power by burning coal. Scrubbing or better yet, repurposing the waste is the answer to this and expanding the use od coal is an answer to OUR PROBLEM which is that we are exporting dollars and jobs for oil. Both of these exports need to end.

Electric cars need to have electricity and right now the cheapest electricity comes from coal. Hybrid cars need electricity. Diddo.

Because the economy is in the dumper, energy use is down. We need to assure that it stays down while we are transitioning into our own energy sources and then just keep reducing the imports to nothing.
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There is no viable alternative to oil.

Of course there is.

RetiredSgt said:
Even Nuclear only address electricity.

Take a nuke making electricity. Run that electricity through water. Capture the hydrogen released, and use the electricity from the nuke to run compressors. Put it in a tank. Run your car off it with some minor modifications. Isn't anyone around here familiar with the basic forms of energy and the work we do with it?

Lets wake up people! Its time the same people who don't know how the lights magically come on when they flip the switch understand the basics of fuels used for transport!

RetiredSgt said:
Even if magically we suddenly had a viable alternative to gas for transport ( or diesel ) it would take a massive investment of money labor and time to create the infrastructure to provide the fuel points for the new source.

EVERYTHING requires a massive investment, how do you think refineries turn something stinky, found 3 miles down under solid rock, with the consistency of molasses, into gasoline in three different grades for your car? So now we invest in something else. And the world goes on.

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