Anti-Islam ads on NYC buses. Whose side are you on?

Well then. I answered your 5. Your turn >> Stefanie Creswell, Charety Zhe, Salah Yassin, Kevin James, Abd al-Rahman al-Rashed.

1.) & 2.) I'll couple Stefanie Creswell and Charety Zhe Since they were involved in the same effort and since you took their names from the same book. They were recruited by Paul Gaubatz to be assistants and to later infiltrate CAIR as volunteers to see what "really" went on within CAIR meetings and events. They assist him along with his son Chris Gaubatz (or Dawud / David Marshall as he goes by when under cover). You took their names from the text: Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that's Conspiring to Islamize America.

3.) Salah Yassin - A Lebanese national and nephew of Hezbollah's Sheikh Yassin, who was arrested December 2000 in Paraguay while on his way to blow up Israeli targets. You took his name from They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel

4.) Kevin James: A convert to Islam who formed the domestic terror group Jam’iyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh (JIS) while in a California state prison. His group planned to attack US military operations, infidels, and Israeli / Jewish targets; most notably in 2005 in Los Angeles. He was indicted on terrorism charges.

5.) Abd al-Rahman al-Rashed: The director-general of Al-Arabiya TV (Saudi government funded news). I imagine the bit concerning him that you are most interested in is what people like Pam Geller trumpet him for: his comments on the "Ground Zero Mosque". Where he is quoted as saying that it will be “a monument to those who committed the crime … I do not think that the majority of Muslims want to build a monument or a place of worship that tomorrow may become a source of pride for the terrorists and their Muslim followers…”
No page #s AHHHHHHHH!! (Defect buzzer)

I & 2 are pretty good. But I photo-hinted you on them. You're welcome/

On Salah Yassin, I took his name from >>

You didn't name the prison Kevin James was in (Folsom) You didn't mention that he was a jailhouse Muslim convert (an important point) , as were his buddies in the group he founded. "Indicted" is true, but falls a bit short. He pleaded guilty in LA Federal District Court to conspiracy for the military and synagogue targets, but also a armed robbery charges in connection with a string of gas station holdups. (FBI, LA Field Div., Thom Mrozek, PAO, Dec. 14, 2007.) Also, without the prior knowledge, it appears you looked this stuff up in the indexes of the books. I notice you mentioned the book They Must Be Stopped in answering question #2. But if you had read the book previously you would have known that the information about Kevin James is in that book, where you could have gotten the full answer on Page 168. (KJ not listed in the index) But hey, you did OK. At least you didn't say Kevin James was the actor in the movie Mall Cop, like a few past Quiz takers did. :laugh:

Looks like I did better on your quiz than you did, and no I didn't look them up in the book indexes, I pulled them from memory. I was at work and didn't have access to my library. No do I keep those books in my library, I only keep legitimate reference material and books that I enjoyed.
No, HA HA. Not hardly. don't get cocky now. I've been giving you one break after another. I could pull them and leave you in a bad state.

Also I notice you quoted my post on only 4 of your questions, and you missed # 5 by a mile.

You edited it 40 minutes after I made my post there champ.
I'm on the side of the anti-Islam ads. The liberal left just doesn't get it. Islam has been trying to conquer the Europe and the west since its creation. Its followers were invading Europe for 400 years "prior" to the Europeans "first crusade" and the first crusade was a plea by the Byzantine Emperor to the Pope for military help because of attacks by Muslim armies.
When Islamists cannot win militarily, they infiltrate in numbers to change from within. The liberal left just cannot see the threat as the Muslims aren't threatening with uniformed-armed soldiers, tanks, and other military arms; they're just coming into Europe and the U.S. in large numbers.
It took hundreds of years of blood, sweat and tears to create this nation of a populace where the people elect their leaders, political transitions are peaceful and individuals can follow their own dreams.
Allowing the continued influx of Islamists will, in the long term, undo all that was done to create this beacon of liberty and way of life.
You can make as many laws to try and protect these western liberties, but when their numbers are sufficient, they will only destroy them with their own barbaric beliefs and laws.
I say, end ALL immigration, accept no so-called Muslim refugees and deport all those calling for Sharia and the Hadith as law.

Who's calling for Sharia and Hadith as law? I assume you mean over US and Constitutional law?
Oh nobody much ? HA HA HA HA!! What kind of loon question is that ? Practically the entire Islamic world. That's who. Most notably > ISIS, Boko Haram, al Shabba, al Nusra, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, dozens of Mualim Brotherhood front groups in America (CAIR, MSA, ISNA, etc)

We were talking about Muslims in the United States. Please show me the portion of "the entire Islamic world" - in the US, calling for this. Hopefully, with reputable sources - like main stream news organizations rather than blogs.

You don't know the connections of all of these groups to the United States ?

Taliban - Us troops in Afghanistan mitigate the 100+ Pakistani NUCLEAR warheads - the most dangerous thing to America today.

ISIS - they are related to jihad going on in the US (ex the Garland, TX attack), and they are a NUCLEAR trjeat to the US also, if/whenever they acquire enough wealth to nuclearize.

Boko Haram - so far they are just in Africa (SO FAR)

Hezbollah - they have been reported to have crossed the Mexican border into the US, and currently have cells in western states.

Hamas - they are related to yjr Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (right arm of Hamas in the US) They also were connected to the Holy Land Foundation and received funding from them until they were caught, tried, and sent to prison, were they now rot.

Please show me that Muslims in the US call for sharia and hadith as "law".
Are you serious ? That has been going on every day for 21 years. Stop talking stupid. Read Muslim Mafia and don't pester me with idiot questions. Good grief!
Well then. I answered your 5. Your turn >> Stefanie Creswell, Charety Zhe, Salah Yassin, Kevin James, Abd al-Rahman al-Rashed.

1.) & 2.) I'll couple Stefanie Creswell and Charety Zhe Since they were involved in the same effort and since you took their names from the same book. They were recruited by Paul Gaubatz to be assistants and to later infiltrate CAIR as volunteers to see what "really" went on within CAIR meetings and events. They assist him along with his son Chris Gaubatz (or Dawud / David Marshall as he goes by when under cover). You took their names from the text: Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that's Conspiring to Islamize America.

3.) Salah Yassin - A Lebanese national and nephew of Hezbollah's Sheikh Yassin, who was arrested December 2000 in Paraguay while on his way to blow up Israeli targets. You took his name from They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel

4.) Kevin James: A convert to Islam who formed the domestic terror group Jam’iyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh (JIS) while in a California state prison. His group planned to attack US military operations, infidels, and Israeli / Jewish targets; most notably in 2005 in Los Angeles. He was indicted on terrorism charges.

5.) Abd al-Rahman al-Rashed: The director-general of Al-Arabiya TV (Saudi government funded news). I imagine the bit concerning him that you are most interested in is what people like Pam Geller trumpet him for: his comments on the "Ground Zero Mosque". Where he is quoted as saying that it will be “a monument to those who committed the crime … I do not think that the majority of Muslims want to build a monument or a place of worship that tomorrow may become a source of pride for the terrorists and their Muslim followers…”
No page #s AHHHHHHHH!! (Defect buzzer)

I & 2 are pretty good. But I photo-hinted you on them. You're welcome/

On Salah Yassin, I took his name from >>

You didn't name the prison Kevin James was in (Folsom) You didn't mention that he was a jailhouse Muslim convert (an important point) , as were his buddies in the group he founded. "Indicted" is true, but falls a bit short. He pleaded guilty in LA Federal District Court to conspiracy for the military and synagogue targets, but also a armed robbery charges in connection with a string of gas station holdups. (FBI, LA Field Div., Thom Mrozek, PAO, Dec. 14, 2007.) Also, without the prior knowledge, it appears you looked this stuff up in the indexes of the books. I notice you mentioned the book They Must Be Stopped in answering question #2. But if you had read the book previously you would have known that the information about Kevin James is in that book, where you could have gotten the full answer on Page 168. (KJ not listed in the index) But hey, you did OK. At least you didn't say Kevin James was the actor in the movie Mall Cop, like a few past Quiz takers did. :laugh:

Looks like I did better on your quiz than you did, and no I didn't look them up in the book indexes, I pulled them from memory. I was at work and didn't have access to my library. No do I keep those books in my library, I only keep legitimate reference material and books that I enjoyed.
No, HA HA. Not hardly. don't get cocky now. I've been giving you one break after another. I could pull them and leave you in a bad state.

Also I notice you quoted my post on only 4 of your questions, and you missed # 5 by a mile.

You edited it 40 minutes after I made my post there champ.
You made your post 40 minutes before I finished mine, contender. :biggrin:

(sometimes I go ahead and post a lengthy post even though there's more to type, to avoid wiping it out by hitting a wrong button. That has happened to me occasionally, and when it does it's maddening. This is one of the superiorities of the good old pencil and paper. I sum it up as Yogi Berra used to say > "It aint over, till it's over".)
Last edited:
Who's calling for Sharia and Hadith as law? I assume you mean over US and Constitutional law?
Oh nobody much ? HA HA HA HA!! What kind of loon question is that ? Practically the entire Islamic world. That's who. Most notably > ISIS, Boko Haram, al Shabba, al Nusra, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, dozens of Mualim Brotherhood front groups in America (CAIR, MSA, ISNA, etc)

We were talking about Muslims in the United States. Please show me the portion of "the entire Islamic world" - in the US, calling for this. Hopefully, with reputable sources - like main stream news organizations rather than blogs.

You don't know the connections of all of these groups to the United States ?

Taliban - Us troops in Afghanistan mitigate the 100+ Pakistani NUCLEAR warheads - the most dangerous thing to America today.

ISIS - they are related to jihad going on in the US (ex the Garland, TX attack), and they are a NUCLEAR trjeat to the US also, if/whenever they acquire enough wealth to nuclearize.

Boko Haram - so far they are just in Africa (SO FAR)

Hezbollah - they have been reported to have crossed the Mexican border into the US, and currently have cells in western states.

Hamas - they are related to yjr Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (right arm of Hamas in the US) They also were connected to the Holy Land Foundation and received funding from them until they were caught, tried, and sent to prison, were they now rot.

Please show me that Muslims in the US call for sharia and hadith as "law".

SHOW YOU? sure----that makes sense. Kinda like demanding that someone SHOW YOU a person who announced "I AM THE GODFATHER OF THE
Long ago----I worked with an ENT doctor whose cousin
was an operative in the QUEENS, NY mafia. He showed me a picture of the man dead in the gutter ---it
had been cut from a newspaper .. I have NO LINK......
so go right ahead and call me a liar ----of course I will not
announce the name of the dead mafia guy or the doc. ---
so I am a LIAR. I have known lots and lots of muslims
in the USA--------who INSISTED that shariah law is the best system and will someday be THE SYSTEM in the USA----and the entire world.
well-----they began to talk less about it by about 1990----and tended to keep very quiet about the entire issue after 9-11-01. Opened support of shariah law is not a career
builder in the USA right now. Even an anonymous poll will not overcome the
reluctance to admit to it.

What are you going on about now Rosie? Generally, when one makes a claim, it's normal to request that they substantiate it with facts, not opinion ;)
1. the Mahdi - the Shiite Muslim's messiah, the 12th Imam. Muhammad al Mahdi. He was born around 868 A.D. at a time of large persecutions of Shiite Muslims. In order to protect him, his father, the 11th Imam, sent him into hiding. Mahdi appeared briefly in public as a child, but when his father died, he went back into the shadows. Even today, Shiites believe he continues to guide Muslims. Mahdi’s followers are often called "Twelvers". Some devout Shiite Muslims believe him to be a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed.

The ex-president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is a deeply committed Shiite Muslim, and has spoken often and openly about praying for the return the Mahdi, his savior. But not in a way Christians speak about Jesus Christ returning to earth. Ahmadinejad believes that the 12th Imam is coming soon, and that he is the chosen one. He even talks of a strange vision he had with a special light from heaven when talking about the Madhi at a speech at the UN. This is one of the things that makes Iran and its nuclear stuff so dangerous. Some folks in the intelligence community are concerned that Iran may launch a nucler attack against Israel so as to trigger events leading up to the appearance of the Mahdi. They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel, ppg. 124-125.

Official Iranian radio has done a series of broadcasts on the "imminent" appearance of the Mahdi, who is promised to defeat al of Islam's enemies and impose world Islamic rule.

(They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel, ppg. 124-125.)

Time to grade you on your five responses. I'll start with the first "question" concerning the Mahdi. I find this a good example of how your limited scale of research allows you to see a small part of a picture but prevents you from wider understanding. The Mahdi is indeed believed by 12er Shias to be the 12 Imam returned from greater occultation. The problem is that most Muslims don't view the Mahdi this way. Only 12er Shias do. Most Muslims (Sunnis) view the Mahdi not as the 12th Imam and the coming back of Muhammad al-Mahdi, but rather as a completely different figure all together who hasn't made themselves known yet / who hasn't come yet who will arrive and herald the end times. This is one of the problems with trying to understand a larger concept such as the Mahdi after only reading less than two pages on it from a book that doesn't focus on the topic. Also, if we care to look at history then there are other real life figures besides Muhammad al-Mahdi that should be taken note of; perhaps the most prominent of whom was the Al Mahdi of the Sudan who fought against the British with the help of his supporters who were known as the Al Ansar and who still make up a significant political block within modern Sudanese politics. Unfortunately, given the limited scope in which you framed the term and the fact that you weren't able to define it accurately for the majority of the world's Islamic population I can't give you full credit for your answer.

2. Al Ansar - biweely internet magazine of al Qaeda (They Must Be Stopped by Brigitte Gabriel, pg. 57). The name is also used by numerous mosques, madrasses, and companies owned by muslims.

Unfortunately here we also have some issues. 1.) The internet magazine you are referencing wasn't simply called Al Ansar it was called Al Ansar: For the Struggle Against the Crusader War. 2.) You talk about it in the present tense as if you think it is still being produced, when it is currently defunct and has been for some time. 3.) you didn't even provide the base meaning of Al Ansar which literally just means "helpers" a reference to the Median community after Muhammad made the Hijra. 4.) Even if you wanted to focus on a publication, you didn't even cite the most popular publication within the history of Jihadi literature to utilize the name Al Ansar. That distinction goes not to Al Qaeda, but to the GIA from Algeria which published Al Ansar as a weekly newsletter. It was actually headquartered for the most part in Europe (Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany). 5.) No mention of the other prominent groups named Al Ansar, from organizations like Ansar Al Sharia to the above mentioned followers of the Mahdi in Sudan. Unfortunately here I am likewise unable to give you full credit: especially since you didn't get the full name of the Al Qaeda internet magazine correct.

3. Sayyid Quth - disqualified (not in the Islamizatin Quiz)

We've already mentioned this as you failing to realize that he was indeed on your list and that you mispelled his name. When you did define him it was as some Brotherhood bloke who was killed for trying to assassinate Nasser. No mention of his seminal works such as Milestones or In the Shade of the Quran, nor any mention of the break he caused within the Brotherhood while in prison leading to the splinter terrorist organizations such as The Egyptian Islamic Jihad and al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya. Highly important groups related to other individuals on your list such as the blind sheikh (and to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing) and to the foundation of Al Qaeda. No context at all, so I'm afraid I can't give you full credit for him either.

4. Janjaweed - militia of Sudan Arab tribal groups, formed in 1988, armed by the Sudanese govt during the 1990s while operating in internal conflicts. (ie. fighting jihad on the non-Muslims in h ewest and south of Sudan). They have conducted brutal raids slaughtering and kidnapping non-Muslims. I'm not not too sure how this got into my Islamization Quiz, sinc eit has more to do with miitary warfare than Islamization, which is a subversive, usually non-violent process.

Yikes, another area where it would have benefited you to have read more than a paragraph or two about them before attempting to utilize them as a demonstration of your expertise in Islamic terror. You state that they were armed by Sudan and that's fine they were, but they were primarily initially armed by Gaddafi in Libya who flooded the Darfur region with automatic weapons in order to 1.) create a base of operations for rebel groups that he was supporting in neighboring Chad and 2.) To exert his own influence and control within Sudan through the support of his Islamic Legion which he had stationed there.

You also state that they were fighting "jihad" against non-Muslims, which is incorrect. They were most closely associated in our press with the genocide in Darfur and the targeting of the Fur people who are primarily Muslims themselves. In fact, the Darfur region has historically been controlled by petty sultanates. So I am afraid that you are completely mistaken as to the context of the fighting that they were engaged in.

Finally, you make no mention of what these militias are up to now, nor of the fact that their perceived primary early leader (Musa Hilal) is currently fighting against the Sudanese government, not for them: a fairly large oversight in a dramatic and important turn of events within Darfur.

Unfortunately I can't give you full credit here either, especially since you got the nature of the fighting so very wrong.

5. Dinka tribe - largest ethnic group in Sudan. Mostly black Christians. Millions of them have been executed. Tens of thousands enslaved, including Francis Bok, author of the book > Escape From Slavery. (Arab Muslims from more northern parts of Africa have raided and enslaved Black Africans from areas to their south for centuries. They were doing it long before any slave ships arrived in America. The word black in Arabic even also means "slave" - that's how deeply embedded slavery s in the Islamic world.

Alas, troubles here too. 1.) the Dinka aren't the largest ethnic group in Sudan. They primarily live in a different country: South Sudan. 2.) The Dinka aren't a tribe, so the term itself on your list is inappropriate, they are, as you stated an ethnic group which is composed of multiple different tribes. 3.) The Dinka aren't mostly Christian either, though of your many mistakes this is the most forgivable. Christian churches like to claim them as such in order to boost their numbers and they were also publicly depicted as such during the north south civil war so that our media could refer to the civil war to a war of the Islamic north vs. the Christian south. Unfortunately for your source, that isn't the way that religion works amongst the Dinka, or in South Sudan in general. One of the main impacts that Christian missionaries had on the Dinka was not the wholesale conversion of them to Christianity, but rather the introduction of monotheism to their religious practices. Once they adopted monotheism they were simply deemed Christians despite the fact that they largely don't follow christian practices outside of in urban areas such as Juba (so most do not). This was further muddled with an attempt by Gallup to do polling of South Sudanese religious beliefs in 2010. Unfortunately due to conflict they were only able to poll respondents in city centers like Juba which means that they were unable to get samples from the rural areas (so most of the population) and thus returned skewed belief data which indicated widespread Christian faith. Rather, they are largely still "animists" a catch-all phrase for indigenous religious beliefs who have merely converted to some aspects of monotheistic beliefs.

I can give you a pass for the religion thing since it is an issue of "controversy" but since you got the country of their home territory wrong I still can't give you full marks.
I haven't read one word of this. Like I said > My grade was 100%, and YOU'RE WELCOME for my allowing you to give me questions (a privilege no one else ever got)

Your insecurity is showing there sport. Let us all know when you can tell the difference between Sudan and South Sudan, and when you can tell the difference between Sunni and Shias Mr. Zero :wink:.

Oh shut the hell up, you fucking ignorant asshole. (still MR QUIZ ZERO at this point) :laugh:

What scholarly comeback Mr. I-25-Books-In-14_Years :lol:
The Islamic DENIAL of Genghis Khan as ----a convert to islam is something like the modern denial of the murdering maniac CONSTANTINE as convert to Christianity-----it is
BULLSHIT. I am, by no means, insisting that either of these two murdering animals were "pious saints" of any religion----but both did what they did USING the pertinent religions as UNIFYING and INSPIRING forces in mass murder. They depended on islam and Christianity as TOTALITARIAN UTOPIA IDEOLOGIES I the same way that Stalin depended on communism and adolf ---on Nazism and SADAAAM depended on BAATHISM (arab Islamic national socialism)

The Mongol invasion of Persia (which was Islamic) took place between 1219 - 1221. The Mongol empire didn't "convert" to Islam until 1295. In fact the Mongol Invasion is often cited within Islamic history as one of the downfalls of the Islamic Golden Age with the mass murders the invading hoard engaged in as well as with blows like the destruction of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad by the Mongols.

you are playing with semantics -------whatta ya know-----it took a whole 75 years to shove islam down the throats of the ENTIRE MONGOL EMPIRE------so islam had nothing to do with the situation during the SHOVING TIME. Guess what------the ENTIRE ROMAN empire did not become Christian overnite either-----in fact all of the Christians did not become all that "CHRISTIAN" overnite either. Such
religious TRANSFORMATIONS are long bloody affairs. As to ISLAMIC PERSIA------not so easy either------lots of ARAB INVASION -----damned bloody too.
I understand your dilemma ------I had a high school history book too-------I even read it and remember the picture of
galvanizing the SUDDEN INSTANTNEOUS conversion of the ROMAN EMPIRE TO CHRISTIANITY --------of course my second grade history book featured happy American
Indians with a feather on the head-------rejoicing over the MAYFLOWER

I'm not playing with semantics, the leader of the empire was not Muslim until that time. They converted thinking it would make ruling the Middle East easier. The simple fact is that they were not an Islamic polity or army when they invaded Persia. Persia on the other hand was Islamic and was brutalized. You were simply wrong.

There's nothing that indicates he was a Muslim - one source I read said he was an animist :dunno:

right-----that is the partyline of the current revisionist historians----something like (st) CONSTANTINE was not
really a Christian------only his mother (Helen) was.

It's not the "Party line" of anything. Have you any facts to substantiate he was Muslim?

Islam in Mongolia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Therefore, historians date the arrival of Islam to Mongolia to between 1222 and 1254. Islam also gained the notice of the Mongols, after Genghis Khan had conquered Afghanistan. In 1222 he, on his way back to Mongolia, visited Bukhara in Transoxiana. It was believed he inquired about Islam, and subsequently approved of Muslim tenets except the Hajj, considering it unnecessary. Nevertheless, he continued his worship of Tengri as his ancestors had done.

Even a site that is biased towards your own view says:

The Man who almost destroyed Islam – Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan attacked the Turko-Persian Muslim Khwarazmian empire of Samarkand to avenge the attacks being launched by the Arab and Persian Muslims in to Tartary (Central Asia). The Khwarazmıan empire was established by Turkmen and Kipchak Turks who had converted to Islam due to Persian and Arab depradations against them from the 7thcentury onwards. The Kipchak Turks had converted along with the Quarluqs after the Chinese defeat against the Arabs in the battle of the Talas river. By the 10th century, the nobility of the Kipchak Turks had interbred with the Persians and Arab Muslims and had established a large empire over Central Asia. This Turko-Persian Muslim Khwarazmian empire had carried on the Muslim tradition of attacking neighboring non-Muslim peoples. Their depradations against other non-converted Turks and Mongols from the 8th century onwards, gradually built a simmerring resentment among the non-Muslim Turks and Mongols against the Turko-Persian Muslim Khwarazmian empire

Genghis Khan’s intention was not primarily to loot, but to destroy the enemy. Had the Mongols been motivated purely by intentions of looting the Caliphate (which ironically was itself a center where loot was collected and stored by the Muslims), the Mongols need not have traversed some four thousand miles from their homeland in Mongolia, to reach Baghdad, they could have as well attacked nearby Japan and Korea which were hardly a few hundred miles from their homeland and were more rich and endowed than Baghdad.

Who's calling for Sharia and Hadith as law? I assume you mean over US and Constitutional law?
Oh nobody much ? HA HA HA HA!! What kind of loon question is that ? Practically the entire Islamic world. That's who. Most notably > ISIS, Boko Haram, al Shabba, al Nusra, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, dozens of Mualim Brotherhood front groups in America (CAIR, MSA, ISNA, etc)

We were talking about Muslims in the United States. Please show me the portion of "the entire Islamic world" - in the US, calling for this. Hopefully, with reputable sources - like main stream news organizations rather than blogs.

You don't know the connections of all of these groups to the United States ?

Taliban - Us troops in Afghanistan mitigate the 100+ Pakistani NUCLEAR warheads - the most dangerous thing to America today.

ISIS - they are related to jihad going on in the US (ex the Garland, TX attack), and they are a NUCLEAR trjeat to the US also, if/whenever they acquire enough wealth to nuclearize.

Boko Haram - so far they are just in Africa (SO FAR)

Hezbollah - they have been reported to have crossed the Mexican border into the US, and currently have cells in western states.

Hamas - they are related to yjr Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (right arm of Hamas in the US) They also were connected to the Holy Land Foundation and received funding from them until they were caught, tried, and sent to prison, were they now rot.

Please show me that Muslims in the US call for sharia and hadith as "law".
Are you serious ? That has been going on every day for 21 years. Stop talking stupid. Read Muslim Mafia and don't pester me with idiot questions. Good grief!

Why is it so difficult for you to provide actual and reputable sources showing that American Muslims call for this?
Oh nobody much ? HA HA HA HA!! What kind of loon question is that ? Practically the entire Islamic world. That's who. Most notably > ISIS, Boko Haram, al Shabba, al Nusra, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, dozens of Mualim Brotherhood front groups in America (CAIR, MSA, ISNA, etc)

We were talking about Muslims in the United States. Please show me the portion of "the entire Islamic world" - in the US, calling for this. Hopefully, with reputable sources - like main stream news organizations rather than blogs.

You don't know the connections of all of these groups to the United States ?

Taliban - Us troops in Afghanistan mitigate the 100+ Pakistani NUCLEAR warheads - the most dangerous thing to America today.

ISIS - they are related to jihad going on in the US (ex the Garland, TX attack), and they are a NUCLEAR trjeat to the US also, if/whenever they acquire enough wealth to nuclearize.

Boko Haram - so far they are just in Africa (SO FAR)

Hezbollah - they have been reported to have crossed the Mexican border into the US, and currently have cells in western states.

Hamas - they are related to yjr Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (right arm of Hamas in the US) They also were connected to the Holy Land Foundation and received funding from them until they were caught, tried, and sent to prison, were they now rot.

Please show me that Muslims in the US call for sharia and hadith as "law".

SHOW YOU? sure----that makes sense. Kinda like demanding that someone SHOW YOU a person who announced "I AM THE GODFATHER OF THE
Long ago----I worked with an ENT doctor whose cousin
was an operative in the QUEENS, NY mafia. He showed me a picture of the man dead in the gutter ---it
had been cut from a newspaper .. I have NO LINK......
so go right ahead and call me a liar ----of course I will not
announce the name of the dead mafia guy or the doc. ---
so I am a LIAR. I have known lots and lots of muslims
in the USA--------who INSISTED that shariah law is the best system and will someday be THE SYSTEM in the USA----and the entire world.
well-----they began to talk less about it by about 1990----and tended to keep very quiet about the entire issue after 9-11-01. Opened support of shariah law is not a career
builder in the USA right now. Even an anonymous poll will not overcome the
reluctance to admit to it.

What are you going on about now Rosie? Generally, when one makes a claim, it's normal to request that they substantiate it with facts, not opinion ;)

generally----persons who have passed thru ----something like some sort of liberal arts secondary schooling----do begin to understand that POLLS are not useful FACTS----they are subject to a myriad of factors that render them utterly
misleading, Yet there are people ---even among the
learned population of this message board-----that DEPEND
on whatever "poll" supports their idiotic POV as if the poll stats were handed down on Mount Sinai. To know the opinion of any population-------talk to a statistically significant number of them in candid manner-----under
condition of confidentiality----privately and best of all----at
We were talking about Muslims in the United States. Please show me the portion of "the entire Islamic world" - in the US, calling for this. Hopefully, with reputable sources - like main stream news organizations rather than blogs.

You don't know the connections of all of these groups to the United States ?

Taliban - Us troops in Afghanistan mitigate the 100+ Pakistani NUCLEAR warheads - the most dangerous thing to America today.

ISIS - they are related to jihad going on in the US (ex the Garland, TX attack), and they are a NUCLEAR trjeat to the US also, if/whenever they acquire enough wealth to nuclearize.

Boko Haram - so far they are just in Africa (SO FAR)

Hezbollah - they have been reported to have crossed the Mexican border into the US, and currently have cells in western states.

Hamas - they are related to yjr Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (right arm of Hamas in the US) They also were connected to the Holy Land Foundation and received funding from them until they were caught, tried, and sent to prison, were they now rot.

Please show me that Muslims in the US call for sharia and hadith as "law".

SHOW YOU? sure----that makes sense. Kinda like demanding that someone SHOW YOU a person who announced "I AM THE GODFATHER OF THE
Long ago----I worked with an ENT doctor whose cousin
was an operative in the QUEENS, NY mafia. He showed me a picture of the man dead in the gutter ---it
had been cut from a newspaper .. I have NO LINK......
so go right ahead and call me a liar ----of course I will not
announce the name of the dead mafia guy or the doc. ---
so I am a LIAR. I have known lots and lots of muslims
in the USA--------who INSISTED that shariah law is the best system and will someday be THE SYSTEM in the USA----and the entire world.
well-----they began to talk less about it by about 1990----and tended to keep very quiet about the entire issue after 9-11-01. Opened support of shariah law is not a career
builder in the USA right now. Even an anonymous poll will not overcome the
reluctance to admit to it.

What are you going on about now Rosie? Generally, when one makes a claim, it's normal to request that they substantiate it with facts, not opinion ;)

generally----persons who have passed thru ----something like some sort of liberal arts secondary schooling----do begin to understand that POLLS are not useful FACTS----they are subject to a myriad of factors that render them utterly
misleading, Yet there are people ---even among the
learned population of this message board-----that DEPEND
on whatever "poll" supports their idiotic POV as if the poll stats were handed down on Mount Sinai. To know the opinion of any population-------talk to a statistically significant number of them in candid manner-----under
condition of confidentiality----privately and best of all----at

Polls aren't "facts" - they're indicators of trends in public opinion and only as good as the methodology employed. However, if someone makes a claim, they should be able to substantiate it with something besides opinion and conspiracy theory. You know...kind of like we ask people to attempt to claim the Holocaust was a hoax to substantiate their claims with actual facts.
The Mongol invasion of Persia (which was Islamic) took place between 1219 - 1221. The Mongol empire didn't "convert" to Islam until 1295. In fact the Mongol Invasion is often cited within Islamic history as one of the downfalls of the Islamic Golden Age with the mass murders the invading hoard engaged in as well as with blows like the destruction of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad by the Mongols.

you are playing with semantics -------whatta ya know-----it took a whole 75 years to shove islam down the throats of the ENTIRE MONGOL EMPIRE------so islam had nothing to do with the situation during the SHOVING TIME. Guess what------the ENTIRE ROMAN empire did not become Christian overnite either-----in fact all of the Christians did not become all that "CHRISTIAN" overnite either. Such
religious TRANSFORMATIONS are long bloody affairs. As to ISLAMIC PERSIA------not so easy either------lots of ARAB INVASION -----damned bloody too.
I understand your dilemma ------I had a high school history book too-------I even read it and remember the picture of
galvanizing the SUDDEN INSTANTNEOUS conversion of the ROMAN EMPIRE TO CHRISTIANITY --------of course my second grade history book featured happy American
Indians with a feather on the head-------rejoicing over the MAYFLOWER

I'm not playing with semantics, the leader of the empire was not Muslim until that time. They converted thinking it would make ruling the Middle East easier. The simple fact is that they were not an Islamic polity or army when they invaded Persia. Persia on the other hand was Islamic and was brutalized. You were simply wrong.

There's nothing that indicates he was a Muslim - one source I read said he was an animist :dunno:

right-----that is the partyline of the current revisionist historians----something like (st) CONSTANTINE was not
really a Christian------only his mother (Helen) was.

It's not the "Party line" of anything. Have you any facts to substantiate he was Muslim?

Islam in Mongolia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Therefore, historians date the arrival of Islam to Mongolia to between 1222 and 1254. Islam also gained the notice of the Mongols, after Genghis Khan had conquered Afghanistan. In 1222 he, on his way back to Mongolia, visited Bukhara in Transoxiana. It was believed he inquired about Islam, and subsequently approved of Muslim tenets except the Hajj, considering it unnecessary. Nevertheless, he continued his worship of Tengri as his ancestors had done.

Even a site that is biased towards your own view says:

The Man who almost destroyed Islam – Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan attacked the Turko-Persian Muslim Khwarazmian empire of Samarkand to avenge the attacks being launched by the Arab and Persian Muslims in to Tartary (Central Asia). The Khwarazmıan empire was established by Turkmen and Kipchak Turks who had converted to Islam due to Persian and Arab depradations against them from the 7thcentury onwards. The Kipchak Turks had converted along with the Quarluqs after the Chinese defeat against the Arabs in the battle of the Talas river. By the 10th century, the nobility of the Kipchak Turks had interbred with the Persians and Arab Muslims and had established a large empire over Central Asia. This Turko-Persian Muslim Khwarazmian empire had carried on the Muslim tradition of attacking neighboring non-Muslim peoples. Their depradations against other non-converted Turks and Mongols from the 8th century onwards, gradually built a simmerring resentment among the non-Muslim Turks and Mongols against the Turko-Persian Muslim Khwarazmian empire

Genghis Khan’s intention was not primarily to loot, but to destroy the enemy. Had the Mongols been motivated purely by intentions of looting the Caliphate (which ironically was itself a center where loot was collected and stored by the Muslims), the Mongols need not have traversed some four thousand miles from their homeland in Mongolia, to reach Baghdad, they could have as well attacked nearby Japan and Korea which were hardly a few hundred miles from their homeland and were more rich and endowed than Baghdad.


ROFLMAO----"even a site biased to your POV" I like that one-----anything that does not completely support coyote's
twisted POV is "biased" Now for the facts----GENGHIS KHAN continued to do his family rituals. SO? he did not
buy into ALL muslim customs ---specifically the one that had nothing to do with HIS OWN IMPERIALIST DESIGN---
to wit----the HAJJ (which was a custom introduced by muhummad because it was a custom fit to HIS imperialist
design). Genghis Khan merely talked to muslims and got to know----what seemed --"good" Ie good for him in his
remarkably brutal ambition------and that is what HE ADOPTED-----leading to the spread of islam by brutal
wild fire WHAT ELSE IS NEW? Constantine did the same thing using Christianity------for its usefulness in EMPIRE BUILDING (please note fellow posters----I did
comment that neither Constantine nor Genghis Khan were
RELIGIOUS in the religion they used for MANIPULATION
purposes and which resulted in its SPREAD------I think Coyote missed that part-)
You don't know the connections of all of these groups to the United States ?

Taliban - Us troops in Afghanistan mitigate the 100+ Pakistani NUCLEAR warheads - the most dangerous thing to America today.

ISIS - they are related to jihad going on in the US (ex the Garland, TX attack), and they are a NUCLEAR trjeat to the US also, if/whenever they acquire enough wealth to nuclearize.

Boko Haram - so far they are just in Africa (SO FAR)

Hezbollah - they have been reported to have crossed the Mexican border into the US, and currently have cells in western states.

Hamas - they are related to yjr Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (right arm of Hamas in the US) They also were connected to the Holy Land Foundation and received funding from them until they were caught, tried, and sent to prison, were they now rot.

Please show me that Muslims in the US call for sharia and hadith as "law".

SHOW YOU? sure----that makes sense. Kinda like demanding that someone SHOW YOU a person who announced "I AM THE GODFATHER OF THE
Long ago----I worked with an ENT doctor whose cousin
was an operative in the QUEENS, NY mafia. He showed me a picture of the man dead in the gutter ---it
had been cut from a newspaper .. I have NO LINK......
so go right ahead and call me a liar ----of course I will not
announce the name of the dead mafia guy or the doc. ---
so I am a LIAR. I have known lots and lots of muslims
in the USA--------who INSISTED that shariah law is the best system and will someday be THE SYSTEM in the USA----and the entire world.
well-----they began to talk less about it by about 1990----and tended to keep very quiet about the entire issue after 9-11-01. Opened support of shariah law is not a career
builder in the USA right now. Even an anonymous poll will not overcome the
reluctance to admit to it.

What are you going on about now Rosie? Generally, when one makes a claim, it's normal to request that they substantiate it with facts, not opinion ;)

generally----persons who have passed thru ----something like some sort of liberal arts secondary schooling----do begin to understand that POLLS are not useful FACTS----they are subject to a myriad of factors that render them utterly
misleading, Yet there are people ---even among the
learned population of this message board-----that DEPEND
on whatever "poll" supports their idiotic POV as if the poll stats were handed down on Mount Sinai. To know the opinion of any population-------talk to a statistically significant number of them in candid manner-----under
condition of confidentiality----privately and best of all----at

Polls aren't "facts" - they're indicators of trends in public opinion and only as good as the methodology employed. However, if someone makes a claim, they should be able to substantiate it with something besides opinion and conspiracy theory. You know...kind of like we ask people to attempt to claim the Holocaust was a hoax to substantiate their claims with actual facts.

Holocaust deniers have lots of FACTS and polls which they pick and choose with the same facility and confidence that characterizes your choice of facts and polls
Please show me that Muslims in the US call for sharia and hadith as "law".

SHOW YOU? sure----that makes sense. Kinda like demanding that someone SHOW YOU a person who announced "I AM THE GODFATHER OF THE
Long ago----I worked with an ENT doctor whose cousin
was an operative in the QUEENS, NY mafia. He showed me a picture of the man dead in the gutter ---it
had been cut from a newspaper .. I have NO LINK......
so go right ahead and call me a liar ----of course I will not
announce the name of the dead mafia guy or the doc. ---
so I am a LIAR. I have known lots and lots of muslims
in the USA--------who INSISTED that shariah law is the best system and will someday be THE SYSTEM in the USA----and the entire world.
well-----they began to talk less about it by about 1990----and tended to keep very quiet about the entire issue after 9-11-01. Opened support of shariah law is not a career
builder in the USA right now. Even an anonymous poll will not overcome the
reluctance to admit to it.

What are you going on about now Rosie? Generally, when one makes a claim, it's normal to request that they substantiate it with facts, not opinion ;)

generally----persons who have passed thru ----something like some sort of liberal arts secondary schooling----do begin to understand that POLLS are not useful FACTS----they are subject to a myriad of factors that render them utterly
misleading, Yet there are people ---even among the
learned population of this message board-----that DEPEND
on whatever "poll" supports their idiotic POV as if the poll stats were handed down on Mount Sinai. To know the opinion of any population-------talk to a statistically significant number of them in candid manner-----under
condition of confidentiality----privately and best of all----at

Polls aren't "facts" - they're indicators of trends in public opinion and only as good as the methodology employed. However, if someone makes a claim, they should be able to substantiate it with something besides opinion and conspiracy theory. You know...kind of like we ask people to attempt to claim the Holocaust was a hoax to substantiate their claims with actual facts.

Holocaust deniers have lots of FACTS and polls which they pick and choose with the same facility and confidence that characterizes your choice of facts and polls

They don't have "facts" - they have conspiracy theory and cherry picked bits of data that becomes evident once they start displaying their sources. Kind of like those who claim Muslims in America are calling for sharia and hadith to be the law.
SHOW YOU? sure----that makes sense. Kinda like demanding that someone SHOW YOU a person who announced "I AM THE GODFATHER OF THE
Long ago----I worked with an ENT doctor whose cousin
was an operative in the QUEENS, NY mafia. He showed me a picture of the man dead in the gutter ---it
had been cut from a newspaper .. I have NO LINK......
so go right ahead and call me a liar ----of course I will not
announce the name of the dead mafia guy or the doc. ---
so I am a LIAR. I have known lots and lots of muslims
in the USA--------who INSISTED that shariah law is the best system and will someday be THE SYSTEM in the USA----and the entire world.
well-----they began to talk less about it by about 1990----and tended to keep very quiet about the entire issue after 9-11-01. Opened support of shariah law is not a career
builder in the USA right now. Even an anonymous poll will not overcome the
reluctance to admit to it.

What are you going on about now Rosie? Generally, when one makes a claim, it's normal to request that they substantiate it with facts, not opinion ;)

generally----persons who have passed thru ----something like some sort of liberal arts secondary schooling----do begin to understand that POLLS are not useful FACTS----they are subject to a myriad of factors that render them utterly
misleading, Yet there are people ---even among the
learned population of this message board-----that DEPEND
on whatever "poll" supports their idiotic POV as if the poll stats were handed down on Mount Sinai. To know the opinion of any population-------talk to a statistically significant number of them in candid manner-----under
condition of confidentiality----privately and best of all----at

Polls aren't "facts" - they're indicators of trends in public opinion and only as good as the methodology employed. However, if someone makes a claim, they should be able to substantiate it with something besides opinion and conspiracy theory. You know...kind of like we ask people to attempt to claim the Holocaust was a hoax to substantiate their claims with actual facts.

Holocaust deniers have lots of FACTS and polls which they pick and choose with the same facility and confidence that characterizes your choice of facts and polls

They don't have "facts" - they have conspiracy theory and cherry picked bits of data that becomes evident once they start displaying their sources. Kind of like those who claim Muslims in America are calling for sharia and hadith to be the law.

???? people who claim that there are muslims in the USA who are calling for SHARIAH law are LYING?----nope---they are not-------it is true----there are some muslims in the USA calling for shariah law-------THAT is FACT---very few openly calling for Shariah law in the USA ---so what is your point? You are trying to claim that MOST MUSLIMS IN THE WORLD REJECT SHARIAH LAW?

you are the person with the lack of facts. Whole countries do not fall into the cesspit of shariah because "MOST MUSLIMS REJECT IT" Even turkey is falling into the cosmic cesspit. As for my information----I do not read polls ------I talk to muslims who are very close friends and colleagues and----to naïve muslims (naïve people are the MOST NUMEROUS in the world---in fact most muslims of the world are still illiterate------we got illiterate muslims right
here in the USA) BTW----it is not me who claims muslims
in the USA are creating a danger that shariah law will
afflict the USA-----as a national code----but it is me who has seen brain dead people as a result of that which you claim
does not exist in the USA or the world.
Oh nobody much ? HA HA HA HA!! What kind of loon question is that ? Practically the entire Islamic world. That's who. Most notably > ISIS, Boko Haram, al Shabba, al Nusra, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood, dozens of Mualim Brotherhood front groups in America (CAIR, MSA, ISNA, etc)

We were talking about Muslims in the United States. Please show me the portion of "the entire Islamic world" - in the US, calling for this. Hopefully, with reputable sources - like main stream news organizations rather than blogs.

You don't know the connections of all of these groups to the United States ?

Taliban - Us troops in Afghanistan mitigate the 100+ Pakistani NUCLEAR warheads - the most dangerous thing to America today.

ISIS - they are related to jihad going on in the US (ex the Garland, TX attack), and they are a NUCLEAR trjeat to the US also, if/whenever they acquire enough wealth to nuclearize.

Boko Haram - so far they are just in Africa (SO FAR)

Hezbollah - they have been reported to have crossed the Mexican border into the US, and currently have cells in western states.

Hamas - they are related to yjr Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (right arm of Hamas in the US) They also were connected to the Holy Land Foundation and received funding from them until they were caught, tried, and sent to prison, were they now rot.

Please show me that Muslims in the US call for sharia and hadith as "law".
Are you serious ? That has been going on every day for 21 years. Stop talking stupid. Read Muslim Mafia and don't pester me with idiot questions. Good grief!

Why is it so difficult for you to provide actual and reputable sources showing that American Muslims call for this?
How many do you want ?
SHOW YOU? sure----that makes sense. Kinda like demanding that someone SHOW YOU a person who announced "I AM THE GODFATHER OF THE
Long ago----I worked with an ENT doctor whose cousin
was an operative in the QUEENS, NY mafia. He showed me a picture of the man dead in the gutter ---it
had been cut from a newspaper .. I have NO LINK......
so go right ahead and call me a liar ----of course I will not
announce the name of the dead mafia guy or the doc. ---
so I am a LIAR. I have known lots and lots of muslims
in the USA--------who INSISTED that shariah law is the best system and will someday be THE SYSTEM in the USA----and the entire world.
well-----they began to talk less about it by about 1990----and tended to keep very quiet about the entire issue after 9-11-01. Opened support of shariah law is not a career
builder in the USA right now. Even an anonymous poll will not overcome the
reluctance to admit to it.

What are you going on about now Rosie? Generally, when one makes a claim, it's normal to request that they substantiate it with facts, not opinion ;)

generally----persons who have passed thru ----something like some sort of liberal arts secondary schooling----do begin to understand that POLLS are not useful FACTS----they are subject to a myriad of factors that render them utterly
misleading, Yet there are people ---even among the
learned population of this message board-----that DEPEND
on whatever "poll" supports their idiotic POV as if the poll stats were handed down on Mount Sinai. To know the opinion of any population-------talk to a statistically significant number of them in candid manner-----under
condition of confidentiality----privately and best of all----at

Polls aren't "facts" - they're indicators of trends in public opinion and only as good as the methodology employed. However, if someone makes a claim, they should be able to substantiate it with something besides opinion and conspiracy theory. You know...kind of like we ask people to attempt to claim the Holocaust was a hoax to substantiate their claims with actual facts.

Holocaust deniers have lots of FACTS and polls which they pick and choose with the same facility and confidence that characterizes your choice of facts and polls

They don't have "facts" - they have conspiracy theory and cherry picked bits of data that becomes evident once they start displaying their sources. Kind of like those who claim Muslims in America are calling for sharia and hadith to be the law.
You are showing yourself to be a complete ignorant fool to keep saying that. You might as well be saying "those who claim that gay liberation groups are calling for legalization of same-sex marriage". Well, Gee, Who woulda ever thought ?

When you tell me how many examples you want, I'll give you some, even though the question is so ludicrous, it doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response.
Well now this is interesting. Pro-Israel groups riled by pro-Muslim ads, pro-Muslim sentiment in our universities, text books, govt decisions, etc. from recent years are fighting back. I imagine they are fighting back because of the ignorance of many in the West, or their indifference to how Israel is being treated and continuously attacked and threatened by so many Islamic circles, cells and violent hate groups. Or how our universities are so anti-Israel and sponsor boycotts and are conspicuously silent against Islamic terrorism. If you took a poll I doubt Israel would even come out ahead as to what Americans or Western Europeans consider to be the biggest threat to peace or the most agitating force in the Middle East.

This right wing Pro-Israeli organization says its intention is to counter this widespread ignorance or bias against Israel. I think they have a very legitimate point. Do I agree with their ads they are about to run?, no I do not. Too incendiary. I would have worded things much differently. But I give them credit for their courage. They are surely not going to be welcome by the general public or by the media in the West. Maybe Obama will find this another great opportunity to show how much he cannot tolerate anything Israel and also how unfair we in the West have been towards Islam. And don't you Christian dare complain or mount your high horses. Remember the Alamo... I mean Crusades. :0

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Judge Allows 'Killing Jews Is Worship' Ads on NYC Transport

Wednesday, 22 Apr 2015 12:24 PM By Melanie Batley

An ad that says, "Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah" should be permitted to appear on New York City buses and subways, a federal judge has ruled.

The advert was created by a pro-Israel organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI). It features an image of a young man in a checkered headscarf and was designed to highlight what the AFDI argues are Muslim attitudes toward Jews,

The ad was originally rejected by New York's Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA), which said that they were "savage" and demeaned Muslims and Palestinians while at the same time could incite violence against Jews.

U.S. District Judge John Koeltl has ruled that the MTA cannot stop the ads from running

In the judgment, he said that MTA officials "underestimate the tolerant quality of New Yorkers and overestimate the potential impact of these fleeting advertisements."

He added: "Moreover, there is no evidence that seeing one of these advertisements on the back of a bus would be sufficient to trigger a violent reaction. Therefore, these ads — offensive as they may be — are still entitled to First Amendment protection."

AFDI co-founder Pamela Geller tweeted her delight at the ruling, saying that it was "a triumph for liberty and free speech."

The ad is intended to be a parody of an ad put out by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a civil liberties group that promotes the rights of Muslims and better relations between Muslims and non-Muslims.

In 2012 and 2013, CAIR ran posters in several American cities promoting peaceful versions of Islam. " '#MyJihad is to build friendships across the aisle.' What's yours?" read one.

In his ruling in favor of AFDI, Koeltl said the ads could not reasonably be considered an incitement to violence, even if someone didn't understand them.

"The defendants admit that the actual intention of the advertisement is not to advocate the use of force, but to parody the CAIR 'My Jihad' campaign and to criticize Hamas and radical Islam.

"However, they argue that a reasonable New Yorker would not read the advertisement this way, but would instead read it as advocating the killing of Jewish people," Koeltl wrote, according to the Post. "The defendants' theory is thoroughly unpersuasive."
Are you sure those ads are historical referenced to Martin Luther and his writings?
Khan and many of the mongol territories practiced tengri.

Genghis Khan exploited the "IDEOLOGY" of islam just as Constantine exploited the ideology of Christianity and your hero ADOLF HITLER exploited the ideology of Catholicism and Lutheranism. The exploits of the sociopath Constantine resulted in the spread of Christianity and the exploits of the sociopath Genghis Khan resulted in the spread of islam -----your hero ADOLF HITLER was stopped in his tracks
What are you going on about now Rosie? Generally, when one makes a claim, it's normal to request that they substantiate it with facts, not opinion ;)

generally----persons who have passed thru ----something like some sort of liberal arts secondary schooling----do begin to understand that POLLS are not useful FACTS----they are subject to a myriad of factors that render them utterly
misleading, Yet there are people ---even among the
learned population of this message board-----that DEPEND
on whatever "poll" supports their idiotic POV as if the poll stats were handed down on Mount Sinai. To know the opinion of any population-------talk to a statistically significant number of them in candid manner-----under
condition of confidentiality----privately and best of all----at

Polls aren't "facts" - they're indicators of trends in public opinion and only as good as the methodology employed. However, if someone makes a claim, they should be able to substantiate it with something besides opinion and conspiracy theory. You know...kind of like we ask people to attempt to claim the Holocaust was a hoax to substantiate their claims with actual facts.

Holocaust deniers have lots of FACTS and polls which they pick and choose with the same facility and confidence that characterizes your choice of facts and polls

They don't have "facts" - they have conspiracy theory and cherry picked bits of data that becomes evident once they start displaying their sources. Kind of like those who claim Muslims in America are calling for sharia and hadith to be the law.
You are showing yourself to be a complete ignorant fool to keep saying that. You might as well be saying "those who claim that gay liberation groups are calling for legalization of same-sex marriage". Well, Gee, Who woulda ever thought ?

When you tell me how many examples you want, I'll give you some, even though the question is so ludicrous, it doesn't even deserve the dignity of a response.
Tell us all again about how the dinka are the largest ethnic group in Sudan and about how the janjaweed are waging jihad against non muslims in darfur.

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