Anti-government, Red State Oklahoma begging for Big Government Disaster Relief

There's certainly area's where the federal government must play a roll in and there's area's they should NOT. How much power do you want the federal government to have over 300,000,000 lives is one of the questions we should be asking.

How do we define the 10th amendment?

Of course the federal government should play a big part in giving aid to the states.
Of course they should help build infrastructure and spark scientific advancements.
Of course they have a roll in defense, economics, etc.

I think the right should play up the 10th amendment mostly centered around not allowing the federal government to dictate social issues to the entire country. If you don't want gay marriage=ok; If you don't want abortion=ok, etc.

I'm also scared as I look at the federal government today and feel uncomfortable with the IRS and the justice department going into our lives. I feel the federal government should respect our rights.

There was a time in this nation where every stated would have turned down federal money.
America's Problem all wrapped up in a single thread? ya, looks like it.. Anyone who wants to politicize in any way a tragedy should be socially shunned. That means all of the hurricanes, school shootings, tornadoes.. There is no shame. And now we wonder why none of us can get along. Dozens die and the first thing someone thinks about is how Oklahoma has historically been a little distant in there relationship with the government. I found it disgusting when people were arguing Sandy Hook as a political issue. For one second can we just come in and say, hey these people need us and they're Americans just like you and I. We rebuilt the South after the bloodiest War in American history, stop being an asshole and try to help in anyway you can.
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You got any figures for how much the state of Oklahoma pays the federal government in taxes?

Oklahoma is one of those states that get back considerably more from the federal government than they pay to the federal government. It's another red state being supported by a blue state.

This the caring (cough-cough) character of a left wing midget brain.--:cuckoo: If it doesn't meet their special interest goals--it's Martha bar the gates on what they will say and do.

What's wrong if the solution involves both government and citizens working together?

Eisenhower used Big Government to build the Interstate and it ended up having a multiplier effect for business. The technology that came out of the Big Government Space Program contributed to the 1980s consumer electronics boom. Why are Rightwing voters being kept in the dark about this stuff by their trusted pundits?

The Rightwing war against Big Government runs the risk of destroying the very resources the citizens of natural disasters depend on.

One day you say Big Government can't run a laundromat, the next day you give it the power and budget to rebuild whole Arab nations. The Conservative Message Machine has left its voters with terrible contradictions, bumper sticker logic and misdirected rage.

The Corporations who pour money into Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck (in the form of advertising support) also beg for Big Government Patent protection for their products. Until you understand these complexities, you will be stuck with simplistic Tea Party Cliches about Socialism. Meaning: the Right is clogging the debate because they are being systematically lied to by their trusted pundits.

Big Government is not "the solution" as the Left thinks. Nor is it "the problem" as the Right thinks. It's complicated. It's not a bumper sticker.

The Rightwing voter needs to start researching how much aid conservatives, Red States and corporations accept from Big Government.

I'm sick of people trying to destroy the Big Government they depend upon for AID. And I'm sick people who don't see how much aid they actually receive.

When people systematically deny, distort and lie about the productive role big government plays in helping citizens and corporations and disaster-ridden states, then they must be reminded of that help when it's not convenient, like right now - otherwise that help will be gone when others need it.

Stop your war on government aid, and stop covering up the degree to which the good citizens of this nation rely upon government aid.
Neither the American government nor the private sector can survive without the other.

Government is cast as the scapegoat for almost all problems today but in truth most of what government does is needed and can't be done effectively by the private sector. The private sector can only provide services that create a profit.

Does that include military spending? How about SS? Are you on the left STILL unable to admit that such statistics are complete and utter crap if you are not going to bother to understand WHERE that money is spent? I guess it is a BAD thing if they are ‘accepting’ military bases even thought that has NOTHING to do with the state of federal welfare in that respective area. I also notice that CA, the liberal bastion, is a taker. Being the most populous state in the entire nation that really puts an imbalance in your figures. Another hugely populated state, TX, is a giver. And republican. I guess that you have no idea what those actual statistics mean and how useless they are. You could ONLY use them once the expenditures had been accounted for and the numbers weighted by population but that would not fit your asinine agenda, would it. Such shows that you are not actually interested in fact, just spin.
Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Why can't Conservatives and Red States just appreciate the help they get from Big Government? That's all I ask.

Do you know how much money Red States have accepted form Big Government for disaster relief?

Do you know how much medicare aid conservative seniors have accepted from Big Government.

Do you know how Big Government infrastructure investments help both citizens and corporations?

Do you know how many Big Government subsidies have been accepted by private sector capitalists?

What about Patent Protection that capitalists beg for and receive from Big Government? Does Glenn Beck teach you any of this?

Do you know how much military protection the private sector receives from big government so that their overseas supply chains and trade routes are protected?

Until you understand the amount of BIG GOVERNMENT aid Conservatives, Red States, and Corporations have accepted (and lobbied for), you should be careful with banal cliches against Big Government.

The American people are resilient. And they always come to each others aid. But there is a role for Big Government in helping people, as is evidenced by all the aid conservatives and Red States take. Until you fully understand that aid, you are part of the problem.

My gawd...THEY Fucking pay taxes to the Federal government too, you people are such asses and your title is lie..Nobody is ANTI-GOVERNMENT..they want it smaller, more efficient and stop WASTING our monies..
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There's certainly area's where the federal government must play a roll in and there's area's they should NOT. How much power do you want the federal government to have over 300,000,000 lives is one of the questions we should be asking.

How do we define the 10th amendment?

Of course the federal government should play a big part in giving aid to the states.
Of course they should help build infrastructure and spark scientific advancements.
Of course they have a roll in defense, economics, etc.

I think the right should play up the 10th amendment mostly centered around not allowing the federal government to dictate social issues to the entire country. If you don't want gay marriage=ok; If you don't want abortion=ok, etc.

I'm also scared as I look at the federal government today and feel uncomfortable with the IRS and the justice department going into our lives. I feel the federal government should respect our rights.

In other words, you don't want the federal government to have the power to protect our rights,

which is odd, because if I'm not mistaken, the protection of our rights is one of the primary purposes of the Constitution.
Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Why can't Conservatives and Red States just appreciate the help they get from Big Government? That's all I ask.

Do you know how much money Red States have accepted form Big Government for disaster relief?

Do you know how much medicare aid conservative seniors have accepted from Big Government.

Do you know how Big Government infrastructure investments help both citizens and corporations?

Do you know how many Big Government subsidies have been accepted by private sector capitalists?

What about Patent Protection that capitalists beg for and receive from Big Government? Does Glenn Beck teach you any of this?

Do you know how much military protection the private sector receives from big government so that their overseas supply chains and trade routes are protected?

Until you understand the amount of BIG GOVERNMENT aid Conservatives, Red States, and Corporations have accepted (and lobbied for), you should be careful with banal cliches against Big Government.

The American people are resilient. And they always come to each others aid. But there is a role for Big Government in helping people, as is evidenced by all the aid conservatives and Red States take. Until you fully understand that aid, you are part of the problem.

My gawd...THEY Fucking pay taxes to the Federal government too, you people are such asses and your title is lie..Nobody is ANTI-GOVERNMENT..they want it smaller, more efficient and stop WASTING our monies..

And where on this earth is there a large nation with a small efficient government? Government is inefficient by it's nature. Although governments can weight needs versus cost on a global scale, it can not on an individual scale. Government may determine the need for a social program and lay down the laws and rules but it can't weight individual needs versus costs. In other words, government can make only limited subjective decisions about granting disaster aid or any social services based what what a government worker feels or thinks. It must be based on approved criteria. So the lazy bum get's aid along with those that truly deserve help. By having better regulations we can eliminate some waste but there will always be a lot of waste in government.

Inefficiencies in government are magnified by the media for effect. Political opposition to whoever is in power uses it for political gain. The result is a large percent of the population is simply disgusted with government and see no alternative but to radically reduce the function of government with some vague idea that the private sector or the people will come together and replace government services.

For the most part, the idea of a small efficient government where people take care of themselves, their family, and their community is based on the way we think people should be, not the way they are. If we just stop government from helping people, then people will become responsibility, productive, hard working, caring members of the community. It's a nice thought but not realistic.
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Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Oklahoma, like Ayn Rand, had their pockets picked for a lifetime. It is long past time they got something back.

Actually Oklahoma receives $1.04 in federal spending for every $1.00 in federal taxes.

Is Your State A Net Giver or Taker of Federal Taxes? | The Big Picture
Oklahoma, like Ayn Rand, had their pockets picked for a lifetime. It is long past time they got something back.

Rand turned 65 in 1970, a mere five years after Medicare was created; she certainly didn't enroll because she'd paid in for "a lifetime."

Comparing the people of Oklahoma to her is an insult to them.

Good idea. Everyone in Oklahoma now on wefare gets crap. Only those who work get relief.

So if they lose their job because of the disaster - no help.

THat makes sense.
The people of Oklahoma will be far along the path of rebuilding before the Feds even get there.

Good I say let them go on their way and stay out of it.

Never let a tragedy go to waste right Leftytoon? More politicization of children dying.

9/11 was used in over 1,000 election commercials. I suspect you have total trust in Washington politicians, but I think some of them were using the tragedy to exploit American fears so they could get elected. Here is where we differ: I don't trust those Washington politicians as much as you. I don't think they are as honest as you do - so I question their terminal use of mushroom clouds and towel heads on monkey bars.

And the politicization continues. By the looks of it from someone who doesn't even live here. An act of nature and terrorism have squat to do with one another. And Democrats/Liberals trust Washington. Are you calling me a liberal?
I saw this

Why Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn doesn't want tornado relief money - The Week

According to The Huffington Post, Coburn's spokesman, John Hart, has confirmed that the senator will push for any federal disaster spending to be offset by cuts elsewhere in the budget: "That's always been his position [to offset disaster aid]. He supported offsets to the bill funding the OKC bombing recovery effort."

I hope those offsets don't effect another American program. How about not giving Israel or Egypt more aid money?
good ole Salon, they know how to get the hate stirred up for the left and their rabid hateful members..

what a lovely place eh?
Ronald Reagan's father was saved by one of FDR's Big Government work programs.

FDR believed that helping unemployed, struggling Americans was an investment in good people. FDR believed that if you helped people during hard times, they would go on to make great contributions. And, their contributions would outweigh the number of people who scammed the system.

Ronald Reagan later re-defined FDR-style investment in struggling Americans as a handout to welfare queens. He didn't have FDR's faith in struggling American families. This is why those same poor families were excluded from the gains of economic growth during his presidency. This is why household debt exploded starting in 1980.

and now we are just suppose to take your word on this..were you there to witness this or something?

good grief

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