Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

The point is not whether women will seek abortions legal or not. The point is will we allow women to get safe procedures or not?

Worldwide, there are 19 million unsafe abortions a year, and they kill 70,000 women (accounting for 13 percent of maternal deaths), mostly in poor countries like Tanzania where abortion is illegal, according to the World Health Organization. More than two million women a year suffer serious complications. According to Unicef, unsafe abortions cause 4 percent of deaths among pregnant women in Africa, 6 percent in Asia and 12 percent in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Dhara this can be set up without forcing prolife people to fund it.
Look at how much money the Democratic party candidates can raise to lobby for prochoice support.
Just put that money directly into building more medical programs and facilities to provide care directly,
such as through medical schools and internships, and then you can have all the health care you want to provide to the people you want to serve.

Look at the billions lost on a failed prison and mental health system.
So people who believe in funding medical treatment for mentally ill
instead of executions can invest funding in converting prisons into medical treatment centers.

By separating by political beliefs, you can control where your money goes.
There's plenty already being paid in if we didn't waste it on programs that don't work.

Why not give taxpayers a break for investing directly in the programs of their choice:
A. prochoice and right to health care in place of funding the death penalty by converting prisons into medical programs
B. prolife and free market health care such as by organizing resources around banks or VA reform etc.

If people's beliefs clash, then let's just acknowledge that instead of trying to impose one on the other.
Let both sides get their way and fund the programs of their choice that match their beliefs, just like choices of which religious schools or charities to support

The anti-choice people are not funding abortions, Emily.
Comprehend much?
Finally--the question of whether these video's were true or cut and edited comes out. Planned Parenthood was investigated and found to be innocent of the charges of selling baby body parts. Those that fabricated these video's by cut and editing have been placed under

"These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law. When they couldn't find any improper or illegal activity, they made it up," Eric Ferrero, vice president of communications for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement.

“As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it's become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we're glad they're being held accountable,” Ferrero said.

The videos, some of which were shot in Texas, riled anti-abortion activists and prompted Republicans in Congress last summer to unsuccessfully called for cutting off funding for the organization.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, has called footage from the Planned Parenthood clinic in Houston "repulsive and unconscionable." It showed people pretending to be from a company that procures fetal tissue for research touring the facility. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton also opened his own investigation into the videos.

“The State of Texas will continue to protect life, and I will continue to support legislation prohibiting the sale or transfer of fetal tissue,” he said in a statement.

Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn., author of the House-passed "Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015," said the she was “profoundly disappointed” in the indictments.

Grand jury in Texas indicts activists behind Planned Parenthood videos | Fox News

What a way to kill an election.
They will go on butchering baby's for profit...
Very Orwellian
If a woman has un-protected sex and get's pregnant, according to Faun and Jill, I should have to pay for her abortion.

In the same way, Welfare REWARDS women for every child they choose to have out of wedlock by forcing other Americans to pay for the care of those children. This is the insane Liberal mindset that is devoid of the concept of 'personal accountability'.

If a girl has a child out of wedlock...
- where is her family for support?
- Where is the father, and why aren't we forcing him to help support HIS child? (It was his decision to have sex, too)
- where is the church and local charities?
- Why are we paying for more than 1 child born out of wedlock?

I can see one, possibly 2, but no more. If a 3rd child or more is born it should be on the mother to care for the child. If they can't then the children should be taken away. in such a case if the mother continues the irresponsible behavior of having children she can't afford to take care of I would be all in favor of sterilizing the mother FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILDREN / FUTURE children.

Bash ME if you want, but it is women who engage in such activity, having children repeatedly they can't or don't want to take care of, especially those who do so just to get a check, who are the 'bad guys'.

Liberals, however, do not believe in Personal Accountability.
- Obama and Hillary blame others.
--- "It's not MY 'Red Line''s the WORLDs Red Line!" (ROFLOL! Good one!)

- Liberals are still reaching back almost a decade to call upon the name 'Bush' to make excuses for or to justify the actions of a President who has been in office over 7 freakin' years! ("Buuuuuusssssshhhhhh!")

Again, pro-abortionists can have all the abortions their little heart desire, but for God's sakes and those of us who are tired of paying for your shite, GROW UP, ACCEPT SOME PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY / RESPONSIBILITY, AND PAY FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR OWN ACTIONS!
Stop lying. No one is forcing you to pay for such abortions.
If a woman has un-protected sex and get's pregnant, according to Faun and Jill, I should have to pay for her abortion.

In the same way, Welfare REWARDS women for every child they choose to have out of wedlock by forcing other Americans to pay for the care of those children. This is the insane Liberal mindset that is devoid of the concept of 'personal accountability'.

If a girl has a child out of wedlock...
- where is her family for support?
- Where is the father, and why aren't we forcing him to help support HIS child? (It was his decision to have sex, too)
- where is the church and local charities?
- Why are we paying for more than 1 child born out of wedlock?

I can see one, possibly 2, but no more. If a 3rd child or more is born it should be on the mother to care for the child. If they can't then the children should be taken away. in such a case if the mother continues the irresponsible behavior of having children she can't afford to take care of I would be all in favor of sterilizing the mother FOR THE SAKE OF THE CHILDREN / FUTURE children.

Bash ME if you want, but it is women who engage in such activity, having children repeatedly they can't or don't want to take care of, especially those who do so just to get a check, who are the 'bad guys'.

Liberals, however, do not believe in Personal Accountability.
- Obama and Hillary blame others.
--- "It's not MY 'Red Line''s the WORLDs Red Line!" (ROFLOL! Good one!)

- Liberals are still reaching back almost a decade to call upon the name 'Bush' to make excuses for or to justify the actions of a President who has been in office over 7 freakin' years! ("Buuuuuusssssshhhhhh!")

Again, pro-abortionists can have all the abortions their little heart desire, but for God's sakes and those of us who are tired of paying for your shite, GROW UP, ACCEPT SOME PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY / RESPONSIBILITY, AND PAY FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR OWN ACTIONS!
I can't help but chuckle at righties who claim the left shirks personal responsibility in the shadow of conservative Sarah "The Quitter" Palin blaming Obama for her son allegedly beating up on his girlfriend. :lol:
Stop lying. No one is forcing you to pay for such abortions.
Educate yourself before you post so you won't embarrass yourself. Already posted in this thread is how Insurance companies and inspections for their billing procedures has already proven that tax dollars HAS ALREADY been used to fund abortions NOT authorized in the Hyde Amendment.

If they put these worthless fuckers behind bars, it will be the closest thing to justice that Garrett Swasey, Ke'Arre M. Stewart and Jennifer Markovsky are likely to see.
I can't help but chuckle at righties who claim the left shirks personal responsibility in the shadow of conservative Sarah "The Quitter" Palin blaming Obama for her son allegedly beating up on his girlfriend. :lol:

You bring up one person, a political individual who Liberals despise, as an attempt to justify Liberal rejection of Personal Accountability?

Stop lying. No one is forcing you to pay for such abortions.
Educate yourself before you post so you won't embarrass yourself. Already posted in this thread is how Insurance companies and inspections for their billing procedures has already proven that tax dollars HAS ALREADY been used to fund abortions NOT authorized in the Hyde Amendment.

The fail is all yours. Your claim of such is dependent upon a rightarded source known to you as newsmax whose own citations are to links that don't actually bring up articles they claim as corroboration. Did you even attempt to FactCheck your own source or did you just accept it as gospel because you like what they said?
I deeply resent the fact that the government Medicare programs pay for lung transplants for idiots who are so irresponsible that they smoke 2 packs of cigarettes for 50 years, and then deduct premium for Medicare Part B from my SS! I demand that the government stop paying for lung transplants unless it can be proven that the person never smoked! If they do not cave in to my demands (even if the person consequently dies), I will post on these boards my righteous indignation ad nauseum!
I can't help but chuckle at righties who claim the left shirks personal responsibility in the shadow of conservative Sarah "The Quitter" Palin blaming Obama for her son allegedly beating up on his girlfriend. :lol:

You bring up one person, a political individual who Liberals despise, as an attempt to justify Liberal rejection of Personal Accountability?

Umm... she is not alone. :eusa_doh: She's just the pig wearing lipstick in the room at the moment.
'...though Planned Parenthood—the organization performing 40% of America’s (reported) abortions every year—claims federal funding does not directly fund abortion, it’s not feasible nor believable that a group performing hundreds of thousands of abortions annually could prevent cross contamination.'

If you actually think PP divides their different sources of money into separate accounts and ensures that each abortion paid for is only paid for from the account marked 'NOT Tax Dollars' you're an idiot.
Umm... she is not alone. :eusa_doh: She's just the pig wearing lipstick in the room at the moment.
Thank you for also demonstrating how Liberals wage the 'war on women' but attempt to pass the blame for such heinous attacks on women on the GOP!

Bill Clinton is supposedly one of the most beloved Liberal heroes, and he spent his whole career sexually harassing, raping, and having adulterous affairs with women. Anthony Weiner was sending pictures of his own 'Oscar Meyer' until he was forced to quit...then continued to do so as a 'civilian'. Then Libs such as yourself call women who disagree with your political ideology 'pigs'!

Nice. Thanks for continuing to help me make my case against Liberals.
Abortion was not legal in 194, when the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to scientists for growing polio vaccine in fetal kidney tissue. Leonard Hayflick created a cell line from an aborted fetus in the early 1960s that has been used to create vaccines against measles, rubella, shingles and other diseases. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, told the journal Nature in 2013 that “[t]hese cells from one fetus have no doubt saved the lives of millions of people.”

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

No doubt these anti-choice advocates don't care how many babies were saved from childhood diseases by research used to create vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, shingles, polio and other diseases.





Abortion is Law of Land NOW!!!!!

What year is 194?
'...though Planned Parenthood—the organization performing 40% of America’s (reported) abortions every year—claims federal funding does not directly fund abortion, it’s not feasible nor believable that a group performing hundreds of thousands of abortions annually could prevent cross contamination.'

If you actually think PP divides their different sources of money into separate accounts and ensures that each abortion paid for is only paid for from the account marked 'NOT Tax Dollars' you're an idiot.
Here's the link to that GAO report...

... quote where they state federal tax dollars are being used to perform abortions......
Umm... she is not alone. :eusa_doh: She's just the pig wearing lipstick in the room at the moment.
Thank you for also demonstrating how Liberals wage the 'war on women' but attempt to pass the blame for such heinous attacks on women on the GOP!

Bill Clinton is supposedly one of the most beloved Liberal heroes, and he spent his whole career sexually harassing, raping, and having adulterous affairs with women. Anthony Weiner was sending pictures of his own 'Oscar Meyer' until he was forced to quit...then continued to do so as a 'civilian'. Then Libs such as yourself call women who disagree with your political ideology 'pigs'!

Nice. Thanks for continuing to help me make my case against Liberals.
Your dementia is noted again.
The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution guarantees individuals the right to personal autonomy, which means that a person's decisions regarding his or her personal life are none of the government's business. That right, which is part of the right to privacy, encompasses decisions about parenthood, including a woman's right to decide for herself whether to complete or terminate a pregnancy, as well as the right to use contraception, freedom from forced sterilization and freedom from employment discrimination based on childbearing capacity.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude ... shall exist within the United States." -- The Thirteenth Amendment

Forced motherhood is unconstitutional

Reproductive Freedom - The Right to Choose: A Fundamental Liberty

Who is talking about forcing any woman to be a mother?
The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution guarantees individuals the right to personal autonomy, which means that a person's decisions regarding his or her personal life are none of the government's business. That right, which is part of the right to privacy, encompasses decisions about parenthood, including a woman's right to decide for herself whether to complete or terminate a pregnancy, as well as the right to use contraception, freedom from forced sterilization and freedom from employment discrimination based on childbearing capacity.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude ... shall exist within the United States." -- The Thirteenth Amendment

Forced motherhood is unconstitutional

Reproductive Freedom - The Right to Choose: A Fundamental Liberty

Who is talking about forcing any woman to be a mother?
Rightards who want to make abortion illegal.

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