Anti gunners rejoice....a man was beaten to death with hammers...but no gun was used....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A man was beaten to death with hammers....but since no guns were used by either the victim or the teenaged attackers...I guess it is alright....

Man Hammered To Death In St. Louis Extrano s Alley a gun blog

KSDK reports a group of St. Louis teens beat a man to death with hammers early Sunday morning.

Briefly quoting the KSDK report linked above:

Early Sunday morning police say a man was murdered by teenagers right in front of his wife. Now, members of the Bosnian community are taking to the streets asking police to help them.

If the community gets any help at all from the PD, it will be temporary. Begging for help against criminal predation in a city controlled by Democrats is an exercise in futility. The city administration is out to stop resistance to crime, not increase it.

The Bosnians should have been here long enough to acquire suitable defensive weapons. So they should take the Old Cop’s advice to a young crime victim.

“Get a gun, learn to use it, and use it when you have to.”

Because nothing stops crime faster than a closeup view of the business end of Roscoe or Betsy
Is it nationalist to point out they were Bosnian immigrants....

And again....St. Louis is one of the most violent cities in the United states....and has been controlled by democrats for decades....I think it may also be one of the 50 most dangerous cities in the world.....
You mean locally controlled by Dems? Because the state is a majority GOP and has been for some time...
This thread is a dishonest pile of yellow journalism ... you know ... without the actual journalism.

I support gun rights.

Using a horrific murder as a "see, I got ya" moment is downright despicable.
This thread is a dishonest pile of yellow journalism ... you know ... without the actual journalism.

I support gun rights.

Using a horrific murder as a "see, I got ya" moment is downright despicable.

Every bit as despicable as the anti gunners pointing to every shooting and saying "SEE!" That's the problem with propaganda, eventually it gets thrown back in your face.
Using a horrific murder as a "see, I got ya" moment is downright despicable.

Had the anti gunners not walked down this path you would be correct.....but I will no longer sit there while the anti gunners drag dead bodies in front of any camera they can find and create mass hysteria about guns to pass their anti gun laws.....this post goes directly to the lie that removing guns from society is a positive good....

Do you, Mister Outrage, think this man would have had a better chance of surviving the attack if he had been armed with a gun?....I do....I have seen stories like this but with the outcome changed because the victim pulled a gun...and the attackers either ran away, or he shot one or more of them or he captured them and waited for the police....

So if showing anti gunners the natural outcome of their beliefs offends you....too bad.....
Here are some more details about the attack...

Teens Jump Beat St. Louis Man to Death with Hammers

According to the St. Louis Bosnian, the victim was 32-year-old Zemir Begic. He was sitting in his car around 1 a.m. when the teens began banging on it. He stepped out of the car, and the teens attacked him until he was unconscious then left him for dead.

Begic died, and surveillance video led to the capture of two of the suspects. One of them is 15 and the other is 16 years of age.

A grown man beaten to death by 4 teenagers, at least one was only 15, and the other 16....criminals will attack in packs when they need to defeat a victim...they choose the time and the place of the attack, and they make up for a lack of a gun with numbers and primitive weapons..

The attacked when they are least able to protect themselves and when faced by multiple, armed attackers, a gun is the most effective tool to even the odds.....

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