Anti gunners be honest.

I didn't say Trump tried this YET. But I see him rigging future elections like Putin. Censoring the media like Putin is doing. Hell, even killing his opponents.

Trump studies and worships Putin. He wishes he had such power. In fact it bothered Trump all 4 years that he didn't have the power he wanted. So much so he broke the law whenever he felt like it.
It amazes how so many liberals still think Trump was Putin’s puppet. The liberal media propaganda really does work.,

If Trump was Putin’s puppet, Putin would have taken over Ukraine while Trump was in office. He waited until Biden was President to make his move. If anybody is Putin’s puppit it is Joe Biden.

And no fly zones, airplanes, and missiles. Because with those they might actually have a chance. Your AR-15 with a bump stock would get you slaughtered immediately.
Stupid they are asking for any type of weapon and ammo
Who would the Ukrainians want in their country right now, an American armed with ammo or an American communist democrat anti gunner?
We have always said, "what the hell are you going to do if the military comes after you" with your little guns compared to what they have.

But I admit, we were wrong. When it comes to gorilla war, we will beat them with our little guns.
I totally agree with you with one exception.

It is not…


It is …

I totally agree with you with one exception.

It is not…

View attachment 615818
It is …

View attachment 615820
I learned that language is fluid. What you say might be technically true but over time it may switch because more people say gorilla so it just becomes gorilla.

Yall used to be proper until hicks started using it then the rich said it wasn’t proper....but it’s a great way to say you all or all of you right?
You really don't want an armed Ukrainian private citizen to beat a military power house like Russia?
No training with a firearm, no tactical training.
Now we Americans are well armed and a heavy portion of those armed citizens in America do train for urban warfare .

Winston Churchill explained to Stalin and Roosevelt that the Allies needed to move carefully regarding the invasion of Europe. What would become D-Day. Among other things he told Stalin, was it took two years to really train a Soldier.

By that Churchill was right, it took two years for a man to stop thinking, and for all the Military behavior to be second nature. To be instinctive.

Stalin told Churchill it took five minutes in battle. Those who survived beyond that, were Soldiers. They had already learned everything they would need to know to fight effectively.

Stalin was right too. In five minutes of combat, the individual has learned how to think in battle, and has mastered the trick of staying down, seeking cover, and shooting at the enemy. He’s figured out how to reload his weapon while his hands are shaking. He’s heard bullets zipping by his head and knows the sound, the fear.

Stalin didn’t say but the other half of that truth is that a lot of people won’t survive for five minutes.

Handing a rifle to a Civilian and sending them out with a couple magazines to kill the enemy means that many of those people will die. Those who don’t will be good combat soldiers before the first day is done. They’ll have experience, and know how to fight, even if the terminology is foreign to them. They will understand the teamwork of the squad, at a level that a recruit in Basic doesn’t.

In war, unlike the rest of the time. You are often left with a lot of bad choices. A man much wiser than I called it Logical Insanity. The Logical answer in situation like that, would be insane in any other situation.

It is logical to let the civilians fight for their nation when you’re invade. It is insane to hand fully automatic rifles to civilians and wish them well in any other situation. But while you’re being invaded, the least worst answer is to give the rifle to Civilians.
what's so hard about showing an ID TO VOTE
and getting in your car to go vote?

Ok, my neighbor is bedridden. With severe medical conditions, she can’t stand, or sit for any length of time. When travel is required, she must be taken by a Stretcher. Travel is very painful, even the most careful driver will have bumps and jars you are driving.

Agony. Unimaginable pain. But she wants to vote. She wants her voice heard. In 2016, and 2020, she voted for Trump. Absentee.

Now, if you want to tell her she can’t vote for Trump that way, I’m all for it. I don’t think anyone should vote for Trump. I personally voted for him in 2016, but didn’t vote in 2020. I didn’t think either of the candidates were worth even a few minutes of my time.

This woman, is furious at the Republicans in Georgia. Making voting harder for her. She’s voted in every election since 1968, and now she’s told that she can’t unless she has a Valid ID, something she hasn’t had in ten years because she doesn’t drive anymore.

But fuck her. Screw her. Republicans don’t need her vote. Me? I’m probably going to keep sitting the elections out. Both parties are so full of shit they don’t deserve my vote.

And the Democrats will win, because of my apathy, and your idiocy.
I learned that language is fluid. What you say might be technically true but over time it may switch because more people say gorilla so it just becomes gorilla.

Yall used to be proper until hicks started using it then the rich said it wasn’t proper....but it’s a great way to say you all or all of you right?

That’s like calling a gun magazine a “clip”. There is a big difference but I have heard experienced shooters call a magazine a clip. For example I remember a range master using the wrong word.


Language is fluid but there is nothing wrong with using the correct terminology either.

Not really a big deal.
Ok, my neighbor is bedridden. With severe medical conditions, she can’t stand, or sit for any length of time. When travel is required, she must be taken by a Stretcher. Travel is very painful, even the most careful driver will have bumps and jars you are driving.

Agony. Unimaginable pain. But she wants to vote. She wants her voice heard. In 2016, and 2020, she voted for Trump. Absentee.

Now, if you want to tell her she can’t vote for Trump that way, I’m all for it. I don’t think anyone should vote for Trump. I personally voted for him in 2016, but didn’t vote in 2020. I didn’t think either of the candidates were worth even a few minutes of my time.

This woman, is furious at the Republicans in Georgia. Making voting harder for her. She’s voted in every election since 1968, and now she’s told that she can’t unless she has a Valid ID, something she hasn’t had in ten years because she doesn’t drive anymore.

But fuck her. Screw her. Republicans don’t need her vote. Me? I’m probably going to keep sitting the elections out. Both parties are so full of shit they don’t deserve my vote.

And the Democrats will win, because of my apathy, and your idiocy.

Moron......they will go where she is and giver her an I.D.........

And sitting out and not voting for helped biden's handlers get should be ashamed...
Moron......they will go where she is and giver her an I.D.........

And sitting out and not voting for helped biden's handlers get should be ashamed...

Nope. Not ashamed in the least. As I believed. Both candidates were steaming piles of shit.
My honest answer is Gun laws should be closer to Japan than they should America is what I think. Yearly Classes, fees, registrations - just enough red tape to where any dumbass 18 year old kid can't just go buy one at a gun show - but serious gun enthusiasts can own one and be responsible with one.

It shouldn't just be the Vegas shooter bringing in duffel bags full of guns into the hotel every night then using 50 guns during a concert to drill 200 people. It should be weeks of courses and registration fees.

Weed out the psychos and the kids and the idiots.
Ok you've been weeded out commie.

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