Anti gunners be honest.

That’s like calling a gun magazine a “clip”. There is a big difference but I have heard experienced shooters call a magazine a clip. For example I remember a range master using the wrong word.

View attachment 615961

Language is fluid but there is nothing wrong with using the correct terminology either.

Not really a big deal.
Yes I find myself using the word clip too. I have to stop myself and say magazine.
Winston Churchill explained to Stalin and Roosevelt that the Allies needed to move carefully regarding the invasion of Europe. What would become D-Day. Among other things he told Stalin, was it took two years to really train a Soldier.

By that Churchill was right, it took two years for a man to stop thinking, and for all the Military behavior to be second nature. To be instinctive.

Stalin told Churchill it took five minutes in battle. Those who survived beyond that, were Soldiers. They had already learned everything they would need to know to fight effectively.

Stalin was right too. In five minutes of combat, the individual has learned how to think in battle, and has mastered the trick of staying down, seeking cover, and shooting at the enemy. He’s figured out how to reload his weapon while his hands are shaking. He’s heard bullets zipping by his head and knows the sound, the fear.

Stalin didn’t say but the other half of that truth is that a lot of people won’t survive for five minutes.

Handing a rifle to a Civilian and sending them out with a couple magazines to kill the enemy means that many of those people will die. Those who don’t will be good combat soldiers before the first day is done. They’ll have experience, and know how to fight, even if the terminology is foreign to them. They will understand the teamwork of the squad, at a level that a recruit in Basic doesn’t.

In war, unlike the rest of the time. You are often left with a lot of bad choices. A man much wiser than I called it Logical Insanity. The Logical answer in situation like that, would be insane in any other situation.

It is logical to let the civilians fight for their nation when you’re invade. It is insane to hand fully automatic rifles to civilians and wish them well in any other situation. But while you’re being invaded, the least worst answer is to give the rifle to Civilians.
I agree with most of what you said, but why not "hand" fully automatic SMG, rifles, and light machine guns to civilians (let them purchase) LONG BEFORE things become insane? Why not let them be familiar with those weapons and at least know what to do in the first five minutes?
My honest answer is Gun laws should be closer to Japan than they should America is what I think. Yearly Classes, fees, registrations - just enough red tape to where any dumbass 18 year old kid can't just go buy one at a gun show - but serious gun enthusiasts can own one and be responsible with one.

It shouldn't just be the Vegas shooter bringing in duffel bags full of guns into the hotel every night then using 50 guns during a concert to drill 200 people. It should be weeks of courses and registration fees.

Weed out the psychos and the kids and the idiots.
Would you be willing to let people be COMPLETELY UNRESTRICTED (machine guns and all) if you get your yearly classes, etc?

I have never been against mandatory training IN ALL HIGH SCHOOLS as long as the training is actual use, effectiveness, safety, and even tactical training. That's the underlying purpose of the 2A anyway, and people who are trained and understand military weapons are more likely to respect them, but also are more likely to protect the right. Furthermore, a heavily armed and trained population would unequivocally improve the overall quality and safety of our society.
Hey, dumb ass exactly what was the fucking lie I said?
What I was responding to you dumb son of a bitch was the one who said they didn't want a 18 year old to get access to a gun
. My response dumb ass was if they don't deserve adult rights if they can't be an adult in their actions FUCKING DUMB ASS

fuck you lying son of a bitch
yes you're torn you don't want an armed private ukrainian citizen defeating a russian army, because it makes your anti gun possition just as weak and worthless as you are.
Lying conservatives are in no position to ask anyone to be honest.
I agree with most of what you said, but why not "hand" fully automatic SMG, rifles, and light machine guns to civilians (let them purchase) LONG BEFORE things become insane? Why not let them be familiar with those weapons and at least know what to do in the first five minutes?

Again. You are now talking about two years. Fighting is a lot more than pulling the trigger and reloading.

When the Constitution was ratified. Many states had a training requirement. After Divine Worship, the men would drill in the basics. In those days that meant standing in a line firing and reloading.

Today. The tactics are different. And you can’t really learn them or practice them on your own. Movement under fire takes practice and for everyone to be on the same sheet of music. So just getting the weapons doesn’t do anyone as much good as you might hope. Oh you could stand in a window and open fire. And you would die about ten seconds later. Coordination with your mates is vital.

So that leaves the real question. Why do we restrict fully automatic weapons? Well. That was a choice during the prohibition era. When gangsters used the weapons for horrific killings.

Now. If you want your Civilian with little training to be effective. The best thing they could do is get a good hunting rifle. That rifle with a good scope and be able to engage a target at 500 meters plus. Then their tactical knowledge would be hit, run, and repeat.

A fully automatic weapon at that range would give away his position for little return. The first two or three rounds might hit in the area of the target.

Automatic fire is rarely effective outside of a hundred meters. And is useless beyond 200 meters without a proper machine gun.
Now. If you want your Civilian with little training to be effective. The best thing they could do is get a good hunting rifle. That rifle with a good scope and be able to engage a target at 500 meters plus. Then their tactical knowledge would be hit, run, and repeat.
I agree that a good hunting rifle, used properly, will greatly increase effectiveness of a single shooter or a team of shooters.


Recommends a two-person fire team using dirt bikes and his unique "Agular Mid-Range Sniping" method, where the rifle is zeroed at 300m and the shooter stays in the 300 to 600 meter range, shooting and moving with a dirt bike. It's a no-dope requirement system, so the shooter never takes eyes off the target to calculate windage and holdover.

This guy should be making millions off this system.
You really don't want an armed Ukrainian private citizen to beat a military power house like Russia?
No training with a firearm, no tactical training.
Now we Americans are well armed and a heavy portion of those armed citizens in America do train for urban warfare .
What's an anti gunner?
He's also asking for mig fighter jets....knowing that a bunch of guys with guns is relatively useless against an army.

I hope they succeed against Trump's body Putin, Blart. But they likely won't.
he's asking for what he's asking for and that is AMMO you dumb fat fuck
You really don't want an armed Ukrainian private citizen to beat a military power house like Russia?
No training with a firearm, no tactical training.
Now we Americans are well armed and a heavy portion of those armed citizens in America do train for urban warfare .
Maybe they should go to Ukraine where they can make use of their training.

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