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Anthony Bourdain Says Contempt for Middle Americans by ‘Eastern Liberals’ Explains Trump Election

Most of us on the right have been saying this since the election.

Anthony Bourdain is blaming liberals like himself as the reason Donald Trump won the 2016 election.

In an interview with Reason magazine published Thursday, the host of the CNN culinary travel show Parts Unknown, slammed the “self-congratulatory” and “privileged left” for their disdain for working-class Americans.

“The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we’re seeing now,” Bourdain said.

He continued, “I’ve spent a lot of time in gun-country, God-fearing America. There are a hell of a lot of nice people out there, who are doing what everyone else in this world is trying to do: the best they can to get by, and take care of themselves and the people they love.”

The 60-year-old chef went on to criticize fellow liberals for denying conservatives “their basic humanity and legitimacy of their views” and “mock them at every turn, and treat them with contempt.”

Bourdain went on to say these issues aren’t specific to the United States. He says Trump’s election is part of a “global trend” towards nationalism “that should be of concern to everyone.”

Anthony Bourdain Says Contempt for Middle Americans by ‘Eastern Liberals’ Explains Trump Election
I was in NYC in 2015 and had no problems..
“The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we’re seeing now,” Bourdain said.

But maybe they really are rubes...

Here's the thing.... Howard Beale got it right a long time ago.

We have a corporate structure that has gotten very good at telling the Rubes what to think, how to dress and what to buy...

Trump just figured out how to get some of the rubes to vote for him...

And now he's putting together a cabinet of people who are going to screw the Rubes. They'll find their Social Security and Medicare Privatized and will wonder what went wrong.

That's what advertising is all about, the art of persuasion..
And now what is left to do in this fine thread is:

Show the Clinton Archepelago, and its Islands of CoastalCocksuckers/CollegeSnowflakes/RottingCitySocialists.
A babbling brook has nothing on you.I am sure the left will struggle to find themselves..
“The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we’re seeing now,” Bourdain said.

Spin this rubes
The garden variety trump rubes
How it will play to the rubes
Donald Trump Has Fooled the Rubes But Doesn't Understand the Rubes
So this is the assclown the rubes want for president
Trump Wonders, How Far Can I Push These Rubes?
Trump doesn't want to stay overnight around the riff raff rubes
rw rubes fall for rw hate media ruse about our President
The Rubes never realize they are Rubes...
Well, pointing out to the Rubes that they are Rubes is always fun.
Now we see the lower IQ rubes yell, everyone else did it!!! so much for draining the swamp rubes
Single payer......the thing that rubes in every industrialized nation except ours have opted for. Such rubes!
The RUbes are never going to be rich, anyway. The reason they are "rubes" is because they vote against the things that made their lives reasonably comfortable.
And that is why trump supporters are seen uneducated, easy to manipulate rubes , using a picture from a horror movie to whip up the rubes even more!!!!
Uneducated bitter white rubes
The elite left that controls the D party, loves to ridicule Americans they find unacceptable. They have done it for a long time.

The truly amazing thing is your average Joe Blow Dem voter, like many we see on this forum, buy into the ridicule and foment it. Not realizing they are being duped.
I`m not an elite but I ridicule people like you all the time. Bourdain is an elite who is clueless about the level of religious and racial hatred in rural America. That`s what put the goon in the Whitehouse.

From the OP.

"The 60-year-old chef went on to criticize fellow liberals for denying conservatives “their basic humanity and legitimacy of their views” and “mock them at every turn, and treat them with contempt.” "
“The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we’re seeing now,” Bourdain said.

But maybe they really are rubes...

Here's the thing.... Howard Beale got it right a long time ago.

We have a corporate structure that has gotten very good at telling the Rubes what to think, how to dress and what to buy...

Trump just figured out how to get some of the rubes to vote for him...

And now he's putting together a cabinet of people who are going to screw the Rubes. They'll find their Social Security and Medicare Privatized and will wonder what went wrong.

From the OP.

"The 60-year-old chef went on to criticize fellow liberals for denying conservatives “their basic humanity and legitimacy of their views” and “mock them at every turn, and treat them with contempt.”
“The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we’re seeing now,” Bourdain said.

But maybe they really are rubes...

Here's the thing.... Howard Beale got it right a long time ago.

We have a corporate structure that has gotten very good at telling the Rubes what to think, how to dress and what to buy...

Trump just figured out how to get some of the rubes to vote for him...

And now he's putting together a cabinet of people who are going to screw the Rubes. They'll find their Social Security and Medicare Privatized and will wonder what went wrong.

From the OP.

"The 60-year-old chef went on to criticize fellow liberals for denying conservatives “their basic humanity and legitimacy of their views” and “mock them at every turn, and treat them with contempt.”

Indeed! If you can`t believe a 60 year old chef just who can you believe? He`s got enough qualifications to join the Trump cabinet. Assistant Secretary of State who reports directly to Putin perhaps?
The truly amazing thing is your average Joe Blow Dem voter, like many we see on this forum, buy into the ridicule and foment it. Not realizing they are being duped.
The far left has gone so far in promoting their hatred of everything white male that even the working class has started having second thoughts, and this is or was the Democrats core constiutency.

The Democrats of today are just a nest of Marxists that hate Western Civilization, hate the USA and hate white males to the point that winning elections is simply a PR vehicle and no longer as important to them as spreading their ideology of racism and hate.
“The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we’re seeing now,” Bourdain said.

Spin this rubes
The garden variety trump rubes
How it will play to the rubes
Donald Trump Has Fooled the Rubes But Doesn't Understand the Rubes
So this is the assclown the rubes want for president
Trump Wonders, How Far Can I Push These Rubes?
Trump doesn't want to stay overnight around the riff raff rubes
rw rubes fall for rw hate media ruse about our President
The Rubes never realize they are Rubes...
Well, pointing out to the Rubes that they are Rubes is always fun.
Now we see the lower IQ rubes yell, everyone else did it!!! so much for draining the swamp rubes
Single payer......the thing that rubes in every industrialized nation except ours have opted for. Such rubes!
The RUbes are never going to be rich, anyway. The reason they are "rubes" is because they vote against the things that made their lives reasonably comfortable.
And that is why trump supporters are seen uneducated, easy to manipulate rubes , using a picture from a horror movie to whip up the rubes even more!!!!
Uneducated bitter white rubes
The elite left that controls the D party, loves to ridicule Americans they find unacceptable. They have done it for a long time.

The truly amazing thing is your average Joe Blow Dem voter, like many we see on this forum, buy into the ridicule and foment it. Not realizing they are being duped.
I`m not an elite but I ridicule people like you all the time. Bourdain is an elite who is clueless about the level of religious and racial hatred in rural America. That`s what put the goon in the Whitehouse.
You just proved you are clueless.

You have no idea what is going on. Stop getting all your news from the radical left.

Gipper bro........love your passion but let me tell you........after all these years Ive learned that the best way to approach the absurd is just out absurd them. There is no hope for these people........cant treat the like rational actors. I look at it like trying to make conversation with a guy in middle stage dementia.:coffee:
The elite left that controls the D party, loves to ridicule Americans they find unacceptable. They have done it for a long time.
The truly amazing thing is your average Joe Blow Dem voter, like many we see on this forum, buy into the ridicule and foment it. Not realizing they are being duped.
I`m not an elite but I ridicule people like you all the time. Bourdain is an elite who is clueless about the level of religious and racial hatred in rural America. That`s what put the goon in the Whitehouse.
You are an elite idiot, I'll give you that.

You Marxist whack jobs will not get your Revolution and you will not attain power for long periods of time because not enough people in this nation buys your 'Hate America First' horse shit Marxism.
Too much food must have clogged his brain. Or one could say capitalist elites won the election. Take your pick, although the second group will be the winners. Better thoughts below.

'Bad Narratives Going Forward in the Age of Trump' by Paul Street

Bad Narratives Going Forward in the Age of Trump

"So now seemed like a good time to go over various theories floating around in political science and political reporting and see where they stand, now that this turbulent political year is drawing to a close. By the time I was done writing it up for Slate, I came up with 19 lessons learned. I thank my colleague Bob Erikson for help on some of these."

19 Things We Learned from the 2016 Election - Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
And now what is left to do in this fine thread is:...
A babbling brook has nothing on you.I am sure the left will struggle to find themselves..
The central question is:

What damage will be done to the Democrats by their own hand over how long a period of time before they get their shit together and start being competitive again on the national stage.
The LIBs are waiting until the negro vote comes back to them.
Not unless another half negro is running. That should only take another hundred years. Assuming the negroes haven't 'self-exterminated' by then.
And they are counting on the Latino vote. Little problem there. Every Latino who is in the country legally and has a job votes REP. They don't want to go to work and find ten illegals hanging around the back door offering to do their job for half what they are getting paid. Not to mention what treats President Trump has in store for businesses who hire illegals.

Maybe Keith Ellison can figure out a way to sneak millions of illegal muslims into the country. Who knows.
But as Nancy is repeatedly saying the DEMs "don't want and don't need to change".
I'm feeling pretty confident the country doesn't need to worry about the DEMs anymore.
After the REPs get a Senate supermajority and put 4+ REP SCJs on the bench in the next four-eight years, the DEMs will officially close up shop and the remaining stragglers will form a new party from Nancy's ashes. God knows what they'll call themselves next time.
"The New Progressive Coastal Elites"? "From the places where we always win the popular vote".
Of course the self righteous attitude from the left contributed to this.

I wouldn't say it explains it totally, but it was likely a larger factor than the Rooooshins the left has latched onto as the explanation for their loss.

The left is a house without mirrors and it's never been clearer than right now, after this election, watching them run around blaming everyone and everything but themselves.

When one of their own speak up they are turned on and covered in the same spew they've been vomiting all over everyone else. It was funny at first, and still kind of is, but it's also pretty pathetic to realize that this is what we've become.
The LIBs are waiting until the negro vote comes back to them.
Not unless another half negro is running. That should only take another hundred years. Assuming the negroes haven't 'self-exterminated' by then.

Blacks have not left the Democratic Party. They just lost the small fraction of the black vote willing to go out and vote for a candidate that they think is black, but he has to be photogenic, articulate and have a friendly air about him, too, in order to not lose too many of everyone else, a rare combination it seems these days. Hence Obama being referred to as the "Magic Negro".

How long before the Dems can find an Obama clone? Not sure even that will help them ten years from now due tot he impact of the Robotics Revolution.

And they are counting on the Latino vote. Little problem there. Every Latino who is in the country legally and has a job votes REP. They don't want to go to work and find ten illegals hanging around the back door offering to do their job for half what they are getting paid. Not to mention what treats President Trump has in store for businesses who hire illegals.

The Robotics Revolution is first going to hit low skill/unskilled labor first. The New Atlas Robot is already close to being able to replace most of the unskilled labor NOW, in four more years it will be a done deal and illegal immigrants will have self-deported by the millions.

Maybe Keith Ellison can figure out a way to sneak millions of illegal muslims into the country. Who knows.
But as Nancy is repeatedly saying the DEMs "don't want and don't need to change".
I'm feeling pretty confident the country doesn't need to worry about the DEMs anymore.

Too bad, because we need electoral competition to keep the party in power honest.

I think that they will eventually turn things around because their entire party is built on the political patronage that comes from winning elections and getting pork from Congress in this post FDR era.

After the REPs get a Senate supermajority and put 4+ REP SCJs on the bench in the next four-eight years, the DEMs will officially close up shop and the remaining stragglers will form a new party from Nancy's ashes. God knows what they'll call themselves next time.
"The New Progressive Coastal Elites"? "From the places where we always win the popular vote".

If the Republicans really want to shut out the Democrats, their single best move right now would be to grease the skids for a California secession.

But even if they did do that, the Law of Winners Degeneration (which I just made up) says that "When there is no where else to go but down, eventually even the best winners do go down."

So in a two party democratic system, when the Republicans do go down, it is best to have a washed up clean hygienic opposition to pass the baton to while the GOP retools for the newest electorate.
Most of us on the right have been saying this since the election.

Anthony Bourdain is blaming liberals like himself as the reason Donald Trump won the 2016 election.

In an interview with Reason magazine published Thursday, the host of the CNN culinary travel show Parts Unknown, slammed the “self-congratulatory” and “privileged left” for their disdain for working-class Americans.

“The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we’re seeing now,” Bourdain said.

He continued, “I’ve spent a lot of time in gun-country, God-fearing America. There are a hell of a lot of nice people out there, who are doing what everyone else in this world is trying to do: the best they can to get by, and take care of themselves and the people they love.”

The 60-year-old chef went on to criticize fellow liberals for denying conservatives “their basic humanity and legitimacy of their views” and “mock them at every turn, and treat them with contempt.”

Bourdain went on to say these issues aren’t specific to the United States. He says Trump’s election is part of a “global trend” towards nationalism “that should be of concern to everyone.”

Anthony Bourdain Says Contempt for Middle Americans by ‘Eastern Liberals’ Explains Trump Election
It's good that he sees and admits that.

Not too tough to see such attitudes on this board. Pretty much constantly.

But that's who these people are. I don't know if they'd ever change. They hate America's history and traditions, as well as many of her people.


“The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we’re seeing now,” Bourdain said.

Spin this rubes
The garden variety trump rubes
How it will play to the rubes
Donald Trump Has Fooled the Rubes But Doesn't Understand the Rubes
So this is the assclown the rubes want for president
Trump Wonders, How Far Can I Push These Rubes?
Trump doesn't want to stay overnight around the riff raff rubes
rw rubes fall for rw hate media ruse about our President
The Rubes never realize they are Rubes...
Well, pointing out to the Rubes that they are Rubes is always fun.
Now we see the lower IQ rubes yell, everyone else did it!!! so much for draining the swamp rubes
Single payer......the thing that rubes in every industrialized nation except ours have opted for. Such rubes!
The RUbes are never going to be rich, anyway. The reason they are "rubes" is because they vote against the things that made their lives reasonably comfortable.
And that is why trump supporters are seen uneducated, easy to manipulate rubes , using a picture from a horror movie to whip up the rubes even more!!!!
Uneducated bitter white rubes
I love the rubes revenge fantasies
the rubes must hate the holocaust museum
Right wing rubes were wrong again
Please . Everyone knows Trumps base is uneducated rubes .
Gosh, she couldn't be mocking you rubes could she?
that'll keep the rubes busy for next few days
Lol nice I hope the rubes lose sleep over it
A week ago you rubes wanted to lynch Comey.
Trump knows how to sell to rubes, there's no denying that.
He had no intention . He just kept feeding bullshit to the rubes who ate it up.
A right wing red neck site full of nonsense. Not only do the rubes want their own opinions, they want to make up their own facts.

Rubes in fly over country. . . . classic.
Most of us on the right have been saying this since the election.

Anthony Bourdain is blaming liberals like himself as the reason Donald Trump won the 2016 election.

In an interview with Reason magazine published Thursday, the host of the CNN culinary travel show Parts Unknown, slammed the “self-congratulatory” and “privileged left” for their disdain for working-class Americans.

“The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we’re seeing now,” Bourdain said.

He continued, “I’ve spent a lot of time in gun-country, God-fearing America. There are a hell of a lot of nice people out there, who are doing what everyone else in this world is trying to do: the best they can to get by, and take care of themselves and the people they love.”

The 60-year-old chef went on to criticize fellow liberals for denying conservatives “their basic humanity and legitimacy of their views” and “mock them at every turn, and treat them with contempt.”

Bourdain went on to say these issues aren’t specific to the United States. He says Trump’s election is part of a “global trend” towards nationalism “that should be of concern to everyone.”

Anthony Bourdain Says Contempt for Middle Americans by ‘Eastern Liberals’ Explains Trump Election
Um, not really. Actually, those on the right have been agreeing with Trump when he says:

A Mexican can't be a fair judge
Some Mexicans don't rape
Laziness is a trait in blacks
I like American soldiers who weren't captured
Mocking the disabled - I don't remember
Grab her by the pu$$y
That fat ugly face of hers

And there is the tax and spend lie.
And the killing babies.
And the president was born in Kenya and is a Muslim.
And scientists are stupid and have no integrity.

The list is endless. Democrats tend to stick to one narrative. "Republicans are some stupid shits for believing such nonsense".

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