Antarctic sea ice 2016: Historic lows

European Forecasters Warn Winter 2016 – 2017 Will Be “Coldest In 100 Years”
Published on October 11, 2016

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European weather forecasters believe that the inhabitants of the old world should start now making provisions for sweaters and winter coats. The German meteorologist Dominik Jung said the 2016-2017 season promises to be “unusually cold.”

European forecasters warn winter 2016 – 2017 will be “coldest in 100 years”
And? 2016 is going to go down as the warmest year on record. And the temperatures at the poles are pretty much off the charts for much of this year. The sea ice at both poles is reflecting that heat. So, there may be some cold areas, also? So what?
European Forecasters Warn Winter 2016 – 2017 Will Be “Coldest In 100 Years”
Published on October 11, 2016

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European weather forecasters believe that the inhabitants of the old world should start now making provisions for sweaters and winter coats. The German meteorologist Dominik Jung said the 2016-2017 season promises to be “unusually cold.”

European forecasters warn winter 2016 – 2017 will be “coldest in 100 years”

Like I just asked... if the ice caps melt and lower the water temperatures in the jet stream, won't that make the winters worse in areas like the United States and Europe?
Why would the ice caps be melting if it's getting colder?
European Forecasters Warn Winter 2016 – 2017 Will Be “Coldest In 100 Years”
Published on October 11, 2016

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European weather forecasters believe that the inhabitants of the old world should start now making provisions for sweaters and winter coats. The German meteorologist Dominik Jung said the 2016-2017 season promises to be “unusually cold.”

European forecasters warn winter 2016 – 2017 will be “coldest in 100 years”
And? 2016 is going to go down as the warmest year on record. And the temperatures at the poles are pretty much off the charts for much of this year. The sea ice at both poles is reflecting that heat. So, there may be some cold areas, also? So what?
Got a link to some more of those fake temp charts?
European Forecasters Warn Winter 2016 – 2017 Will Be “Coldest In 100 Years”
Published on October 11, 2016

Written by

European weather forecasters believe that the inhabitants of the old world should start now making provisions for sweaters and winter coats. The German meteorologist Dominik Jung said the 2016-2017 season promises to be “unusually cold.”

European forecasters warn winter 2016 – 2017 will be “coldest in 100 years”

Like I just asked... if the ice caps melt and lower the water temperatures in the jet stream, won't that make the winters worse in areas like the United States and Europe?

What is driving this current cold is Siberia. There is a theory called the Siberian Snow Theory that postulates when the snow cover over Siberia reaches a certain amount that will drive cold air masses into the lower latitudes which then cascades on down the road.
European Forecasters Warn Winter 2016 – 2017 Will Be “Coldest In 100 Years”
Published on October 11, 2016

Written by

European weather forecasters believe that the inhabitants of the old world should start now making provisions for sweaters and winter coats. The German meteorologist Dominik Jung said the 2016-2017 season promises to be “unusually cold.”

European forecasters warn winter 2016 – 2017 will be “coldest in 100 years”

Like I just asked... if the ice caps melt and lower the water temperatures in the jet stream, won't that make the winters worse in areas like the United States and Europe?
Why would the ice caps be melting if it's getting colder?

No, the caps are getting hotter and melting, thus making the water colder, effecting the temperatures of the jet stream and making the winters in areas affected by the jet stream colder.
European Forecasters Warn Winter 2016 – 2017 Will Be “Coldest In 100 Years”
Published on October 11, 2016

Written by

European weather forecasters believe that the inhabitants of the old world should start now making provisions for sweaters and winter coats. The German meteorologist Dominik Jung said the 2016-2017 season promises to be “unusually cold.”

European forecasters warn winter 2016 – 2017 will be “coldest in 100 years”

Like I just asked... if the ice caps melt and lower the water temperatures in the jet stream, won't that make the winters worse in areas like the United States and Europe?
Why would the ice caps be melting if it's getting colder?

Weeeeellllll, just because.....
European Forecasters Warn Winter 2016 – 2017 Will Be “Coldest In 100 Years”
Published on October 11, 2016

Written by

European weather forecasters believe that the inhabitants of the old world should start now making provisions for sweaters and winter coats. The German meteorologist Dominik Jung said the 2016-2017 season promises to be “unusually cold.”

European forecasters warn winter 2016 – 2017 will be “coldest in 100 years”

Like I just asked... if the ice caps melt and lower the water temperatures in the jet stream, won't that make the winters worse in areas like the United States and Europe?
Why would the ice caps be melting if it's getting colder?

No, the caps are getting hotter and melting, thus making the water colder, effecting the temperatures of the jet stream and making the winters in areas affected by the jet stream colder.
European Forecasters Warn Winter 2016 – 2017 Will Be “Coldest In 100 Years”
Published on October 11, 2016

Written by

European weather forecasters believe that the inhabitants of the old world should start now making provisions for sweaters and winter coats. The German meteorologist Dominik Jung said the 2016-2017 season promises to be “unusually cold.”

European forecasters warn winter 2016 – 2017 will be “coldest in 100 years”

Like I just asked... if the ice caps melt and lower the water temperatures in the jet stream, won't that make the winters worse in areas like the United States and Europe?
Why would the ice caps be melting if it's getting colder?

No, the caps are getting hotter and melting, thus making the water colder, effecting the temperatures of the jet stream and making the winters in areas affected by the jet stream colder.

How does hotter water create colder water? There's this thing called "physics" which kinda controls those things....
I don't know how much reality is in the movie The Day After Tomorrow, but they postulate the drop in water temperature around the Jet Stream makes a big deal. I'm asking if that is true or not.
European Forecasters Warn Winter 2016 – 2017 Will Be “Coldest In 100 Years”
Published on October 11, 2016

Written by

European weather forecasters believe that the inhabitants of the old world should start now making provisions for sweaters and winter coats. The German meteorologist Dominik Jung said the 2016-2017 season promises to be “unusually cold.”

European forecasters warn winter 2016 – 2017 will be “coldest in 100 years”

Like I just asked... if the ice caps melt and lower the water temperatures in the jet stream, won't that make the winters worse in areas like the United States and Europe?
Why would the ice caps be melting if it's getting colder?

No, the caps are getting hotter and melting, thus making the water colder, effecting the temperatures of the jet stream and making the winters in areas affected by the jet stream colder.


Exceptional twentieth-century slowdown in Atlantic Ocean overturning circulation

Possible changes in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) provide a key source of uncertainty regarding future climate change. Maps of temperature trends over the twentieth century show a conspicuous region of cooling in the northern Atlantic. Here we present multiple lines of evidence suggesting that this cooling may be due to a reduction in the AMOC over the twentieth century and particularly after 1970. Since 1990 the AMOC seems to have partly recovered. This time evolution is consistently suggested by an AMOC index based on sea surface temperatures, by the hemispheric temperature difference, by coral-based proxies and by oceanic measurements. We discuss a possible contribution of the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet to the slowdown. Using a multi-proxy temperature reconstruction for the AMOC index suggests that the AMOC weakness after 1975 is an unprecedented event in the past millennium (p > 0.99). Further melting of Greenland in the coming decades could contribute to further weakening of the AMOC.
European Forecasters Warn Winter 2016 – 2017 Will Be “Coldest In 100 Years”
Published on October 11, 2016

Written by

European weather forecasters believe that the inhabitants of the old world should start now making provisions for sweaters and winter coats. The German meteorologist Dominik Jung said the 2016-2017 season promises to be “unusually cold.”

European forecasters warn winter 2016 – 2017 will be “coldest in 100 years”

Like I just asked... if the ice caps melt and lower the water temperatures in the jet stream, won't that make the winters worse in areas like the United States and Europe?
Why would the ice caps be melting if it's getting colder?

No, the caps are getting hotter and melting, thus making the water colder, effecting the temperatures of the jet stream and making the winters in areas affected by the jet stream colder.


Exceptional twentieth-century slowdown in Atlantic Ocean overturning circulation

Possible changes in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) provide a key source of uncertainty regarding future climate change. Maps of temperature trends over the twentieth century show a conspicuous region of cooling in the northern Atlantic. Here we present multiple lines of evidence suggesting that this cooling may be due to a reduction in the AMOC over the twentieth century and particularly after 1970. Since 1990 the AMOC seems to have partly recovered. This time evolution is consistently suggested by an AMOC index based on sea surface temperatures, by the hemispheric temperature difference, by coral-based proxies and by oceanic measurements. We discuss a possible contribution of the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet to the slowdown. Using a multi-proxy temperature reconstruction for the AMOC index suggests that the AMOC weakness after 1975 is an unprecedented event in the past millennium (p > 0.99). Further melting of Greenland in the coming decades could contribute to further weakening of the AMOC.
Climate change - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
I don't know how much reality is in the movie The Day After Tomorrow, but they postulate the drop in water temperature around the Jet Stream makes a big deal. I'm asking if that is true or not.
"The Day after Tomorrow" was Hollywood. However, there is some truth that the slowing of the Atlantic Overturning Circulation will bring colder temperatures to the East Coast of the US and to Europe. Consider that Scotland is at the same lattitude as Hudson's Bay.
Like I just asked... if the ice caps melt and lower the water temperatures in the jet stream, won't that make the winters worse in areas like the United States and Europe?
Why would the ice caps be melting if it's getting colder?

No, the caps are getting hotter and melting, thus making the water colder, effecting the temperatures of the jet stream and making the winters in areas affected by the jet stream colder.


Exceptional twentieth-century slowdown in Atlantic Ocean overturning circulation

Possible changes in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) provide a key source of uncertainty regarding future climate change. Maps of temperature trends over the twentieth century show a conspicuous region of cooling in the northern Atlantic. Here we present multiple lines of evidence suggesting that this cooling may be due to a reduction in the AMOC over the twentieth century and particularly after 1970. Since 1990 the AMOC seems to have partly recovered. This time evolution is consistently suggested by an AMOC index based on sea surface temperatures, by the hemispheric temperature difference, by coral-based proxies and by oceanic measurements. We discuss a possible contribution of the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet to the slowdown. Using a multi-proxy temperature reconstruction for the AMOC index suggests that the AMOC weakness after 1975 is an unprecedented event in the past millennium (p > 0.99). Further melting of Greenland in the coming decades could contribute to further weakening of the AMOC.
Climate change - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
Climate change. Drought that has killed in the last few years, 100 million trees in California, and 300 million trees in Texas.
We are currently in a quiescent period for the sunspots. And have had three record hot years in a row. So much for that.

Activity cycles 21, 22 and 23 seen in sunspot number index, TSI, 10.7cm radio flux, and flare index. The vertical scales for each quantity have been adjusted to permit overplotting on the same vertical axis as TSI. Temporal variations of all quantities are tightly locked in phase, but the degree of correlation in amplitudes is variable to some degree.

Solar cycle - Wikipedia
Why would the ice caps be melting if it's getting colder?

No, the caps are getting hotter and melting, thus making the water colder, effecting the temperatures of the jet stream and making the winters in areas affected by the jet stream colder.


Exceptional twentieth-century slowdown in Atlantic Ocean overturning circulation

Possible changes in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) provide a key source of uncertainty regarding future climate change. Maps of temperature trends over the twentieth century show a conspicuous region of cooling in the northern Atlantic. Here we present multiple lines of evidence suggesting that this cooling may be due to a reduction in the AMOC over the twentieth century and particularly after 1970. Since 1990 the AMOC seems to have partly recovered. This time evolution is consistently suggested by an AMOC index based on sea surface temperatures, by the hemispheric temperature difference, by coral-based proxies and by oceanic measurements. We discuss a possible contribution of the melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet to the slowdown. Using a multi-proxy temperature reconstruction for the AMOC index suggests that the AMOC weakness after 1975 is an unprecedented event in the past millennium (p > 0.99). Further melting of Greenland in the coming decades could contribute to further weakening of the AMOC.
Climate change - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
Climate change. Drought that has killed in the last few years, 100 million trees in California, and 300 million trees in Texas.
And just how did you divine that conclusion?

Trees die, fire, old age, no rain... whatever, and drought isn't global warming.
We are currently in a quiescent period for the sunspots. And have had three record hot years in a row. So much for that.

Activity cycles 21, 22 and 23 seen in sunspot number index, TSI, 10.7cm radio flux, and flare index. The vertical scales for each quantity have been adjusted to permit overplotting on the same vertical axis as TSI. Temporal variations of all quantities are tightly locked in phase, but the degree of correlation in amplitudes is variable to some degree.

Solar cycle - Wikipedia
Nothing current about that, and wiki... really?

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