Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution guarantees individuals the right to personal autonomy, which means that a person's decisions regarding his or her personal life are none of the government's business. That right, which is part of the right to privacy, encompasses decisions about parenthood, including a woman's right to decide for herself whether to complete or terminate a pregnancy, as well as the right to use contraception, freedom from forced sterilization and freedom from employment discrimination based on childbearing capacity.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude ... shall exist within the United States." -- The Thirteenth Amendment

Forced motherhood is unconstitutional

Reproductive Freedom - The Right to Choose: A Fundamental Liberty

Who is talking about forcing any woman to be a mother?
You are. You want to outlaw abortions.

Where have I said that?
You're right, it's complete tyranny to think that a bunch of complete strangers can order an American citizen what to do with her own body.

These elected officials should force men to have vasectomies so we won't have to discuss abortion.

Write to your representative now!

Grandma I wouldn't take it that far, because that's like forced abortions or forced sterilization.

What about a law holding men responsible for sex that leads to abortion as "rape" or "relationship abuse"
depending if it was coerced by the man or if both partners abused the sexual relationship.

What if laws on abortion didn't affect just the women,
but addressed BOTH partners who either made the decision mutually to have sex,
or one partner FORCED it on the other, usually the male in cases of rape, incest, date rape, gang rape etc.

Can you imagine if men were held responsible equally instead of just targeting women?

If that happened, It would be just like if men got pregnant.

Abortion would be a god given right.
The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution guarantees individuals the right to personal autonomy, which means that a person's decisions regarding his or her personal life are none of the government's business. That right, which is part of the right to privacy, encompasses decisions about parenthood, including a woman's right to decide for herself whether to complete or terminate a pregnancy, as well as the right to use contraception, freedom from forced sterilization and freedom from employment discrimination based on childbearing capacity.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude ... shall exist within the United States." -- The Thirteenth Amendment

Forced motherhood is unconstitutional

Reproductive Freedom - The Right to Choose: A Fundamental Liberty

Who is talking about forcing any woman to be a mother?
You are. You want to outlaw abortions.

How is that enforceable without punishing women more than men?
To be fair both partners responsible for the pregnancy should be considered:
what if the man raped the woman? Are we going to criminalize the woman while the man goes free?
Try writing laws that hold men equally responsible as women for sex that leads to unwanted pregnancy in the first place.
Otherwise, arguing after the fact, is going to affect women more than men and the laws are going to be biased.

how about the laws stay out of the private sex lives of men and women and not make any laws respecting "equal responsibility" for having sex.

but it is true that the misogynist wingnuts love "punishing the harlots".
Because of prochoice/prolife beliefs I find people on both sides not wanting to pay for other people's abortion, birth control, execution, life imprisonment etc. etc. etc.
Thank you for your opinion, Emily. In my opinion, however, I find that the complete and utter desire to avoid the consequences of one's own choices and actions have lead and still leads to the Liberal demands that OTHERS pay for a surgical procedure - ELECTIVE SURGERY - that will 'wipe away' those consequences.

I personally believe in the sanctity of life.

I personally believe that KILLING a child capable of surviving outside the womb - which is what late-term abortions are and which many Liberals support - is a barbaric practice that should be banned.

I do NOT want to prevent any woman from choosing to have an abortion EXEPT in the case of late-term abortions.

I believe in Personal Accountability and responsibility for one's own actions and choices. I belief if you make a mistake you should own up to it and YOU take responsibility for it.

I believe that any abortion for a purpose other than what the Hyde Amendment calls for falls under the category of 'ELECTIVE Surgery', and anyone who chooses to have that procedure should be required to pay for it.

None of those beliefs are 'psychotic'.

What is 'psychotic' or 'unreasonable' in my opinions is:
- a liberal declaring my beliefs and desires must not be imposed upon them in the making of their choices but they have the right to impose their beliefs and choices on me in forcing me to pay for them.

- taking a rod and thrusting it into the brain of a child capable of surviving outside the womb, scrambling it's brain like eggs, killing the child, in order to avoid facing the consequences of getting drunk and having sex resulting in a baby, that could have been aborted with the 'morning after pill'

- a barbaric practice where every part of a baby capable of surviving outside of the womb is removed from the mother EXCEPT it's head - because to justify this act Liberals claim a baby is not a 'baby' until it is completely outside the mother's womb - then sticking a pair of scissors into the brain stem of this baby to kill the child, and THEN pull the dead baby out of the mother...which is what LATE-TERM Abortions are...a barbaric practice that should be banned.

- a Senator, prior to becoming President, advocating for the right of parents and doctors to KILL a baby lying on a medical table fighting for its life after a failed abortion simply because their original intent was to abort the baby.

THAT - those things - are psychotic in my opinion, Emily.

I do not want to prevent women from having abortions with the exception of LATER TERM abortions. I do not want to prevent women from having abortions, I just expect them to accept personal responsibility and pay for them themselves.

I respect your opinion on the issue, and I hope you can find it in yourself to respect mine. Thanks, and have a good day.
how about the laws stay out of the private sex lives of men and women and not make any laws respecting "equal responsibility" for having sex.

but it is true that the misogynist wingnuts love "punishing the harlots".
Ok, how about money stop going from pro-abortionists to politicians who then inject themselves into the mix to protect those organizations as they have been paid to do?

How about people making the personal choice to have the elective surgery that is an abortion keep their hands out of my pocket and write a PERSONAL check to cover the cost of the surgery?

How about you growing up and recognize that demanding someone accept personal responsibility is not 'punishing the harlots' but instead is asking someone to grow up, be an adult, accept personal responsibility, and personally accepting the consequences of their own personal actions and decisions?

I know, I know...that's too much to ask for.
BTW I think the controversy about free speech vs. whether any real proposal was made to purchase baby body parts
concerns whether the FAKE proposal is illegal as a REAL proposal
or whether it is staged like a performance and NOT a real attempt to solicit something illegal.

Remember the student who planted a FAKE package, to test airport security
but still got in trouble with the law as if it were REAL.

That's the issue, how much to punish people if it was intended as fake not
real. If it is FRAUD then how can you argue as if it is REAL?
If it was real and you get busted, how can you then claim it was fake, just to cover your ass?! Can kinda work both ways...
Who is telling me that I have to fund Planned Parenthood?

you'd have to earn a decent living first, in order to be considered as funding anyone other than yourself.

to fund, bah

It's incredible to me that conservatives think they're so special that they don't have to pay for things they don't want to pay for.

The world doesn't work like that.

We all pay taxes and it goes to countless things we all don't want to pay for.

I don't want to pay for wars or bombs or violence to kill people. Yet I'm forced to do it.

I don't want to have to pay for the massive debt reagan, bush and the bush boy forced on our nation but I'm forced to pay for it.

I don't want to pay for the poisoned water in Flint Michigan that was 100% preventable but the republicans who control the government didn't care about people and caused the whole thing.

I don't want to pay for viagra or any pills that a man needs to be able to have sex but I'm being forced to.

Yet some conservative doesn't want to pay for birth control that prevents abortions the conservative says they don't like. The conservative doesn't want to pay for mammograms, std screenings and preventable medicine. And not only does that conservative demands but expects his demands to be met.

They have a lot of nerve.
Because of prochoice/prolife beliefs I find people on both sides not wanting to pay for other people's abortion, birth control, execution, life imprisonment etc. etc. etc.
Thank you for your opinion, Emily. In my opinion, however, I find that the complete and utter desire to avoid the consequences of one's own choices and actions have lead and still leads to the Liberal demands that OTHERS pay for a surgical procedure - ELECTIVE SURGERY - that will 'wipe away' those consequences.

I personally believe in the sanctity of life.

I personally believe that KILLING a child capable of surviving outside the womb - which is what late-term abortions are and which many Liberals support - is a barbaric practice that should be banned.

I do NOT want to prevent any woman from choosing to have an abortion EXEPT in the case of late-term abortions.

I believe in Personal Accountability and responsibility for one's own actions and choices. I belief if you make a mistake you should own up to it and YOU take responsibility for it.

I believe that any abortion for a purpose other than what the Hyde Amendment calls for falls under the category of 'ELECTIVE Surgery', and anyone who chooses to have that procedure should be required to pay for it.

None of those beliefs are 'psychotic'.

What is 'psychotic' or 'unreasonable' in my opinions is:
- a liberal declaring my beliefs and desires must not be imposed upon them in the making of their choices but they have the right to impose their beliefs and choices on me in forcing me to pay for them.

- taking a rod and thrusting it into the brain of a child capable of surviving outside the womb, scrambling it's brain like eggs, killing the child, in order to avoid facing the consequences of getting drunk and having sex resulting in a baby, that could have been aborted with the 'morning after pill'

- a barbaric practice where every part of a baby capable of surviving outside of the womb is removed from the mother EXCEPT it's head - because to justify this act Liberals claim a baby is not a 'baby' until it is completely outside the mother's womb - then sticking a pair of scissors into the brain stem of this baby to kill the child, and THEN pull the dead baby out of the mother...which is what LATE-TERM Abortions are...a barbaric practice that should be banned.

- a Senator, prior to becoming President, advocating for the right of parents and doctors to KILL a baby lying on a medical table fighting for its life after a failed abortion simply because their original intent was to abort the baby.

THAT - those things - are psychotic in my opinion, Emily.

I do not want to prevent women from having abortions with the exception of LATER TERM abortions. I do not want to prevent women from having abortions, I just expect them to accept personal responsibility and pay for them themselves.

I respect your opinion on the issue, and I hope you can find it in yourself to respect mine. Thanks, and have a good day.

Dear easyt65
I agree on preventing abortion 100%.
What I propose is to focus on holding men equally responsible as women for not abusing sex or abusing relationships
to lead to unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion. Do you agree equal emphasis should be on men and women agreeing NOT to have sex if pregnancy would lead to abortion? And not just blaming women after pregnancy occurs?
Who is telling me that I have to fund Planned Parenthood?

you'd have to earn a decent living first, in order to be considered as funding anyone other than yourself.

to fund, bah

It's incredible to me that conservatives think they're so special that they don't have to pay for things they don't want to pay for.

The world doesn't work like that.

We all pay taxes and it goes to countless things we all don't want to pay for.

I don't want to pay for wars or bombs or violence to kill people. Yet I'm forced to do it.

I don't want to have to pay for the massive debt reagan, bush and the bush boy forced on our nation but I'm forced to pay for it.

I don't want to pay for the poisoned water in Flint Michigan that was 100% preventable but the republicans who control the government didn't care about people and caused the whole thing.

I don't want to pay for viagra or any pills that a man needs to be able to have sex but I'm being forced to.

Yet some conservative doesn't want to pay for birth control that prevents abortions the conservative says they don't like. The conservative doesn't want to pay for mammograms, std screenings and preventable medicine. And not only does that conservative demands but expects his demands to be met.

They have a lot of nerve.

WHAT Dana7360
Atheists sue and win all the time to remove crosses off public property,
and not to have religious prayers at public meetings on the taxpayers dime.
It goes both ways.
Why enforce separation of church and state when it's atheists suing,
but when Christians complain they're "not respecting diversity"
Why the double standard?
Change the channel once and awhile fetus fanatic!
Liberal channels are pro abortion. They will never fairly present the other side. I'm happy with my news source. Fox presents both sides...always. What better way to expose the looney left than by letting them talk freely?
Pro-choice. You are anti-choice. Fox is RW. No wonder you like it. Fetus freak.
By you saying "Fetus freak" you reveal yourself to be possessed by demons.
I remember a pro-life rally which happened a few days after Bill Clinton took office as President. That was 1992, 24 years ago.

I remember what the other side did. They shouted:

"Hail Mary, full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."


"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries."

The pro-lifers stood in a circle and sang and prayed. We ignored the people on the other side.

All I was thinking is that this was a battle between good and evil, and the pro-abortion side was making it quite clear they were on the side of evil.

Anyone of the pro-choice side, just keep in mind that your side hates God and loves Satan.

I tried to read your post but couldn't get past the lie in the first paragraph.

Bill Clinton wasn't president in 1992. The first bush was.

So I didn't read the rest of your post because it's all a lie.

I don't believe you were at any "pro life" rally. All you people aren't pro life.

If you were, you would support ALL life. You wouldn't support the death penalty, you wouldn't support any war. You would support health care and the ACA. You would support public funds to feel children, you would support funds to educate them too. You wouldn't support and defend gun crazy people who have small penises and are trying to over compensate for their small penis.

The last thing you or anyone like you is pro life.

What you are is anti freedom. Anti liberty and pro fascism control of all women.

I don't believe you were at any rally at all. I can't believe even one word from a person who lies and you are a liar. Your first paragraph proves it when you said Clinton was president in 1992.

What does Bill Clinton have to do with anything you said?
You should really stop repeating the lies made up by your wackos

But you won't because you're a pathological little troll
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?

Ask congress.
Being that it's not legal for public money to fund abortion and PP is not guilty of doing so, it's your wrongheaded thinking that is causing you grief, not PP.

Only fools believe money given to PP isn't used to fund abortions.

It's very easy to show compliance with the law. It's called accounting, idiot.
"It's incredible to me that conservatives think they're so special that they don't have to pay for things they don't want to pay for."

It's incredible to me that Progressive Liberals / Socialists think that just because Conservatives don't like being bent over and F*ed, forced to pay for things Liberals refuse to pay for themselves because they don't want to accept personal responsibility and own up to / pay for the consequences of their own actions, they brand these Conservatives as 'selfish', 'self-important'.

Dana, I don't mind paying for a lot of things that actually help people out; however, their is a lot of SHIT Democrats have forced the American people to pay for and continue to force them to pay for...such as:

1. Obamaphones:
It is not a Constitutional RIGHT to own a cell phone, and I should not have to pay for anyone else to have one... I have passed locations where people - who are already using a cell phone they own and are using it in line - are standing in line to get a 'free' Obamaphone'

2. One of the 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork tucked inside Obama's failed Stimulus bill was money to pay to train alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsibly on taken from tax payers' pockets....

3. Another one of the 7,000 pieces of pork in the nearly $1 trillion failed Obama stimulus bill, that tax payers paid for, was a study in why the sex life of a homosexual Argentinian male was better that than of a heterosexual American male.

Tack on the plethora, veritable cornucopia of tax payer-funded fraud, waste, and abuse for which our politicians are responsible ... then throw in F*ing MORONS like yourself who criticize tax paying Americans for complaining about being robbed and our tax dollars being used for such BULLSHIT....

So pardon me, if on top of everything else we are unfairly, and quite a bit I feel to be unconstitutionally, forced to pay for, I call you a dumbmass when you say we have no right to bitch about liberals wanting me / us to pay for their abortions because they don't feel they should be held accountable for their choices / decisions / actions.
Well, this indictment was a very bad idea.

During discovery, the defendants will have access to all relevant evidence that would help their defense, which would include all of Planned Parenthood's business records.

Either side can depose anyone and the pro-life people will have the opportunity to swear in Planned Parenthood staff to testify under oath about what they were doing selling all those baby parts.

The trial will be a media circus, and when the defendants are found not guilty, it will be a major blow to the entire pro-abortion movement.

You don't believe that criminals should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law? Or is it you only believe that should happen to people whose views are different from yours?

You also don't understand our justice system and how it works.

These people are being prosecuted for tampering with government documents and soliciting to buy human body parts.

The issue isn't PP. At least not in court. That PP didn't break the law and has nothing to do with those people tampering with government documents. Or those people freely breaking the law by trying to buy human body parts. So anyone who tries to make this about PP in court will be quickly stopped because they don't have anything to do with tampering with government documents and they don't sell human body parts. They can testify about how those people went to PP and tried to buy human body parts but will continue with the truth. That PP didn't sell them any human body parts.

It's against the law to not only actually buy and sell human body parts but it's also against the law to ask someone to sell you human body parts.

If you don't want to face the responsibility of your actions then don't take those actions.

I just want to know, what body parts are in a few fertilized cells? And what body can they be transplanted into? Any tissue from 98% of abortions in America are only just a clump of cells and there are no body parts to sell. They just don't exist in a fertilized egg.

Any organs from a formed fetus can't fit into a normal human body. It's just too small and not fully formed. The body it's transplanted to will quickly reject It. If it could even fit in that body.

If you stopped and thought about it logically you would see how ridiculous the accusations are and realize how stupid anyone is for falling for it.

Meanwhile the people who perpetrated the lies broke the law and any real American would support them facing the fullest extent of our justice system.

They are criminals and should be in prison where they belong.
Who is telling me that I have to fund Planned Parenthood?

you'd have to earn a decent living first, in order to be considered as funding anyone other than yourself.

to fund, bah

It's incredible to me that conservatives think they're so special that they don't have to pay for things they don't want to pay for.

The world doesn't work like that.

We all pay taxes and it goes to countless things we all don't want to pay for.

I don't want to pay for wars or bombs or violence to kill people. Yet I'm forced to do it.

I don't want to have to pay for the massive debt reagan, bush and the bush boy forced on our nation but I'm forced to pay for it.

I don't want to pay for the poisoned water in Flint Michigan that was 100% preventable but the republicans who control the government didn't care about people and caused the whole thing.

I don't want to pay for viagra or any pills that a man needs to be able to have sex but I'm being forced to.

Yet some conservative doesn't want to pay for birth control that prevents abortions the conservative says they don't like. The conservative doesn't want to pay for mammograms, std screenings and preventable medicine. And not only does that conservative demands but expects his demands to be met.

They have a lot of nerve.

WHAT Dana7360
Atheists sue and win all the time to remove crosses off public property,
and not to have religious prayers at public meetings on the taxpayers dime.
It goes both ways.
Why enforce separation of church and state when it's atheists suing,
but when Christians complain they're "not respecting diversity"
Why the double standard?

the constitution prohibits giving a religious preference to any religious group.
Only fools believe money given to PP isn't used to fund abortions.

only overly emotional idiots twist themselves into knots to peddle that lie.

It's obviously not a lie. Anyone who understands that slightest thing about how corporations work would understand that. Money they don't have to spend on 'A' means more money they can spend on 'B' - 'B' being abortions in the case of PP.

75% of their federal funding come from Medicaid REIMBURSEMENTS. That means the billable service has already been completed and will be reimbursed at the negotiated Medicaid rate. Under the existing law, abortion is only reimbursable in specific cases. The other 25% of federal funding is title X grants that can in no way be used for abortion services. Considering that gov't grants and reimbursements only make up 41% of PP's annual budget, you're going to have a hard time showing how that is spent on abortion services.
It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

“Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?

you are aware that the federal government doesn't pay for abortions, right?


It most certainly does pay for abortions, dingbat.

say what, ignoramus?

you never hear of the hyde amendment?

Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

damn, there's no cure for your stupid.

Congress is ignoring the Hyde Amendment, sort of like Obama ignores the Constitution.

The law makes exceptions for rape, incest or life of the mother.
Emilyng, I follow what you are saying.

Once the pro-life has committed to pre-natal and after birth support for a mother including shelter, food, etc., plus job training, I would be glad to join your effort.

Thank you JakeStarkey
Given the disdain for both abortion and now this health care mandate,
I'm sure the prolife supporters would be happy to get exemptions and tax writeoffs
by paying for mothers to become independent, for Veterans to get better help and reform the VA.
Anything but ACA and welfare that has no control where the money goes.

The Democrats could be using this demand from prolife to push for such a plan.
They could also push for prison reform, and using the state budgets saved there
to cover health care per state.

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