Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

Between the anti-muslim attacks (hard to ever come by), and the muslim attacks (very relevant) liberal attempting a cheap false equivalency would obviously focus on the anti-muslim attacks.

Especially right after a bombing that could very well be the fault of the Islamists.

So a Muslim who killed you in retaliation for some guy across town killing a Muslim, that would be fair? lol
is it fair we all are still paying for slavery and the exclusions of the 50s and early 60s?
Life isn't fair. Maybe the might want to think about trying to blend in with society here.

See? There's a guy justifying hate crimes against innocent Muslims.

No he didn't. Nowhere he justified hate crimes against muslims. He might have justified not importing a bunch of 3rd worlders, but that's not a hate crime.
Between the anti-muslim attacks (hard to ever come by), and the muslim attacks (very relevant) liberal attempting a cheap false equivalency would obviously focus on the anti-muslim attacks.

Especially right after a bombing that could very well be the fault of the Islamists.

So a Muslim who killed you in retaliation for some guy across town killing a Muslim, that would be fair? lol
is it fair we all are still paying for slavery and the exclusions of the 50s and early 60s?
Life isn't fair. Maybe the might want to think about trying to blend in with society here.

See? There's a guy justifying hate crimes against innocent Muslims.
fuck muslims.

I rest my case. And not a single conservative here will disagree with you.
Between the anti-muslim attacks (hard to ever come by), and the muslim attacks (very relevant) liberal attempting a cheap false equivalency would obviously focus on the anti-muslim attacks.

Especially right after a bombing that could very well be the fault of the Islamists.

So a Muslim who killed you in retaliation for some guy across town killing a Muslim, that would be fair? lol
is it fair we all are still paying for slavery and the exclusions of the 50s and early 60s?
Life isn't fair. Maybe the might want to think about trying to blend in with society here.

See? There's a guy justifying hate crimes against innocent Muslims.

No he didn't. Nowhere he justified hate crimes against muslims. He might have justified not importing a bunch of 3rd worlders, but that's not a hate crime.

You should learn to read.
Between the anti-muslim attacks (hard to ever come by), and the muslim attacks (very relevant) liberal attempting a cheap false equivalency would obviously focus on the anti-muslim attacks.

Especially right after a bombing that could very well be the fault of the Islamists.

So a Muslim who killed you in retaliation for some guy across town killing a Muslim, that would be fair? lol
is it fair we all are still paying for slavery and the exclusions of the 50s and early 60s?
Life isn't fair. Maybe the might want to think about trying to blend in with society here.

See? There's a guy justifying hate crimes against innocent Muslims.
fuck muslims.

I rest my case. And not a single conservative here will disagree with you.
who cares, these animals come here and try to change our lifestyle to meet theirs, then they commit acts of terrorism.
How about you tell me what great value these sand dwellers have brought to this country,
Between the anti-muslim attacks (hard to ever come by), and the muslim attacks (very relevant) liberal attempting a cheap false equivalency would obviously focus on the anti-muslim attacks.

Especially right after a bombing that could very well be the fault of the Islamists.

So a Muslim who killed you in retaliation for some guy across town killing a Muslim, that would be fair? lol
is it fair we all are still paying for slavery and the exclusions of the 50s and early 60s?
Life isn't fair. Maybe the might want to think about trying to blend in with society here.

See? There's a guy justifying hate crimes against innocent Muslims.

No he didn't. Nowhere he justified hate crimes against muslims. He might have justified not importing a bunch of 3rd worlders, but that's not a hate crime.

You should learn to read.
actually you should learn to read.
Fuck muslims does not mean I am justifying hate crimes.
I know, it hurts your brain to think.
Don't take the Left Race Bait. 'Hate Crimes' against Muslims are just about non-existent in America. Just like 'White on Black' crime is. The Left has to lie to effectively promote its divisive Race-Baiting agenda. So don't take the bait.

To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know of absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The numbers are in the OP.

It doesn't exactly square with claims of "almost non-existent".
260 attacks REALLY? You call that significant? I call that almost none existent in a Country of 320 MILLION.
To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know of absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The numbers are in the OP.

It doesn't exactly square with claims of "almost non-existent".
260 attacks REALLY? You call that significant? I call that almost none existent in a Country of 320 MILLION.
don't those animals kill almost that many in just one of their bombings that they do out of their love for their fellow man?
To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know of absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The numbers are in the OP.

It doesn't exactly square with claims of "almost non-existent".
260 attacks REALLY? You call that significant? I call that almost none existent in a Country of 320 MILLION.

A breakdown of the various 'crimes' makes it even more insignificant.; the OP hopes there are tards here who will think they were all tortured and murdered or something.
To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know of absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The numbers are in the OP.

It doesn't exactly square with claims of "almost non-existent".
260 attacks REALLY? You call that significant? I call that almost none existent in a Country of 320 MILLION.

Yeah, it's pretty significant when the make up less than 1% of that 320 million.
BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know of absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The numbers are in the OP.

It doesn't exactly square with claims of "almost non-existent".
260 attacks REALLY? You call that significant? I call that almost none existent in a Country of 320 MILLION.

Yeah, it's pretty significant when the make up less than 1% of that 320 million.

No, it really is insignificant. Especially considering the extremely vague definition of hate crime. Let's recap, in Germany the person who shouted at the terrorist who massacred 9 people is being prosecuted. All of it is in video if you want to see the horrors of a hate crime.

It's just stupid liberal nonsense...
Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know of absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The numbers are in the OP.

It doesn't exactly square with claims of "almost non-existent".
260 attacks REALLY? You call that significant? I call that almost none existent in a Country of 320 MILLION.

Yeah, it's pretty significant when the make up less than 1% of that 320 million.

No, it really is insignificant. Especially considering the extremely vague definition of hate crime. Let's recap, in Germany the person who shouted at the terrorist who massacred 9 people is being prosecuted. All of it is in video if you want to see the horrors of a hate crime.

It's just stupid liberal nonsense...

What extremist Muslims do is not an excuse to perpetrate violence on innocent US Muslims.
BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know of absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The numbers are in the OP.

It doesn't exactly square with claims of "almost non-existent".
260 attacks REALLY? You call that significant? I call that almost none existent in a Country of 320 MILLION.

Yeah, it's pretty significant when the make up less than 1% of that 320 million.
No it isn't this is a manufactured complaint. Most of the supposed "attacks" are simply kids writing on the walls.
Show us the numbers then.

Why don't you show the numbers? You know of absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The numbers are in the OP.

It doesn't exactly square with claims of "almost non-existent".
260 attacks REALLY? You call that significant? I call that almost none existent in a Country of 320 MILLION.

Yeah, it's pretty significant when the make up less than 1% of that 320 million.
No it isn't this is a manufactured complaint. Most of the supposed "attacks" are simply kids writing on the walls.

It's a crime intended to illicit terror like a cross being burned on a black family's lawn.
one of your friends in this thread did? its not hard to find so-called christians that freely suggest genocide against all 1.5 billion muslims

Who said we need to kill all muslims?

Are you sure that you aren't imagining things?

Who? There are people out there that say this.

Go onto Stormfront and you might find quite a few who support this idea.



The question was asked and I answered it. You don't like the answer so you write what you've just written. Seems rather juvenile to me.

No, you never actually reply to anything, and why you just ridiculous when trying to ask for 'facts' and 'proof'; you wouldn't read it, or you would just move on to the next line of gibbering on the approved list of 'talking points' and avoid responding to whatever it is you 'demanded proof' for, as usual for astro-turfing trolls.

You know you're talking rubbish. You clearly don't know me.

Why don't you try me. Why don't you actually respond to me in a sensible way and see? Because some people do, and they get decent responses.
Yeah, I guess the Christian Germans and the Christian Russians and the Christian British and the Christian French, Italians, Americans etc didn't take part in WW2 with the loss of how many lives?

Yes, and I am talking about Christians today, because, well, we are living today.

Further, can't you seriously come up with a better example? Christianity had pretty much nothing to do with the war. Pathetic...

Christians today like George W. Bush? Invaded Iraq, invaded Afghanistan, the first went totally to hell because of his policy of not actually rebuilding the country properly, getting rid of the Iraqi army and police and creating a vacuum.

That's just one example. There are many examples. While the Christians don't always go and cause problems with guns and bombs, it's a choice never the less.

Islam has suffered in the last 200 years, and it's suffered within most people's memories.

You have Iraq (twice) and Afghanistan, plus Libya and that's only since 9/11. Plus the French in Mali and a few other former colonies. You have interference in many Muslim countries, Iran being an obvious example where there the US caused so many problems, Lebanon, and then you have the support of Israel which some has been legitimate and some of the actions of the Israelis simply hasn't.

Your inclusion of Afghanistan as though it is somehow a failure of Christianity or Christiandom, shows that you are an irrational anti-Christian bigot and thus demonstrates that NONE of your other conclusions have any credibility.

Why? You decide to go off and insult, but you don't actually even give a reason for your own "point of view" if we can call it that.

I can't reply to you just attacking me. So, either you respond properly, or don't bother.

You really need it explained to you that a sneak attack killing 3,000 Americans is a Just Cause for War?

Your inclusion of Afghanistan as though it is somehow a failure of Christianity or Christiandom, shows that you are an irrational anti-Christian bigot and thus demonstrates that NONE of your other conclusions have any credibility.

I'm not sure you quite get what I'm talking about here. I'm not talking about reasons why this happened. I'm saying it happened. The US has gone into Afghanistan. It's a fact.

Just like it's a fact that in the last 200 years the Muslim countries in the British Empire were:

The Gambia
The Maldives

There are other countries with Islam at a lower level than the ones I have presented too.

The French had:

Which Muslim countries weren't controlled by the western Europeans? Saudi Arabia was one, because it didn't have anything worth taking before oil. Other than that I can't think of any other Muslim countries that weren't controlled by western countries. In Africa only Ethiopia survived without being control. In Asia Thailand is the only country.

So historically, and we're talking like into the 1960s here, many Islamic countries were repressed by Christian countries.

The British made concentration camps. The Germans refined their use and had death camps. They were run by Christians.

My inclusion of Afghanistan is because the US went into Afghanistan. It's a fact. It doesn't show what you're trying to claim it shows, it shows more that you're just trying to score points, I don't know why, you're not going to win any prizes with points.

Afghanistan has been invaded twice by the British, once by the USSR, once by the USA (and British again). Whatever the reasons you think are valid or not makes no difference here. It's whether the people of Muslim countries see this as unjust interference in their own affairs or not.
On top of all the interference in other countries it just adds up.

Shall I also take your squawking about Afghanistan that you believe that all the other interventions, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran etc etc were not just and Muslims can be justifiably angry at the actions of the US govt?
Christians oppressed muslims, therefore they are now committing terrorist attacks against each other in droves.

Has it ever, EVER occurred to a hard leftist that maybe, just maybe... it's possible that the 3rd world muslims are really crappy people? What's your explanation for why they execute gays?
Christians oppressed muslims, therefore they are now committing terrorist attacks against each other in droves.

Has it ever, EVER occurred to a hard leftist that maybe, just maybe... it's possible that the 3rd world muslims are really crappy people? What's your explanation for why they execute gays?

Yes, some Muslims are really crappy people, and some Christians are really crappy people, like a certain George W. Bush, a certain Dick Cheney and their United States of Halliburton government.
Don't take the Left Race Bait. 'Hate Crimes' against Muslims are just about non-existent in America. Just like 'White on Black' crime is. The Left has to lie to effectively promote its divisive Race-Baiting agenda. So don't take the bait.

To bad the facts don't support your claim.

BULLSHITE! Just about non-existent. And what are the numbers on Muslim crimes against others? Y'all Race-Baiters are just over-hyping shit again. I could take the bait and go deeper, like showing how 'White on Black' crime is almost non-existent in America as well. And then showing how 'Black on White' crime is actually rampant in America. But why bother? Y'all Race-Baiters gon Race-Bait. It's what you do. Movin on...

Show us the numbers then.

The stats are out there. 'White on Black' crime is just about non-existent in America today. Yet you Race-Baiters constantly hype the opposite. In reality, it's actually 'Black on White' crime that's rampant in America today. The stats show that.

And in order for me to give your numbers any credibility, you'll have to show the numbers on Muslim crimes against others too. Muslims do commit crimes against others. One Muslim just injured many people in New York and New Jersey recently. So for balance, he would have to be included in any such stats.

Credibility requires no such comparison - it's not an eye for an eye sort of thing. The people, who are the victims of hate crimes aren't the ones perpetrating crimes.

Balance = Credibility.

Muslims do commit crimes against others. One Muslim just attacked and injured many in New York and New jersey recently. That should certainly be considered a 'Hate Crime', no?

So, it all has to be kept in perspective. Muslims in America are actually probably committing the same amount, if not more crimes against others, than others are committing against them. You have to present the whole picture.

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