Anthony Quinn Warner suspect in nashville bombing

What if he didn't do it?

like Richard Jewell...
Exactly. I hate the rush to judgment because once all of his information is put there as in the OP, there is no reeling it back in.

All I'm all saying is can we wait until law enforcement at least takes him into custody and charges him IF they have the evidence to do so before we electronically string him up.
He's likely the guy who was blown up with the RV that they are dna the remains for.................whether he is a victim or bomber or not, he is likely the dead guy.
Alleged Nashville bomber's home.

I am not making any claims about this. It's simply a Streetview picture from March, 2019...


Would like to see more picture but those four loops with the arrow saying "antenna" look like they might be RF chokes. You loop coax like that to prevent a transmitter signal from feeding back into the transmitter. But if that's what they are, not sure why there would be four of them, unless there are four different antennas above it that they're feeding.
What if he didn't do it?

like Richard Jewell...
Exactly. I hate the rush to judgment because once all of his information is put there as in the OP, there is no reeling it back in.

All I'm all saying is can we wait until law enforcement at least takes him into custody and charges him IF they have the evidence to do so before we electronically string him up.
He's likely the guy who was blown up with the RV that they are dna the remains for.................whether he is a victim or bomber or not, he is likely the dead guy.
More than one amateur bomber has blown themselves up. That's what brought down some of the weather underground bastards.

It's amazing Tim McVeigh drove from Michigan to Oklahoma in a truck loaded with a homemade bomb without blowing himself to bits somewhere in between.
Not a whole lot of info yet on the suspect.....this is all I could find on him.

Sounds like a Ted Kazinski Unibomber nut.
Alleged Nashville bomber's home.

I am not making any claims about this. It's simply a Streetview picture from March, 2019...


Would like to see more picture but those four loops with the arrow saying "antenna" look like they might be RF chokes. You loop coax like that to prevent a transmitter signal from feeding back into the transmitter. But if that's what they are, not sure why there would be four of them, unless there are four different antennas above it that they're feeding.
Thanks. I was simply guessing. I had read that neighbors said he was frequently playing with his antenna (could be BS). I didn't see one on the front (only a satellite dish, which they may have been referring to), so I tried to look around back, and had luck.

I updated the picture of my original post after noticing that someone is in one of the vehicles.

You can check out the Streetview here:
Alleged Nashville bomber's home. I am not making any claims about this. It's simply a Streetview picture from March, 2019...
Would like to see more picture but those four loops with the arrow saying "antenna" look like they might be RF chokes. You loop coax like that to prevent a transmitter signal from feeding back into the transmitter. But if that's what they are, not sure why there would be four of them, unless there are four different antennas above it that they're feeding.
Thanks. I was simply guessing. I had read that neighbors said he was frequently playing with his antenna
Antenna, huh? :tinfoil:
Alleged Nashville bomber's home. I am not making any claims about this. It's simply a Streetview picture from March, 2019...
Would like to see more picture but those four loops with the arrow saying "antenna" look like they might be RF chokes. You loop coax like that to prevent a transmitter signal from feeding back into the transmitter. But if that's what they are, not sure why there would be four of them, unless there are four different antennas above it that they're feeding.
Thanks. I was simply guessing. I had read that neighbors said he was frequently playing with his antenna
Antenna, huh? :tinfoil:
What do you think it is?

Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.

What if he didn't do it?

like Richard Jewell...
Exactly. I hate the rush to judgment because once all of his information is put there as in the OP, there is no reeling it back in.

All I'm all saying is can we wait until law enforcement at least takes him into custody and charges him IF they have the evidence to do so before we electronically string him up.
He's likely the guy who was blown up with the RV that they are dna the remains for.................whether he is a victim or bomber or not, he is likely the dead guy.
He didn't take a shower for days because he knew he would turn into Head and Shoulders.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
We dont actually since Oswald acted alone


Oswald did not act alone. Cruz's father helped. Ask trump. He is the one that discovered it. What a "stable genius" he is....

The National Enquirer used information from a photo-scanning company that indicated that Cruz's father, Rafael, was the man helping Oswald pass out fliers supporting Fidel Castro three months before Kennedy's assassination. So, naturally, that went on the cover.

It should be recognized also that the Enquirer has garnered many scoops over the what they claim does deserve some attention.
How does this odd thing crop up in 2016? Thanks to one of the many unsolved questions left over 50 years later from the president's assassination.

Cruz got looped in for two reasons. The first is that his involvement is theoretically possible. In 1961, Ted Cruz's father graduated from the University of Texas in Austin. At some point (it's not clear when), he moved to New Orleans. He was living there by 1967, when he registered with the Selective Service. It's not clear if he lived there in 1963, when he was 24, but New Orleans is only about seven hours from Austin.

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The national enquirer is a worthless tabloid which has only dreamed up stories from thin air and has never had a scoop

There is no evidence of any kind that Cruz was involved

Not was there anything to be looped in on the

Oswald acted alone when he killed Kennedy

All of the conspiracy theories have been disproven and the evidence they claimed has been debunked

Boyo you don't know shit from shiloh.............

The Wrap
10 Times the National Enquirer Has Been Right: From Michael Jackson to OJ Simpson (Photos)
10 Times the National Enquirer Has Been Right: From Michael Jackson to OJ Simpson (Photos)

Brian Flood
June 25, 2018

The National Enquirer’s report that Prince had AIDS has been derided as distasteful and unethical. Lawyers say the tabloid can’t be sued for libel if it’s wrong, since Prince is dead. Mainstream media outlets have been staying away from the story, but in fairness, the Enquirer has been right on several major stories over the years. To give the Enquirer its due, here are TK of its biggest scoops.
In 1994 the gossip magazine published photos of O.J. Simpson wearing the infamous Bruno Magli shoes after he denied owning a pair.
In 2001 the Enquirer claimed that Jesse Jackson fathered a child with a woman who wasn’t his wife. The activist confirmed the story before the issue hit newsstands.

Rush Limbaugh used to denounce drug use on his radio show. But in 2003 he admitted the Enquirer’s story about an addiction to painkillers.
The Enquirer broke the news of O.J. Simpson’s book, “If I Did It.” Simpson’s own lawyer denied the book’s existence, but Simpon’s lawyer was wrong.
Remember Dog The Bounty Hunter? The former reality star was deemed a racist after the Enquirer dug up recordings of a phone call in which he used racial slurs.
The Enquirer was the first to report Woods’ extramarital affairs back in 2009.
The paper correctly reported that John Edwards had a secret love child with Rielle Hunter, ruining his political career.
Mel Gibson was married for 28 years, but the Enquirer broke the surprising news when it ended in 2008.
The Enquirer eerily reported that Michael Jackson had only six months to live exactly six

More Scoops from The National Enquirer..........

Some in the media have argued that The National Enquirer deserves Pulitzer Prize consideration for its investigative work into politician John Edwards' affair with Rielle Hunter. Although it's easy to dismiss The Enquirer as a tabloid collection of fabricated stories that offer little more than a distraction in the grocery store line, the weekly rag has actually broken some pretty big stories. Sure, headlines like "Stars with Cellulite!" and "Kirstie Alley: Only 4 Years to Live!" might not make anyone forget Woodward and Bernstein, but take a look at these Enquirer scoops:
1. Finding Ennis Cosby's Killer
When Bill Cosby's son Ennis was senselessly murdered on the shoulder of a Los Angeles freeway in 1997, The Enquirer took an odd step to help solve the case: it offered a $100,000 reward for information that led to the arrest and conviction of Cosby's killer. Papers usually just announce rewards that other groups are offering, and to some this bounty seemed a lot like The Enquirer's practice of paying its sources—a major taboo in mainstream journalism.
The reward worked, though. Witness Chris So learned of the huge reward and led police to the revolver used in the slaying by killer Mikhail Markhasev. The Enquirer also obtained copies of jailhouse letters that pointed to Markhasev's guilt. Thanks in part to this evidence, Markhasev received a sentence of life without parole, plus 10 years.
2. Walking in O.J. Simpson's Shoes

If you remember the O.J. Simpson murder trial, you surely can recall the infamous bloody footprint that was found at the crime scene. The print came from a Bruno Magli shoe, and the football star adamantly denied owning such a pair of kicks.
The Enquirer did some digging, though, and unearthed a photo of the Juice walking on the field at a 1993 Buffalo Bills game wearing a pair of Bruno Maglis. The paper then turned up a second photo of O.J. wearing the shoes. By the time his civil trial rolled around in 1996, Simpson was forced to admit, "I know I've had similar shoes."
3. Jesse Jackson's Family Tree Grows
In 2001, The Enquirer broke a story about Jesse Jackson fathering an illegitimate daughter with staffer Karin Stanford in 1999. Once The Enquirer scheduled its story on Jackson's dalliances, mainstream media outlets around the country started picking up on the paper's scoop. By the time The Enquirer's issue made it onto newsstands, Jackson had already issued a statement confirming the facts of the story.
4. Bob Dole Was Once Frisky
This story never really got any traction, but during the 1996 presidential campaign, The Enquirer unearthed a scoop about Republican candidate, illeist, and future Viagra spokesman Bob Dole having once had a mistress. According to Meredith Roberts, a Washington trade publication editor, she had been Dole's mistress from 1968 to 1970 during the candidate's first marriage.
Even though Dole was using a family values platform to oppose Bill Clinton, most papers chose not to run with this story. (There were allegations that Elizabeth Dole personally called the Washington Post and begged for the paper to kill the story.) The Enquirer, however, interviewed Roberts and eventually published the story. In those pre-Lewinsky days, though, most editors seemed to think a 30-year-old affair wasn't all that relevant, and the story never took off.
5. Gary Hart's Political Ship Sails
"Follow me around. I don't care. I'm serious. If anybody wants to put a tail on me, go ahead. They'd be very bored." Colorado senator and presidential hopeful Gary Hart issued this bizarre challenge to the media in a 1987 New York Times Magazine profile, just before his career spectacularly imploded.
Murmurs of Hart having an affair had been circulating around Washington, and the Miami Herald ran a story linking the senator to a Miami woman. Nothing concrete emerged until The Enquirer published a photo of 29-year-old model Donna Rice sitting in Hart's lap during a jaunt on Hart's yacht, Monkey Business. (Look closely and you'll see "Monkey

Business Crew" written on Hart's shirt.) A week after The Enquirer published the picture of Hart and Rice, Hart dropped out of the 1988 presidential race.
6. The Enquirer Catches O.J. Again
You probably remember the firestorm of controversy that surrounded O.J. Simpson's "hypothetical confession" book If I Did It in 2007. The Enquirer actually broke the story of the book's existence in October 2006, complete with the correct title. Simpson's lawyers immediately denied that any such book project existed. Less than a year later, If I Did It hit bookstore shelves.
7. Rush Limbaugh Comes Clean
In 2003, The Enquirer ran a story in which conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh's housekeeper provided Limbaugh with a steady stream of OxyContin to feed his painkiller addiction. Although some media outlets turned up their noses at the Enquirer's scoop because the paper had paid housekeeper Wilma Cline for her story, law enforcement quickly confirmed that Limbaugh had purchased some 30,000 pills from Cline. Limbaugh then admitted on his show that he had a painkiller addiction and pledged to enter rehab.
Last edited:
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

Fuck off loser bwaaaaaaaaaaaa

If you read the National Enquirer you would be much better edumacated. hehheh

Meanwhile back to your favorite The New Yawk times.....would you like for me to post how many times they have been wrong? aka......lied
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

Fuck off loser bwaaaaaaaaaaaa

If you read the National Enquirer you would be much better edumacated. hehheh

Meanwhile back to your favorite The New Yawk times.....would you like for me to post how many times they have been wrong? aka......lied

Trump is a 3rd generation American on his father's side, and a 2nd Generation on his mother's side. That is just a fact.

Also a fact that every other president has had deep American roots. You don't need a newspaper to tell you that. The information is readily available.
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

What does this have to do with the biographical FACTS that I mention?
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

WOW! This sounds like the voter fraud conspiracy. 'We know there was "voter fraud!" But no...there is no evidence and even trump's greatest enablers have said there was no massive voter fraud that would make trump the winner. You guys must stay up at night and think up lies and fabrications.'
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

It seems I remember the media reporting the facts and truth and Kelly Anne coming up with the term "alternative facts." That would be the goal of the trump Regime. They have been promoting alternative facts since their inception. It all began when trump lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and it got worse over the four years. And what happened to WH staff that made the mistake of actually stating the truth or quoting actual facts? They were fired or pressured out.

Now, trump has decided that if he is going down, the entire country needs to suffer with him. He is trying to leave the Biden administration with as many problems as possible. He is busy destroying as much as he can before he leaves with his scorched earth policy. And, as scary as it may seem, it is going to get much worse. The GOP is going to wish they DID remove him from office when they had a chance. They will suffer the most from the childish tantrums of the baby Liar in Chief.

If you want to talk about liars you must include Biden who has a long,long history of it and including outrageous lies about major events in life which have been exposed and that is what forced him to drop out back in 1988 in his first quest for the presidency.

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Interesting. Did Biden ever tell us that Scranton Pennsylvania was a very wonderful place in Germany? And than repeat that three more times? Did he claim that the continental army took over the 18th century airports?

Did he tell us the word would means its own opposite? Did he claim that sounds cause cancer?

Did he ever claim he saw "thousands and thousands of Muslims dancing on rooftops"? Did he then gyrate like a moron on stage to mock a physical disability of a reporter who declined to join him in that lie just because it never happened? Did he then deny that mocking when he found out it wasn't selling, even though it was on video?

Did he try to deny it was his voice on an Access Hollywood video where he had bragged about physically assaulting women? Did he blatantly lie about how many electoral votes he got?

Can you show us that fake magazine cover Biden made up with his own picture on it? Tell us about the time he pretended to be his own press agent so he could plant salacious stories about his own failed marriage in the tabloid rags.

Work on those few will ya. I have about 19,892 more.

Regarding ole joe biden........forget the gaffes what about the lies..........

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Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
We dont actually since Oswald acted alone


Oswald did not act alone. Cruz's father helped. Ask trump. He is the one that discovered it. What a "stable genius" he is....

The National Enquirer used information from a photo-scanning company that indicated that Cruz's father, Rafael, was the man helping Oswald pass out fliers supporting Fidel Castro three months before Kennedy's assassination. So, naturally, that went on the cover.

It should be recognized also that the Enquirer has garnered many scoops over the what they claim does deserve some attention.
How does this odd thing crop up in 2016? Thanks to one of the many unsolved questions left over 50 years later from the president's assassination.

Cruz got looped in for two reasons. The first is that his involvement is theoretically possible. In 1961, Ted Cruz's father graduated from the University of Texas in Austin. At some point (it's not clear when), he moved to New Orleans. He was living there by 1967, when he registered with the Selective Service. It's not clear if he lived there in 1963, when he was 24, but New Orleans is only about seven hours from Austin.

View attachment 434022
The national enquirer is a worthless tabloid which has only dreamed up stories from thin air and has never had a scoop

There is no evidence of any kind that Cruz was involved

Not was there anything to be looped in on the

Oswald acted alone when he killed Kennedy

All of the conspiracy theories have been disproven and the evidence they claimed has been debunked

Boyo you don't know shit from shiloh.............

The Wrap
10 Times the National Enquirer Has Been Right: From Michael Jackson to OJ Simpson (Photos)
10 Times the National Enquirer Has Been Right: From Michael Jackson to OJ Simpson (Photos)

Brian Flood
June 25, 2018

The National Enquirer’s report that Prince had AIDS has been derided as distasteful and unethical. Lawyers say the tabloid can’t be sued for libel if it’s wrong, since Prince is dead. Mainstream media outlets have been staying away from the story, but in fairness, the Enquirer has been right on several major stories over the years. To give the Enquirer its due, here are TK of its biggest scoops.
In 1994 the gossip magazine published photos of O.J. Simpson wearing the infamous Bruno Magli shoes after he denied owning a pair.
In 2001 the Enquirer claimed that Jesse Jackson fathered a child with a woman who wasn’t his wife. The activist confirmed the story before the issue hit newsstands.

Rush Limbaugh used to denounce drug use on his radio show. But in 2003 he admitted the Enquirer’s story about an addiction to painkillers.
The Enquirer broke the news of O.J. Simpson’s book, “If I Did It.” Simpson’s own lawyer denied the book’s existence, but Simpon’s lawyer was wrong.
Remember Dog The Bounty Hunter? The former reality star was deemed a racist after the Enquirer dug up recordings of a phone call in which he used racial slurs.
The Enquirer was the first to report Woods’ extramarital affairs back in 2009.
The paper correctly reported that John Edwards had a secret love child with Rielle Hunter, ruining his political career.
Mel Gibson was married for 28 years, but the Enquirer broke the surprising news when it ended in 2008.
The Enquirer eerily reported that Michael Jackson had only six months to live exactly six

More Scoops from The National Enquirer..........

Some in the media have argued that The National Enquirer deserves Pulitzer Prize consideration for its investigative work into politician John Edwards' affair with Rielle Hunter. Although it's easy to dismiss The Enquirer as a tabloid collection of fabricated stories that offer little more than a distraction in the grocery store line, the weekly rag has actually broken some pretty big stories. Sure, headlines like "Stars with Cellulite!" and "Kirstie Alley: Only 4 Years to Live!" might not make anyone forget Woodward and Bernstein, but take a look at these Enquirer scoops:
1. Finding Ennis Cosby's Killer
When Bill Cosby's son Ennis was senselessly murdered on the shoulder of a Los Angeles freeway in 1997, The Enquirer took an odd step to help solve the case: it offered a $100,000 reward for information that led to the arrest and conviction of Cosby's killer. Papers usually just announce rewards that other groups are offering, and to some this bounty seemed a lot like The Enquirer's practice of paying its sources—a major taboo in mainstream journalism.
The reward worked, though. Witness Chris So learned of the huge reward and led police to the revolver used in the slaying by killer Mikhail Markhasev. The Enquirer also obtained copies of jailhouse letters that pointed to Markhasev's guilt. Thanks in part to this evidence, Markhasev received a sentence of life without parole, plus 10 years.
2. Walking in O.J. Simpson's Shoes

If you remember the O.J. Simpson murder trial, you surely can recall the infamous bloody footprint that was found at the crime scene. The print came from a Bruno Magli shoe, and the football star adamantly denied owning such a pair of kicks.
The Enquirer did some digging, though, and unearthed a photo of the Juice walking on the field at a 1993 Buffalo Bills game wearing a pair of Bruno Maglis. The paper then turned up a second photo of O.J. wearing the shoes. By the time his civil trial rolled around in 1996, Simpson was forced to admit, "I know I've had similar shoes."
3. Jesse Jackson's Family Tree Grows
In 2001, The Enquirer broke a story about Jesse Jackson fathering an illegitimate daughter with staffer Karin Stanford in 1999. Once The Enquirer scheduled its story on Jackson's dalliances, mainstream media outlets around the country started picking up on the paper's scoop. By the time The Enquirer's issue made it onto newsstands, Jackson had already issued a statement confirming the facts of the story.
4. Bob Dole Was Once Frisky
This story never really got any traction, but during the 1996 presidential campaign, The Enquirer unearthed a scoop about Republican candidate, illeist, and future Viagra spokesman Bob Dole having once had a mistress. According to Meredith Roberts, a Washington trade publication editor, she had been Dole's mistress from 1968 to 1970 during the candidate's first marriage.
Even though Dole was using a family values platform to oppose Bill Clinton, most papers chose not to run with this story. (There were allegations that Elizabeth Dole personally called the Washington Post and begged for the paper to kill the story.) The Enquirer, however, interviewed Roberts and eventually published the story. In those pre-Lewinsky days, though, most editors seemed to think a 30-year-old affair wasn't all that relevant, and the story never took off.
5. Gary Hart's Political Ship Sails
"Follow me around. I don't care. I'm serious. If anybody wants to put a tail on me, go ahead. They'd be very bored." Colorado senator and presidential hopeful Gary Hart issued this bizarre challenge to the media in a 1987 New York Times Magazine profile, just before his career spectacularly imploded.
Murmurs of Hart having an affair had been circulating around Washington, and the Miami Herald ran a story linking the senator to a Miami woman. Nothing concrete emerged until The Enquirer published a photo of 29-year-old model Donna Rice sitting in Hart's lap during a jaunt on Hart's yacht, Monkey Business. (Look closely and you'll see "Monkey

Business Crew" written on Hart's shirt.) A week after The Enquirer published the picture of Hart and Rice, Hart dropped out of the 1988 presidential race.
6. The Enquirer Catches O.J. Again
You probably remember the firestorm of controversy that surrounded O.J. Simpson's "hypothetical confession" book If I Did It in 2007. The Enquirer actually broke the story of the book's existence in October 2006, complete with the correct title. Simpson's lawyers immediately denied that any such book project existed. Less than a year later, If I Did It hit bookstore shelves.
7. Rush Limbaugh Comes Clean
In 2003, The Enquirer ran a story in which conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh's housekeeper provided Limbaugh with a steady stream of OxyContin to feed his painkiller addiction. Although some media outlets turned up their noses at the Enquirer's scoop because the paper had paid housekeeper Wilma Cline for her story, law enforcement quickly confirmed that Limbaugh had purchased some 30,000 pills from Cline. Limbaugh then admitted on his show that he had a painkiller addiction and pledged to enter rehab.

One more time

The national enquirer is a worthless vs loud which makes stories up .

They are not a valid news source
Three names!!! This is bad!

Three names connected to the movies. That don't smell right.

One thing we know by now ---- if the suspect has three names you KNOW there's a second shooter on the grassy knoll.
In the Martin Luther King shooting ,the Feds were after a man who used the name "Eric Starvo Galt".

Okay, if I really have to explain ---- it was a joke.
I don't joke about terrorist attacks. But I am sure Democrats do.

The problem with democrats whether it be terrorism or something else....truth is rarely their goal....and they get away with it because the media covers for them.

The media has made a huge mistake with their bias for the last 4 yrs. They really believe they have gotten away with their bias and fake news....mistakenly thinking the American People have not is like the old line--you can fool some of the people some of the time but yo cannot fool all the people all of the time.

What I mean by this --the media in the next year will be scrutinized by congress like never before....the congress may not be able to do much about it at this time...but they will get the ball rolling and eventually it will force the propaganda machine aka the MSM to submit to media reform...they will not like it but it will happen....because the American people will demand it ---understanding ---a free society must not only have a free press but a honest press...not devoted to propaganda or a particular agenda as they have been for at least the last 4 years but it goes back much farther but never to the extreme it has during Donald Trump's term.

Here's a klown who uses a word dump to reveal buried inside it that he wants Gummint to dick-tate what the press can say and what it can't.

You need a ticket to Pyonyang for that. We have what we call a "Constitution" here Hunior, and it's built around what we call the First Amendment. And what the First Amendment basically says is that fascists like you can go fuck yourselves employing the Washington Monument to do so.

Hope this helps, have a cheery day. not equate a honest press with a government controlled press.

Our biased and lying media takes comfort from and hides behind the term 'free press' whilst they publish their biased and fake news aka.....propaganda.

Anyhow....the constitution is highly being a interpeted document....a liberal judge will look at it very differently than some one who is not.

And the final arbiter on what the constitution really means being the Supreme Ct. who constantly punts on real and legitamate constitutional issues.

So now the "conservatives" want the SCOTUS to engage in judicial activism?

Conservatives want a accurate interpretation of the Constitution and a court that is not too cowardly to rule on controversial matters....aka the illigitamacy of a non natural born citizen running for the Presidency.

I realize that Trump only has one American born parent, whose lineage has only been here a couple of generations, but still he is an American because of that one parent (whether he was born here or not)

I assume you mean Trump, because all the other US presidents have had much deeper American roots.


If you have a problem with the absolute facts that I listed, that makes you the idiot

You are such a dumbass....even the Congress said the assasination of JFK was probably a conspiracy.

You are far to gullible to have any credibility regarding conspiracies.....your kind are very quick to gobble up the liberal media lies whilst attempting to shut down the truth.

Your problem along with all the other liberals is that you are a bigot ....only believing what supports the liberal agenda.

Journalistic Fraud: How The New York Times Distorts the News and Why It Can No Longer Be Trusted: Kohn, Bob, Kohn, Robert: 9780785261049: Books

I am.better informed than you and you are far more liberal. The new York Times has nothing to do with this. .

Conspiracy theory believers like you are gullible saps who would buy a bridge in Brooklyn

it was a congressional committee which concluded a probable conspiracy, but that conclusion was based on one piece of evidence which has been debunked proving them wrong.

The Warren commission has been attacked over and over but never refuted or challenged or proven wrong. Most attacks on the report are outright lies such as the magic bullet theory. The report still stands as an evidence based conclusion which is the result of the most comprehensive and thorough criminal investigation in us history

Once again ALL of the conspiracy theories have been DISPROVEN and your only argument is an incredulous unnh unnh.

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