Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

Hate crimes against American Muslims have soared to their highest levels since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data compiled by researchers, an increase apparently fueled by terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad and by divisive language on the campaign trail.

The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015.

While the most current hate crime statistics from the FBI are not expected until November, new data from researchers atCalifornia State University found that hate crimes against American Muslims were up 78 percent over the course of 2015. Attacks on those perceived as Arab rose even more sharply.

Police and media reports in recent months have indicated a continued flow of attacks, often against victims wearing traditional Muslim garb or seen as Middle Eastern.

Gee thanks, Mr. Trump. Thanks for a glimpse into what an American future would look like in your reich.

Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%
Wow a whole 260 so called hate crimes a year.

I guess we should try to see what the requirements are that a crime is a "hate" crime
I have the feeling any crime where muslims are the victim will be labeled a "hate" crime

FYI spraying graffiti on a mosque is not a "hate crime" it's vandalism

thanks for finding the number in the story, wow 260 hate crimes vs 3,000 plus Americans killed by dot heads..OP fuck off.


Another one justifying hate crimes against Muslims.

See what I mean? It's part of the core of conservatism now in this country.

Like I said bacon isn't a "hate" crime

It is if it's used in a criminal manner to express hate.

Expressing hate is not a crime you stupid goat fucker.

Don't take the Left Race Bait. 'Hate Crimes' against Muslims are just about non-existent in America. Just like 'White on Black' crime is. The Left has to lie to effectively promote its divisive Race-Baiting agenda. So don't take the bait.
If they are 'true believers' they are commanded to exterminate every 'non-believer' on the planet.
Just as Mr. Rahami wanted to do in NYC.

Quoted for truth. It's a fact, Jack.

It's not a real 'religion' anyway, it's a political ideology.
Hate crimes against American Muslims have soared to their highest levels since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data compiled by researchers, an increase apparently fueled by terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad and by divisive language on the campaign trail.

The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015.

While the most current hate crime statistics from the FBI are not expected until November, new data from researchers atCalifornia State University found that hate crimes against American Muslims were up 78 percent over the course of 2015. Attacks on those perceived as Arab rose even more sharply.

Police and media reports in recent months have indicated a continued flow of attacks, often against victims wearing traditional Muslim garb or seen as Middle Eastern.

Gee thanks, Mr. Trump. Thanks for a glimpse into what an American future would look like in your reich.

Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%
Wow a whole 260 so called hate crimes a year.

I guess we should try to see what the requirements are that a crime is a "hate" crime
I have the feeling any crime where muslims are the victim will be labeled a "hate" crime

FYI spraying graffiti on a mosque is not a "hate crime" it's vandalism

Meanwhile in Chicago......

How does crime in Chicago justify the persecution of innocent Muslim Americans?

Well let's look at the numbers

Iraq 2015: A Catastrophic Normal :: Iraq Body Count
We can't compare a city to a country, so let's compare cities in Iraq to Chicago.

In Baghdad, there were 3,426 killed in 2015 but in Diyala there were only 1,315 killed.

In Chicago, there were 468 homicides. However, there were 2,900 shot.

Chicago Shootings and Murders Surged in 2015

That means gang bangers are either worse shots or the US has better medical care

You be the judge.

I would dare say that there are much more dangerous places in Chicago than in Iraq. That is a no brainer.

Just so long as you stay in the rich fat cat sections of Chicago where Barak Obama and company used to live you will be just fine.

How does that justify crimes against innocent Muslims in the US?

What about the innocent Muslims in Libya?

Where were you to cry for them when Obama was bombing them to hell and back?
Christianity is nowhere near as shitty as Islam. More liberal false equivalencies, they just can't help themselves.

Where are the hordes of war monger Christian terrorists? Instead they turn their other cheek or whatever... vastly superior morality in any case (compared to you or the muslims).

Yeah, I guess the Christian Germans and the Christian Russians and the Christian British and the Christian French, Italians, Americans etc didn't take part in WW2 with the loss of how many lives?

Yes, and I am talking about Christians today, because, well, we are living today.

Further, can't you seriously come up with a better example? Christianity had pretty much nothing to do with the war. Pathetic...

Christians today like George W. Bush? Invaded Iraq, invaded Afghanistan, the first went totally to hell because of his policy of not actually rebuilding the country properly, getting rid of the Iraqi army and police and creating a vacuum.

That's just one example. There are many examples. While the Christians don't always go and cause problems with guns and bombs, it's a choice never the less.

Islam has suffered in the last 200 years, and it's suffered within most people's memories.

You have Iraq (twice) and Afghanistan, plus Libya and that's only since 9/11. Plus the French in Mali and a few other former colonies. You have interference in many Muslim countries, Iran being an obvious example where there the US caused so many problems, Lebanon, and then you have the support of Israel which some has been legitimate and some of the actions of the Israelis simply hasn't.

Your inclusion of Afghanistan as though it is somehow a failure of Christianity or Christiandom, shows that you are an irrational anti-Christian bigot and thus demonstrates that NONE of your other conclusions have any credibility.

Why? You decide to go off and insult, but you don't actually even give a reason for your own "point of view" if we can call it that.

I can't reply to you just attacking me. So, either you respond properly, or don't bother.

You really need it explained to you that a sneak attack killing 3,000 Americans is a Just Cause for War?

Your inclusion of Afghanistan as though it is somehow a failure of Christianity or Christiandom, shows that you are an irrational anti-Christian bigot and thus demonstrates that NONE of your other conclusions have any credibility.
because your bashing Islam while protecting and upholding Christianity. When Christianity is shit

Christianity is nowhere near as shitty as Islam. More liberal false equivalencies, they just can't help themselves.

Where are the hordes of war monger Christian terrorists? Instead they turn their other cheek or whatever... vastly superior morality in any case (compared to you or the muslims).
i dont care which ones shittier than the other they're both shit as long as your upholding shit i will call you an asshole

Well then you should start caring. Executing gays or not executing them is a matter of life and death...
I dont care your still promoting christianity, no matter what valid criticisms you bring up about Islam at the end of your argument thats what your doing

I think differentiating between Christians NOT killing gays and Muslim killing gays is far from promoting Christianity. It is more like supporting that one very important difference between the two religions.

But Christians in other countries DO kill gays. Muslims IN THIS COUNTRY don't kill gays. Do you really not get that it is cultural not religious?
Hate crimes against American Muslims have soared to their highest levels since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data compiled by researchers, an increase apparently fueled by terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad and by divisive language on the campaign trail.

The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015.

While the most current hate crime statistics from the FBI are not expected until November, new data from researchers atCalifornia State University found that hate crimes against American Muslims were up 78 percent over the course of 2015. Attacks on those perceived as Arab rose even more sharply.

Police and media reports in recent months have indicated a continued flow of attacks, often against victims wearing traditional Muslim garb or seen as Middle Eastern.

Gee thanks, Mr. Trump. Thanks for a glimpse into what an American future would look like in your reich.

Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

This seems to coincide with the increase in Islamic Terrorism in the USA.

Maybe the Muslim leaders should tell Muslims they bring this on themselves by committing acts of terror. Remember, not ALL Americans are Islamaphobic!
Don't take the Left Race Bait. 'Hate Crimes' against Muslims are just about non-existent in America. Just like 'White on Black' crime is. The Left has to lie to effectively promote its divisive Race-Baiting agenda. So don't take the bait.

To bad the facts don't support your claim.
If they are 'true believers' they are commanded to exterminate every 'non-believer' on the planet.
Just as Mr. Rahami wanted to do in NYC.

Quoted for truth. It's a fact, Jack.

It's not a real 'religion' anyway, it's a political ideology.

Uh, it's a religion, dimwit. A poisonous religion, but still a religion.

"Political ideology"

Between the anti-muslim attacks (hard to ever come by), and the muslim attacks (very relevant) liberal attempting a cheap false equivalency would obviously focus on the anti-muslim attacks.

Especially right after a bombing that could very well be the fault of the Islamists.

So a Muslim who killed you in retaliation for some guy across town killing a Muslim, that would be fair? lol
Be specific quote for us the Number of murdered Muslims by non Muslims in this Country.
Don't take the Left Race Bait. 'Hate Crimes' against Muslims are just about non-existent in America. Just like 'White on Black' crime is. The Left has to lie to effectively promote its divisive Race-Baiting agenda. So don't take the bait.

To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...
Between the anti-muslim attacks (hard to ever come by), and the muslim attacks (very relevant) liberal attempting a cheap false equivalency would obviously focus on the anti-muslim attacks.

Especially right after a bombing that could very well be the fault of the Islamists.

So a Muslim who killed you in retaliation for some guy across town killing a Muslim, that would be fair? lol
Be specific quote for us the Number of murdered Muslims by non Muslims in this Country.

And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Does the US Government even record those stats?
Don't take the Left Race Bait. 'Hate Crimes' against Muslims are just about non-existent in America. Just like 'White on Black' crime is. The Left has to lie to effectively promote its divisive Race-Baiting agenda. So don't take the bait.

To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.
Don't take the Left Race Bait. 'Hate Crimes' against Muslims are just about non-existent in America. Just like 'White on Black' crime is. The Left has to lie to effectively promote its divisive Race-Baiting agenda. So don't take the bait.

To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

But in this case it talks about the fact that the anti-muslim crimes are so insignificant no one even keeps track of them. I have my doubts that anyone actually believes this bullshit. Even liberals just aren't this dumb.
Don't take the Left Race Bait. 'Hate Crimes' against Muslims are just about non-existent in America. Just like 'White on Black' crime is. The Left has to lie to effectively promote its divisive Race-Baiting agenda. So don't take the bait.

To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know of absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The numbers are in the OP.

It doesn't exactly square with claims of "almost non-existent".
Don't take the Left Race Bait. 'Hate Crimes' against Muslims are just about non-existent in America. Just like 'White on Black' crime is. The Left has to lie to effectively promote its divisive Race-Baiting agenda. So don't take the bait.

To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

The stats are out there. 'White on Black' crime is just about non-existent in America today. Yet you Race-Baiters constantly hype the opposite. In reality, it's actually 'Black on White' crime that's rampant in America today. The stats show that.

And in order for me to give your numbers any credibility, you'll have to show the numbers on Muslim crimes against others too. Muslims do commit crimes against others. One Muslim just injured many people in New York and New Jersey recently. So for balance, he would have to be included in any such stats.
Don't take the Left Race Bait. 'Hate Crimes' against Muslims are just about non-existent in America. Just like 'White on Black' crime is. The Left has to lie to effectively promote its divisive Race-Baiting agenda. So don't take the bait.

To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know of absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The numbers are in the OP.

It doesn't exactly square with claims of "almost non-existent".

The numbers are NOT in the op.

YOu were tricked.
Don't take the Left Race Bait. 'Hate Crimes' against Muslims are just about non-existent in America. Just like 'White on Black' crime is. The Left has to lie to effectively promote its divisive Race-Baiting agenda. So don't take the bait.

To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

But in this case it talks about the fact that the anti-muslim crimes are so insignificant no one even keeps track of them. I have my doubts that anyone actually believes this bullshit. Even liberals just aren't this dumb.

Hate crimes against Muslims in US most since post-9/11 era - The Boston Globe

The new study from Levin’s nonpartisan group, based on official police reports in 20 states, estimated that there were about 260 hate crimes against Muslims nationwide in 2015.

That was the most since the record 481 documented hate crimes against Muslims in 2001, when the Sept. 11 attacks set off waves of crimes targeting Muslims and Middle Easterners, Levin said. The increase last year was also the biggest annual rise since 2001, he said.

The rise came even as hate crimes against almost all other groups — including blacks, Hispanics, Jews, gays and whites — either declined or increased only slightly, his study found. One exception was hate crimes against transgender people, which rose about 40 percent.
GOOD! I wish "hate crimes" against muslim filth were up 472343543453456346%! These THINGS follow and facilitate the most blood-soaked, cruelest, sadistic hate ideology on this planet. Lesson learned to muslim inbred shit-for-brains: if you hang out in that Pisslam toilet, don't be surprised when you get shat upon. Even the "nice, peaceful" muslims go out of their way to enable the bad ones because they are brainwashed by the same murderous hate ideology.

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