Antarctic ice shelf thinning accelerates

And they blame mankind and the release by human beings and industry of "carbon" in various forms (but mainly as CO2) into the atmosphere.

That's because the data says so. You'll have a hard time understanding why that's important, being your cult is so actively hostile to a reality-based lifestyle.

AGW theory is the only theory that explains the directly observed data. No natural cycle explains the stratospheric cooling, decrease in outgoing longwave radiation, and the increase in backradiation. No "natural causes" theory explains any of that. Therefore, the natural causes theories are all demonstrably wrong.

And you won't care, since your herd leaders said to ignore the facts. Denier herdbeasts, all terrified at the thought of banishment from the herd, will reliably bleat out what they're told bleat.
And they blame mankind and the release by human beings and industry of "carbon" in various forms (but mainly as CO2) into the atmosphere.

That's because the data says so. You'll have a hard time understanding why that's important, being your cult is so actively hostile to a reality-based lifestyle.

AGW theory is the only theory that explains the directly observed data. No natural cycle explains the stratospheric cooling, decrease in outgoing longwave radiation, and the increase in backradiation. No "natural causes" theory explains any of that. Therefore, the natural causes theories are all demonstrably wrong.

And you won't care, since your herd leaders said to ignore the facts. Denier herdbeasts, all terrified at the thought of banishment from the herd, will reliably bleat out what they're told bleat.

Oh, there's an AGWTheory?

Can you let us in on this best kept secret?

I thought it was "Point at the Weather Channel and shriek 'Manmade Global Warming'"
And they blame mankind and the release by human beings and industry of "carbon" in various forms (but mainly as CO2) into the atmosphere.

That's because the data says so. You'll have a hard time understanding why that's important, being your cult is so actively hostile to a reality-based lifestyle.

AGW theory is the only theory that explains the directly observed data. No natural cycle explains the stratospheric cooling, decrease in outgoing longwave radiation, and the increase in backradiation. No "natural causes" theory explains any of that. Therefore, the natural causes theories are all demonstrably wrong.

And you won't care, since your herd leaders said to ignore the facts. Denier herdbeasts, all terrified at the thought of banishment from the herd, will reliably bleat out what they're told bleat.
hahahahahaahahahahaha the data says so. Well again, the hairless comes through for the daily laugh. Thanks hairball. Now when you find that there data that says so, why not punch that puppy right up here and show us all.
Oh, there's an AGWTheory?

Can you let us in on this best kept secret?

I thought it was "Point at the Weather Channel and shriek 'Manmade Global Warming'"

Frank's particular mental illness is clearly antisocial personality disorder.

That would be the clinical way of saying "He's quite the pissy little bitch."
Oh, there's an AGWTheory?

Can you let us in on this best kept secret?

I thought it was "Point at the Weather Channel and shriek 'Manmade Global Warming'"

Frank's particular mental illness is clearly antisocial personality disorder.

That would be the clinical way of saying "He's quite the pissy little bitch."
and yet..............still no proof!
And now, jc is demanding proof that C12 and C13 are stable isotopes. Most denier are like that, completely unaware of the last century of physics.
and the laugh continues, again tooth, post up here that data that says so.

No. There's no need to "prove" basics just because you're such a moron.

If you're too stupid to know the most basic of basics, you should take that as a clue that you shouldn't be bothering the grownups and embarrassing yourself.
Oh, there's an AGWTheory?

Can you let us in on this best kept secret?

I thought it was "Point at the Weather Channel and shriek 'Manmade Global Warming'"

Frank's particular mental illness is clearly antisocial personality disorder.

That would be the clinical way of saying "He's quite the pissy little bitch."

Notice, they never post an experiment or can even tell us what their bizarre "Theory" might be
AGWCult Theory

1. Point to the Weather Channel and shriek "ManMade Global Warming"!

2. If questioned, call the questioner a "DENIER!"

3. Since only fellow Cult members get published we have Consensus
Oh, there's an AGWTheory?

Can you let us in on this best kept secret?

I thought it was "Point at the Weather Channel and shriek 'Manmade Global Warming'"

Frank's particular mental illness is clearly antisocial personality disorder.

That would be the clinical way of saying "He's quite the pissy little bitch."

Notice, they never post an experiment or can even tell us what their bizarre "Theory" might be
It is certainly that way here and the other mb I frequent.
And now, jc is demanding proof that C12 and C13 are stable isotopes. Most denier are like that, completely unaware of the last century of physics.
and the laugh continues, again tooth, post up here that data that says so.

No. There's no need to "prove" basics just because you're such a moron.

If you're too stupid to know the most basic of basics, you should take that as a clue that you shouldn't be bothering the grownups and embarrassing yourself.
dude/dudette, you don't have to prove anything. However, if you don't, then you have nothing to tell any of us on here on doom and gloom. so either post it or button it.
Oh, there's an AGWTheory?

Can you let us in on this best kept secret?

I thought it was "Point at the Weather Channel and shriek 'Manmade Global Warming'"

Frank's particular mental illness is clearly antisocial personality disorder.

That would be the clinical way of saying "He's quite the pissy little bitch."
and the difference between you and he is he shows integrity. None of which you have.
The ice caps on Antarctica and Greenland are melting at an accelerated rate. There is no actual controversy about that.
sure there is!! what the heck are you talking about? Prove it.
what is this?
Those are graphs indicating the loss rates of ground ice mass from the worlds four largest ground ice masses.
well if it is, the sea level hasn't risen at all. So?

Is sea level rising
And now, jc is demanding proof that C12 and C13 are stable isotopes. Most denier are like that, completely unaware of the last century of physics.
and the laugh continues, again tooth, post up here that data that says so.

No. There's no need to "prove" basics just because you're such a moron.

If you're too stupid to know the most basic of basics, you should take that as a clue that you shouldn't be bothering the grownups and embarrassing yourself.
dude/dudette, you don't have to prove anything. However, if you don't, then you have nothing to tell any of us on here on doom and gloom. so either post it or button it.

Begs the question: Why are all you climate change deniers only this smart?
Greenland Ice Sheet Today Surface Melt Data presented by NSIDC
I have to wonder why the deniers bother to post on a public forum, as if they actually had an argument.

Warming Seas Drive Rapid Acceleration of Melting Antarctic Ice
S0n you are so out of your league! Thanks for thinking that you can play in the big but you can't you got a have some what they call factual data, do you know what that is?
the link you failed to read posts two studies full of factual data.
Multidecadal warming of Antarctic waters
West Antarctic melt rate has tripled

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