Anti-government, Red State Oklahoma begging for Big Government Disaster Relief

Libs already tried to politicize this by blaming it on global warming and now I guess some will use it to claim that everybody wants socialism because people do believe in helping those in need.

I'm talking about the power of Big Government to HELP the people of Oklahoma.

I'm asking you to give Big Government credit for saving the families of Oklahoma by helping them rebuild. I'm asking you to stop your war against big government.

If you want the luxury of criticizing Big Government's AID, than don't ask for aid from Big Government.

You need to admit that Government is sometimes the only solution for helping people in need - whether because they decided to build a home in a tornado zone or if they were laid-off, despite their best efforts.

Big Government put our great WWII veterans to work building the Interstate and infrastructure of this great nation. Great presidents like Dwight Eisenhower believed in the power of Big Government to do great things and help American families in their time of need.

Stop shitting on the Big Government that you depend on for disaster relief.

Big Government does not have a dime to help anyone. It is the peoples' money that helps fellow citizens.

Not Big Government's money.

It's easy for some to feel charitable when they generously give away other people's money. Yet they can't seem to give any of their own.
Well, you are completely ignorant or flat out liar. Oklahoma isn't begging whatsoever.

Senator Tom Coburn has stated quite clearly that any tornado aid must be offset.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) will insist that any federal aid to deal with the tornado in his home state must be offset by budget cuts.

Tom Coburn: Tornado aid must be offset

Exactly. And this is what pissed Christie off. Because senators like Coburn delayed New Jersey's disaster relief until all these other cuts were made. Meanwhile, struggling American families were suffering terribly. Now, Coburn's state should face similar delays so that congress can debate what gets cut. He's clearly trying to save face for holding up New Jersey's disaster relief.

But don't worry. Grover Norquist and his Republican allies want to shrink big government to the size where he can drown it in a bath tub - and then, it won't be big enough or powerful enough or in command of enough resources to act swiftly to save red states from natural disasters.

A part of me thinks that Coburn should be be delayed by the do nothing congress that obstructed Christie's relief.

Another part of me doesn't think that the children of Oklahoma should have to wait for budget cuts and back room meetings before they are saved. Those families shouldn't have to wait.

Americans are in trouble sir, and I don't think they should have to wait for "offsets" form a dysfunctional obstructionist congress to be saved. They should get saved first. They should get saved now. They shouldn't have to wait for budget promises and hostage taking, as Coburn made Christie wait.

Coburn should publicly praise Big Government for having the resources and power and money to rebuild his state.

(Instead he wages a terminal war against big government aid)
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Coburn should publicly praise Big Government for having the resources and power and money to rebuild his state.
Coburn should publicly praise Big Government for having the resources and power and money to rebuild his state.

Except, the feds are no where near his state. It's the Churches, individual people, and private charities that are actually providing relief to the state and helping the people rebuild.

The people of Oklahoma will be far along the path of rebuilding before the Feds even get there.
Never let a tragedy go to waste right Leftytoon? More politicization of children dying.

9/11 was used in over 1,000 election commercials. I suspect you have total trust in Washington politicians, but I think some of them were using the tragedy to exploit American fears so they could get elected. Here is where we differ: I don't trust those Washington politicians as much as you. I don't think they are as honest as you do - so I question their terminal use of mushroom clouds and towel heads on monkey bars.
Our government should help the states as that's it's job. Our states pay federal taxes and they should expect some of it back.

What I'm against is the federal government doing stupid things like Red tape and anti-tenth amendment bs. Not so much our government helping its people.
Coburn should publicly praise Big Government for having the resources and power and money to rebuild his state.

Why would the governor do that? People in Oklahoma are subject to Federal taxes that they have paid over a 100 years.

They didn't get to opt out of Federal Taxes--nor did they ask that this F-5 tornado come down on one of their cities and destroy it.

They have every RIGHT to get Federal Disaster Relief--BECAUSE THEY PAID FOR IT--midget brain They don't need to beg or apologize for wanting a smaller government--as many states in this country want the same. If you're really a Londoner--go back--you don't belong in the USA.

When some disaster like this happens in this country--it doesn't matter if they're a blue or red state--conservative or liberal--we are all in it together. That's being an American--and putting partisan politics aside to help out other Americans. Obviously you're not one of us.

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The people of Oklahoma will be far along the path of rebuilding before the Feds even get there.

Do you know how much money Red States have accepted form Big Government for disaster relief?

Do you know how much medicare aid conservative seniors have accepted from Big Government.

Do you know how Big Government infrastructure investments help both citizens and corporations?

Do you know how much subsidies and bail outs help private sector capitalists?

What about Patent Protection that capitalists beg for and receive from Big Government? Does Glenn Beck teach you any of this?

Do you know how much military protection private sector corporations receive from big government so that their overseas supply chains and trade routes are protected?

Until you understand the amount of BIG GOVERNMENT aid Conservatives, Red States, and Corporations have accepted (and lobbied for), you should be careful with banal cliches against Big Government.

The American people are resilient. And they always come to each others aid. But there is a role for Big Government in helping people, as is evidenced by all the aid your side takes. Until you fully understand that aid, you are part of the problem.
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Even if we didn't have FEMA, we have organizations, like the Red Cross and countless others who are funded by donations and are a huge help.

The aid from the federal government for Katrina was 142 billion. The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported that just over 1 billion dollars was raised by charities, less than 1% of the total money needed for disaster relief. There seems to exist the idea that we really don't need the federal government disaster aid because private charities can do the job. Private charities provide immediate aid in the form of food, clean water, temporary shelter, and a multitude of services from rescuing pets to childcare, to locations serves. However, the major costs such as rebuilding roads, bridges, low interest construction loans, and providing long term housing, and hundreds of other expensive services needed to rebuild a community are funded by government, as they should be.

Government disaster aid is one of the most important jobs for the federal government. It does what private charities and the local communities can't do.
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The people of Oklahoma will be far along the path of rebuilding before the Feds even get there.

Do you know how much money Red States have accepted form Big Government for disaster relief?

Do you know how much medicare aid conservative seniors have accepted from Big Government.

Do you know how Big Government infrastructure investments help both citizens and corporations?

Do you know how much subsidies and bail outs help private sector capitalists?

Do you know how much military protection corporations receive so their overseas supply chains are protected?

Until you understand the amount of BIG GOVERNMENT aid Conservatives, Red States, and Corporations have accepted (and lobbied for), you should be careful with banal cliches against Big Government.

The American people are resilient. And they always come to each others aid. But there is a role for Big Government in helping people, as is evidenced by all the aid your side takes. Until you fully understand that aid, you are part of the problem.

You're very right...But still there's a line that we don't wish to cross.

We're a nation of states for a good reason.
The people of Oklahoma will be far along the path of rebuilding before the Feds even get there.

Do you know how much money Red States have accepted form Big Government for disaster relief?

Do you know how much medicare aid conservative seniors have accepted from Big Government.

Do you know how Big Government infrastructure investments help both citizens and corporations?

Do you know how much subsidies and bail outs help private sector capitalists?

Do you know how much military protection corporations receive so their overseas supply chains are protected?

Until you understand the amount of BIG GOVERNMENT aid Conservatives, Red States, and Corporations have accepted (and lobbied for), you should be careful with banal cliches against Big Government.

The American people are resilient. And they always come to each others aid. But there is a role for Big Government in helping people, as is evidenced by all the aid your side takes. Until you fully understand that aid, you are part of the problem.

You're very right...But still there's a line that we don't wish to cross.

We're a nation of states for a good reason.

It appears that we have left wing midget brains on this board trying to politicize the destruction of an entire city--along with 24 deaths--and 7 of them being kids. An entire city that is now full of homeless people.

This the caring (cough-cough) character of a left wing midget brain.--:cuckoo: If it doesn't meet their special interest goals--it's Martha bar the gates on what they will say and do.
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Even if we didn't have FEMA, we have organizations, like the Red Cross and countless others who are funded by donations and are a huge help.

The aid from the federal government for Katrina was 142 billion. The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported that just over 1 billion dollars was raised by charities, less than 1% of the total money needed for disaster relief. There seems to exist the idea that we really don't need the federal government disaster aid because private charities can do the job. Private charities provide immediate aid in the form of food, clean water, temporary shelter, and a multitude of services from rescuing pets to childcare, to locations serves. However, the major costs such as rebuilding roads, bridges, low interest construction loans, and providing long term housing, and hundreds of other expensive services needed to rebuild a community are funded by government, as they should be.

Government disaster aid is one of the most important jobs for the federal government. It does what private charities and the local communities can't do.

My wife belongs to a church that has already raised over 30K for this tragedy. I don't belong to the church, but this is one area where I was happy to give. I think it's necessary for Big Government to provide massive aid to Oklahoma - and I'm thankful for that. And I think Government should be praised for this.
This the caring (cough-cough) character of a left wing midget brain.--:cuckoo: If it doesn't meet their special interest goals--it's Martha bar the gates on what they will say and do.

What's wrong if the solution involves both government and citizens working together?

Eisenhower used Big Government to build the Interstate and it ended up having a multiplier effect for business. The technology that came out of the Big Government Space Program contributed to the 1980s consumer electronics boom. Why are Rightwing voters being kept in the dark about this stuff by their trusted pundits?

The Rightwing war against Big Government runs the risk of destroying the very resources the citizens of natural disasters depend on.

One day you say Big Government can't run a laundromat, the next day you give it the power and budget to rebuild whole Arab nations. The Conservative Message Machine has left its voters with terrible contradictions, bumper sticker logic and misdirected rage.

The Corporations who pour money into Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck (in the form of advertising support) also beg for Big Government Patent protection for their products. Until you understand these complexities, you will be stuck with simplistic Tea Party Cliches about Socialism. Meaning: the Right is clogging the debate because they are being systematically lied to by their trusted pundits.

Big Government is not "the solution" as the Left thinks. Nor is it "the problem" as the Right thinks. It's complicated. It's not a bumper sticker.

The Rightwing voter needs to start researching how much aid conservatives, Red States and corporations accept from Big Government.

I'm sick of people trying to destroy the Big Government they depend upon for AID. And I'm sick people who don't see how much aid they actually receive.

When people systematically deny, distort and lie about the productive role big government plays in helping citizens and corporations and disaster-ridden states, then they must be reminded of that help when it's not convenient, like right now - otherwise that help will be gone when others need it.

Stop your war on government aid, and stop covering up the degree to which the good citizens of this nation rely upon government aid.
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There's certainly area's where the federal government must play a roll in and there's area's they should NOT. How much power do you want the federal government to have over 300,000,000 lives is one of the questions we should be asking.

How do we define the 10th amendment?

Of course the federal government should play a big part in giving aid to the states.
Of course they should help build infrastructure and spark scientific advancements.
Of course they have a roll in defense, economics, etc.

I think the right should play up the 10th amendment mostly centered around not allowing the federal government to dictate social issues to the entire country. If you don't want gay marriage=ok; If you don't want abortion=ok, etc.

I'm also scared as I look at the federal government today and feel uncomfortable with the IRS and the justice department going into our lives. I feel the federal government should respect our rights.
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The problem with big government is that it uses force to take money from others and then politicians spend that money to buy favor and ensure they remain in power.

That's not charity. Charity is freely given. The second force is involved, it becomes a form of Robbery. If you take my money to give it to another, you have robbed me. If I give my own money to help lift another, that is charity.

You may not think the difference is important, but it is. It's absolutely vital. Redistribution of wealth by robbery creates conflict. It creates a sense of entitlement by those who recieve and a sense of resentment by those it's taken from.

Charity creates community. Those who recieve are blessed with gratitude and are aware of the gift they are recieving. Those who give it are blessed with the joy and spirit of lifting their fellow man.

When people expect government to solve the problem, the problems usually don't get solved because people no longer see it as their responsibility to solve it. They think someone else can do it. And When everyone things someone else will do something, it will never be done.

Every one of us is accountable to God for the resources He has given us. We have a responsibility to do what we can to help others. We cannot outsource that responsibility to a bureaucracy and expect that our responsibility is fulfilled.

Every individual has a responsibility to take care of himself first, then his family, and then his local community. There is a reason the Lord organized a Church and that was to help build the network with which individuals could serve one another. We are all blessed when we work together in fulfilling our duties to one another. When we try to outsource those duties to the government, they remain unfulfilled and we are not blessed as we could be.

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