Anti gunners be honest.

What about a paedo bellend like you, the ultimate shit stain on society. You're pro gun, your brain can only default between two states; Guns, No Guns.
You are thicker than my kitchen worktop. Middle ground is such a difficult concept that your feeble paedo brain doesn't comprehend. Retard.
Why does insulting people make you feel better about yourself?
What about a paedo bellend like you, the ultimate shit stain on society. You're pro gun, your brain can only default between two states; Guns, No Guns.

You are thicker than my kitchen worktop. Middle ground is such a difficult concept that your feeble paedo brain doesn't comprehend. Retard.
dumb fuck I'm pro rights you're an antigun nut who hates individual rights.
Why does insulting people make you feel better about yourself?
he's an idiot who believes gun right activist must give up something. but every time something is given by gun owners they get nothing back. then these anti-gun nuts come back for more and whine when we don't give up more. I know their game every insult from them makes pro-right activists more steadfast in their position. these idiots thought Russia was badass nothing worse than a pissed-off pro-rights activist and a well armed army at that.
The leftist loons have been telling us for years that no armed citizenry could ever hope to effectively combat a trained army.

Ask Russia and the US how well they did in Afganistan. Or how we did against VC, Never underestimate a determined group of fighters. No one will ever admit all the technology isn't the answer.
Maybe they should go to Ukraine where they can make use of their training.
Some are.

Thousands of American volunteers willing to defend Ukraine against Russia's invasion have signed up to join the International Legion of Territorial Defense, according to Military Times.

The legion was created by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to help strengthen Ukraine's military against the Russians. Some Americans who have signed up to join forces with Ukraine are on the ground already.

The country under siege has received more than 3,000 applications from people in the United States who want to fight, a defense official with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., told Military Times on Thursday. Many veterans are reportedly among them, but specific figures have not been given.
You've done nothing but lie this whole thread.
Conservatives lie about guns being ‘banned.’

Conservatives lie about guns being ‘confiscated.’

You’re a conservative and a liar – in this very thread you lied that 18 to 21-year-olds couldn’t possess firearms for self-defense and you lied that Democrats are trying to ‘take’ citizens’ rights, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

You and others on the lying right are in no position to ask anyone to be honest.
Conservatives lie about guns being ‘banned.’

Conservatives lie about guns being ‘confiscated.’

You’re a conservative and a liar – in this very thread you lied that 18 to 21-year-olds couldn’t possess firearms for self-defense and you lied that Democrats are trying to ‘take’ citizens’ rights, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

You and others on the lying right are in no position to ask anyone to be honest.
So what you are saying is that it is perfectly OK for the left to lie about firearms because some on the right lie abut firearms.

Perhaps both sides should stop lying.
You really don't want an armed Ukrainian private citizen to beat a military power house like Russia?
No training with a firearm, no tactical training.
Now we Americans are well armed and a heavy portion of those armed citizens in America do train for urban warfare .
Are you suggesting you all go over and fight?
What experience do you have in military warfare?
None. Youre looking for an excuse to knock the hornet's nest from those old guns.
Grow up. Youre watching too many movies.
As if you want to save Ukraine.
Are you suggesting you all go over and fight?
What experience do you have in military warfare?
None. Youre looking for an excuse to knock the hornet's nest from those old guns.
Grow up. Youre watching too many movies.
As if you want to save Ukraine.
dumb ass that twist and spin is not going to work
So tell me do you support Ukrainian armed citizens or Russia
Conservatives lie about guns being ‘banned.’

Conservatives lie about guns being ‘confiscated.’

You’re a conservative and a liar – in this very thread you lied that 18 to 21-year-olds couldn’t possess firearms for self-defense and you lied that Democrats are trying to ‘take’ citizens’ rights, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

You and others on the lying right are in no position to ask anyone to be honest.
nothing I said was a lie
You lying communist shits want to ban guns
You lying communist pieces of shit want to confiscate guns
No fucking where did I say 18 to 21-year-olds could not possess firearms you lying son of a cock sucking bitch.
It was one of your communist lying pieces shit comrades that said they did not believe a 18-year-old should have access to a firearm/
My honest answer is Gun laws should be closer to Japan than they should America is what I think. Yearly Classes, fees, registrations - just enough red tape to where any dumbass 18 year old kid can't just go buy one at a gun show - but serious gun enthusiasts can own one and be responsible with one.

It shouldn't just be the Vegas shooter bringing in duffel bags full of guns into the hotel every night then using 50 guns during a concert to drill 200 people. It should be weeks of courses and registration fees.

Weed out the psychos and the kids and the idiots.
Hun, you do realize that the Las vegas shooter had lots of money-------and registeration fees wouldn't have fazed him.

Fees and courses wouldn't stop the gang bangers either...
he's an idiot who believes gun right activist must give up something. but every time something is given by gun owners they get nothing back. then these anti-gun nuts come back for more and whine when we don't give up more. I know their game every insult from them makes pro-right activists more steadfast in their position. these idiots thought Russia was badass nothing worse than a pissed-off pro-rights activist and a well armed army at that.
Well the Brits don't even have a guaranteed right to freedom of speech.

In comparison to the US England is not a country that considers the rights we hold sacred as valid at all.

This is why people who accept a monarch and a sham Parliament that works hard to limit the very same rights we Americans insist on can never agree on something as fundamental as the freedom of speech will ever be able to agree on whither or not a person can keep and bear arms
Well the Brits don't even have a guaranteed right to freedom of speech.

In comparison to the US England is not a country that considers the rights we hold sacred as valid at all.

This is why people who accept a monarch and a sham Parliament that works hard to limit the very same rights we Americans insist on can never agree on something as fundamental as the freedom of speech will ever be able to agree on whither or not a person can keep and bear arms
1776 makes the Brits irrelevant

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