Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

You are. You want to outlaw abortions.

How is that enforceable without punishing women more than men?
To be fair both partners responsible for the pregnancy should be considered:
what if the man raped the woman? Are we going to criminalize the woman while the man goes free?
Try writing laws that hold men equally responsible as women for sex that leads to unwanted pregnancy in the first place.
Otherwise, arguing after the fact, is going to affect women more than men and the laws are going to be biased.

how about the laws stay out of the private sex lives of men and women and not make any laws respecting "equal responsibility" for having sex.

but it is true that the misogynist wingnuts love "punishing the harlots".
How about people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

And interesting position on laws staying out of the bedroom, considering the left want to force everyone to pay for things inside personal sex lives.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Says the people telling me what I can eat and drink.

because you having to buy two 15 oz sugar drinks instead of one 30 oz drink is like women being able to make their own moral choices?
You are. You want to outlaw abortions.

How is that enforceable without punishing women more than men?
To be fair both partners responsible for the pregnancy should be considered:
what if the man raped the woman? Are we going to criminalize the woman while the man goes free?
Try writing laws that hold men equally responsible as women for sex that leads to unwanted pregnancy in the first place.
Otherwise, arguing after the fact, is going to affect women more than men and the laws are going to be biased.

how about the laws stay out of the private sex lives of men and women and not make any laws respecting "equal responsibility" for having sex.

but it is true that the misogynist wingnuts love "punishing the harlots".
How about people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

And interesting position on laws staying out of the bedroom, considering the left want to force everyone to pay for things inside personal sex lives.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Says the people telling me what I can eat and drink.
I don't give a shit what you eat or drink.
Who is telling me that I have to fund Planned Parenthood?

you'd have to earn a decent living first, in order to be considered as funding anyone other than yourself.

to fund, bah

It's incredible to me that conservatives think they're so special that they don't have to pay for things they don't want to pay for.

The world doesn't work like that.

We all pay taxes and it goes to countless things we all don't want to pay for.

I don't want to pay for wars or bombs or violence to kill people. Yet I'm forced to do it.

I don't want to have to pay for the massive debt reagan, bush and the bush boy forced on our nation but I'm forced to pay for it.

I don't want to pay for the poisoned water in Flint Michigan that was 100% preventable but the republicans who control the government didn't care about people and caused the whole thing.

I don't want to pay for viagra or any pills that a man needs to be able to have sex but I'm being forced to.

Yet some conservative doesn't want to pay for birth control that prevents abortions the conservative says they don't like. The conservative doesn't want to pay for mammograms, std screenings and preventable medicine. And not only does that conservative demands but expects his demands to be met.

They have a lot of nerve.

We have representatives who decide what we have to pay for. Abortion didn't make it on the list.

Suck on it.
How is that enforceable without punishing women more than men?
To be fair both partners responsible for the pregnancy should be considered:
what if the man raped the woman? Are we going to criminalize the woman while the man goes free?
Try writing laws that hold men equally responsible as women for sex that leads to unwanted pregnancy in the first place.
Otherwise, arguing after the fact, is going to affect women more than men and the laws are going to be biased.

how about the laws stay out of the private sex lives of men and women and not make any laws respecting "equal responsibility" for having sex.

but it is true that the misogynist wingnuts love "punishing the harlots".
How about people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

And interesting position on laws staying out of the bedroom, considering the left want to force everyone to pay for things inside personal sex lives.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Says the people telling me what I can eat and drink.

because you having to buy two 15 oz sugar drinks instead of one 30 oz drink is like women being able to make their own moral choices?
Hilarious. You want to tell me what size soda I can buy and she has no choices either.
Who is telling me that I have to fund Planned Parenthood?

you'd have to earn a decent living first, in order to be considered as funding anyone other than yourself.

to fund, bah

It's incredible to me that conservatives think they're so special that they don't have to pay for things they don't want to pay for.

The world doesn't work like that.

We all pay taxes and it goes to countless things we all don't want to pay for.

I don't want to pay for wars or bombs or violence to kill people. Yet I'm forced to do it.

I don't want to have to pay for the massive debt reagan, bush and the bush boy forced on our nation but I'm forced to pay for it.

I don't want to pay for the poisoned water in Flint Michigan that was 100% preventable but the republicans who control the government didn't care about people and caused the whole thing.

I don't want to pay for viagra or any pills that a man needs to be able to have sex but I'm being forced to.

Yet some conservative doesn't want to pay for birth control that prevents abortions the conservative says they don't like. The conservative doesn't want to pay for mammograms, std screenings and preventable medicine. And not only does that conservative demands but expects his demands to be met.

They have a lot of nerve.

We have representatives who decide what we have to pay for. Abortion didn't make it on the list.

Suck on it.
States have the right to not fund abortion. You do support states rights, don't you?
how about the laws stay out of the private sex lives of men and women and not make any laws respecting "equal responsibility" for having sex.

but it is true that the misogynist wingnuts love "punishing the harlots".
How about people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

And interesting position on laws staying out of the bedroom, considering the left want to force everyone to pay for things inside personal sex lives.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Says the people telling me what I can eat and drink.

because you having to buy two 15 oz sugar drinks instead of one 30 oz drink is like women being able to make their own moral choices?
Hilarious. You want to tell me what size soda I can buy and she has no choices either.
View attachment 61224
How about the morning after pill? That's abortion to you too, isn't it?
Pregnancy tests, do not detect a fertilized egg, because there is no chemical change to detect. Despite this, many anti-abortion folks consider a fertilized egg to be, not just equivalent to, but actually a baby.
How about people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

And interesting position on laws staying out of the bedroom, considering the left want to force everyone to pay for things inside personal sex lives.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Says the people telling me what I can eat and drink.

because you having to buy two 15 oz sugar drinks instead of one 30 oz drink is like women being able to make their own moral choices?
Hilarious. You want to tell me what size soda I can buy and she has no choices either.
View attachment 61224
How about the morning after pill? That's abortion to you too, isn't it?
Stick to why people are happy to see her dead.
Is a fertlized egg a baby? Does the morning after pill kill a baby?
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Says the people telling me what I can eat and drink.

because you having to buy two 15 oz sugar drinks instead of one 30 oz drink is like women being able to make their own moral choices?
Hilarious. You want to tell me what size soda I can buy and she has no choices either.
View attachment 61224
How about the morning after pill? That's abortion to you too, isn't it?
Stick to why people are happy to see her dead.
View attachment 61225
That's easy. Her liver alone is worth money. She has a heart. Intestines. To you it's a baby. To organ traffickers it's real money.
Claiming that 10-year-old rape victims are better off being forced to give birth: Welcome to the anti-choice fetus freak world.
The baby killers and their supporters rub their grimy little hands with glee

What those two idiots did was against the law, you do get that right?

An edited tape pre-supposes the existence of the original tape.

Why do you people have to break the law in the first place.

As the use of the term "Baby Killers", I'm wondering if all those unborn babies killed by the U.S. in Afghanistan and Iraq the same "Right To Life" as babies in America.

As for "baby

You support baby killing, you are low life form....and a coward

I find it interesting that there are those who would ban abortion if the pregnancy resulted from unprotected, consensual sex. Hard to prove - the unprotected part. If the condom broke, can the woman get an abortion? If the "protection" be it pill, barrier or spermicide, failed, can the woman get an abortion? How do we prove "unprotected"? Would this disqualify married women from ever getting an abortion?

Enquiring minds want to know how you would go about ensuring that no woman who just plays around with no thought of the consequences, doesn't get an abortion.
Well at least you recognize you're mentally ill. I suppose that's a good start for ya.
No, I acknowledged that there isn't anyone you won't degrade, disparage, or insult in order to try to push your own opinions and narratives. Poor wittle, Faun.

So far you have advocated for a complete lack of personal accountability, for forcing others to pay for the consequences of irresponsible people's actions, have furthered the liberal 'War on Women' by calling a woman a pig, and disparaged the mentally ill....

Keep on ranting, Faun. You're the perfect poster child for the Progressive Liberal Party!
There's no rant happening. I'm merely pointing out the idiocies you spout continuously. For example, you spout I am promoting a lack of personal accountability because I am forcing others to pay for abortions -- except that is a delusion in your mind since no one is forcing anyone to pay for abortions (excluding the 1% of rape/incest cases as previously mentioned).

Strike 1

You claim I am furthering a Liberal war on women for calling a woman a pig. That's an attack on Sarah "The Quitter" Palin, who does happen to be a woman, but does not reflect on women. Calling that a Liberal war on women would be as retarded as calling attacks on Obama from the right, a Conservative war on men.

Strike 2

You also referenced a GAO report you don't even know you referenced, and then ran away from it when challenged, proving categorically, you have not a fucking clue about that of which you spout.

Strike 3, you're out. :mm:
Faun, the Right is not interested in arguing about choice. From their point of view, the fact that you are pro choice means that you personally go around killing children, who don't even belong to you, who would otherwise have lived because everybody KNOWS that NOBODY ever aborted a fetus prior to Roe Vs Wade.
The point is not whether women will seek abortions legal or not. The point is will we allow women to get safe procedures or not?

Worldwide, there are 19 million unsafe abortions a year, and they kill 70,000 women (accounting for 13 percent of maternal deaths), mostly in poor countries like Tanzania where abortion is illegal, according to the World Health Organization. More than two million women a year suffer serious complications. According to Unicef, unsafe abortions cause 4 percent of deaths among pregnant women in Africa, 6 percent in Asia and 12 percent in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Dhara this can be set up without forcing prolife people to fund it.
Look at how much money the Democratic party candidates can raise to lobby for prochoice support.
Just put that money directly into building more medical programs and facilities to provide care directly,
such as through medical schools and internships, and then you can have all the health care you want to provide to the people you want to serve.

Look at the billions lost on a failed prison and mental health system.
So people who believe in funding medical treatment for mentally ill
instead of executions can invest funding in converting prisons into medical treatment centers.

By separating by political beliefs, you can control where your money goes.
There's plenty already being paid in if we didn't waste it on programs that don't work.

Why not give taxpayers a break for investing directly in the programs of their choice:
A. prochoice and right to health care in place of funding the death penalty by converting prisons into medical programs
B. prolife and free market health care such as by organizing resources around banks or VA reform etc.

If people's beliefs clash, then let's just acknowledge that instead of trying to impose one on the other.
Let both sides get their way and fund the programs of their choice that match their beliefs, just like choices of which religious schools or charities to support
Federal money is not being used to pay for abortions.

Well, tangentially, I think that's the right word, it is. We give billions to Israel, and the Israeli government pays for abortions.

Using RWnut thinking, we are definitely paying for abortions in Israel.
That's the GAO report you referenced.
Dear Faun, the link you provided is not the source nor the report from which I speak. I quoted the who write an article on the matter. Again, you continue to make accusations without supporting evidence, proving your ignorance and affinity for making false accusations.
Dumbfuck... the link I posted to the GAO report you referenced came from the aclj article you quoted. :eusa_doh:

So let's try this again..... Where in that GAO report....

.... does it say anything about federal tax dollars being used for abortions....?
Federal funds cannot be used to pay for abortion.

Money is fungible. We all know that money given to PP is used to pay for abortions. Only morons like you are fooled.
Just think ... all you have to do is prove that and you can accomplish what the center for medical progress failed to do -- bring down Planned Parenthood. :thup:

I don't need to prove what is patently obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

You seem to have a lot of friends whose intellect consists of 2 brain cells.
Yes, all my friends have at least two brain cells, which is two more than you have.

An anarchist who fanatically pounds the table for more government regulation of abortion.

You are a cartoon character.

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