Antarctic ice shelf thinning accelerates

I don't care what that says, that is someones opinion!!!!! Now, until you have something else, you have exhausted your goofiness.

It isn't an opinion, its a matter of fact.

If you don't care what the truth is, why are you even debating?

If I were you, I would find some textbooks that pick up in the year after whatever grade it was you dropped out of elementary school. You can probably find some at your local library.
ah see, I do care about the truth, and the left hasn't presented much in terms of that word on here since I've been on here fifteen months ago. Now, one point I missed a few posts ago by you, was you used the word gravity as an answer to grounded ice. Hmmm, if the ice is already on the ground, are you saying that gravity will be removed and it will float in the air? Sorry, I didn't quite grasp why you choose the word gravity to support the ice that is already on the ground!!!!!! dude, for real you wrote that.
sure you did friend, pop open this link. BTW, your link goof job.

Antarctic ice shelf thinning accelerates

Now stop lying and just admit you made another goof!!! Lmfbo

I don't believe that you are actually dumb enough to not comprehend that gravity pulls things down. That's simply not possible. You are pulling my chain.

You mean to tell me that two masses of unequal size are not governed by electrical attraction and bonds? WOW... going to have to tell the other PHD's in the shop they are wrong... Gravity just pulls things down... wow.. I wonder how all those molecules stay together.../Sarc

Based on empirical data the most likely reason for the increased CO2 we are experiencing today is due to the Medieval Warming Period of 800 years ago.

I await Westwall's explanation as to why the isotope ratios show the CO2 increase comes from burning fossil fuels and not from natural CO2 releases.

You are aware that isotopes break down rapidly and their half life's make them almost totally useless for dating beyond 30 years.. Even CO2's atmospheric half life has been greatly exaggerated by the alarmist shills at under 7 years, not the 30-120 years they tout... But man tooth knows this and still posts crap over and over and over again..

Isotopes break down rapidly? What the fuck are you talking about? That's complete horseshit. And isotopes have NOTHING to do with CO2's lifetime in the atmosphere, which IS 30-120 years. You know we can link you to multiple peer reviewed studies stating precisely that while you can link to NOTHING supporting your ignorant lies.
I don't care what that says, that is someones opinion!!!!! Now, until you have something else, you have exhausted your goofiness.

It isn't an opinion, its a matter of fact.

If you don't care what the truth is, why are you even debating?

If I were you, I would find some textbooks that pick up in the year after whatever grade it was you dropped out of elementary school. You can probably find some at your local library.
ah see, I do care about the truth, and the left hasn't presented much in terms of that word on here since I've been on here fifteen months ago. Now, one point I missed a few posts ago by you, was you used the word gravity as an answer to grounded ice. Hmmm, if the ice is already on the ground, are you saying that gravity will be removed and it will float in the air? Sorry, I didn't quite grasp why you choose the word gravity to support the ice that is already on the ground!!!!!! dude, for real you wrote that.
sure you did friend, pop open this link. BTW, your link goof job.

Antarctic ice shelf thinning accelerates

Now stop lying and just admit you made another goof!!! Lmfbo

I don't believe that you are actually dumb enough to not comprehend that gravity pulls things down. That's simply not possible. You are pulling my chain.
How can It go lower than the ground goof?

I see, you don't know what the word grounded means you really are a goofball!
yo, yo...from Politic----http://Obamas may be buying Magnum P.I. home in Hawaii - Nick Gass and David Nather - POLITICO
BTW, nice beach front property there.

So you brainlessly repeated a crazy rumor, got it. A person of normal intelligence would now have gone back and checked out his facts, but that excludes you.

Do you understand I'm having fun toying with you now? Don't worry, everyone else understands. The goal here now is to work you into a lather so that you double down again on your big lie. Please proceed.
Right just like showing an experiment that shows what 120 ppm of CO2 does with temperature right?
Ok Op. short of killing off a couple billion people. how do suggest You the g-d of globull warming stop and prevent more of it THINNING
Let me see if i can do a man tooth skeptical version of thread summary..

1. Alarmists have insufficient data to prove or disprove anything. The claim that the last 35 years and then modeling further in the past proves their point. Do i have to remind these fools that models are not empirical evidence of anything..

2. Alarmists then appeal to their authority, from made up crap they call science, that was Pal Reviewed by only their side, while they keep other works showing their meme a lie from publication. Simply so they can claim they have peer reviewed works that back up their positions.

3. Alarmists will then produce debunked crap from Michale Mann and James Hansen as proof, even though those works have been thoroughly shown falsified.

4. Alarmist will cry "ITS FOR THE CHILDREN" hoping that this will impede cognitive thinking skills and commonsense.. and again appeal to their made up and manufactured authority....

Reading through this thread I have seen every single Alyinsky tactic to remove cognitive thought and commonsense.. They only fool the ignorant..
It isn't an opinion, its a matter of fact.

If you don't care what the truth is, why are you even debating?

If I were you, I would find some textbooks that pick up in the year after whatever grade it was you dropped out of elementary school. You can probably find some at your local library.
ah see, I do care about the truth, and the left hasn't presented much in terms of that word on here since I've been on here fifteen months ago. Now, one point I missed a few posts ago by you, was you used the word gravity as an answer to grounded ice. Hmmm, if the ice is already on the ground, are you saying that gravity will be removed and it will float in the air? Sorry, I didn't quite grasp why you choose the word gravity to support the ice that is already on the ground!!!!!! dude, for real you wrote that.
sure you did friend, pop open this link. BTW, your link goof job.

Antarctic ice shelf thinning accelerates

Now stop lying and just admit you made another goof!!! Lmfbo

I don't believe that you are actually dumb enough to not comprehend that gravity pulls things down. That's simply not possible. You are pulling my chain.
How can It go lower than the ground goof?

I see, you don't know what the word grounded means you really are a goofball!

The ocean is lower than the ground you bumbling imbecile. And the term "grounded" means an electrical circuit where the ground wire is held to a fixed voltage, usually the same as the earths. Not relevant here.

Do you seriously not get that glaciers move towards the sea? When did you become so stupid?
It isn't an opinion, its a matter of fact.

If you don't care what the truth is, why are you even debating?

If I were you, I would find some textbooks that pick up in the year after whatever grade it was you dropped out of elementary school. You can probably find some at your local library.
ah see, I do care about the truth, and the left hasn't presented much in terms of that word on here since I've been on here fifteen months ago. Now, one point I missed a few posts ago by you, was you used the word gravity as an answer to grounded ice. Hmmm, if the ice is already on the ground, are you saying that gravity will be removed and it will float in the air? Sorry, I didn't quite grasp why you choose the word gravity to support the ice that is already on the ground!!!!!! dude, for real you wrote that.
sure you did friend, pop open this link. BTW, your link goof job.

Antarctic ice shelf thinning accelerates

Now stop lying and just admit you made another goof!!! Lmfbo

I don't believe that you are actually dumb enough to not comprehend that gravity pulls things down. That's simply not possible. You are pulling my chain.

You mean to tell me that two masses of unequal size are not governed by electrical attraction and bonds? WOW... going to have to tell the other PHD's in the shop they are wrong... Gravity just pulls things down... wow.. I wonder how all those molecules stay together.../Sarc

I'm not talking about the past 400,000 years. I'm talking about the last 150. Are you saying rising temperatures are what caused the co2 to go up in the last 150 years? Yes or no?
dude, you can't really be that stupid can you? If it is the past 400,000 years, doesn't that include the last 150? I'm just saying, goofy is as goofy does. way to go goofy!!!!
. Are you saying rising temperatures are what caused the co2 to go up in the last 150 years? Yes or no?

I'm saying a wisp of CO2 has no discernible effect on temperature on planet Earth
Are rising temperatures are what caused the co2 to go up in the last 150 years? Yes or no?
Not according to the IPCC. AR1 clearly stated that all warming pre 1950 was natural variation and man had little to nothing to do with it.
So what did cause CO2 to go up in the past 150 years?
The AGW Faithers say that the Earth has a fever. And ice is getting thinner.

And they blame mankind and the release by human beings and industry of "carbon" in various forms (but mainly as CO2) into the atmosphere.

They then blithely and perpetually ignore the question about how ice ages and warming periods came and went prior to human kind and prior to human industry.

And they blithely ignore such questions about what we can ACTUALLY do to slow down or stop this glowbull warmering.

Granted, they can't actually demonstrate causation. That is, they cannot show that human beings and human industry have anything at all to do with any alleged global heating. They can't actually establish that but-for human beings and human industry there would be no increase in global temperature.

But they DO BELIEVE. They PREACH it. They say "The Science is SETTLED!" Amen. "We have a CONSENSUS!" Gaia be PRAISED!

But since they can't demonstrate via actual science that human beings and human industry "are" responsible for global warmering, then they are REALLY hard pressed to demonstrate that there is something that humans can effectively do to slow it down or stop it.

This makes them all kinds of bat shit crazy MAD! They point their fingers and hiss, "Deniers!"


They'd burn a few folks at the stake but that might release extra CO2.
dude, you can't really be that stupid can you? If it is the past 400,000 years, doesn't that include the last 150? I'm just saying, goofy is as goofy does. way to go goofy!!!!
. Are you saying rising temperatures are what caused the co2 to go up in the last 150 years? Yes or no?

I'm saying a wisp of CO2 has no discernible effect on temperature on planet Earth
Are rising temperatures are what caused the co2 to go up in the last 150 years? Yes or no?
Not according to the IPCC. AR1 clearly stated that all warming pre 1950 was natural variation and man had little to nothing to do with it.
So what did cause CO2 to go up in the past 150 years?

So, what caused it to go up before human kind ever showed up and before human industry ever took place?
dude, you can't really be that stupid can you? If it is the past 400,000 years, doesn't that include the last 150? I'm just saying, goofy is as goofy does. way to go goofy!!!!
. Are you saying rising temperatures are what caused the co2 to go up in the last 150 years? Yes or no?

I'm saying a wisp of CO2 has no discernible effect on temperature on planet Earth
Are rising temperatures are what caused the co2 to go up in the last 150 years? Yes or no?
Not according to the IPCC. AR1 clearly stated that all warming pre 1950 was natural variation and man had little to nothing to do with it.
So what did cause CO2 to go up in the past 150 years?

Simple... CO2 lags warmth by 200-300 years. Vegetation and the natural die off and decay of that vegetation. Ocean release as areas of ocean warm. And it can all be attributed to that natural variation. We exited the Little Ice Age just over 200 years ago. Guess what follows by empirical evidence..
It is already too late to do anything. We have already gone off the cliff. Even if it were not, those who could do something have too much invested in the status quo to do anything. Those who currently deny anything is actually happening will continue to do so until it is undeniable, and then blame those who told them it was happening for not doing something about it. Human behavior is entirely predictable.
There is no status quo. Why you folks won't accept the fact you can;t control nature is beyond me.

Why you folks can't see the obvious is beyond me.
The fact you can't control nature by limiting cow farts is obvious.
ah see, I do care about the truth, and the left hasn't presented much in terms of that word on here since I've been on here fifteen months ago. Now, one point I missed a few posts ago by you, was you used the word gravity as an answer to grounded ice. Hmmm, if the ice is already on the ground, are you saying that gravity will be removed and it will float in the air? Sorry, I didn't quite grasp why you choose the word gravity to support the ice that is already on the ground!!!!!! dude, for real you wrote that.
sure you did friend, pop open this link. BTW, your link goof job.

Antarctic ice shelf thinning accelerates

Now stop lying and just admit you made another goof!!! Lmfbo

I don't believe that you are actually dumb enough to not comprehend that gravity pulls things down. That's simply not possible. You are pulling my chain.
How can It go lower than the ground goof?

I see, you don't know what the word grounded means you really are a goofball!

The ocean is lower than the ground you bumbling imbecile. And the term "grounded" means an electrical circuit where the ground wire is held to a fixed voltage, usually the same as the earths. Not relevant here.

Do you seriously not get that glaciers move towards the sea? When did you become so stupid?
So what does it mean when planes are grounded? You know airplanes when they can't fly there grounded!

In the event you don't know what an air plane is, it is a flying machine. Yep, it actually defies gravity and flies in the air. And sometimes there are mandatory groundings. Know what that means?
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ah see, I do care about the truth, and the left hasn't presented much in terms of that word on here since I've been on here fifteen months ago. Now, one point I missed a few posts ago by you, was you used the word gravity as an answer to grounded ice. Hmmm, if the ice is already on the ground, are you saying that gravity will be removed and it will float in the air? Sorry, I didn't quite grasp why you choose the word gravity to support the ice that is already on the ground!!!!!! dude, for real you wrote that.
sure you did friend, pop open this link. BTW, your link goof job.

Antarctic ice shelf thinning accelerates

Now stop lying and just admit you made another goof!!! Lmfbo

I don't believe that you are actually dumb enough to not comprehend that gravity pulls things down. That's simply not possible. You are pulling my chain.
How can It go lower than the ground goof?

I see, you don't know what the word grounded means you really are a goofball!

The ocean is lower than the ground you bumbling imbecile. And the term "grounded" means an electrical circuit where the ground wire is held to a fixed voltage, usually the same as the earths. Not relevant here.

Do you seriously not get that glaciers move towards the sea? When did you become so stupid?
so the ice that is grounded is electrically charged and is a wire? What does this have to do with gravity then? funny stuff today. Holy crap, I never knew that. wow the danish this morning have quite a lot of nuts in it. LOL. Question, are you a loner. You are a confused goof.
You are aware that isotopes break down rapidly and their half life's make them almost totally useless for dating beyond 30 years.

C12 and C13 are stable isotopes, you complete imbecile.

You are utterly clueless of all the most basic science here. You're just a profoundly stupid person.

Again, the isotope ratios show the additional CO2 comes from burning fossil fuels. That means you deniers who say it's natural are babbling morons. That's one reason among many as to why the whole planet is laughing at you so hard.
Things Einstein or any other real scientist, never said:

Relativity is settled science

We have consensus
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You are aware that isotopes break down rapidly and their half life's make them almost totally useless for dating beyond 30 years.

C12 and C13 are stable isotopes, you complete imbecile.

You are utterly clueless of all the most basic science here. You're just a profoundly stupid person.

Again, the isotope ratios show the additional CO2 comes from burning fossil fuels. That means you deniers who say it's natural are babbling morons. That's one reason among many as to why the whole planet is laughing at you so hard.
and can't prove it.

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