Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

"It's incredible to me that conservatives think they're so special that they don't have to pay for things they don't want to pay for."

It's incredible to me that Progressive Liberals / Socialists think that just because Conservatives don't like being bent over and F*ed, forced to pay for things Liberals refuse to pay for themselves because they don't want to accept personal responsibility and own up to / pay for the consequences of their own actions, they brand these Conservatives as 'selfish', 'self-important'.

Dana, I don't mind paying for a lot of things that actually help people out; however, their is a lot of SHIT Democrats have forced the American people to pay for and continue to force them to pay for...such as:

1. Obamaphones:
It is not a Constitutional RIGHT to own a cell phone, and I should not have to pay for anyone else to have one... I have passed locations where people - who are already using a cell phone they own and are using it in line - are standing in line to get a 'free' Obamaphone'

2. One of the 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork tucked inside Obama's failed Stimulus bill was money to pay to train alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsibly on taken from tax payers' pockets....

3. Another one of the 7,000 pieces of pork in the nearly $1 trillion failed Obama stimulus bill, that tax payers paid for, was a study in why the sex life of a homosexual Argentinian male was better that than of a heterosexual American male.

Tack on the plethora, veritable cornucopia of tax payer-funded fraud, waste, and abuse for which our politicians are responsible ... then throw in F*ing MORONS like yourself who criticize tax paying Americans for complaining about being robbed and our tax dollars being used for such BULLSHIT....

So pardon me, if on top of everything else we are unfairly, and quite a bit I feel to be unconstitutionally, forced to pay for, I call you a dumbmass when you say we have no right to bitch about liberals wanting me / us to pay for their abortions because they don't feel they should be held accountable for their choices / decisions / actions.
I can't decide.... are you dumber because you don't know "Obamaphones" (more accurately identified as the Lifeline program) started under Reagan? Or because you think you are forced to pay for them?
The Lifeline program was a reduced cost landline available to the very poor. obamaphones go to anyone that can say "I be gonna get me a couple o dem obamaphones ".
And the program was started under Reagan. :ack-1:
Getting a doctor who doesn't know they're being filmed to negotiate the price of chopped up fetus parts for cash and/or a Lamborghini ON CAMERA is some kind of 'film fabrication'! That's more like masterful magic and/or hypnosis than just doing a bit of filming. LOL!

And how he film maker(s) got former PP employees to come out and go on the record against PP's fetus dismemberment / parts sales AFTER the videos came out was AMAZING 'film fabrication'. :p

If you read the article this was all manufactured. Edited and cut--vocally and with video. Hey if my nefew can make a video off of his cell phone with little green monsters chasing the kids around, then anyone can take 3 years to make a video of something that never happened.
Who cares who started the program, Faun? Why is blaming so much more important to you than politicians TAKING money from citizens to pay for such fraud/waste/abuse &/or un-necessary programs?

:p have no problem, though, with Liberals using hard-earned tax dollars to 'help' alcoholic chinese prostitutes and to study homosexual Argentinians, though, huh, Faun?

Tell me, was that study conducted for Barney Frank's benefit or Obama's? LOL!
Is a fertlized egg a baby? Does the morning after pill kill a baby?
Why do the left want her dead?
View attachment 61227
Answer the question. Is a fertilzed egg a baby?
That's not the question. The question is why does the left want her dead?
View attachment 61228
Your question is based on falsehoods. Quote someone here saying they want to see her dead...
Can't face reality? If you support abortion, you have no problem seeing her dead.
"It's incredible to me that conservatives think they're so special that they don't have to pay for things they don't want to pay for."

It's incredible to me that Progressive Liberals / Socialists think that just because Conservatives don't like being bent over and F*ed, forced to pay for things Liberals refuse to pay for themselves because they don't want to accept personal responsibility and own up to / pay for the consequences of their own actions, they brand these Conservatives as 'selfish', 'self-important'.

Dana, I don't mind paying for a lot of things that actually help people out; however, their is a lot of SHIT Democrats have forced the American people to pay for and continue to force them to pay for...such as:

1. Obamaphones:
It is not a Constitutional RIGHT to own a cell phone, and I should not have to pay for anyone else to have one... I have passed locations where people - who are already using a cell phone they own and are using it in line - are standing in line to get a 'free' Obamaphone'

2. One of the 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork tucked inside Obama's failed Stimulus bill was money to pay to train alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsibly on taken from tax payers' pockets....

3. Another one of the 7,000 pieces of pork in the nearly $1 trillion failed Obama stimulus bill, that tax payers paid for, was a study in why the sex life of a homosexual Argentinian male was better that than of a heterosexual American male.

Tack on the plethora, veritable cornucopia of tax payer-funded fraud, waste, and abuse for which our politicians are responsible ... then throw in F*ing MORONS like yourself who criticize tax paying Americans for complaining about being robbed and our tax dollars being used for such BULLSHIT....

So pardon me, if on top of everything else we are unfairly, and quite a bit I feel to be unconstitutionally, forced to pay for, I call you a dumbmass when you say we have no right to bitch about liberals wanting me / us to pay for their abortions because they don't feel they should be held accountable for their choices / decisions / actions.
I can't decide.... are you dumber because you don't know "Obamaphones" (more accurately identified as the Lifeline program) started under Reagan? Or because you think you are forced to pay for them?
Faun, the issue is not who started a program that forced / forces Americans to buy cell phones for others who often do not need them.

The issue is that having cell phones is not a Constitutional right, and the government has no business taxing citizens to provide them to others.

Interesting that iut of the entire list of fraudulent, wasteful spending you made no attempt to justify the fiscally criminal pork spending in Obama's failed stimulus bill. At least you recognize there is / was no justification for it.
Of course the issue is with who started the program.

Had it not started under Reagan, you would not have heard of them.

The program is funded from the universal service fund, you are not taxed for it.

You are not forced to contribute to the universal service fund.
This has nothing to do with the ARRA.

Basically, like everything else you spout, you have no fucking clue.

Is a fertlized egg a baby? Does the morning after pill kill a baby?
Why do the left want her dead?
View attachment 61227
Answer the question. Is a fertilzed egg a baby?
That's not the question. The question is why does the left want her dead?
View attachment 61228
Your question is based on falsehoods. Quote someone here saying they want to see her dead...
Can't face reality? If you support abortion, you have no problem seeing her dead.
View attachment 61238
And you're actually deranged enough to think that is the same as wanting her dead. :cuckoo:
Typical Faun, more concerned with WHO to blame rather than the 'crime' being committed... :p

Sorry to bother you Faun...after all, I am sure you have more women to verbally attack and more mentally ill people to disparage...
In any case, the activists got what they wanted.

Destruction of PP public reputation and confusion of what they do with the aborted fetus.

Pretty good work for some obscure saboteurs.
Typical Faun, more concerned with WHO to blame rather than the 'crime' being committed... :p
What crime is being committed by providing phone service to the poorest among us?

Save the 'providing a service to the poorest among us' BS, Faun.

The government is TAKING money unfairly, un-Constitutionally, to buy cell phones for many people who don't need them. They are not 'providing a service' - they are buying votes. They are no more providing a 'needed' authorized service to the American people by giving out tax payer-funded cell phones than they were by taking money from hard-working Middle Class workers to pay to help CHINESE prostitutes or to study the sex life of a gay Argentinian! It was/is Socialist re-distribution of wealth for their (the DNC's) benefit.

But you go right on defending the undefendable squandering of tax dollars for such programs and spending, like the 7,000+ pieces of personal/party-benefitting DNC-only pork in Obama's failed Stimulus bill.
Typical Faun, more concerned with WHO to blame rather than the 'crime' being committed... :p
What crime is being committed by providing phone service to the poorest among us?

Save the 'providing a service to the poorest among us' BS, Faun.

The government is TAKING money unfairly, un-Constitutionally, to buy cell phones for many people who don't need them. They are not 'provuding a service' - they are buying votes. They are no more providing a 'needed' authorized service to the American people by giving out tax payer-funded cell phones than they were by taking money from hard-working Middle Class workrs to pay to help CHINESE prostitutes or to study the sex life of a gay Argentinian! It was/is Socialist re-distribution of wealth for their (the DNC's) benefit.

But you go right on defending the undefendable squandering of tax dollars for such programs and spending, like the 7,000+ pieces of personal/party-benefitting DNC-only pieces of pork in Obama's failed Stimulus bill.
You think Reagan was buying votes?? :ack-1:
Typical Faun, more concerned with WHO to blame rather than the 'crime' being committed... :p
What crime is being committed by providing phone service to the poorest among us?

Save the 'providing a service to the poorest among us' BS, Faun.

The government is TAKING money unfairly, un-Constitutionally, to buy cell phones for many people who don't need them. They are not 'provuding a service' - they are buying votes. They are no more providing a 'needed' authorized service to the American people by giving out tax payer-funded cell phones than they were by taking money from hard-working Middle Class workrs to pay to help CHINESE prostitutes or to study the sex life of a gay Argentinian! It was/is Socialist re-distribution of wealth for their (the DNC's) benefit.

But you go right on defending the undefendable squandering of tax dollars for such programs and spending, like the 7,000+ pieces of personal/party-benefitting DNC-only pieces of pork in Obama's failed Stimulus bill.
You think Reagan was buying votes??
The only reason to give out social program benefits, such as handing out cell phones to people who don't need them, is to buy votes.

You seem to be worried about political parties and WHO is doing what instead of WHAT is being done, Faun. That's your problem, not mine.
Amen, Tipsy. Tax payer-funded cell phones are NOT a Constitutional right and is not a valid expense on which the government should be authorized to spend our tax dollars.

Just like with ELECTIVE SURGERIES like having abortions because you don't want to be burdened by the consequences of your own choices / actions, IF YOU WANT ONE - ABORTIONS OR CELL PHONES - THEN YOU PAY FOR IT!
Typical Faun, more concerned with WHO to blame rather than the 'crime' being committed... :p
What crime is being committed by providing phone service to the poorest among us?

Save the 'providing a service to the poorest among us' BS, Faun.

The government is TAKING money unfairly, un-Constitutionally, to buy cell phones for many people who don't need them. They are not 'provuding a service' - they are buying votes. They are no more providing a 'needed' authorized service to the American people by giving out tax payer-funded cell phones than they were by taking money from hard-working Middle Class workrs to pay to help CHINESE prostitutes or to study the sex life of a gay Argentinian! It was/is Socialist re-distribution of wealth for their (the DNC's) benefit.

But you go right on defending the undefendable squandering of tax dollars for such programs and spending, like the 7,000+ pieces of personal/party-benefitting DNC-only pieces of pork in Obama's failed Stimulus bill.
You think Reagan was buying votes??
The only reason to give out social program benefits, such as handing out cell phones to people who don't need them, is to buy votes.

You seem to be worried about political parties and WHO is doing what instead of WHAT is being done, Faun. That's your problem, not mine.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo: It was under Bush when that program began handing out cell phones. You suffer from a terminal case of conservatism to think George Bush was trying to buy votes in 2008. :cuckoo:

Do you think Bush was stupid enough to not realize it was already serving his second term? Or do you think he was delusional enough to think he could run for a third? Which is it?
There you go disparaging the mentally ill again...and worrying more about WHO is mis-using tax dollars than the fact that tgey are being mis-used, defending the act by trying to point fingers at someone / a Republican. PATHETIC.
I keep waiting for some consistency from the left over this issue. I know the filmakers probably broke the law and the left wants to prosecute them badly but do you know who else is guilty of breaking the law?

A) Illegals
B) Hillary
C) Anyone who the democrats like
There you go disparaging the mentally ill again...and worrying more about WHO is mis-using tax dollars than the fact that tgey are being mis-used, defending the act by trying to point fingers at someone / a Republican. PATHETIC.
Why not answer the question...? Do you think Bush was buying votes in 2008? Exactly how fucking deranged are you?

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