Anti ANTIFA rally in New Orleans could turn into micro pocket civil war Sunday


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

NEW ORLEANS (INTELLIHUB) — Outlaw Morgan discusses just how massive the anti-ANTIFA rally will be this Sunday and warns that it may get hairy, in a recent Facebook video post titled “New Orleans Update.”


‘Anti-ANTIFA rally in New Orleans could turn into a micro-pocket Civil War Sunday’: Outlaw Morgan | Intellihub

It would be an awesome show to see these panzy ass ANTIFA girly boys who put their women in the front lines because they are like scared little bitches LMFAO.

Going up against Former VETS OMFG............ this is like putting delicate flowers in the center of a hurricane.

They are planning a nice get together BLM, ANTIFA..............Oh gawd this is gonna be a good one.
‘Battle Of New Orleans’ Promises Armed Battle In City On Sunday
New Orleans, Louisiana – The “Battle Of New Orleans” on Sunday promises to be an armed confrontation between fringe groups on the right and the left, with some calling this the start of a new civil war. Busloads of armed extremists on both sides are reportedly heading to New Orleans, ready for an armed confrontation.

'Battle Of New Orleans' Promises Armed Battle In City On Sunday
It will most likely happen on Reichstag St.

I guess we shall see if anything happens since word is getting out it could go belly up altogether just because of the so called violence.

Now you're promoting a white supremacist rally?

You never fail to amaze.

Now you're promoting a white supremacist rally?

You never fail to amaze.
Yeah right, it's called INFORMING PEOPLE big difference try again bahaaahhaha.


Sure. Just "informing" everyone about a white supremacist rally - you're just an unbiased observer, right?

You guys really have just given up on pretending not to be racists, haven't you?
View attachment 125183

NEW ORLEANS (INTELLIHUB) — Outlaw Morgan discusses just how massive the anti-ANTIFA rally will be this Sunday and warns that it may get hairy, in a recent Facebook video post titled “New Orleans Update.”


‘Anti-ANTIFA rally in New Orleans could turn into a micro-pocket Civil War Sunday’: Outlaw Morgan | Intellihub

It would be an awesome show to see these panzy ass ANTIFA girly boys who put their women in the front lines because they are like scared little bitches LMFAO.

Going up against Former VETS OMFG............ this is like putting delicate flowers in the center of a hurricane.

They are planning a nice get together BLM, ANTIFA..............Oh gawd this is gonna be a good one.

Where will you be? My guess is you will be as far away from NOLA as a bus will take you. BTW, how'd David Koresh's civil war work out? How about Donald DeFreeze (Cinque's) civil war work out.

The idiot fringe is no serious threat to civil authority, especially when SWAT - well trained and equipped with military grade weapons and command and control sets up office.

Now you're promoting a white supremacist rally?

You never fail to amaze.
Yeah right, it's called INFORMING PEOPLE big difference try again bahaaahhaha.


Sure. Just "informing" everyone about a white supremacist rally - you're just an unbiased observer, right?

You guys really have just given up on pretending not to be racists, haven't you?

The only ones who think that are those who HATE AMERICA, anybody who loves America know it's pure bs

Baked Alaska @bakedalaska

Now you're promoting a white supremacist rally?

You never fail to amaze.
Yeah right, it's called INFORMING PEOPLE big difference try again bahaaahhaha.


Sure. Just "informing" everyone about a white supremacist rally - you're just an unbiased observer, right?

You guys really have just given up on pretending not to be racists, haven't you?

The only ones who think that are those who HATE AMERICA, anybody who loves America know it's pure bs

Baked Alaska @bakedalaska


You're promoting a white power event on a message board. It's not complicated.

Either you support this white power rally, or you don't. Which is it?

Now you're promoting a white supremacist rally?

You never fail to amaze.
Yeah right, it's called INFORMING PEOPLE big difference try again bahaaahhaha.
Looks like it will be a pro-Constitution rally to me. Of course the left hates things like this. They hate America.


Is that what it looks like to you?

David Duke and Andrew Anglin are the ones promoting this event. You a fan of theirs?
BAKED ALASKA just confirmed this EVENT is not about RACE, it is not WHITE S.

It is about MONUMENTS and ANTIFA is going to deface these Historical Monuments

bother listening to his video maybe we wouldn't have so many clueless fkn dumb asses...

View attachment 125183

NEW ORLEANS (INTELLIHUB) — Outlaw Morgan discusses just how massive the anti-ANTIFA rally will be this Sunday and warns that it may get hairy, in a recent Facebook video post titled “New Orleans Update.”


‘Anti-ANTIFA rally in New Orleans could turn into a micro-pocket Civil War Sunday’: Outlaw Morgan | Intellihub

It would be an awesome show to see these panzy ass ANTIFA girly boys who put their women in the front lines because they are like scared little bitches LMFAO.

Going up against Former VETS OMFG............ this is like putting delicate flowers in the center of a hurricane.

They are planning a nice get together BLM, ANTIFA..............Oh gawd this is gonna be a good one.

Where will you be? My guess is you will be as far away from NOLA as a bus will take you. BTW, how'd David Koresh's civil war work out? How about Donald DeFreeze (Cinque's) civil war work out.

The idiot fringe is no serious threat to civil authority, especially when SWAT - well trained and equipped with military grade weapons and command and control sets up office.

Hopefully they can keep the idiot left from causing trouble.

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