Anthony Quinn Warner suspect in nashville bombing work...
The media moves fast when they smell white blood in the water

You notice how quickly they said he was white.....can you imagine how over-joyed they were about that....if he had been a minority member we would not be told for days.
That's a lie. But they probably had to say he was white because people like you bark about black crime all the time like whites never do it. Then there will be those like you trying to blame Black Lives Matter.
the difference is blacks commit crime at much higher rates

The media has never dealt with that and probably never will.....obama did confirm it at one time but tried to excuse it by saying there were reasons for it.

Very few(even republicans) understand the true scope of the problem with black crime in it is much more outrageous than most dare think....most especially violent crimes like murder and rape.

Blacks committ over half of all violent crime in America....though they only compose approx. 13 percent of the total population.

Now it must be recognized that not all blacks are criminals.....and that all these horrific crimes committed by blacks are committed by one particular group in the black community.

Unfortunately, that group is young black men.

Young black men compose only approx. 2.5 percent of the total pop.

Thus we have 2.5 perent of our total pop. committing over 50% of all of our violent crimes.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The Kennedy Assassination wasn't a "terrorist attack" Dumbass.
And I wouldn't know "what Democrats do" since that would be a sweeping generalization and that kind of fallacy is strictly the domain of morons.
Liberal thugs steal an RV, kidnap the owner (or some random "whitey") dope him up and strap him in the driver's seat.

Instant to any search for the real perps.

How do you do toxicity tests on ashes?

Good point Henri, we've certainly done autopsies on the detritus left by your postings here and have yet to find any signs of intelligent life. Not sure why we even keep looking.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

It seems I remember the media reporting the facts and truth and Kelly Anne coming up with the term "alternative facts." That would be the goal of the trump Regime. They have been promoting alternative facts since their inception. It all began when trump lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and it got worse over the four years. And what happened to WH staff that made the mistake of actually stating the truth or quoting actual facts? They were fired or pressured out.

Now, trump has decided that if he is going down, the entire country needs to suffer with him. He is trying to leave the Biden administration with as many problems as possible. He is busy destroying as much as he can before he leaves with his scorched earth policy. And, as scary as it may seem, it is going to get much worse. The GOP is going to wish they DID remove him from office when they had a chance. They will suffer the most from the childish tantrums of the baby Liar in Chief.

If you want to talk about liars you must include Biden who has a long,long history of it and including outrageous lies about major events in life which have been exposed and that is what forced him to drop out back in 1988 in his first quest for the presidency.

View attachment 434025

Interesting. Did Biden ever tell us that Scranton Pennsylvania was a very wonderful place in Germany? And than repeat that three more times? Did he claim that the continental army took over the 18th century airports?

Did he tell us the word would means its own opposite? Did he claim that sounds cause cancer?

Did he ever claim he saw "thousands and thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops"? Did he then gyrate like a moron on stage to mock a physical disability of a reporter who declined to join him in that lie just because it never happened? Did he then deny that mocking when he found out it wasn't selling, even though it was on video?

Did he try to deny it was his voice on an Access Hollywood video where he had bragged about physically assaulting women? Did he blatantly lie about how many electoral votes he got?

Can you show us that fake magazine cover Biden made up with his own picture on it? Tell us about the time he pretended to be his own press agent so he could plant salacious stories about his own failed marriage in the tabloid rags.

Work on those few will ya. I have about 19,892 more.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

It seems I remember the media reporting the facts and truth and Kelly Anne coming up with the term "alternative facts." That would be the goal of the trump Regime. They have been promoting alternative facts since their inception. It all began when trump lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and it got worse over the four years. And what happened to WH staff that made the mistake of actually stating the truth or quoting actual facts? They were fired or pressured out.

Now, trump has decided that if he is going down, the entire country needs to suffer with him. He is trying to leave the Biden administration with as many problems as possible. He is busy destroying as much as he can before he leaves with his scorched earth policy. And, as scary as it may seem, it is going to get much worse. The GOP is going to wish they DID remove him from office when they had a chance. They will suffer the most from the childish tantrums of the baby Liar in Chief.

"Alternative facts" is such a revealing phrase. It implies, nay demands, that Reality is negotiable. It is the stuff of the same self-delusion that Rump has built himself on for the entirely of his failure of a life. If you can;'t handle something you did, something you said ---- easy, just decide that you didn't do it, you didn't say it, and the tooth fairy leaves a quarter under your pillow. The next morning, you wake up and check your map, and sure enough the Bronx is a place in Germany. A very wonderful place too. Meanwhile Alabama is getting stormed by a hurricane which is in Florida.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
We dont actually since Oswald acted alone


Oswald did not act alone. Cruz's father helped. Ask trump. He is the one that discovered it. What a "stable genius" he is....

The National Enquirer used information from a photo-scanning company that indicated that Cruz's father, Rafael, was the man helping Oswald pass out fliers supporting Fidel Castro three months before Kennedy's assassination. So, naturally, that went on the cover.

It should be recognized also that the Enquirer has garnered many scoops over the what they claim does deserve some attention.
How does this odd thing crop up in 2016? Thanks to one of the many unsolved questions left over 50 years later from the president's assassination.

Cruz got looped in for two reasons. The first is that his involvement is theoretically possible. In 1961, Ted Cruz's father graduated from the University of Texas in Austin. At some point (it's not clear when), he moved to New Orleans. He was living there by 1967, when he registered with the Selective Service. It's not clear if he lived there in 1963, when he was 24, but New Orleans is only about seven hours from Austin.

View attachment 434022

So you're saying Doornail Rump's source for American history is the National Enquirer? Doesn't surprise anybody. That's why he has no clue what the Civil War was about. And why he thinks Canada burned the White House 53 years before it actually existed.

Say, isn't that the David Peckerhead rag that paid for Stormy Daniels' story so that he could bury it?
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpreted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitimate constitutional issues.
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Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.
What if he didn't do it?

like Richard Jewell...
Exactly. I hate the rush to judgment because once all of his information is put there as in the OP, there is no reeling it back in.

All I'm all saying is can we wait until law enforcement at least takes him into custody and charges him IF they have the evidence to do so before we electronically string him up.

It appears he is dead already.

I know, right? how convenient. :rolleyes-41:

He plants a bomb, gives a 15 minute warning....sticks around and gets blown up.

Sheer and undiluted BS I say, but hey, that's my opinion. ;)

You need to go to Qanon site and see what their latest conspiracy theory is on the bombing. It seems like you are already trending in that direction. How about we wait and see what the FBI and the ATF find?

I've seen their bullshit and parler, yep the dominion voting machines were at At&t for audit. lol That was started by some jerk going by Edward Jones that even right wings news said was a rumor and could not substantiate.

I've also seen from a Nashville newspaper that the FBI have spoken with people to find out if little anthony had something against G5. They must have found something when searching his house.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpreted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitimate constitutional issues.

Cliff's Notes of the above:

"Nonsense I'm all for the Constitution. That said, the Constitution has got to go. It's in the way of my media muzzling".
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.
Not a whole lot of info yet on the suspect.....this is all I could find on him.

WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE we got a WHITE GUY here !!!!!!! The media and the left will gleefully try and tie him to every group slightly right of center.
Why can't white men control their own?
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

So you want to impeach Chester Alan Arthur? Oh wait, he acceded to the Presidency, didn't run for it.
That said, there's way more evidence for O'bama's citizen status than there is for Arthur.

Or were you referring to John McCain?
Or George Romney?
Unfortunately, that group is young black men.

Young black men compose only approx. 2.5 percent of the total pop.

Thus we have 2.5 perent of our total pop. committing over 50% of all of our violent crimes.
thank the war on poverty and the wipe every nose welfare system that rewards black girls for having babies out of wedlock

that leads to fatherless boy who grow up without a positive male example in their life
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpreted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitimate constitutional issues.

You arw calling the National Enquirer an Honest Press? The rag that kills stories that damage the Liar in Chief?
Alleged Nashville bomber's home.

I am not making any claims about this. It's simply a Streetview picture from March, 2019...

Last edited:
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
We dont actually since Oswald acted alone


Oswald did not act alone. Cruz's father helped. Ask trump. He is the one that discovered it. What a "stable genius" he is....

The National Enquirer used information from a photo-scanning company that indicated that Cruz's father, Rafael, was the man helping Oswald pass out fliers supporting Fidel Castro three months before Kennedy's assassination. So, naturally, that went on the cover.

It should be recognized also that the Enquirer has garnered many scoops over the what they claim does deserve some attention.
How does this odd thing crop up in 2016? Thanks to one of the many unsolved questions left over 50 years later from the president's assassination.

Cruz got looped in for two reasons. The first is that his involvement is theoretically possible. In 1961, Ted Cruz's father graduated from the University of Texas in Austin. At some point (it's not clear when), he moved to New Orleans. He was living there by 1967, when he registered with the Selective Service. It's not clear if he lived there in 1963, when he was 24, but New Orleans is only about seven hours from Austin.

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The national enquirer is a worthless tabloid which has only dreamed up stories from thin air and has never had a scoop

There is no evidence of any kind that Cruz was involved

Not was there anything to be looped in on the

Oswald acted alone when he killed Kennedy

All of the conspiracy theories have been disproven and the evidence they claimed has been debunked

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