Anti-maskers being forced to dig graves for coronavirus victims as punishment


The reason for it is made quite apparent in this thread.

What a fantastic idea. It might even educate these idiots and help them to reform their anti-social deviancy. I think it could work anywhere as a form of community service involved in any punishment.
Luckily she's been banned by Twitter for our own good

View attachment 389278

You seriously think we are going to listen to anything from Fox fake news?

In the case of a Pandemic your freedom depends on everybody complying with the law getting vacinated (when it comes) & wearing a face mask. All governments first duty is to protect its people, its people must comply - we are all at war with this virus.

The law? Maybe you could cite “the law” for us...

Don't quite know which post.....

The law? Your law! The laws your elected representatives have put on the statute books.

ok, show us the law. Cite the statute.
This seems a fitting punishment for those who don't give a damn about the society that they live in. They are greedy, selfish. narcissistic people, who give no thought to endangering others.
So every BLM maggot we see in protest and riot crowds not wearing a mask or social distancing can be rounded up and forced to do manual hard labor.
You obviously haven't heard Trumps pre election appeal for all Americans to unite?

"Don't be a dud - go hug a BLM buddy!"

Ha ha ha!

Americans are united, against the Democrat Marxist pigs.
You do realise that Antifa simply means anti-fascist. Surely you must support that, unless your a fascist, and support the likes of Hitler?
I think that one of the differences between the US and Europe is that they have never had a threat to their country. Never been invaded.

So the idea of working together for a common good is alien to them. ad in some loony conspiracy theories and the usual right wing selfishness and there you have it. They would rather kill their neighbour than follow simple advice.

I do not include the normal Americans in this, just the lunatic fringe.
Yea Tommy, I cant seem to get a handle on the extent of lunacy over there. Surely these boards can't possibly represent a cross section of the American people. The impression I get on here is 1 left winger to 9 Trumpsters which cant be right.

I came on here originally to challenge American Nationalism. I detest all forms of overt right wing Nationalism from Hitler to Pinoche and find it intrinsically evil. I soon found there is no Nationalism, just a bunch of crazy selfish individuals. Its no so much a case of - Good Vs Evil, more a case of Good Vs Totally Stupidity!

yes, yes...I think you should lock yourself in your home and never come out again.
That might not be that far away if we get a second wave of Corona or a Corona 2, that spreads like flu, but kills like Ebola, - 90% death rate. All your vital organs turn to mush and blood oozes out of every orifice including your pores.
And why because you dumb idiots wont wear a friggin' mask!
Besides, this virus will run its course whether we wear masks and gloves or not. The only question is: how long will it take?
But it will run its course much sooner if the chain of transmission is cut. I mean, that's really basic.
But another question is 'How many more will die?'

What a fantastic idea. It might even educate these idiots and help them to reform their anti-social deviancy. I think it could work anywhere as a form of community service involved in any punishment.
Luckily she's been banned by Twitter for our own good

View attachment 389278

You seriously think we are going to listen to anything from Fox fake news?

In the case of a Pandemic your freedom depends on everybody complying with the law getting vacinated (when it comes) & wearing a face mask. All governments first duty is to protect its people, its people must comply - we are all at war with this virus.

The law? Maybe you could cite “the law” for us...

Don't quite know which post.....

The law? Your law! The laws your elected representatives have put on the statute books.

ok, show us the law. Cite the statute.

You mean concerning masks?
I should think like in the UK were the Government in view of a Pandemic can introduce emergency laws without going through the usual course of Parliament cos as in a war there simply isn't time.

You should know your laws and whether they require you to wear a mask or not.

We are though supposed to be talking about Indonesia!
This seems a fitting punishment for those who don't give a damn about the society that they live in. They are greedy, selfish. narcissistic people, who give no thought to endangering others.
So every BLM maggot we see in protest and riot crowds not wearing a mask or social distancing can be rounded up and forced to do manual hard labor.
You obviously haven't heard Trumps pre election appeal for all Americans to unite?

"Don't be a dud - go hug a BLM buddy!"

Ha ha ha!

Americans are united, against the Democrat Marxist pigs.
You do realise that Antifa simply means anti-fascist. Surely you must support that, unless your a fascist, and support the likes of Hitler?
I think that one of the differences between the US and Europe is that they have never had a threat to their country. Never been invaded.

So the idea of working together for a common good is alien to them. ad in some loony conspiracy theories and the usual right wing selfishness and there you have it. They would rather kill their neighbour than follow simple advice.

I do not include the normal Americans in this, just the lunatic fringe.
Yea Tommy, I cant seem to get a handle on the extent of lunacy over there. Surely these boards can't possibly represent a cross section of the American people. The impression I get on here is 1 left winger to 9 Trumpsters which cant be right.

I came on here originally to challenge American Nationalism. I detest all forms of overt right wing Nationalism from Hitler to Pinoche and find it intrinsically evil. I soon found there is no Nationalism, just a bunch of crazy selfish individuals. Its no so much a case of - Good Vs Evil, more a case of Good Vs Totally Stupidity!

yes, yes...I think you should lock yourself in your home and never come out again.
That might not be that far away if we get a second wave of Corona or a Corona 2, that spreads like flu, but kills like Ebola, - 90% death rate. All your vital organs turn to mush and blood oozes out of every orifice including your pores.
And why because you dumb idiots wont wear a friggin' mask!

Ah, but its not a law as you were trying to act like it was...I am shocked a lib would lie.

What a fantastic idea. It might even educate these idiots and help them to reform their anti-social deviancy. I think it could work anywhere as a form of community service involved in any punishment.
Luckily she's been banned by Twitter for our own good

View attachment 389278

You seriously think we are going to listen to anything from Fox fake news?

In the case of a Pandemic your freedom depends on everybody complying with the law getting vacinated (when it comes) & wearing a face mask. All governments first duty is to protect its people, its people must comply - we are all at war with this virus.

The law? Maybe you could cite “the law” for us...

Don't quite know which post.....

The law? Your law! The laws your elected representatives have put on the statute books.

ok, show us the law. Cite the statute.

You mean concerning masks?
I should think like in the UK were the Government in view of a Pandemic can introduce emergency laws without going through the usual course of Parliament cos as in a war there simply isn't time.

You should know your laws and whether they require you to wear a mask or not.

We are though supposed to be talking about Indonesia!

And you should educate yourself as to the powers of our government before you make assumptions and fool out of yourself...;)
Besides, this virus will run its course whether we wear masks and gloves or not. The only question is: how long will it take?
But it will run its course much sooner if the chain of transmission is cut. I mean, that's really basic.

Are you sure? Even with people wearing masks the number of cases keeps climbing. Then again, one has to wonder if in fact the cases are increasing, what with so many hospitals attributing so many deaths to COVID that are questionable at best.

But another question is 'How many more will die?'

That is a question. And yet another question is: How many will die because some don't wear masks? The efficacy of the masks seems not to be so certain and open to debate.

What bothers me more about all this than the mask debate itself is the way the issue has been used as a weapon in some peoples' personal moral crusades. I have zero tolerance for empty moral posturing and hypocritical virtue signaling and that is exactly what this has become. For too many the issue has become less about the mask itself and its effectiveness and more about breast-beating moral grandstanding.
Besides, this virus will run its course whether we wear masks and gloves or not. The only question is: how long will it take?
But it will run its course much sooner if the chain of transmission is cut. I mean, that's really basic.
But another question is 'How many more will die?'
As long as there are groups of untouched people it will remain. Stop your lying. This is a virus and the only way for it to stop is when the human body acquires immunity from it. Masks are less that 30% effective and Indonisa is living proof that mask mandates do not work. The very thing you cite as proof is calling you out as liars...
Besides, this virus will run its course whether we wear masks and gloves or not. The only question is: how long will it take?
But it will run its course much sooner if the chain of transmission is cut. I mean, that's really basic.

Are you sure? Even with people wearing masks the number of cases keeps climbing. Then again, one has to wonder if in fact the cases are increasing, what with so many hospitals attributing so many deaths to COVID that are questionable at best.

But another question is 'How many more will die?'

That is a question. And yet another question is: How many will die because some don't wear masks? The efficacy of the masks seems not to be so certain and open to debate.

What bothers me more about all this than the mask debate itself is the way the issue has been used as a weapon in some peoples' personal moral crusades. I have zero tolerance for empty moral posturing and hypocritical virtue signaling and that is exactly what this has become. For too many the issue has become less about the mask itself and its effectiveness and more about breast-beating moral grandstanding.
I've had training in biological warfare. this thing will continue to burn until a vaccine is used or herd immunity is reached. Pathological fact! The number of deaths will be determined by the numbers of people who get early intervention and what politicians stops the use of drugs that work.
Isn't it cool how every Libtard on the planet became a virus transmission expert this year?

Even though not one of them can understand how a virus ranging from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron can get through 50-micron gaps in a mask.
The dry virus is very small. The average wet virus is 0.5 microns to 1.1 microns. Even wet this virus will go right through the average 10 micron mask. Cloth is on the average of 100 microns in weave. SO it literately stops NOTHING!

Masks are simply conditioning you to do as told... when you look at the physical properties of the virus and mask you find you have been lied to a lot by those who profess to be doing things in your best interests..

Cloth masks are about 70% effective... Because viruses don't know where the holes of a mask are... This is not perfect but highly effective at reducing a pandemic...
if we get a second wave of Corona or a Corona 2, that spreads like flu, but kills like Ebola, - 90% death rate.
The only way this could happen is if another version is released from a lab. Viruses DEGENERATE and become less leathal over time. It is unnatural for a virus to strengthen without mans help.
Isn't it cool how every Libtard on the planet became a virus transmission expert this year?

Even though not one of them can understand how a virus ranging from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron can get through 50-micron gaps in a mask.
The dry virus is very small. The average wet virus is 0.5 microns to 1.1 microns. Even wet this virus will go right through the average 10 micron mask. Cloth is on the average of 100 microns in weave. SO it literately stops NOTHING!

Masks are simply conditioning you to do as told... when you look at the physical properties of the virus and mask you find you have been lied to a lot by those who profess to be doing things in your best interests..

Cloth masks are about 70% effective... Because viruses don't know where the holes of a mask are... This is not perfect but highly effective at reducing a pandemic...
Cloth is less that 30% effective.. Where are you getting this bull shit from?
Studies of Cloth Mask Efficacy

In 2015, we conducted a randomized controlled trial to compare the efficacy of cloth masks with that of medical masks and controls (standard practice) among healthcare workers in Vietnam (4). Rates of infection were consistently higher among those in the cloth mask group than in the medical mask and control groups. This finding suggests that risk for infection was higher for those wearing cloth masks. The mask tested was a locally manufactured, double-layered cotton mask. Participants were given 5 cloth masks for a 4-week study period and were asked to wash the masks daily with soap and water (4). The poor performance may have been because the masks were not washed frequently enough or because they became moist and contaminated. Medical and cloth masks were used by some participants in the control group, but the poor performance of cloth masks persisted in post hoc analysis when we compared all participants who used medical masks (from the control and the medical mask groups) with all participants who used only a cloth mask (from the control and the cloth mask groups)(4).

We also examined the filtration ability of cloth masks by reviewing 19 studies (3). We found that the filtration effectiveness of cloth masks is generally lower than that of medical masks and respirators. Filtration effectiveness of cloth masks varies widely; some materials filter better than others (911). Filtration effectiveness of cloth masks depends on many factors, such as thread count, number of layers, type of fabric, and water resistance (3). One study tested medical masks and several household materials for the ability to block bacterial and viral aerosols. Participants made masks from different materials, and all masks tested showed some ability to block the microbial aerosol challenges although less than that of medical masks (11). Another study found that homemade cloth masks may also reduce aerosol exposure although less so than medical masks and respirators (12). Masks made of cotton and towel provide better protection than masks made of gauze. Although cloth masks are often not designed to fit around the face, some materials may fit snugly against the face. One study found that the use of nylon stockings around the mask improved filtration (A.V. Mueller et al., unpub. data, Link). Filtration effectiveness of wet masks is reportedly lower than that of dry masks (3).

People who refuse to wear masks should be punished. If not this way, what is another?

Show me the law, drawn up by a legislator and voted on by lawmakers, mandating masks.

Since governors don't make laws, all of these "mask mandates" set forth by governors are indeed constitutionally illegal.
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Civilized people use small backhoes to dig graves.
"Civilized people use small backhoes to dig graves".

That would have worked wonders when the Allies liberated Belson, and found tens of thousands of decaying corpses.

Indonesia happens to be a very warm country and according to Islamic tradition the dead must be buried within three days. The probable reason they are making prisoners dig graves is because of a surge in deaths caused by Corona that their normal services can't cope with.

Gawd Its like teaching primary school kids!
Such a warm and lovely place that it beats and castrates teens for making fun of their religion. Attacks Buddhist temples and treats women like shit. Let the dead bury the dead.
Not a lot of sympathy for Buddhist temples at the minute, whilst they murder and ethnically cleanse the Rohingya in a genocide in Myanmar now before The ICC.
Indonesia has its problems like everywhere else.
Overall there isn't much sympathy for Harakah al-Yaqin or Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) or whatever else they call themselves either. The Islamist/Muslims determined their own fate when they decided to attack the other peoples in their self proclaimed holy war. Either people learned to come through the right door or they take their chances on whatever comes their way when they start making problems for the citizens.
Rape and forced conversion as a cleansing tool Rape is a heinous violent crime. It is used as a war tool through which the invaders subjugate and humiliate the conquered population. A judicial commission concluded that over 200 Hindu women were raped following the 2001 parliamentary election. Rape and other sexual violations of minor girls belonging to the Hindu community, mainly in rural areas, remain rampant. In the conservative society of rural Bangladesh, when a girl is violated in a village, the family is left with no choice but to migrate to India. In addition, in rural areas, pressure to convert to Islam is increasing with every year. In many cases, local authorities ignore such activities because they themselves believe that if they can convert a non-Muslim to Islam, then they will be rewarded after death. This belief has caused an upsurge in the religious conversion of Hindu minors and sometimes even of entire families to Islam.

Isn't it cool how every Libtard on the planet became a virus transmission expert this year?

Even though not one of them can understand how a virus ranging from 0.05 to 0.2 of a micron can get through 50-micron gaps in a mask.
The dry virus is very small. The average wet virus is 0.5 microns to 1.1 microns. Even wet this virus will go right through the average 10 micron mask. Cloth is on the average of 100 microns in weave. SO it literately stops NOTHING!

Masks are simply conditioning you to do as told... when you look at the physical properties of the virus and mask you find you have been lied to a lot by those who profess to be doing things in your best interests..

Cloth masks are about 70% effective... Because viruses don't know where the holes of a mask are... This is not perfect but highly effective at reducing a pandemic...

That is without a doubt, the silliest thing I have ever heard...
Cloth masks are about 70% effective... Because viruses don't know where the holes of a mask are... This is not perfect but highly effective at reducing a pandemic...


Cloth is less that 30% effective.. Where are you getting this bull shit from?

I very much doubt if they're even anywhere close to that.

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