Anti-Fascist Stabs Innocent Man Over 'Neo-Nazi' Haircut

Sounds to me more like a lunatic than an anti-fascist. Ya know, a LUNATIC. Hope they caught him with a big butterfly net and made sure he took his meds.
Lunatic, Antifa. There really is no difference.
Antifa are not nutjobs. Violent, yes. Crazy no.

They're crazier than a bunch of shit house rats
What makes you think so?
So now the Alt Left thinks it is OK to attack a person because of their haircut?

How come I am not surprised?
Why is there absolutely nothing from the Sheridan Colorado PD about this ? You SURE this happened?
An untreated nutjob running the streets. Fox is absolutely off their nut.
Some Republican nutjob commits a crime, and libs brand all Conservatives for the crime.

The coin flips, and suddenly Fox news / Conservatives are shit for doing so.

I am not justifyimg or choosing sides, just pointing out the hypocrisy.
NO ONE is blaming all conservatives for a crime. Just the conservatives defending the nutjob.
Fox should definitely know better than to say this evident nutcase is an anti-fascist for real.

I'm pretty sure I've seen multiple posts that either directly blame conservatives for the attack in Charlottesville, or imply that conservatism is to blame.
The angry incoherent psychotic left apparently has been given free reign by the left wing media and democrats to instigate violence and commit any atrocity under the guise of the new left wing mantra, "violence for good". .
An untreated nutjob running the streets. Fox is absolutely off their nut.
Some Republican nutjob commits a crime, and libs brand all Conservatives for the crime.

The coin flips, and suddenly Fox news / Conservatives are shit for doing so.

I am not justifyimg or choosing sides, just pointing out the hypocrisy.
NO ONE is blaming all conservatives for a crime. Just the conservatives defending the nutjob.
Fox should definitely know better than to say this evident nutcase is an anti-fascist for real.

I'm pretty sure I've seen multiple posts that either directly blame conservatives for the attack in Charlottesville, or imply that conservatism is to blame.

The KKK and NeoNazis are neither conservative or liberal. They are authoritarian nut cases.
This is just some guy with a haircut. The one who needs to be executed is the one spreading nazism by giving the haircut.
Was it a bad haircut?


Ranger cut.
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No police report has been filed for this "incident." Zero proof to this story. Looks like it may have been staged.
So now the Alt Left thinks it is OK to attack a person because of their haircut?

How come I am not surprised?
Why is there absolutely nothing from the Sheridan Colorado PD about this ? You SURE this happened?

Exactly. No police report, no local news reporting...this guy claims to have been attacked and instead of contacting the police he goes home to post on facebook? I smell bullshit.
The attacker sounds like a nutbar, whether Antifa or not.
Since most of you ARE nutbars, that's pretty much a given.

Would either of you like to clarify who the "you" is that you say are mostly nutbars? ;)
ANTIFA and their supporters.

Is there a particular reason you directed that statement at me, then? I am neither a member of nor a supporter of Antifa, and I haven't indicated that I am anywhere in this thread (or on this board, for that matter).
Democrat incitement. It's unprecedented. They want violence. Since Election Day, they've incited violence 24/7. It's truly shameful.
The attacker sounds like a nutbar, whether Antifa or not.
Since most of you ARE nutbars, that's pretty much a given.

Would either of you like to clarify who the "you" is that you say are mostly nutbars? ;)
ANTIFA and their supporters.

Is there a particular reason you directed that statement at me, then? I am neither a member of nor a supporter of Antifa, and I haven't indicated that I am anywhere in this thread (or on this board, for that matter).
Then I apologize.

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