Anthony Johnson - The Father of US Slavery

Lonestar_Logic and ghook: you don't get "just once more" with your debunked nonsense.

Colonia and American slavery was overwhelming perpetrated by whites.

Whites were the first slave owners in the British colonies, including those in Canada and Bahamas and Barbadoes.

A few non-whites over the centuries owned some slaves in the colonies and America.

The Civil War was caused by the slave owners' desire to continue buying ad selling and owning humans.


Already provided. You don't get "just once more".

Where? Post number?

Come on chickenshit.... man up!!
All the concepts used to developed nuclear energy was developed by the Egyptians and also reflected in the fact a supposedly primitive tribe in Africa named the Dogon already knew about.

Imhotep was the worlds first known genius and was an advanced doctor who Hippocrates admired greatly and learned from. The discovery of penicillin was an accident BTW not an invention.

The concepts of electricity are reflected in Egypt but not at all widely known. Lots of the symbols for electronics oddly look like Egyptian hieroglyphics signs for the same concepts like the symbol for the Ohm and the symbol for the battery.

So why didn't they have nuclear power?
Why was it first implemented elsewhere?
All Africa gave the world was barbarism, slavery and violence.

Who says they didn't have it or something even better?

Who told you that it was first implemented elsewhere?

Seems like you've change your mind now after admitting Egypt/Africa gave the world its knowledge. :lol:

Egypt taught Europe all about slavery, war , ritual murder.

There were the Europeans living peacefully at one with nature, then the barbaric Africans came, kidnapping them , making them property , destroying their culture, raping their women.
That's ok though.
Slavery only became bad when Africans became slaves!!
All the concepts used to developed nuclear energy was developed by the Egyptians and also reflected in the fact a supposedly primitive tribe in Africa named the Dogon already knew about.

Imhotep was the worlds first known genius and was an advanced doctor who Hippocrates admired greatly and learned from. The discovery of penicillin was an accident BTW not an invention.

The concepts of electricity are reflected in Egypt but not at all widely known. Lots of the symbols for electronics oddly look like Egyptian hieroglyphics signs for the same concepts like the symbol for the Ohm and the symbol for the battery.

So why didn't they have nuclear power?
Why was it first implemented elsewhere?
All Africa gave the world was barbarism, slavery and violence.

Who says they didn't have it or something even better?

Who told you that it was first implemented elsewhere?

Seems like you've change your mind now after admitting Egypt/Africa gave the world its knowledge. :lol:

Show me the location of the first African nuclear reactor?
Your full of shit, hater!
Go kill some white babies, it'll make you feel better!!
So why didn't they have nuclear power?
Why was it first implemented elsewhere?
All Africa gave the world was barbarism, slavery and violence.

Who says they didn't have it or something even better?

Who told you that it was first implemented elsewhere?

Seems like you've change your mind now after admitting Egypt/Africa gave the world its knowledge. :lol:

Show me the location of the first African nuclear reactor?
Your full of shit, hater!
Go kill some white babies, it'll make you feel better!!

I asked you how do you know they didn't have one or something even better? Can you prove they did not have it?

Your beginning to rant like a lunatic again Paul. Calm down. it will be ok. :lol:
So why didn't they have nuclear power?
Why was it first implemented elsewhere?
All Africa gave the world was barbarism, slavery and violence.

Who says they didn't have it or something even better?

Who told you that it was first implemented elsewhere?

Seems like you've change your mind now after admitting Egypt/Africa gave the world its knowledge. :lol:

Egypt taught Europe all about slavery, war , ritual murder.

There were the Europeans living peacefully at one with nature, then the barbaric Africans came, kidnapping them , making them property , destroying their culture, raping their women.
That's ok though.
Slavery only became bad when Africans became slaves!!

Sumer came before Egypt...not in Africa.
LOL, to the OP:

Let finish this up with Antonio "Anthony" Johnson and the "first legal slave owner in America was a Black man." farce.

You forgot or left this point out:
"In 1641, Massachusetts became the first colony to legally recognize slavery. Other states, such as Virginia, followed. In 1662, Virginia decided all children born in the colony to a slave mother would be enslaved. Slavery was not only a life-long condition; now it could be passed, like skin color, from generation to generation. "

We'll leave off with Johnson here:

"In 1665, Anthony Johnson moved to Maryland and leased a 300-acre plantation, where he died five years later. But back in Virginia that same year, a jury decided the land Johnson left behind could be seized by the government because he was a "negroe and by consequence an alien." In 1705 Virginia declared that "All servants imported and brought in this County... who were not Christians in their Native Country... shall be slaves. A Negro, mulatto and Indian slaves ... shall be held to be real estate."

John Casor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1655
John Punch (slave) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 1640

I whupped this dudes ass with regarding the same subject matter here:

Blacks are "brainwashed"? - Page 72
Who says they didn't have it or something even better?

Who told you that it was first implemented elsewhere?

Seems like you've change your mind now after admitting Egypt/Africa gave the world its knowledge. :lol:

Egypt taught Europe all about slavery, war , ritual murder.

There were the Europeans living peacefully at one with nature, then the barbaric Africans came, kidnapping them , making them property , destroying their culture, raping their women.
That's ok though.
Slavery only became bad when Africans became slaves!!

Sumer came before Egypt...not in Africa.

Slavery came before Sumer.
There were slaves before cities, retard.
Who says they didn't have it or something even better?

Who told you that it was first implemented elsewhere?

Seems like you've change your mind now after admitting Egypt/Africa gave the world its knowledge. :lol:

Show me the location of the first African nuclear reactor?
Your full of shit, hater!
Go kill some white babies, it'll make you feel better!!

I asked you how do you know they didn't have one or something even better? Can you prove they did not have it?

Your beginning to rant like a lunatic again Paul. Calm down. it will be ok. :lol:

You claimed the technology was stolen by European invaders.
Show evidence?
Fucking retard.
Who says they didn't have it or something even better?

Who told you that it was first implemented elsewhere?

Seems like you've change your mind now after admitting Egypt/Africa gave the world its knowledge. :lol:

Show me the location of the first African nuclear reactor?
Your full of shit, hater!
Go kill some white babies, it'll make you feel better!!

I asked you how do you know they didn't have one or something even better? Can you prove they did not have it?

Your beginning to rant like a lunatic again Paul. Calm down. it will be ok. :lol:

Once you again you cowardly dodge a direct challenge.
Show me the location of the first African nuclear reactor?
Your full of shit, hater!
Go kill some white babies, it'll make you feel better!!

I asked you how do you know they didn't have one or something even better? Can you prove they did not have it?

Your beginning to rant like a lunatic again Paul. Calm down. it will be ok. :lol:

You claimed the technology was stolen by European invaders.
Show evidence?
Fucking retard.

The knowledge and concepts were claimed by Europeans as something they came up with. They lied.
Show me the location of the first African nuclear reactor?
Your full of shit, hater!
Go kill some white babies, it'll make you feel better!!

I asked you how do you know they didn't have one or something even better? Can you prove they did not have it?

Your beginning to rant like a lunatic again Paul. Calm down. it will be ok. :lol:

Once you again you cowardly dodge a direct challenge.

Calling me a "full of shit hater" and claiming I said Africa had a nuclear reactor is not a direct challenge. its disrespectful and unworthy of responding to.
I asked you how do you know they didn't have one or something even better? Can you prove they did not have it?

Your beginning to rant like a lunatic again Paul. Calm down. it will be ok. :lol:

Once you again you cowardly dodge a direct challenge.

Calling me a "full of shit hater" and claiming I said Africa had a nuclear reactor is not a direct challenge. its disrespectful and unworthy of responding to.

Prove that your not a "full of shit hater".

Isn't that your MO?

Someone makes a claim and it's on the other person to prove the claim isn't true.

As far as I know, Pauli is right until he's proven wrong.
Once you again you cowardly dodge a direct challenge.

Calling me a "full of shit hater" and claiming I said Africa had a nuclear reactor is not a direct challenge. its disrespectful and unworthy of responding to.

Prove that your not a "full of shit hater".

Isn't that your MO?

Someone makes a claim and it's on the other person to prove the claim isn't true.

As far as I know, Pauli is right until he's proven wrong.

I guess you 2 can be clowns together then.
Calling me a "full of shit hater" and claiming I said Africa had a nuclear reactor is not a direct challenge. its disrespectful and unworthy of responding to.

Prove that your not a "full of shit hater".

Isn't that your MO?

Someone makes a claim and it's on the other person to prove the claim isn't true.

As far as I know, Pauli is right until he's proven wrong.

I guess you 2 can be clowns together then.

I'd rather be thought a clown than a liar and a coward that shies away from direct questions.
Your OP is blatantly false and it is well known that Hugh Gwyn is the first slave owner. Even though it does not excuse the actions of Antonio Johnson who was an indentured servant himself prior to gaining freedom.

Interesting link regarding the POTUS connection in this.

Little Known Black History Fact: John Punch | Black America Web

Find name the court case or produce the court transcripts. I will help you because you are not that smart. The case is Re Negro John Punch. How your article blatantly lies. At the time people came in as indentured servants. Very similar to slavery, but not the same thing. In the John Punch case, the Indentured Servant was sentence to life indentured servitude for his crimes of breach of contract. Technically slavery, but it didn't set a legal precedent to enslave Africans. It set a legal precedent to put people to force labor for punishment for a crime (still goes on today and was SPECIFICALLY left out of the 13th amendment). Unjust for the crime, but it didn't set the legal precedent you claim.

The legal precedent to enslave Africas was set by the Johnson v. Casor case. In that case Casor finished his term and Johnson sued stating the he was his slave not indentured servant and the court erroneous held for Johnson, despite two white Property Owners arguing on his behalf, this was the precedent that VA used to set up their slave laws!

The African American Experience
Some Negro servants were forced to serve for life by masters who simply refused to acknowledge that the period of indenture was completed. A precedent-setting case was that of Johnson v. Parker (1654) in Northampton County, involving John Casor, the black servant of Anthony Johnson, Virginia’s first free Negro and first black landowner. In November 1653 Casor complained to a white planter visiting his master that although he had been indentured for seven years, Johnson had kept him “seven years longer than he should or ought.” Johnson insisted that he had “ye Negro for his life,” but after being warned that unless he released his servant, the latter could recover his master’s cows as damages, he freed Casor, who then bound himself to the white planter. Johnson petitioned the Northampton County court for the return of his servant, and in March 1654, the court ordered Casor returned to Johnson and handed down the judgment that Casor was Johnson’s servant for life, that is, his slave.

Other evidence that Virginia Negroes were serving for life in the 1650s is the fact that in 1660, in an act concerning runaways, the Assembly stated that “in case any English servant shall run away in company with any Negroes who are incapable of making satisfaction by addition of time…[he] shall serve for the time of the said Negroes absence.” While it does not say so in so many words, the statute indicates quite clearly that Negroes served for life and hence could not make “satisfaction” by serving longer once they were recaptured. This phrase gave legal status to the already existing practice of lifetime enslavement of Negroes.

I would be willing to agree that Johnson was not the first slave owner, but his lawsuit brought about a precedent that facilitated African enslavement and was used to set up the first slave trade laws.

Yet of course your article falsifies the terminology to fit it's narative try, but the precedent for slavery to be legalized was by the Johnson case!


What about the law suit that resulted in John Punch being a slave for life? That was a legal precedent was it not?

It was a legal precedent for forcing labor due to punishment for a crime. That wa the one exception to the 13th amendment and still practiced today (hence chain gangs and community service). It didn't set up a legal precedent to forced labor withou the commission of a crime.
Lonestar_Logic and ghook: you don't get "just once more" with your debunked nonsense.
OK small fry!

Colonia and American slavery was overwhelming perpetrated by whites. Whites were the first slave owners in the British colonies, including those in Canada and Bahamas and Barbadoes.

A few non-whites over the centuries owned some slaves in the colonies and America.

The Civil War was caused by the slave owners' desire to continue buying ad selling and owning humans.

Never stated they weren't! It would be ignorant to even try to argue the opposite.

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