Another White Supremacist Arrested for Capital Attack

These people in the video captured on the 6th that look as though they are getting some weapons stashed in the Capital don't really look very white either. Was BLM working with someone in the Capital?

Oh now BLM was in on it eh? :)

The lengths they will go to to avoid owning their own kooks. › newsletters › watchdog-newsletter
5 days ago — Dozens of law enforcement officers, active-duty military members and veterans are suspected of having participated in the Jan. 6 rally and the ...

Do you need more?
What the Capitol insurgency reveals about white supremacy ... › blog › how-we-rise › 2021/01/12

Jan 12, 2021 — Only about 60 rioters were arrested on January 6, 2021, while nearly the same number of police officers were injured (including one officer who ...

Capitol siege raises questions over extent of white ... › capitol-siege-raises-questions-ov...

6 days ago — The FBI has long warned that white supremacist groups are seeking to infiltrate police, which makes the events of Jan. 6 all the more ...

Years of white supremacy threats culminated in Capitol riots › article › white-supremacy-threats-capitol...

6 days ago — CHICAGO (AP) — Amid the American flags and Trump 2020 posters at the U.S. Capitol during last week's insurrection were far more sinister ...

White Supremacists Are a Threat to U.S. National Security ... › 2021/01/18 › washington-must-tre...

2 days ago — Washington Must Treat White Supremacist Terrorism as a Transnational Threat. After the Capitol attack, the U.S. government needs to recognize ...

Capitol Attack Could Fuel Extremist Recruitment For Years ... › 2021/01/16 › capitol-attack-extremis...

4 days ago — An ideological jumble of far-right extremists and hate groups flourished under President Trump and claimed new energy after the attack on the ...

Do you understand what you read? No one said they are all White Supremacists.
You act like you don't even see the bullshit being shoveled out by not only News agencies and NGO's but also the Democrat crap legislators pushing a narrative of president Trump supporters being nothing more than hate mongering supremacist to foment hate against the people who voted for and still support president Trump. If you are that blind you really do need some serious help.

I recall a narrative equating Biden supporters with Antifa. Remember that?

I recall all the protests in 2016 with pink pussy hats etc...being demonized and made fun of. Remember that?

I recall a Republican putting out a bill banning the Democrat party. Remember that?

I recall a President, ignoring his own intelligence warning of right wing extremism, and telling them to focus on leftwing extremism. Remember that?

Point is - we have a mess don't we? And while the attack on the capital, our elections, and our government is by no means representative of all Trump supporters (many were legitimately and peacefully protesting who did not join in the attack) WAS Pro-Trump extremists who did that. Seems to me, mainstream Trump supporters need to be disassociating with that element and relenting them back to the fringe.
A lot of Democrats do seem to embrace all the fringe shit shows don't they.
Maybe now that his name has been released, the social media sleuths will start digging and figure out what his motivation was. The article gives no clues. › newsletters › watchdog-newsletter
5 days ago — Dozens of law enforcement officers, active-duty military members and veterans are suspected of having participated in the Jan. 6 rally and the ...

Do you need more?
What the Capitol insurgency reveals about white supremacy ... › blog › how-we-rise › 2021/01/12

Jan 12, 2021 — Only about 60 rioters were arrested on January 6, 2021, while nearly the same number of police officers were injured (including one officer who ...

Capitol siege raises questions over extent of white ... › capitol-siege-raises-questions-ov...

6 days ago — The FBI has long warned that white supremacist groups are seeking to infiltrate police, which makes the events of Jan. 6 all the more ...

Years of white supremacy threats culminated in Capitol riots › article › white-supremacy-threats-capitol...

6 days ago — CHICAGO (AP) — Amid the American flags and Trump 2020 posters at the U.S. Capitol during last week's insurrection were far more sinister ...

White Supremacists Are a Threat to U.S. National Security ... › 2021/01/18 › washington-must-tre...

2 days ago — Washington Must Treat White Supremacist Terrorism as a Transnational Threat. After the Capitol attack, the U.S. government needs to recognize ...

Capitol Attack Could Fuel Extremist Recruitment For Years ... › 2021/01/16 › capitol-attack-extremis...

4 days ago — An ideological jumble of far-right extremists and hate groups flourished under President Trump and claimed new energy after the attack on the ...

Do you understand what you read? No one said they are all White Supremacists.
You act like you don't even see the bullshit being shoveled out by not only News agencies and NGO's but also the Democrat crap legislators pushing a narrative of president Trump supporters being nothing more than hate mongering supremacist to foment hate against the people who voted for and still support president Trump. If you are that blind you really do need some serious help.

I recall a narrative equating Biden supporters with Antifa. Remember that?

I recall all the protests in 2016 with pink pussy hats etc...being demonized and made fun of. Remember that?

I recall a Republican putting out a bill banning the Democrat party. Remember that?

I recall a President, ignoring his own intelligence warning of right wing extremism, and telling them to focus on leftwing extremism. Remember that?

Point is - we have a mess don't we? And while the attack on the capital, our elections, and our government is by no means representative of all Trump supporters (many were legitimately and peacefully protesting who did not join in the attack) WAS Pro-Trump extremists who did that. Seems to me, mainstream Trump supporters need to be disassociating with that element and relenting them back to the fringe.
How can you do anything other than make fun of someone wearing a pussy-hat?
All that Fear Porn about the peaceful transfer of power, and what happens?

A peaceful transfer of power.
Article does not say he is a white supremacist. guys on the left have said that only white supremacists attacked the Capital.
There were a lot of white supremacists there but they weren't the only idiots there.
Which ones were there to beat up the Capital police?
The ones that didnt know some of the capitol police were on their side.

I don't think Jackson is a white supremacist.

" Persisting In Access By Knot Inn Seine Concerned Citizens "

* Questioning The Technical Competence Of Representatives To Wright Valid Public Policy *

I recall a narrative equating Biden supporters with Antifa. Remember that?
I recall all the protests in 2016 with pink pussy hats etc...being demonized and made fun of. Remember that?
I recall a Republican putting out a bill banning the Democrat party. Remember that?
I recall a President, ignoring his own intelligence warning of right wing extremism, and telling them to focus on leftwing extremism. Remember that?
The evidence to charge trump with insurrection can be summarily dismissed if evidence is that trump did not collaborate by directing or by participating in acts being described as an insurrection or riot .

A standard similar with expectations for charging trump with insurrection can be gleaned from the legal statute on " to incite a riot " ,

As used in this chapter, the term “to incite a riot”, or “to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot”, includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.

* PInatas Games Rather Than Answering For The Republic *
Point is - we have a mess don't we? And while the attack on the capital, our elections, and our government is by no means representative of all Trump supporters (many were legitimately and peacefully protesting who did not join in the attack) WAS Pro-Trump extremists who did that. Seems to me, mainstream Trump supporters need to be disassociating with that element and relenting them back to the fringe.
The character assassination is most childish , as pundits presume themselves entitled to disregard all subject matter related with valid public policy from a party whose support is based on competent decisions that is not abhorrent to civil liberties .

The trump administration sought to address particular policy concerns of vast voters regarding foundations for the republic which continue to be descheveled and dismissed by the lying sycophants of which anti-racist-racism is only one of many weapons implemented by the left .

The generational republicans prefer to continue silently to avoid being canceled by a culture based on simpleton decisions ; the generational republicans are more concerned with maintaining a position of access to government than necessarily defending the concerns of many constituents whose affiliation is more typically aligned with the republican party .

The impassioned simple tons of mass media swept valid public policy concerns of the republic under the rug and continue to stomp on those challenges by pandering its classical fantasy of caricatures for character assassination with buffoonery about pertinent matters .

Where are pretenses from the left for openly rejecting edicts and tenets of any creed with advocacy for offenses against non violence principles and principles of individualism , where fictional ishmaelism comes to mind ?
Last edited: › newsletters › watchdog-newsletter
5 days ago — Dozens of law enforcement officers, active-duty military members and veterans are suspected of having participated in the Jan. 6 rally and the ...

Do you need more?
What the Capitol insurgency reveals about white supremacy ... › blog › how-we-rise › 2021/01/12

Jan 12, 2021 — Only about 60 rioters were arrested on January 6, 2021, while nearly the same number of police officers were injured (including one officer who ...

Capitol siege raises questions over extent of white ... › capitol-siege-raises-questions-ov...

6 days ago — The FBI has long warned that white supremacist groups are seeking to infiltrate police, which makes the events of Jan. 6 all the more ...

Years of white supremacy threats culminated in Capitol riots › article › white-supremacy-threats-capitol...

6 days ago — CHICAGO (AP) — Amid the American flags and Trump 2020 posters at the U.S. Capitol during last week's insurrection were far more sinister ...

White Supremacists Are a Threat to U.S. National Security ... › 2021/01/18 › washington-must-tre...

2 days ago — Washington Must Treat White Supremacist Terrorism as a Transnational Threat. After the Capitol attack, the U.S. government needs to recognize ...

Capitol Attack Could Fuel Extremist Recruitment For Years ... › 2021/01/16 › capitol-attack-extremis...

4 days ago — An ideological jumble of far-right extremists and hate groups flourished under President Trump and claimed new energy after the attack on the ...

Do you understand what you read? No one said they are all White Supremacists.
You act like you don't even see the bullshit being shoveled out by not only News agencies and NGO's but also the Democrat crap legislators pushing a narrative of president Trump supporters being nothing more than hate mongering supremacist to foment hate against the people who voted for and still support president Trump. If you are that blind you really do need some serious help.

I recall a narrative equating Biden supporters with Antifa. Remember that?

I recall all the protests in 2016 with pink pussy hats etc...being demonized and made fun of. Remember that?

I recall a Republican putting out a bill banning the Democrat party. Remember that?

I recall a President, ignoring his own intelligence warning of right wing extremism, and telling them to focus on leftwing extremism. Remember that?

Point is - we have a mess don't we? And while the attack on the capital, our elections, and our government is by no means representative of all Trump supporters (many were legitimately and peacefully protesting who did not join in the attack) WAS Pro-Trump extremists who did that. Seems to me, mainstream Trump supporters need to be disassociating with that element and relenting them back to the fringe.
By the same token, mainstream Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Booker/Waters/AOC supporters should be distancing themselves from that element and relegate them back to the fringe. Don't ya think?
" Calling For A Global Count To Determine Numerical Representation Of Races To Identify Minorities "

* Summing Up Global Representation And Questioning Which Proportions Are Amicable *

White supremacists exist only in the minds of demented DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs.
The department of homeland security maintains hve homegrown violent extremists among dve domestic violent extremists - .

Whether the militias are " white supremacists with a white nationalists agenda " or simply " constitutional patriots " is intentionally blurred by the press to promote anti-racist-racist policies that seek to quash any semblance of individual autonomy by the lineages of japheth .

Issue is that lineages of japheth and the vast majoriy of us public continues to engage in commerce , such that domestic militias do not maintain a purview that destroying the integrity of the republic will serve to benefit either themselves or the republic , though extreme reactions to policies affecting ideals may or may not occur , as dhs noted it depends on public policies .
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" Calling For A Global Count To Determine Numerical Representation Of Races To Identify Minorities "

* Summing Up Global Representation And Questioning Which Proportions Are Amicable *

White supremacists exist only in the minds of demented DNC/BLM/Antifa thugs.
The department of homeland security maintains hve homegrown violent extremists among dve domestic violent extremists - .

Issue is that lineages of japheth and the vast majoriy of us public continues to engage in commerce , such that domestic militias do not maintain a purview that destroying the integrity of the republic will serve to benefit either themselves or the republic , though extreme reactions to policies affecting ideals may or may not occur , as dhs noted it depends on public policies .

Whether the militias are " white supremacists with a white nationalists agenda " or simply " constitutional patriots " is intentionally blurred by the press to promote anti-racist-racist policies that seek to quash any semblance of individual autonomy by the lineages of japheth .
Apparently English isn't your first language. That being said, your post says domestic violent extremists and homegrown violent extremists--is that like the DNC/BLM/Antifa domestic, homegrown violent extremists. You are a racist.
" Relevance Of Discriminating Between Correct Versus Incorrect Choices In Self Preservation "

* Free Association Is Not Violence *

Apparently English isn't your first language. That being said, your post says domestic violent extremists and homegrown violent extremists--is that like the DNC/BLM/Antifa domestic, homegrown violent extremists. You are a racist.
How is your literacy level because dve and hve are abbreviations applied in public notices provided by dhs ?

Was your literacy and acumen for the english language enough to have seached for hve or dve , or to have panned to page 17 , in the october 2020 notice by dhs - ?

A violent extremist is a violent extremist and tabs are obviously and should be being kept on credible threats .

The white supremacist for white nationalism spurious at best , however the specter is utilized to fabricate an evil whitey scapegoat bent on totalitarianism , by which authoritarian collectivists aspire to leverage as a race based political weapon and tool to confiscate the providence of fortunes acquired by whites .

For the term racist to have any validity , it must preclude that violence is being committed based on race .

A principle of non violence defines violence as illegitimate aggression , while self defense against illegitimate aggression is legitimate aggression .

A principle of non violence principles obviously requires a definition for , or descriptions for , legitimate versus illegitimate aggression .

A proposed principle for a definition or description for illegitimate aggression also introduces a principle of individualism , whereby illegitimate aggression is defined as any action , or supposition for action by tenet or by edict of creed , to deprive an other individual of either self ownership or self determination ; where self ownership includes free roam , free association , progeny ; and , where self determination includes : private property , civil contracts , willful intents . › newsletters › watchdog-newsletter
5 days ago — Dozens of law enforcement officers, active-duty military members and veterans are suspected of having participated in the Jan. 6 rally and the ...

Do you need more?
What the Capitol insurgency reveals about white supremacy ... › blog › how-we-rise › 2021/01/12

Jan 12, 2021 — Only about 60 rioters were arrested on January 6, 2021, while nearly the same number of police officers were injured (including one officer who ...

Capitol siege raises questions over extent of white ... › capitol-siege-raises-questions-ov...

6 days ago — The FBI has long warned that white supremacist groups are seeking to infiltrate police, which makes the events of Jan. 6 all the more ...

Years of white supremacy threats culminated in Capitol riots › article › white-supremacy-threats-capitol...

6 days ago — CHICAGO (AP) — Amid the American flags and Trump 2020 posters at the U.S. Capitol during last week's insurrection were far more sinister ...

White Supremacists Are a Threat to U.S. National Security ... › 2021/01/18 › washington-must-tre...

2 days ago — Washington Must Treat White Supremacist Terrorism as a Transnational Threat. After the Capitol attack, the U.S. government needs to recognize ...

Capitol Attack Could Fuel Extremist Recruitment For Years ... › 2021/01/16 › capitol-attack-extremis...

4 days ago — An ideological jumble of far-right extremists and hate groups flourished under President Trump and claimed new energy after the attack on the ...

Do you understand what you read? No one said they are all White Supremacists.
You act like you don't even see the bullshit being shoveled out by not only News agencies and NGO's but also the Democrat crap legislators pushing a narrative of president Trump supporters being nothing more than hate mongering supremacist to foment hate against the people who voted for and still support president Trump. If you are that blind you really do need some serious help.

I recall a narrative equating Biden supporters with Antifa. Remember that?

I recall all the protests in 2016 with pink pussy hats etc...being demonized and made fun of. Remember that?

I recall a Republican putting out a bill banning the Democrat party. Remember that?

I recall a President, ignoring his own intelligence warning of right wing extremism, and telling them to focus on leftwing extremism. Remember that?

Point is - we have a mess don't we? And while the attack on the capital, our elections, and our government is by no means representative of all Trump supporters (many were legitimately and peacefully protesting who did not join in the attack) WAS Pro-Trump extremists who did that. Seems to me, mainstream Trump supporters need to be disassociating with that element and relenting them back to the fringe.
By the same token, mainstream Biden/Harris/Pelosi/Booker/Waters/AOC supporters should be distancing themselves from that element and relegate them back to the fringe. Don't ya think?

You mean like Antifa? Of course.
" Relevance Of Discriminating Between Correct Versus Incorrect Choices In Self Preservation "

* Free Association Is Not Violence *

Apparently English isn't your first language. That being said, your post says domestic violent extremists and homegrown violent extremists--is that like the DNC/BLM/Antifa domestic, homegrown violent extremists. You are a racist.
How is your literacy level because dve and hve are abbreviations applied in public notices provided by dhs ?

Was your literacy and acumen for the english language enough to have seached for hve or dve , or to have panned to page 17 , in the october 2020 notice by dhs - ?

A violent extremist is a violent extremist and tabs are obviously and should be being kept on credible threats .

The white supremacist for white nationalism spurious at best , however the specter is utilized to fabricate an evil whitey scapegoat bent on totalitarianism , by which authoritarian collectivists aspire to leverage as a race based political weapon and tool to confiscate the providence of fortunes acquired by whites .

For the term racist to have any validity , it must preclude that violence is being committed based on race .

A principle of non violence defines violence as illegitimate aggression , while self defense against illegitimate aggression is legitimate aggression .

A principle of non violence principles obviously requires a definition for , or descriptions for , legitimate versus illegitimate aggression .

A proposed principle for a definition or description for illegitimate aggression also introduces a principle of individualism , whereby illegitimate aggression is defined as any action , or supposition for action by tenet or by edict of creed , to deprive an other individual of either self ownership or self determination ; where self ownership includes free roam , free association , progeny ; and , where self determination includes : private property , civil contracts , willful intents .
What does the B in BLM stand for--it is RACIST on its face, moron
" Figuratively Losing The Spanish American War Generations Later "

* Senile Old Coot Holding The Door For Destruction *

You mean like Antifa? Of course.
The dhs is also worried about tco , transnational criminal organizations , that psycho feeble mind biden is ushering through the door with a legalize everyone by executive order , when none worth listening to asked an ignorant fool to bother .

Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs)—especially those based in Mexico—will continue to undermine public health and safety in the Homeland and threaten U.S. national security interests. They represent an acute and devastating threat to public health and safety in the Homeland and a significant threat to U.S. national security interests. Beyond their complicity in the 71,000 drug overdose deaths in the U.S. last year, TCOs destabilize partner nations, decrease citizen confidence in good governance, foment corruption, and destroy confidence in the international banking system. Countering these organizations’ malign activities will remain an enduring challenge to US safety and security. TCOs will continue to take advantage of illegal migration flows to enter the United States and attempt to exploit legal immigration avenues. Criminal elements attempting to provide a level of legitimacy to their illicit immigration claims by intermingling with migrants travelling to the US Southwest border pose an intrinsic risk to the U.S. lawful immigration system.

Among TCOs, Mexico-based cartels pose the greatest threat to the Homeland because of their ability to control territory including along the U.S. Southwest Border—and co-opt parts of government, particularly at a state and local level. Although COVID-19 has disrupted some cartel operations, their ability to move large quantities of illicit goods into and throughout the Homeland remains largely intact.

Mexican TCO fracturing, disruption of previous drug supply chains, and territorial disputes—especially over important cross-border plazas—almost certainly will lead to increasedviolence in Mexico, along the U.S. Southwest Border, in the year ahead. Mexican borderstates experienced nearly 12,000 homicides in 2019, most of which involved TCOs.
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