Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate

I have a gay sister and a few gay cousins. I am a believer that people who are gay are born that way and I support the right for gays to marry each other. However, I also support the freedom of speech for those who do not agree. If people are allowed to preach tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals then likewise, those who disagree also have the right to express their disapproval as long as they are not harming anybody. I'm actually kind of impressed to see this school district taking that stance.

Also, does anyone else find it amusing the VP of the school's Gay Straight Alliance is named Michelle Bachman?

Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate: Hate Speech Or Free Speech?

freedom of speech can be limited in schools. and anti-bullying laws are totally appropriate. the school shouldn't create an environment where it is ok to bully gay teens. this is both because again, kids shouldn't be bullied in school; and b) the rate of attempted suicide for gay kids is about 50%; for transgendered kids it's far higher.

the schools should do anti-bullying programs...not allow people to be victimized by school mates.

Expressing your opinion of disagreeing with homosexuality is no less bullying than expressing your opinion for it, as long as nobody is getting physically harmed or directly harassed.

Bull. your bigotry is no one's problem but you own. and school, like work, should not be a hostile environment. but thanks for wanting to make the world a disgusting place.

Then the rainbows need to be banned along with the rainbows with the slash through it. If you can't have one, then you should not have the other.

see, I don't understand how you compare the two.

this is what makes me question the type of people who claim to be conservative.

You don't tell me who you prefer sex with. I won't tell you who I prefer sex with. It is not my business who you sleep with, it is not my business nor do I care. It is not you business who I sleep with, why would you care. The government doesn't need to get involved, the government shouldn't care and leave all the BS at home, don't take it to work, school or anywhere else.

If you want to announce your sexual preference to the world then others can express their opinion about your opinion. They are all opinions.
Let's see, whiny liberals hate the Boy Scouts because they won the right to discriminate against hiring overt homosexuals to supervise young boys but there ain't a single liberal mom in the world who would consider hiring a heterosexual man supervise young girls. That turns liberals into hypocrites. lefties reserve their free speech right to ridicule Christian beliefs with disgusting "art" like "Christ/piss" and they think the 1st Amendment only applies to them. Well guess what, it seems that normal people also have the 1st Amendment right to ridicule the sodomite life style. Note to lefties, quit whining about hurt feelings and live in the real freaking world where there is a lot more to worry about than some freaking stickers you don't care for.
I have a gay sister and a few gay cousins. I am a believer that people who are gay are born that way and I support the right for gays to marry each other. However, I also support the freedom of speech for those who do not agree. If people are allowed to preach tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals then likewise, those who disagree also have the right to express their disapproval as long as they are not harming anybody. I'm actually kind of impressed to see this school district taking that stance.

Also, does anyone else find it amusing the VP of the school's Gay Straight Alliance is named Michelle Bachman?

Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate: Hate Speech Or Free Speech?

Freedom of expression....tolerate it.
To a point. Tolerance stops at Intolerance. And kids in school have limited Free Speech.

Yet you expect people to tolerate your intolerance.
"The stickers show a rainbow — the symbol of the gay community — with a line crossing through it. Officials said the stickers have increasingly shown up over the past two weeks on some students’ school ID badges at Shadow Hills High School, as well as on social media websites."

The badge is school property. I'd shut that down hard with - no stickers, period.

Not when the student has to pay for it.
Regardless. Being hateful of classmates is disruptive, and unnecessary.

I would assume that applies to both sides. If you hate a fellow classmate for being pro-gay, that's disruptive. If you hate your fellow classmate for being anti-gay, that's disruptive.
Actually, every decent person wants a society where all a treated with equal dignity.

Actually, you want a society that where one group of people are treated with more dignity than another. Instead of bringing gay people on par in status with straights, you seek to elevate gay people to a status which exceeds that of straights.

In a quest for equality, you cause inequality.

Anyone, conservative or liberal, who believes their ideas foster the holy grail of equality are kidding themselves.
Regardless. Being hateful of classmates is disruptive, and unnecessary.

I would assume that applies to both sides. If you hate a fellow classmate for being pro-gay, that's disruptive. If you hate your fellow classmate for being anti-gay, that's disruptive.
No one was wearing an anti anti gay sticker. So the only ones doing the hating would be the anti gay sticker wearers.
Actually, every decent person wants a society where all a treated with equal dignity.

Actually, you want a society that where one group of people are treated with more dignity than another. Instead of bringing gay people on par in status with straights, you seek to elevate gay people to a status which exceeds that of straights.

In a quest for equality, you cause inequality.

Anyone, conservative or liberal, who believes their ideas foster the holy grail of equality are kidding themselves.
Please explain. I dont think even you believe that.
I wonder how conservative evangelicals would react to anti heterosexual stickers showing up at high school campuses randomly.

They probably wouldn't care...

(sarcasm)You know, because feelings are more important than an actual education.(/sarcasm)
"The stickers show a rainbow — the symbol of the gay community — with a line crossing through it. Officials said the stickers have increasingly shown up over the past two weeks on some students’ school ID badges at Shadow Hills High School, as well as on social media websites."

The badge is school property. I'd shut that down hard with - no stickers, period.

Not when the student has to pay for it.
Paying for the right to wear the badge doesnt make it any less the schools property. I bet you think because you pay for a hotel room you should get to keep the towels?
"The stickers show a rainbow — the symbol of the gay community — with a line crossing through it. Officials said the stickers have increasingly shown up over the past two weeks on some students’ school ID badges at Shadow Hills High School, as well as on social media websites."

The badge is school property. I'd shut that down hard with - no stickers, period.

Not when the student has to pay for it.
They pay to park, does that mean they own the parking lot? And, I wouldn't have them pay, for 'their' badge which is school property in the end.
"The stickers show a rainbow — the symbol of the gay community — with a line crossing through it. Officials said the stickers have increasingly shown up over the past two weeks on some students’ school ID badges at Shadow Hills High School, as well as on social media websites."

The badge is school property. I'd shut that down hard with - no stickers, period.

Not when the student has to pay for it.
Paying for the right to wear the badge doesnt make it any less the schools property. I bet you think because you pay for a hotel room you should get to keep the towels?

I bet you think those two are a valid comparison. I would expect a BOY like you to do so. I bet you think the food stamp money you get actually comes from the government instead of the white people forced to support you.

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