Another white gunman allowed to have a day in court!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Michael Slager, The Cop Who Killed Walter Scott, Wasn’t Convicted Because Black Lives Don’t Matter
“I fired until the threat was stopped, like I’m trained to do,” he said.

Edgar Maddison Welch, wearing shackles and a white jumpsuit, made his first appearance in a D.C. Superior Court late Monday, just more than 24 hours after entering the Comet Ping Pong with an AR-15 assault style and opening fire as employees ran for cover.

Amazing, black guy shot in the back 6 times, cop gets no time....white guy shoots up a pizza joint and he's taken alive.....only in white america folks!!
Michael Slager, The Cop Who Killed Walter Scott, Wasn’t Convicted Because Black Lives Don’t Matter
“I fired until the threat was stopped, like I’m trained to do,” he said.

Edgar Maddison Welch, wearing shackles and a white jumpsuit, made his first appearance in a D.C. Superior Court late Monday, just more than 24 hours after entering the Comet Ping Pong with an AR-15 assault style and opening fire as employees ran for cover.

Amazing, black guy shot in the back 6 times, cop gets no time....white guy shoots up a pizza joint and he's taken alive.....only in white america folks!!

You're actually lamenting that the police were able to take the latter suspect alive? Rather than hoping for white suspects to be killed on sight to make you feel better about the black suspects to whom that happens, wouldn't it be more productive to push for NOBODY to get murdered by the police when it isn't necessary? If your idea of fairness is balancing down, I'm sorry to say that I'm thankful you're not a powerful politician.
Michael Slager, The Cop Who Killed Walter Scott, Wasn’t Convicted Because Black Lives Don’t Matter
“I fired until the threat was stopped, like I’m trained to do,” he said.

Edgar Maddison Welch, wearing shackles and a white jumpsuit, made his first appearance in a D.C. Superior Court late Monday, just more than 24 hours after entering the Comet Ping Pong with an AR-15 assault style and opening fire as employees ran for cover.

Amazing, black guy shot in the back 6 times, cop gets no time....white guy shoots up a pizza joint and he's taken alive.....only in white america folks!!

You're actually lamenting that the police were able to take the latter suspect alive? Rather than hoping for white suspects to be killed on sight to make you feel better about the black suspects to whom that happens, wouldn't it be more productive to push for NOBODY to get murdered by the police when it isn't necessary? If your idea of fairness is balancing down, I'm sorry to say that I'm thankful you're not a powerful politician.

Also be thankful your not black!!
What a moron!!! Did you even watch your video?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when white gunmen are murdere by cops, otherwise, I'm asleep!!

You didnt watch your video or you did but you're too damn stupid to comprehend the content.
Dude, what the fuck are you referring to bitch? I watched the fuckin video, nobody was hurt, white guy arrested, what the fuck???? Do me a fuckin favor, you don't like the gotdamned way I respond, than damit put my black ass on ignore, I'm done with your white ass!!
Michael Slager, The Cop Who Killed Walter Scott, Wasn’t Convicted Because Black Lives Don’t Matter
“I fired until the threat was stopped, like I’m trained to do,” he said.

Edgar Maddison Welch, wearing shackles and a white jumpsuit, made his first appearance in a D.C. Superior Court late Monday, just more than 24 hours after entering the Comet Ping Pong with an AR-15 assault style and opening fire as employees ran for cover.

Amazing, black guy shot in the back 6 times, cop gets no time....white guy shoots up a pizza joint and he's taken alive.....only in white america folks!!

You're actually lamenting that the police were able to take the latter suspect alive? Rather than hoping for white suspects to be killed on sight to make you feel better about the black suspects to whom that happens, wouldn't it be more productive to push for NOBODY to get murdered by the police when it isn't necessary? If your idea of fairness is balancing down, I'm sorry to say that I'm thankful you're not a powerful politician.

Also be thankful your not black!!

Okay, fair enough. As a relatively light skinned Hawaiian mutt, I've arguably had an advantage in my dealings with the police in my lifetime. I've also, however, never been arrested for a violent crime, and I'm EXTREMELY polite and cooperative every time I interact with a uniformed police officer. I switch out of pidgin, break out the proper English, address them as sir or ma'am and immediately ask how I might be of assistance, and, in my albeit limited experience, that sorta thing tends to disarm even people that enter into the interaction showing obvious hostility. Granted, that shit ain't nearly fool proof, and I'm not trying to deny that there are some evil, racist police officers out there, but when you compare that course of action to the decisions made by the African-American suspects killed in the majority of the high-profile police brutality cases in the last few years, it's hard to say definitively that, had they been similarly polite and cooperative, at least some of them wouldn't still be breathing today.

That's neither here nor there, though. When you make the statement that more white people need to be arbitrarily murdered to achieve whatever warped version of justice you're working from, all you're doing is helping to perpetuate the racial divide and create an environment where unarmed blacks being murdered by police is all the more prevalent.
Michael Slager, The Cop Who Killed Walter Scott, Wasn’t Convicted Because Black Lives Don’t Matter
“I fired until the threat was stopped, like I’m trained to do,” he said.

Edgar Maddison Welch, wearing shackles and a white jumpsuit, made his first appearance in a D.C. Superior Court late Monday, just more than 24 hours after entering the Comet Ping Pong with an AR-15 assault style and opening fire as employees ran for cover.

Amazing, black guy shot in the back 6 times, cop gets no time....white guy shoots up a pizza joint and he's taken alive.....only in white america folks!!

You're actually lamenting that the police were able to take the latter suspect alive? Rather than hoping for white suspects to be killed on sight to make you feel better about the black suspects to whom that happens, wouldn't it be more productive to push for NOBODY to get murdered by the police when it isn't necessary? If your idea of fairness is balancing down, I'm sorry to say that I'm thankful you're not a powerful politician.

Also be thankful your not black!!

Okay, fair enough. As a relatively light skinned Hawaiian mutt, I've arguably had an advantage in my dealings with the police in my lifetime. I've also, however, never been arrested for a violent crime, and I'm EXTREMELY polite and cooperative every time I interact with a uniformed police officer. I switch out of pidgin, break out the proper English, address them as sir or ma'am and immediately ask how I might be of assistance, and, in my albeit limited experience, that sorta thing tends to disarm even people that enter into the interaction showing obvious hostility. Granted, that shit ain't nearly fool proof, and I'm not trying to deny that there are some evil, racist police officers out there, but when you compare that course of action to the decisions made by the African-American suspects killed in the majority of the high-profile police brutality cases in the last few years, it's hard to say definitively that, had they been similarly polite and cooperative, at least some of them wouldn't still be breathing today.

That's neither here nor there, though. When you make the statement that more white people need to be arbitrarily murdered to achieve whatever warped version of justice you're working from, all you're doing is helping to perpetuate the racial divide and create an environment where unarmed blacks being murdered by police is all the more prevalent.

How much extremely nice could this black man have been, after he was shot 5 times? Just asking!!
Michael Slager, The Cop Who Killed Walter Scott, Wasn’t Convicted Because Black Lives Don’t Matter
“I fired until the threat was stopped, like I’m trained to do,” he said.

Edgar Maddison Welch, wearing shackles and a white jumpsuit, made his first appearance in a D.C. Superior Court late Monday, just more than 24 hours after entering the Comet Ping Pong with an AR-15 assault style and opening fire as employees ran for cover.

Amazing, black guy shot in the back 6 times, cop gets no time....white guy shoots up a pizza joint and he's taken alive.....only in white america folks!!

You're actually lamenting that the police were able to take the latter suspect alive? Rather than hoping for white suspects to be killed on sight to make you feel better about the black suspects to whom that happens, wouldn't it be more productive to push for NOBODY to get murdered by the police when it isn't necessary? If your idea of fairness is balancing down, I'm sorry to say that I'm thankful you're not a powerful politician.

Also be thankful your not black!!

Okay, fair enough. As a relatively light skinned Hawaiian mutt, I've arguably had an advantage in my dealings with the police in my lifetime. I've also, however, never been arrested for a violent crime, and I'm EXTREMELY polite and cooperative every time I interact with a uniformed police officer. I switch out of pidgin, break out the proper English, address them as sir or ma'am and immediately ask how I might be of assistance, and, in my albeit limited experience, that sorta thing tends to disarm even people that enter into the interaction showing obvious hostility. Granted, that shit ain't nearly fool proof, and I'm not trying to deny that there are some evil, racist police officers out there, but when you compare that course of action to the decisions made by the African-American suspects killed in the majority of the high-profile police brutality cases in the last few years, it's hard to say definitively that, had they been similarly polite and cooperative, at least some of them wouldn't still be breathing today.

That's neither here nor there, though. When you make the statement that more white people need to be arbitrarily murdered to achieve whatever warped version of justice you're working from, all you're doing is helping to perpetuate the racial divide and create an environment where unarmed blacks being murdered by police is all the more prevalent.

How much extremely nice could this black man have been, after he was shot 5 times? Just asking!!

So, after I said that polite cooperation isn't foolproof, and that I'm aware that there's some evil, racist police officers out there, you respond by providing a single example of what I just conceded, and that somehow refutes what I've said?

Right back atcha, then. If Mike Brown had substituted "Good afternoon, officer, what seems to be the problem?" for "PUNCH TO THE FACE! ATTEMPTED GUN GRAB!" I bet that dumb motherfucker could still be strong-arm robbing tiny Korean men in stead of pushing up daisies.
Michael Slager, The Cop Who Killed Walter Scott, Wasn’t Convicted Because Black Lives Don’t Matter
“I fired until the threat was stopped, like I’m trained to do,” he said.

Edgar Maddison Welch, wearing shackles and a white jumpsuit, made his first appearance in a D.C. Superior Court late Monday, just more than 24 hours after entering the Comet Ping Pong with an AR-15 assault style and opening fire as employees ran for cover.

Amazing, black guy shot in the back 6 times, cop gets no time....white guy shoots up a pizza joint and he's taken alive.....only in white america folks!!

You're actually lamenting that the police were able to take the latter suspect alive? Rather than hoping for white suspects to be killed on sight to make you feel better about the black suspects to whom that happens, wouldn't it be more productive to push for NOBODY to get murdered by the police when it isn't necessary? If your idea of fairness is balancing down, I'm sorry to say that I'm thankful you're not a powerful politician.

Also be thankful your not black!!

Okay, fair enough. As a relatively light skinned Hawaiian mutt, I've arguably had an advantage in my dealings with the police in my lifetime. I've also, however, never been arrested for a violent crime, and I'm EXTREMELY polite and cooperative every time I interact with a uniformed police officer. I switch out of pidgin, break out the proper English, address them as sir or ma'am and immediately ask how I might be of assistance, and, in my albeit limited experience, that sorta thing tends to disarm even people that enter into the interaction showing obvious hostility. Granted, that shit ain't nearly fool proof, and I'm not trying to deny that there are some evil, racist police officers out there, but when you compare that course of action to the decisions made by the African-American suspects killed in the majority of the high-profile police brutality cases in the last few years, it's hard to say definitively that, had they been similarly polite and cooperative, at least some of them wouldn't still be breathing today.

That's neither here nor there, though. When you make the statement that more white people need to be arbitrarily murdered to achieve whatever warped version of justice you're working from, all you're doing is helping to perpetuate the racial divide and create an environment where unarmed blacks being murdered by police is all the more prevalent.

How much extremely nice could this black man have been, after he was shot 5 times? Just asking!!

The guy was shot three times not five.
Why do you feel the need to lie? I mean once would have been enough to make the cop a complete asshole no need to exaggerate.
What a moron!!! Did you even watch your video?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when white gunmen are murdere by cops, otherwise, I'm asleep!!

You didnt watch your video or you did but you're too damn stupid to comprehend the content.
Dude, what the fuck are you referring to bitch? I watched the fuckin video, nobody was hurt, white guy arrested, what the fuck???? Do me a fuckin favor, you don't like the gotdamned way I respond, than damit put my black ass on ignore, I'm done with your white ass!!

Do you understand what a false flag is?
Michael Slager, The Cop Who Killed Walter Scott, Wasn’t Convicted Because Black Lives Don’t Matter
“I fired until the threat was stopped, like I’m trained to do,” he said.

Edgar Maddison Welch, wearing shackles and a white jumpsuit, made his first appearance in a D.C. Superior Court late Monday, just more than 24 hours after entering the Comet Ping Pong with an AR-15 assault style and opening fire as employees ran for cover.

Amazing, black guy shot in the back 6 times, cop gets no time....white guy shoots up a pizza joint and he's taken alive.....only in white america folks!!

Hey, if Black Lives matter so much to you then you should trot your black ass down to Chicago and stop the black on black killing down there.

Believe me, no one would miss your dumbass.
Criminal black thugs are killing one another by the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds in Chicago thus far this year?

Well praise Jesus that black lives matter! Think of the carnage if they didn't.
What a moron!!! Did you even watch your video?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when white gunmen are murdere by cops, otherwise, I'm asleep!!

They are murdered by cops all the time. In fact, as has been pointed out ad nauseum, more whites in this country are killed by police than blacks.
Michael Slager, The Cop Who Killed Walter Scott, Wasn’t Convicted Because Black Lives Don’t Matter
“I fired until the threat was stopped, like I’m trained to do,” he said.

Edgar Maddison Welch, wearing shackles and a white jumpsuit, made his first appearance in a D.C. Superior Court late Monday, just more than 24 hours after entering the Comet Ping Pong with an AR-15 assault style and opening fire as employees ran for cover.

Amazing, black guy shot in the back 6 times, cop gets no time....white guy shoots up a pizza joint and he's taken alive.....only in white america folks!!

You're actually lamenting that the police were able to take the latter suspect alive? Rather than hoping for white suspects to be killed on sight to make you feel better about the black suspects to whom that happens, wouldn't it be more productive to push for NOBODY to get murdered by the police when it isn't necessary? If your idea of fairness is balancing down, I'm sorry to say that I'm thankful you're not a powerful politician.

Also be thankful your not black!!

Okay, fair enough. As a relatively light skinned Hawaiian mutt, I've arguably had an advantage in my dealings with the police in my lifetime. I've also, however, never been arrested for a violent crime, and I'm EXTREMELY polite and cooperative every time I interact with a uniformed police officer. I switch out of pidgin, break out the proper English, address them as sir or ma'am and immediately ask how I might be of assistance, and, in my albeit limited experience, that sorta thing tends to disarm even people that enter into the interaction showing obvious hostility. Granted, that shit ain't nearly fool proof, and I'm not trying to deny that there are some evil, racist police officers out there, but when you compare that course of action to the decisions made by the African-American suspects killed in the majority of the high-profile police brutality cases in the last few years, it's hard to say definitively that, had they been similarly polite and cooperative, at least some of them wouldn't still be breathing today.

That's neither here nor there, though. When you make the statement that more white people need to be arbitrarily murdered to achieve whatever warped version of justice you're working from, all you're doing is helping to perpetuate the racial divide and create an environment where unarmed blacks being murdered by police is all the more prevalent.

How much extremely nice could this black man have been, after he was shot 5 times? Just asking!!

So, after I said that polite cooperation isn't foolproof, and that I'm aware that there's some evil, racist police officers out there, you respond by providing a single example of what I just conceded, and that somehow refutes what I've said?

Right back atcha, then. If Mike Brown had substituted "Good afternoon, officer, what seems to be the problem?" for "PUNCH TO THE FACE! ATTEMPTED GUN GRAB!" I bet that dumb motherfucker could still be strong-arm robbing tiny Korean men in stead of pushing up daisies.

What I am contending is that the law is different for people of dialog needed, no long ass comment page is needed, just acknowledgment in agreement and moving on....end of story!!
What a moron!!! Did you even watch your video?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when white gunmen are murdere by cops, otherwise, I'm asleep!!

They are murdered by cops all the time. In fact, as has been pointed out ad nauseum, more whites in this country are killed by police than blacks.
More white are killed if that is the case because they agressively approach officers with guns and violence. You know and I know, if they were being unjustly murdered by cops, the world as we all know it would come to an end, Trump would be tweeting about it and God's would do white stupid mf's are being killed, so be it...most if not all deserve it. Black men on the other hand......running from a cop, 6 bullets because the cop felt threatened?? Black dude laying on his back in the street with hands up, 5 bullets, dude reaching for wallet, 6 bullets, etc, etc, comparison, but nice try, hommie..
What a moron!!! Did you even watch your video?
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when white gunmen are murdere by cops, otherwise, I'm asleep!!

They are murdered by cops all the time. In fact, as has been pointed out ad nauseum, more whites in this country are killed by police than blacks.
More white are killed if that is the case because they agressively approach officers with guns and violence. You know and I know, if they were being unjustly murdered by cops, the world as we all know it would come to an end, Trump would be tweeting about it and God's would do white stupid mf's are being killed, so be it...most if not all deserve it. Black men on the other hand......running from a cop, 6 bullets because the cop felt threatened?? Black dude laying on his back in the street with hands up, 5 bullets, dude reaching for wallet, 6 bullets, etc, etc, comparison, but nice try, hommie..

Why do you continue to lie about how many times the guy laying in the street was shot?

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