Anti-government, Red State Oklahoma begging for Big Government Disaster Relief

Here's the full list of Hurricane Sandy GOP no voters, and their individual hypocrisies:

1. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH): Requested disaster aid after Hurricane Sandy.
2. John Barrasso (R-WY), Republican Policy Committee Chair: Requested disaster aid after flooding.
3. Roy Blunt (R-MO), Republican Conference Vice Chair: Demanded the Senate be called back from recess to pass disaster aid during a drought and boasts: “When a disaster surpasses the ability of states and communities to rebuild, Senator Blunt believes the federal government should prioritize spending to help the people whose lives and livelihoods are impacted. During his time in the Senate, he has fought tirelessly to ensure that Missouri gets its fair share of those federal resources specifically dedicated to disaster recovery.”
4. John Boozman (R-AR): Requested disaster aid after snow storms in January 2013.
5. Richard Burr (R-NC): Requested disaster aid after severe storms.
6. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA): Requested disaster aid after flooding.
7. Dan Coats (R-IN): Requested disaster aid after tornadoes.
8. Tom Coburn (R-OK): Requested disaster aid after winter storms and for extreme drought.
9. Bob Corker (R-TN): Requested disaster aid after flooding and asked for supplemental emergency flood relief.
10. John Cornyn (R-TX), Republican Minority Whip: Demanded drought relief aid and requested disaster aid for wildfires.
11. Mike Crapo (R-ID): Boasted of obtaining a FEMA fire safety grant and pushed for a bill providing emergency drought relief.
12. Mike Enzi (R-WY): Requested disaster relief after flooding.
13. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): Requested disaster relief after freezing and boasted of obtaining emergency drought relief.
14. Chuck Grassley (R-IA): Requested disaster relief after severe hail storms.
15. Orrin Hatch (R-UT): Requested disaster relief after flooding.
16. James Inhofe (R-OK): Boasted of obtaining disaster relief after severe storms and drought.
17. Johnny Isakson (R-GA): Requested disaster aid after flooding.
18. Mike Johanns (R-NE): Requested disaster relief after flooding and blasted Democrats for “inaction on disaster relief” for drought and wildfires.
19. Ron Johnson (R-WI): Requested disaster relief after a blizzard.
20. Mark Kirk (R-IL): Appealed after FEMA denied assistance following severe storms and tornadoes.
21. Mike Lee (R-UT): After calling federal disaster relief unconstitutional, endorsed relief aid after flooding in Utah.
22. John McCain (R-AZ): Endorsed disaster relief after flooding.
23. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Republican Minority Leader: Requested disaster relief during a drought and after tornadoes.
24. Jerry Moran (R-KS): Requested disaster relief after tornadoes.
25. Rand Paul (R-KY): Requested disaster relief during a drought and after tornadoes.
26. Rob Portman (R-OH): Endorsed disaster relief during a drought and after storms.
27. Pat Roberts (R-KS): Boasted of obtaining disaster relief after drought and wildfires and criticized the Bush administration for inadequate emergency relief after a blizzard.
28. Marco Rubio (R-FL): Requested disaster relief after severe freezing.
29. Jeff Sessions (R-AL): Requested disaster relief after tornadoes and during a drought.
30. John Thune (R-SD), Republican Conference Chair: Requested disaster relief after flooding and snow storms.
31. Pat Toomey (R-PA): Requested disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy before it even hit landfall.

31 Senate Republicans Opposed Sandy Relief After Supporting Disaster Aid For Home States | ThinkProgress
FYI: I think they should get all the Big Government HELP they need to rebuild. I don't care if they made a bad decision to build a community in a tornado zone. When bad shit happens, the government should help. Why? Because they are in the best position to do so.

We are our bother's keepers. And this nation should bear the burden of those who freely choose to live in hurricane and tornado zones.

I personally support the my conservative Oklahoma brothers and sisters in their plea for BIG GOVERNMENT HELP.

this is obviously referring back to Sandy. Sandy was never denied initial help. Neither should OK. The issue, which you fail to mention in your opening post, refers to the extended relief bill of $50.5 Billion in which Sandy was given, but many were against. I will tell you it is much deeper, and I suspect you do realize that, than some noot voting for it. It had to do with the contents of that Bill, in which much was not even directed directly to helping those businesses or families that actually were impacted by Sandy. There is so much pork within that bill, that is why some voted against it.

It seems to me, you should be directing your focus on those that submitted that pork to a bill that should have been exclusively for those directly effected by that horrible storm, rather than those that voted against it. Otherwise I see it as your not really caring for those victims of Sandy.
Lol its the people's money that helps not government without us they don't exist and hopefully wont soon. Lol start over time is here
Here's the full list of Hurricane Sandy GOP no voters, and their individual hypocrisies:

1. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH): Requested disaster aid after Hurricane Sandy.
2. John Barrasso (R-WY), Republican Policy Committee Chair: Requested disaster aid after flooding.
3. Roy Blunt (R-MO), Republican Conference Vice Chair: Demanded the Senate be called back from recess to pass disaster aid during a drought and boasts: “When a disaster surpasses the ability of states and communities to rebuild, Senator Blunt believes the federal government should prioritize spending to help the people whose lives and livelihoods are impacted. During his time in the Senate, he has fought tirelessly to ensure that Missouri gets its fair share of those federal resources specifically dedicated to disaster recovery.”
4. John Boozman (R-AR): Requested disaster aid after snow storms in January 2013.
5. Richard Burr (R-NC): Requested disaster aid after severe storms.
6. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA): Requested disaster aid after flooding.
7. Dan Coats (R-IN): Requested disaster aid after tornadoes.
8. Tom Coburn (R-OK): Requested disaster aid after winter storms and for extreme drought.
9. Bob Corker (R-TN): Requested disaster aid after flooding and asked for supplemental emergency flood relief.
10. John Cornyn (R-TX), Republican Minority Whip: Demanded drought relief aid and requested disaster aid for wildfires.
11. Mike Crapo (R-ID): Boasted of obtaining a FEMA fire safety grant and pushed for a bill providing emergency drought relief.
12. Mike Enzi (R-WY): Requested disaster relief after flooding.
13. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): Requested disaster relief after freezing and boasted of obtaining emergency drought relief.
14. Chuck Grassley (R-IA): Requested disaster relief after severe hail storms.
15. Orrin Hatch (R-UT): Requested disaster relief after flooding.
16. James Inhofe (R-OK): Boasted of obtaining disaster relief after severe storms and drought.
17. Johnny Isakson (R-GA): Requested disaster aid after flooding.
18. Mike Johanns (R-NE): Requested disaster relief after flooding and blasted Democrats for “inaction on disaster relief” for drought and wildfires.
19. Ron Johnson (R-WI): Requested disaster relief after a blizzard.
20. Mark Kirk (R-IL): Appealed after FEMA denied assistance following severe storms and tornadoes.
21. Mike Lee (R-UT): After calling federal disaster relief unconstitutional, endorsed relief aid after flooding in Utah.
22. John McCain (R-AZ): Endorsed disaster relief after flooding.
23. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Republican Minority Leader: Requested disaster relief during a drought and after tornadoes.
24. Jerry Moran (R-KS): Requested disaster relief after tornadoes.
25. Rand Paul (R-KY): Requested disaster relief during a drought and after tornadoes.
26. Rob Portman (R-OH): Endorsed disaster relief during a drought and after storms.
27. Pat Roberts (R-KS): Boasted of obtaining disaster relief after drought and wildfires and criticized the Bush administration for inadequate emergency relief after a blizzard.
28. Marco Rubio (R-FL): Requested disaster relief after severe freezing.
29. Jeff Sessions (R-AL): Requested disaster relief after tornadoes and during a drought.
30. John Thune (R-SD), Republican Conference Chair: Requested disaster relief after flooding and snow storms.
31. Pat Toomey (R-PA): Requested disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy before it even hit landfall.

31 Senate Republicans Opposed Sandy Relief After Supporting Disaster Aid For Home States | ThinkProgress

Never let a good disaster go to waste for you people's politics...they haven't even found ALL THEIR DEAD in Ok.
FYI: I think they should get all the Big Government HELP they need to rebuild. I don't care if they made a bad decision to build a community in a tornado zone. When bad shit happens, the government should help. Why? Because they are in the best position to do so.

We are our bother's keepers. And this nation should bear the burden of those who freely choose to live in hurricane and tornado zones.

I personally support the my conservative Oklahoma brothers and sisters in their plea for BIG GOVERNMENT HELP.

this is obviously referring back to Sandy. Sandy was never denied initial help. Neither should OK. The issue, which you fail to mention in your opening post, refers to the extended relief bill of $50.5 Billion in which Sandy was given, but many were against. I will tell you it is much deeper, and I suspect you do realize that, than some noot voting for it. It had to do with the contents of that Bill, in which much was not even directed directly to helping those businesses or families that actually were impacted by Sandy. There is so much pork within that bill, that is why some voted against it.

It seems to me, you should be directing your focus on those that submitted that pork to a bill that should have been exclusively for those directly effected by that horrible storm, rather than those that voted against it. Otherwise I see it as your not really caring for those victims of Sandy.

An initial Sandy bill of only 9 billion was passed early in January and pretty much the same Republicans voted AGAINST that one as well,

so fuck the 'pork' excuse.
I saw this

Why Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn doesn't want tornado relief money - The Week

According to The Huffington Post, Coburn's spokesman, John Hart, has confirmed that the senator will push for any federal disaster spending to be offset by cuts elsewhere in the budget: "That's always been his position [to offset disaster aid]. He supported offsets to the bill funding the OKC bombing recovery effort."

To the orange:


– 2005: The “Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act” (H.R. 1268) provided $82 billion to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Coburn voted for the measure.
– 2006: The Defense Appropriations Bill (H.R.2863) provided approximately $40 billion for the war in Iraq. Coburn voted for the measure.
– 2006: “Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act,” (H.R. 4939 ) provided $72 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Coburn voted for the measure.
– 2005: After Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, Congress passed two relief bills, allocating more than $50 billion and allowing the National Flood Insurance Program to borrow more money. One of the measures was adopted by unanimous consent and Coburn voted for the other.
– 2006: Congress approved a Department of Defense appropriations bill (H.R. 5631), including approximately $70 billion for the war in Iraq. Coburn voted for the measure.
– 2008: In October 2008, the Bush Administration and Congress enacted a rescue package to stabilize the financial system by creating the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Coburn voted in favor of the measure.
Oklahoma Senator Won't Support Tornado Relief Without Budget Cuts | ThinkProgress
Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Why can't Conservatives and Red States just appreciate the help they get from Big Government? That's all I ask.

Do you know how much money Red States have accepted form Big Government for disaster relief?

Do you know how much medicare aid conservative seniors have accepted from Big Government.

Do you know how Big Government infrastructure investments help both citizens and corporations?

Do you know how many Big Government subsidies have been accepted by private sector capitalists?

What about Patent Protection that capitalists beg for and receive from Big Government? Does Glenn Beck teach you any of this?

Do you know how much military protection the private sector receives from big government so that their overseas supply chains and trade routes are protected?

Until you understand the amount of BIG GOVERNMENT aid Conservatives, Red States, and Corporations have accepted (and lobbied for), you should be careful with banal cliches against Big Government.

The American people are resilient. And they always come to each others aid. But there is a role for Big Government in helping people, as is evidenced by all the aid conservatives and Red States take. Until you fully understand that aid, you are part of the problem.




We give it to them without question, whatever the need, as soon as humanly possible....because we're righteous.

And when a Tsunami hits L.A., they'll make CA beg for relief. Because they're damned.

you really are a petty ass.... there is pennies difference in states from some chart you dug up that says, (Red State Socialism) you feel good about this crap?

you can't wait to dance on the graves of those killed in OK?
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Coburn should publicly praise Big Government for having the resources and power and money to rebuild his state.

Except, the feds are no where near his state. It's the Churches, individual people, and private charities that are actually providing relief to the state and helping the people rebuild.

The people of Oklahoma will be far along the path of rebuilding before the Feds even get there.

I have read (not often I might add) the stupid shit you write. But this was really fuking crazy. No Federal help you say?

So why was the Gov of Ok saying that FEMA help was timely and effective? Are you so fuking stupid that you don't know what FEMA is or what it does?
Here's the full list of Hurricane Sandy GOP no voters, and their individual hypocrisies:

1. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH): Requested disaster aid after Hurricane Sandy.
2. John Barrasso (R-WY), Republican Policy Committee Chair: Requested disaster aid after flooding.
3. Roy Blunt (R-MO), Republican Conference Vice Chair: Demanded the Senate be called back from recess to pass disaster aid during a drought and boasts: “When a disaster surpasses the ability of states and communities to rebuild, Senator Blunt believes the federal government should prioritize spending to help the people whose lives and livelihoods are impacted. During his time in the Senate, he has fought tirelessly to ensure that Missouri gets its fair share of those federal resources specifically dedicated to disaster recovery.”
4. John Boozman (R-AR): Requested disaster aid after snow storms in January 2013.
5. Richard Burr (R-NC): Requested disaster aid after severe storms.
6. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA): Requested disaster aid after flooding.
7. Dan Coats (R-IN): Requested disaster aid after tornadoes.
8. Tom Coburn (R-OK): Requested disaster aid after winter storms and for extreme drought.
9. Bob Corker (R-TN): Requested disaster aid after flooding and asked for supplemental emergency flood relief.
10. John Cornyn (R-TX), Republican Minority Whip: Demanded drought relief aid and requested disaster aid for wildfires.
11. Mike Crapo (R-ID): Boasted of obtaining a FEMA fire safety grant and pushed for a bill providing emergency drought relief.
12. Mike Enzi (R-WY): Requested disaster relief after flooding.
13. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): Requested disaster relief after freezing and boasted of obtaining emergency drought relief.
14. Chuck Grassley (R-IA): Requested disaster relief after severe hail storms.
15. Orrin Hatch (R-UT): Requested disaster relief after flooding.
16. James Inhofe (R-OK): Boasted of obtaining disaster relief after severe storms and drought.
17. Johnny Isakson (R-GA): Requested disaster aid after flooding.
18. Mike Johanns (R-NE): Requested disaster relief after flooding and blasted Democrats for “inaction on disaster relief” for drought and wildfires.
19. Ron Johnson (R-WI): Requested disaster relief after a blizzard.
20. Mark Kirk (R-IL): Appealed after FEMA denied assistance following severe storms and tornadoes.
21. Mike Lee (R-UT): After calling federal disaster relief unconstitutional, endorsed relief aid after flooding in Utah.
22. John McCain (R-AZ): Endorsed disaster relief after flooding.
23. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Republican Minority Leader: Requested disaster relief during a drought and after tornadoes.
24. Jerry Moran (R-KS): Requested disaster relief after tornadoes.
25. Rand Paul (R-KY): Requested disaster relief during a drought and after tornadoes.
26. Rob Portman (R-OH): Endorsed disaster relief during a drought and after storms.
27. Pat Roberts (R-KS): Boasted of obtaining disaster relief after drought and wildfires and criticized the Bush administration for inadequate emergency relief after a blizzard.
28. Marco Rubio (R-FL): Requested disaster relief after severe freezing.
29. Jeff Sessions (R-AL): Requested disaster relief after tornadoes and during a drought.
30. John Thune (R-SD), Republican Conference Chair: Requested disaster relief after flooding and snow storms.
31. Pat Toomey (R-PA): Requested disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy before it even hit landfall.

31 Senate Republicans Opposed Sandy Relief After Supporting Disaster Aid For Home States | ThinkProgress

Never let a good disaster go to waste for you people's politics...they haven't even found ALL THEIR DEAD in Ok.

No staph, you are the sick fuk. Pointing out the hypicrosy of the party you support is being factual. Not political. But then again, you and facts don't even have a passing knowledge of each other.
Here's the full list of Hurricane Sandy GOP no voters, and their individual hypocrisies:

1. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH): Requested disaster aid after Hurricane Sandy.
2. John Barrasso (R-WY), Republican Policy Committee Chair: Requested disaster aid after flooding.
3. Roy Blunt (R-MO), Republican Conference Vice Chair: Demanded the Senate be called back from recess to pass disaster aid during a drought and boasts: “When a disaster surpasses the ability of states and communities to rebuild, Senator Blunt believes the federal government should prioritize spending to help the people whose lives and livelihoods are impacted. During his time in the Senate, he has fought tirelessly to ensure that Missouri gets its fair share of those federal resources specifically dedicated to disaster recovery.”
4. John Boozman (R-AR): Requested disaster aid after snow storms in January 2013.
5. Richard Burr (R-NC): Requested disaster aid after severe storms.
6. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA): Requested disaster aid after flooding.
7. Dan Coats (R-IN): Requested disaster aid after tornadoes.
8. Tom Coburn (R-OK): Requested disaster aid after winter storms and for extreme drought.
9. Bob Corker (R-TN): Requested disaster aid after flooding and asked for supplemental emergency flood relief.
10. John Cornyn (R-TX), Republican Minority Whip: Demanded drought relief aid and requested disaster aid for wildfires.
11. Mike Crapo (R-ID): Boasted of obtaining a FEMA fire safety grant and pushed for a bill providing emergency drought relief.
12. Mike Enzi (R-WY): Requested disaster relief after flooding.
13. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): Requested disaster relief after freezing and boasted of obtaining emergency drought relief.
14. Chuck Grassley (R-IA): Requested disaster relief after severe hail storms.
15. Orrin Hatch (R-UT): Requested disaster relief after flooding.
16. James Inhofe (R-OK): Boasted of obtaining disaster relief after severe storms and drought.
17. Johnny Isakson (R-GA): Requested disaster aid after flooding.
18. Mike Johanns (R-NE): Requested disaster relief after flooding and blasted Democrats for “inaction on disaster relief” for drought and wildfires.
19. Ron Johnson (R-WI): Requested disaster relief after a blizzard.
20. Mark Kirk (R-IL): Appealed after FEMA denied assistance following severe storms and tornadoes.
21. Mike Lee (R-UT): After calling federal disaster relief unconstitutional, endorsed relief aid after flooding in Utah.
22. John McCain (R-AZ): Endorsed disaster relief after flooding.
23. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Republican Minority Leader: Requested disaster relief during a drought and after tornadoes.
24. Jerry Moran (R-KS): Requested disaster relief after tornadoes.
25. Rand Paul (R-KY): Requested disaster relief during a drought and after tornadoes.
26. Rob Portman (R-OH): Endorsed disaster relief during a drought and after storms.
27. Pat Roberts (R-KS): Boasted of obtaining disaster relief after drought and wildfires and criticized the Bush administration for inadequate emergency relief after a blizzard.
28. Marco Rubio (R-FL): Requested disaster relief after severe freezing.
29. Jeff Sessions (R-AL): Requested disaster relief after tornadoes and during a drought.
30. John Thune (R-SD), Republican Conference Chair: Requested disaster relief after flooding and snow storms.
31. Pat Toomey (R-PA): Requested disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy before it even hit landfall.

31 Senate Republicans Opposed Sandy Relief After Supporting Disaster Aid For Home States | ThinkProgress

Never let a good disaster go to waste for you people's politics...they haven't even found ALL THEIR DEAD in Ok.

No staph, you are the sick fuk. Pointing out the hypicrosy of the party you support is being factual. Not political. But then again, you and facts don't even have a passing knowledge of each other.

no, you all are a sick PETTY little fuks...when pointing out some SUPPOSED hypocrisy means more than the people KILLED..but wouldn't expect nothing more from you people and some site called, thinkprogress
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Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Why can't Conservatives and Red States just appreciate the help they get from Big Government? That's all I ask.

Do you know how much money Red States have accepted form Big Government for disaster relief?

Do you know how much medicare aid conservative seniors have accepted from Big Government.

Do you know how Big Government infrastructure investments help both citizens and corporations?

Do you know how many Big Government subsidies have been accepted by private sector capitalists?

What about Patent Protection that capitalists beg for and receive from Big Government? Does Glenn Beck teach you any of this?

Do you know how much military protection the private sector receives from big government so that their overseas supply chains and trade routes are protected?

Until you understand the amount of BIG GOVERNMENT aid Conservatives, Red States, and Corporations have accepted (and lobbied for), you should be careful with banal cliches against Big Government.

The American people are resilient. And they always come to each others aid. But there is a role for Big Government in helping people, as is evidenced by all the aid conservatives and Red States take. Until you fully understand that aid, you are part of the problem.

Pro small government is not the same as "anti-government"
Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Oklahoma, like Ayn Rand, had their pockets picked for a lifetime. It is long past time they got something back.

Picked, how, exactly?
Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Why can't Conservatives and Red States just appreciate the help they get from Big Government? That's all I ask.

Do you know how much money Red States have accepted form Big Government for disaster relief?

Do you know how much medicare aid conservative seniors have accepted from Big Government.

Do you know how Big Government infrastructure investments help both citizens and corporations?

Do you know how many Big Government subsidies have been accepted by private sector capitalists?

What about Patent Protection that capitalists beg for and receive from Big Government? Does Glenn Beck teach you any of this?

Do you know how much military protection the private sector receives from big government so that their overseas supply chains and trade routes are protected?

Until you understand the amount of BIG GOVERNMENT aid Conservatives, Red States, and Corporations have accepted (and lobbied for), you should be careful with banal cliches against Big Government.

The American people are resilient. And they always come to each others aid. But there is a role for Big Government in helping people, as is evidenced by all the aid conservatives and Red States take. Until you fully understand that aid, you are part of the problem.

The Liberal mindset: Limited Government is somehow Anti-Government. Then again, it is the same mindset that believes a 4 percent increase in spending when the request was 10 percent, some how translates to ruthless, heartless budget cuts from conservatives
Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Why can't Conservatives and Red States just appreciate the help they get from Big Government? That's all I ask.

Do you know how much money Red States have accepted form Big Government for disaster relief?

Do you know how much medicare aid conservative seniors have accepted from Big Government.

Do you know how Big Government infrastructure investments help both citizens and corporations?

Do you know how many Big Government subsidies have been accepted by private sector capitalists?

What about Patent Protection that capitalists beg for and receive from Big Government? Does Glenn Beck teach you any of this?

Do you know how much military protection the private sector receives from big government so that their overseas supply chains and trade routes are protected?

Until you understand the amount of BIG GOVERNMENT aid Conservatives, Red States, and Corporations have accepted (and lobbied for), you should be careful with banal cliches against Big Government.

The American people are resilient. And they always come to each others aid. But there is a role for Big Government in helping people, as is evidenced by all the aid conservatives and Red States take. Until you fully understand that aid, you are part of the problem.

The Liberal mindset: Limited Government is somehow Anti-Government. Then again, it is the same mindset that believes a 4 percent increase in spending when the request was 10 percent, some how translates to ruthless, heartless budget cuts from conservatives

Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Oklahoma, like Ayn Rand, had their pockets picked for a lifetime. It is long past time they got something back.

Picked, how, exactly?

Yes, I'd like to hear that too...considering OK gets back more from the Federal government than it pays in, this should be good
Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Oklahoma, like Ayn Rand, had their pockets picked for a lifetime. It is long past time they got something back.

Picked, how, exactly?

Like paying federal taxes only to have them doled out to pay for studies as to why lesbians are alcoholics, fat and ugly?

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