Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

Well, that worked out well for the activists. Wonder how many Republican lawmakers will actually come out and condemn them.

There's another issue here that could do some damage. In Colorado Springs 3 innocent people where killed, one a policeman with 3 small children. So not only are these perpetrators going to be charged criminally, but these victims families have every right to take them to court for civil damages.
Well, that worked out well for the activists. Wonder how many Republican lawmakers will actually come out and condemn them.

There's another issue here that could do some damage. In Colorado Springs 3 innocent people where killed, one a policeman with 3 small children. So not only are these perpetrators going to be charged criminally, but these victims families have every right to take them to court for civil damages.

To be fair, there's no evidence what the man's motives were. The fact that the shooting happened outside a Planned Parenthood is suspect, but may be hard to pin down in court.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Says the people telling me what I can eat and drink.

because you having to buy two 15 oz sugar drinks instead of one 30 oz drink is like women being able to make their own moral choices?
Hilarious. You want to tell me what size soda I can buy and she has no choices either.
View attachment 61224
How about the morning after pill? That's abortion to you too, isn't it?
Stick to why people are happy to see her dead.
View attachment 61225

No one is happy about it.
What other answer is there to such a moronic question given your question is built on the ignorance that you're paying for abortions? :dunno:

Facts are "ignorance" only to liberals. If the government is giving money to PP, which performs abortions, then I'm paying for abortions. There's no two ways about it.
Imbecile.... it's not a "fact" until you prove it.

Until you do, it's a delusion, not a fact.

That's indisputable proof of your idiocy. Facts are facts, regardless of whether someone proves them or not.

And avoiding proving it under the pathetic guise that you don't have to because it's so obvious to you only further demonstrates your dementia.

So either prove your claims or you prove you're just another crazy conservative......

Total horseshit. I don't have to prove the sun comes up in the East. Everyone knows that already. Likewise I don't have to prove that PP uses government money to pay for abortions.
Your failed logical fallacy by means of equivocation are noted and laughed at.


You prove you're just a delusional crazy conservative.

Not that more proof was necessary, mind you.

"Equivocation" isn't a logical fallacy, numskull, and furthermore that's not what I did.

You bring a special meaning to the word "stupid."
Imbecile, you tried, and failed, to establish an equivalent conclusion that just as the sun will come up in the east, federal tax dollars are funding abortion.

The former is in no way indicative of the latter. You are patently insane.
The point is not whether women will seek abortions legal or not. The point is will we allow women to get safe procedures or not?

Worldwide, there are 19 million unsafe abortions a year, and they kill 70,000 women (accounting for 13 percent of maternal deaths), mostly in poor countries like Tanzania where abortion is illegal, according to the World Health Organization. More than two million women a year suffer serious complications. According to Unicef, unsafe abortions cause 4 percent of deaths among pregnant women in Africa, 6 percent in Asia and 12 percent in Latin America and the Caribbean.

This discussion isn't about whether abortions should be legal. It's about whether the taxpayers should foot the bill for it. I have yet to see anyone even attempt to explain why they should.
I have yet to see anyone prove they are.
The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution guarantees individuals the right to personal autonomy, which means that a person's decisions regarding his or her personal life are none of the government's business. That right, which is part of the right to privacy, encompasses decisions about parenthood, including a woman's right to decide for herself whether to complete or terminate a pregnancy, as well as the right to use contraception, freedom from forced sterilization and freedom from employment discrimination based on childbearing capacity.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude ... shall exist within the United States." -- The Thirteenth Amendment

Forced motherhood is unconstitutional

Reproductive Freedom - The Right to Choose: A Fundamental Liberty

Who is talking about forcing any woman to be a mother?
Rightards who want to make abortion illegal.

Name one person posting in this thread who said they want to make it illegal.
Post #213, for one. But this thread is replete with cries of abortion is murder and pro-choice advocates are baby killers. Since you're so stupid, I have to explain to you how such rhetoric is tantamount to wanting abortion outlawed.
Well, that worked out well for the activists. Wonder how many Republican lawmakers will actually come out and condemn them.

There's another issue here that could do some damage. In Colorado Springs 3 innocent people where killed, one a policeman with 3 small children. So not only are these perpetrators going to be charged criminally, but these victims families have every right to take them to court for civil damages.

To be fair, there's no evidence what the man's motives were. The fact that the shooting happened outside a Planned Parenthood is suspect, but may be hard to pin down in court.

I live near Colorado Springs, and every time he goes to court, the 1st thing he says is "no more baby parts." So I believe they can easily tie these video's to the 3 innocents deaths, one of which was a police officer with 3 young children.

So not only are they facing criminal charges but civil damages also.
Source: Colorado shooting suspect spoke of 'baby parts' -
I still think those people that made the fake videos need to go to jail.
Everyone agrees that the videos are real. That's not the controversy. Did they have a right to sell the baby parts? Not that the transaction didn't happen.
I live near Colorado Springs, and every time he goes to court, the 1st thing he says is "no more baby parts." So I believe they can easily tie these video's to the 3 innocents deaths, one of which was a police officer with 3 young children.

So not only are they facing criminal charges but civil damages also.
Source: Colorado shooting suspect spoke of 'baby parts' -

Who is facing criminal charges?

Are you deliberately lying?

The grand jury threw out the politically motivated indictment.

Bummer you got embarrassed by what the ghouls do.

And are you still lying that the videos were "faked?" Despite knowing they are in fact real?
Getting a doctor who doesn't know they're being filmed to negotiate the price of chopped up fetus parts for cash and/or a Lamborghini ON CAMERA is some kind of 'film fabrication'! That's more like masterful magic and/or hypnosis than just doing a bit of filming. LOL!

And how he film maker(s) got former PP employees to come out and go on the record against PP's fetus dismemberment / parts sales AFTER the videos came out was AMAZING 'film fabrication'. :p
"It's incredible to me that conservatives think they're so special that they don't have to pay for things they don't want to pay for."

It's incredible to me that Progressive Liberals / Socialists think that just because Conservatives don't like being bent over and F*ed, forced to pay for things Liberals refuse to pay for themselves because they don't want to accept personal responsibility and own up to / pay for the consequences of their own actions, they brand these Conservatives as 'selfish', 'self-important'.

Dana, I don't mind paying for a lot of things that actually help people out; however, their is a lot of SHIT Democrats have forced the American people to pay for and continue to force them to pay for...such as:

1. Obamaphones:
It is not a Constitutional RIGHT to own a cell phone, and I should not have to pay for anyone else to have one... I have passed locations where people - who are already using a cell phone they own and are using it in line - are standing in line to get a 'free' Obamaphone'

2. One of the 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork tucked inside Obama's failed Stimulus bill was money to pay to train alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsibly on taken from tax payers' pockets....

3. Another one of the 7,000 pieces of pork in the nearly $1 trillion failed Obama stimulus bill, that tax payers paid for, was a study in why the sex life of a homosexual Argentinian male was better that than of a heterosexual American male.

Tack on the plethora, veritable cornucopia of tax payer-funded fraud, waste, and abuse for which our politicians are responsible ... then throw in F*ing MORONS like yourself who criticize tax paying Americans for complaining about being robbed and our tax dollars being used for such BULLSHIT....

So pardon me, if on top of everything else we are unfairly, and quite a bit I feel to be unconstitutionally, forced to pay for, I call you a dumbmass when you say we have no right to bitch about liberals wanting me / us to pay for their abortions because they don't feel they should be held accountable for their choices / decisions / actions.
I can't decide.... are you dumber because you don't know "Obamaphones" (more accurately identified as the Lifeline program) started under Reagan? Or because you think you are forced to pay for them?
The baby killers and their supporters rub their grimy little hands with glee

What those two idiots did was against the law, you do get that right?

An edited tape pre-supposes the existence of the original tape.

Why do you people have to break the law in the first place.

As the use of the term "Baby Killers", I'm wondering if all those unborn babies killed by the U.S. in Afghanistan and Iraq the same "Right To Life" as babies in America.

As for "baby

You support baby killing, you are low life form....and a coward

I find it interesting that there are those who would ban abortion if the pregnancy resulted from unprotected, consensual sex. Hard to prove - the unprotected part. If the condom broke, can the woman get an abortion? If the "protection" be it pill, barrier or spermicide, failed, can the woman get an abortion? How do we prove "unprotected"? Would this disqualify married women from ever getting an abortion?

Enquiring minds want to know how you would go about ensuring that no woman who just plays around with no thought of the consequences, doesn't get an abortion.

Sounds like "Big Government" to me.
Is a fertlized egg a baby? Does the morning after pill kill a baby?
Why do the left want her dead?
View attachment 61227
Answer the question. Is a fertilzed egg a baby?
That's not the question. The question is why does the left want her dead?
View attachment 61228
Your question is based on falsehoods. Quote someone here saying they want to see her dead...
"It's incredible to me that conservatives think they're so special that they don't have to pay for things they don't want to pay for."

It's incredible to me that Progressive Liberals / Socialists think that just because Conservatives don't like being bent over and F*ed, forced to pay for things Liberals refuse to pay for themselves because they don't want to accept personal responsibility and own up to / pay for the consequences of their own actions, they brand these Conservatives as 'selfish', 'self-important'.

Dana, I don't mind paying for a lot of things that actually help people out; however, their is a lot of SHIT Democrats have forced the American people to pay for and continue to force them to pay for...such as:

1. Obamaphones:
It is not a Constitutional RIGHT to own a cell phone, and I should not have to pay for anyone else to have one... I have passed locations where people - who are already using a cell phone they own and are using it in line - are standing in line to get a 'free' Obamaphone'

2. One of the 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork tucked inside Obama's failed Stimulus bill was money to pay to train alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsibly on taken from tax payers' pockets....

3. Another one of the 7,000 pieces of pork in the nearly $1 trillion failed Obama stimulus bill, that tax payers paid for, was a study in why the sex life of a homosexual Argentinian male was better that than of a heterosexual American male.

Tack on the plethora, veritable cornucopia of tax payer-funded fraud, waste, and abuse for which our politicians are responsible ... then throw in F*ing MORONS like yourself who criticize tax paying Americans for complaining about being robbed and our tax dollars being used for such BULLSHIT....

So pardon me, if on top of everything else we are unfairly, and quite a bit I feel to be unconstitutionally, forced to pay for, I call you a dumbmass when you say we have no right to bitch about liberals wanting me / us to pay for their abortions because they don't feel they should be held accountable for their choices / decisions / actions.
I can't decide.... are you dumber because you don't know "Obamaphones" (more accurately identified as the Lifeline program) started under Reagan? Or because you think you are forced to pay for them?
Faun, the issue is not who started a program that forced / forces Americans to buy cell phones for others who often do not need them.

The issue is that having cell phones is not a Constitutional right, and the government has no business taxing citizens to provide them to others.

Interesting that iut of the entire list of fraudulent, wasteful spending you made no attempt to justify the fiscally criminal pork spending in Obama's failed stimulus bill. At least you recognize there is / was no justification for it.
"It's incredible to me that conservatives think they're so special that they don't have to pay for things they don't want to pay for."

It's incredible to me that Progressive Liberals / Socialists think that just because Conservatives don't like being bent over and F*ed, forced to pay for things Liberals refuse to pay for themselves because they don't want to accept personal responsibility and own up to / pay for the consequences of their own actions, they brand these Conservatives as 'selfish', 'self-important'.

Dana, I don't mind paying for a lot of things that actually help people out; however, their is a lot of SHIT Democrats have forced the American people to pay for and continue to force them to pay for...such as:

1. Obamaphones:
It is not a Constitutional RIGHT to own a cell phone, and I should not have to pay for anyone else to have one... I have passed locations where people - who are already using a cell phone they own and are using it in line - are standing in line to get a 'free' Obamaphone'

2. One of the 7,000 pieces of DNC-Only pork tucked inside Obama's failed Stimulus bill was money to pay to train alcoholic Chinese prostitutes how to drink more responsibly on taken from tax payers' pockets....

3. Another one of the 7,000 pieces of pork in the nearly $1 trillion failed Obama stimulus bill, that tax payers paid for, was a study in why the sex life of a homosexual Argentinian male was better that than of a heterosexual American male.

Tack on the plethora, veritable cornucopia of tax payer-funded fraud, waste, and abuse for which our politicians are responsible ... then throw in F*ing MORONS like yourself who criticize tax paying Americans for complaining about being robbed and our tax dollars being used for such BULLSHIT....

So pardon me, if on top of everything else we are unfairly, and quite a bit I feel to be unconstitutionally, forced to pay for, I call you a dumbmass when you say we have no right to bitch about liberals wanting me / us to pay for their abortions because they don't feel they should be held accountable for their choices / decisions / actions.
I can't decide.... are you dumber because you don't know "Obamaphones" (more accurately identified as the Lifeline program) started under Reagan? Or because you think you are forced to pay for them?
The Lifeline program was a reduced cost landline available to the very poor. obamaphones go to anyone that can say "I be gonna get me a couple o dem obamaphones ".
I still think those people that made the fake videos need to go to jail.
Everyone agrees that the videos are real. That's not the controversy. Did they have a right to sell the baby parts? Not that the transaction didn't happen.
12 investigations confirm PP acted with in the law. One of them indicted the CMP for acting outside the law.

Beautiful, isn't it?
Well, that worked out well for the activists. Wonder how many Republican lawmakers will actually come out and condemn them.

There's another issue here that could do some damage. In Colorado Springs 3 innocent people where killed, one a policeman with 3 small children. So not only are these perpetrators going to be charged criminally, but these victims families have every right to take them to court for civil damages.

Bingo, and they should.
When I lived in rural Nevada our apartment building had a monthly social worker from Las Vegas visit in case there was a benefit someone wasn't getting. I had my own cell and my own landline but every month the worker tried to give me a phone or two.

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