Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

Yeah, it's pretty significant when the make up less than 1% of that 320 million.
No it isn't this is a manufactured complaint. Most of the supposed "attacks" are simply kids writing on the walls.

It's a crime intended to illicit terror like a cross being burned on a black family's lawn.

You're an idiot really, there's more than for times the number of Attacks on Jews, as there are on muslims and Jews aren't killing Americans...Get your story straight you fraud:slap:


Who said Muslims were attacking us as a result of the 70+% increase of attacks on them? Oh yeah, like nobody.
Who said that? :dunno:...By being gay you'd be raped and killed in most muslim countries ..Look at the chart genius. What does it tell you?....Are you shocked? you're full of crap:slap:

Your non sequitur has nothing to do with what I said or about the thread title. Your post is nothing more than your sick fantasies about what you wish you could do to gays.

Why would I be shocked by the amount of anti Semitic hate crimes? I'm well aware of the alt rights feelings about Jews...
When counting supposed attacks on Muslims, I think they are counting people who say they don't like them or they count the time someone put a piece of bacon on the door handle of the mosque. And it wasn't even exploding bacon.

lol lol lol that is a great line.
Hate crimes against American Muslims have soared to their highest levels since the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to data compiled by researchers, an increase apparently fueled by terrorist attacks in the United States and abroad and by divisive language on the campaign trail.

The trend has alarmed hate crime scholars and law-enforcement officials, who have documented hundreds of attacks — including arsons at mosques, assaults, shootings and threats of violence — since the beginning of 2015.

While the most current hate crime statistics from the FBI are not expected until November, new data from researchers atCalifornia State University found that hate crimes against American Muslims were up 78 percent over the course of 2015. Attacks on those perceived as Arab rose even more sharply.

Police and media reports in recent months have indicated a continued flow of attacks, often against victims wearing traditional Muslim garb or seen as Middle Eastern.

Gee thanks, Mr. Trump. Thanks for a glimpse into what an American future would look like in your reich.

Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%
U of California.....I bet this study is 100% bias free.
I got a bridge for sale. Interested?
Between the anti-muslim attacks (hard to ever come by), and the muslim attacks (very relevant) liberal attempting a cheap false equivalency would obviously focus on the anti-muslim attacks.

Especially right after a bombing that could very well be the fault of the Islamists.

It's not equivalent? Innocent Muslim-Americans being killed is not equivalent to innocent non-Muslims being killed?
Killed? Really? Where are the FBI crime stats on that?
Or are just supposed to swallow U Of CA's bait and hook?
Good! I wish the number was multi-digits longer. People should be ostracized from society if they follow the most praised-by-Hitler, sadistically violent, child-fucking, beheading-fetish, human-rights-atrocity bloodbath hate-ideology death cult on this planet. If every muslim were to suddenly drop dead, I would celebrate with one of those tasty, apple-flavored Stella Atrois and do a C-walking dance of glee! History has already proven that Pisslam does NOTHING POSITIVE; its noxious effects on EVERY society has been 100% negative 100% of the time. You PC liberals out there are entitled to your own opinions, of course, but you're NOT entitled to your own proven, historical FACT!
No it isn't this is a manufactured complaint. Most of the supposed "attacks" are simply kids writing on the walls.

It's a crime intended to illicit terror like a cross being burned on a black family's lawn.

You're an idiot really, there's more than for times the number of Attacks on Jews, as there are on muslims and Jews aren't killing Americans...Get your story straight you fraud:slap:


Who said Muslims were attacking us as a result of the 70+% increase of attacks on them? Oh yeah, like nobody.
Who said that? :dunno:...By being gay you'd be raped and killed in most muslim countries ..Look at the chart genius. What does it tell you?....Are you shocked? you're full of crap:slap:

Your non sequitur has nothing to do with what I said or about the thread title. Your post is nothing more than your sick fantasies about what you wish you could do to gays.

Why would I be shocked by the amount of anti Semitic hate crimes? I'm well aware of the alt rights feelings about Jews...

"You guys" You'd rather be politically correct, than worry about the security of the country. People like you are as dangerous as the terrorist.. Kinda like team work, between the islamo-fascist, and the leftist, to push totalitarianism. ..Soon as they're done with idiots like you, you'll be executed:slap:
Islamophobia is the narrative used by CAIR. It's in their handbook....Resolutions making Sharia law, protected by our secular law... Leftist eat this stuff up...morons:cuckoo:


Hamas-linked CAIR releases “toolkit” to help Muslims introduce resolutions against “Islamophobia”

These anti- “Islamophobia” resolutions are designed to “counter the continued introduction of unconstitutional and discriminatory ‘anti-Sharia,’ ‘anti-foreign law,’ and ‘anti-Islamic Indoctrination’ bills in state legislatures nationwide.” So they’re designed to clear away obstacles to the introduction of practices such as wife-beating, polygamy, and the devaluation of a woman’s testimony and inheritance rights — all of which are elements of Sharia that anti-Sharia laws are meant to prevent spreading in the U.S. These anti- “Islamophobia” resolutions are meant to stop protests against the teaching of Islam as fact in public schools. The very idea of “Islamophobia” is a concept designed to intimidate people into thinking it wrong to resist jihad terror. So this initiative reveals Hamas-linked CAIR’s true agenda yet again.

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/26/16) – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is calling on American Muslims and other people of conscience to help counter the continued introduction of unconstitutional and discriminatory “anti-Sharia,” “anti-foreign law,” and “anti-Islamic Indoctrination” bills in state legislatures nationwide by introducing a pair of anti-Islamophobia resolutions that recognize the contributions of American Muslims and reaffirm the right of citizens to practice their faith within the law and free of government interference.

The two resolutions, “Recognizing the Accomplishments of Muslim Citizens” and “Faith in Our State and Laws,” along with step-by-step advice on the introduction and passage of those resolutions, are part of a new CAIR toolkit called “Recognizing American Muslim contributions in Our States.”

Hamas-linked CAIR releases “toolkit” to help Muslims introduce resolutions against “Islamophobia”
Hijab day?:wtf:I'm sure the leftist will happily wear their hijabs:uhoh3:


A Jihad Watch reader in the Sacramento area has sent me this flier (click to enlarge), showing that today is NP3 Hijab Day at NP3 High School. NP3 stands for Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep; the school is in the Natomas Unified School District in Sacramento. This all started with a student at NP3 High who is an intern for the Hamas-linked terror organization the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). This student gave a presentation about Islamophobia and Islam at what was a mandatory staff meeting that also included an official CAIR representative.

The school then now decided to sponsor an official “Hijab Day” in cooperation with Hamas-linked CAIR. The flier also shows that another Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization, the Muslim Students Association, is also involved. Every female member of the faculty and staff, and students as well, has been encouraged to wear a hijab today. NP3’s principal, Tom Rutten, has been strongly encouraging everyone to participate and wear one.

Islamophobia Propaganda | The Counter Jihad Report | Page 5
Hijab day?:wtf:I'm sure the leftist will happily wear their hijabs:uhoh3:


A Jihad Watch reader in the Sacramento area has sent me this flier (click to enlarge), showing that today is NP3 Hijab Day at NP3 High School. NP3 stands for Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep; the school is in the Natomas Unified School District in Sacramento. This all started with a student at NP3 High who is an intern for the Hamas-linked terror organization the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). This student gave a presentation about Islamophobia and Islam at what was a mandatory staff meeting that also included an official CAIR representative.

The school then now decided to sponsor an official “Hijab Day” in cooperation with Hamas-linked CAIR. The flier also shows that another Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization, the Muslim Students Association, is also involved. Every female member of the faculty and staff, and students as well, has been encouraged to wear a hijab today. NP3’s principal, Tom Rutten, has been strongly encouraging everyone to participate and wear one.

Islamophobia Propaganda | The Counter Jihad Report | Page 5
The hijab is a headcovering worn by Muslim women as a symbol of their brainwashed enslavement to Muslim men...
Hijab day?:wtf:I'm sure the leftist will happily wear their hijabs:uhoh3:


A Jihad Watch reader in the Sacramento area has sent me this flier (click to enlarge), showing that today is NP3 Hijab Day at NP3 High School. NP3 stands for Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep; the school is in the Natomas Unified School District in Sacramento. This all started with a student at NP3 High who is an intern for the Hamas-linked terror organization the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). This student gave a presentation about Islamophobia and Islam at what was a mandatory staff meeting that also included an official CAIR representative.

The school then now decided to sponsor an official “Hijab Day” in cooperation with Hamas-linked CAIR. The flier also shows that another Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization, the Muslim Students Association, is also involved. Every female member of the faculty and staff, and students as well, has been encouraged to wear a hijab today. NP3’s principal, Tom Rutten, has been strongly encouraging everyone to participate and wear one.

Islamophobia Propaganda | The Counter Jihad Report | Page 5
The hijab is a headcovering worn by Muslim women as a symbol of their brainwashed enslavement to Muslim men...

Hijab day?:wtf:I'm sure the leftist will happily wear their hijabs:uhoh3:


A Jihad Watch reader in the Sacramento area has sent me this flier (click to enlarge), showing that today is NP3 Hijab Day at NP3 High School. NP3 stands for Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep; the school is in the Natomas Unified School District in Sacramento. This all started with a student at NP3 High who is an intern for the Hamas-linked terror organization the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). This student gave a presentation about Islamophobia and Islam at what was a mandatory staff meeting that also included an official CAIR representative.

The school then now decided to sponsor an official “Hijab Day” in cooperation with Hamas-linked CAIR. The flier also shows that another Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization, the Muslim Students Association, is also involved. Every female member of the faculty and staff, and students as well, has been encouraged to wear a hijab today. NP3’s principal, Tom Rutten, has been strongly encouraging everyone to participate and wear one.

Islamophobia Propaganda | The Counter Jihad Report | Page 5
The hijab is a headcovering worn by Muslim women as a symbol of their brainwashed enslavement to Muslim men...

Gee, I'm getting even better responses than I hoped for.

No, you are trying to reassure yourself after posting something incredibly stupid.

I mean, just 260 supposed hate crimes against Muslims this year.

However, Islamic radicals have committed 160 acts of terrorism worldwide, killing 1230 people over the past 30 days.

You have a funny definition of what constitutes hatred, and so do the people who conducted that "study."
Gee, I'm getting even better responses than I hoped for.

No, you are trying to reassure yourself after posting something incredibly stupid.

I mean, just 260 supposed hate crimes against Muslims this year.

However, Islamic radicals have committed 160 acts of terrorism worldwide, killing 1230 people over the past 30 days.

You have a funny definition of what constitutes hatred, and so do the people who conducted that "study."

You're comparing hate crimes within one country to terrorism world wide which may have nothing to do with "hate" but all kinds of other things.

Come on Imperius...are those innocent people subject to hate crimes supposed to feel better about it then or feel it should be of no consequence because extremists who claim to be of their religion do horrible things?

The fact that hate crimes against innocent people are on the rise should matter. Should not be minimized :(
Between the anti-muslim attacks (hard to ever come by), and the muslim attacks (very relevant) liberal attempting a cheap false equivalency would obviously focus on the anti-muslim attacks.

Especially right after a bombing that could very well be the fault of the Islamists.

It's not equivalent? Innocent Muslim-Americans being killed is not equivalent to innocent non-Muslims being killed?

Nobody should be dying here. But as far as loss of life is concerned, the math isn't even close. I'll reiterate my previous post.

There have were 260 incidents of hate crimes against Muslims in the US throughout 2015.

But just over the past 30 days, there have been 160 acts of terrorism carried out by radical Islamic terrorists worldwide, killing 1230 people.

Here is the list.

Date Location Killed/Injured Description
2016.09.19 Israel Jerusalem 0 2 A female border guard is stabbed in the neck by a Palestinian terrorist.

2016.09.18 Nigeria Kwamjilari 8 0 Eight people standing outside a church are riddled with bullets by Muslim extremists.

2016.09.18 India Uri 18 19 Four suicide bombers sneak onto an army base and murder eighteen sleeping soldiers.

2016.09.17 Thailand Songkhla 1 1 Muslim 'insurgents' murder a 71-year-old Buddhist in front of his home.

2016.09.17 USA NYC, NY 0 29 A former asylum seeker plants several explosives, one of which injures twenty-nine innocents.

2016.09.17 Iraq Anbar 1 0 A man is savagely beheaded by Muslim radicals.

2016.09.16 Pakistan Batta Meena 36 45 Children are among three dozen worshippers blown to bits by a suicide bomber at a packed mosque.

2016.09.15 Iraq Sharqat 2 0 A woman and her son are murdered in cold blood by the Islamic State.

2016.09.13 Pakistan Quetta 2 23 A roadside blast and a suicide bombing at a Shiite mosque leaves two dead.

2016.09.13 Somalia Afgoye 4 0 al-Shabaab militants ambush and kill four local soldiers.

2016.09.13 Iraq Shirqat 7 0 Four children are among an entire family of seven blown to bits for fleeing the Islamic State.

2016.09.12 Niger Diffa 5 6 A Boko Haram attack leaves five others dead.

2016.09.12 Afghanistan Kandarhar 1 2 Suicide bombers dressed as doctors enter a hospital and kill at least one patient.

2016.09.12 India Anantnag 1 5 A civilian bleeds to death from shrapnel wounds after an Islamist tosses a grenade into the street.

2016.09.12 Pakistan Qasim Bela 1 1 Two men are shot in an attempted honor killing by their conservative Muslim families.

2016.09.12 Pakistan Khanpur 0 13 Two suicide bombers target Religion of Peace rivals during prayer.

2016.09.12 Yemen Taiz 6 0 Three women and three children are shredded by shrapnel from a Shiite rocket.

2016.09.12 Thailand Chanae 1 0 A retired man is shot to death by a Muslim 'separatist'.

2016.09.12 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight civilians are put into a metal cage and lowered into a pool by the Islamic State.

2016.09.11 Iraq Madaen 2 5 Jihadis set off a bomb at a livestock market, killing two persons.

2016.09.11 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 1 An anti-Taliban cop is murdered by his opponents.

2016.09.11 Iraq Rutba 5 0 Five Iraqis lose their lives to an ISIS attack.

2016.09.11 Iraq Himreen 3 0 Three women are blown into disparate parts by caliphate bombers.

2016.09.11 India Poonch 1 2 At least one rescuer is killed when terrorists burst into a couple's home.

2016.09.11 Nigeria Tumur 10 0 Boko Haram slit the throats of ten traders.

2016.09.11 Yemen Wadea 10 20 A suicide bomb blast at a police station leaves ten dead.

2016.09.11 Kenya Mombasa 0 2 Two policemen are wounded when three women in burkas launch a stabbing attack.

2016.09.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Suspected Muslim militants kill a man and injure his wife.

2016.09.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Suspected militants enter a home and shoot a married couple.

2016.09.10 Iraq Taji 3 9 Jihadis bomb a marketplace, killing three patrons.

2016.09.10 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 A Shahid suicide bomber takes two other souls with him.

2016.09.10 Niger Ayorou 2 5 A woman and child are killed when
suspected Islamists attack their refugee camp.

2016.09.10 Iraq Arab al-Jabour 4 0 Four civilians are laid out by a Mujahideen bomb blast at a date palm grove.

2016.09.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Two planted bombs claim three lives.

2016.09.10 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A doctor is murdered by fundamentalists for his work on eradicating polio.

2016.09.10 Syria Deir Ezzor 7 22 Seven people are killed when Sunni fundamentalists shell a residential area.

2016.09.10 Australia Sydney 0 1 A 22-year-old stabs an older man in the park while yelling praises to Allah.

2016.09.10 Nigeria Monguno 1 3 A civilian is shot to death by Boko Haram.

2016.09.09 Pakistan Peshawar 1 8 Terrorists gun down a cop and set off a bomb that injures eight others.

2016.09.09 Iraq Kirkuk 2 4 Two civilians are murdered while trying to flee the Islamic State.

2016.09.09 Iraq Baghdad 40 60 Two suicide bombings claim forty souls at a shopping mall.

2016.09.09 Pakistan Haidri 1 1 An Ismaili Shia minority is gunned down by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.

2016.09.09 Serbia Raska 0 1 A man shouting praises to Allah attacks a police officer with a machete.

2016.09.09 Mali Boni 3 2 Three local soldiers are ambushed and killed by suspected Islamists.

2016.09.09 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four people are executed by the Islamic State.

2016.09.08 Iraq Baghdad 3 13 Two blasts, one at a market, produce three bodies.

2016.09.08 Iraq Tal Afar 12 0 A dozen civilians are lined up and shot in the head by Islamic State members.

2016.09.08 Afghanistan Baghlan Markazi 8 14 Two children and a woman are among eight civilians blown away by a rocket.

2016.09.08 Pakistan Shah Alam Sali 1 0 A woman is killed when Muslim militants toss a grenade into her house.

2016.09.08 Nigeria Golkofa 2 0 Fulani terrorists massacre two villagers.

2016.09.08 Syria Jarablus 5 12 An ISIS attack on a small town leaves five dead.

2016.09.08 France Boussy-Saint-Antoine 0 1 A Muslim woman stabs a police officer after planting explosives outside a cathedral.

2016.09.08 Niger Diffa 2 2 A Boko Haram IED kills two members of a security patrol.

2016.09.07 Belgium Brussels 0 2 A Muslim man attacks two police officers with a knife.

2016.09.07 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 5 Islamic State bombers take out two Iraqis.

2016.09.06 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 A woman and her daughter are among three people disassembled by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.

2016.09.06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 An Islamist mortar round claims the life of a civilian.

2016.09.06 Iraq Qayara 2 6 Two civilians are vaporized by an ISIS mortar shell.

2016.09.06 Iraq Karradah 15 32 An ISIS suicide car bomb in a Shiite area kills at least a dozen.

2016.09.06 Afghanistan Kabul 1 6 One civilian is killed when armed fundamentalists shoot up a charity office.

2016.09.06 Iraq Shirqat 4 8 Four family members fleeing the caliphate are flattened by an ISIS bombers.

2016.09.06 Yemen Taiz 1 6 A civilian is killed when Shiite radicals send a rocket into a residential area.

2016.09.06 Thailand Narathiwat 3 8 Muslim militants set off a bomb outside a school, killing a 5-year-old girl and her father.

2016.09.06 Syria Bukamal 1 0 A 22-year-old is stoned to death for adultery.

2016.09.06 Iraq Tikrit 30 0 Thirty victims of ISIS execution are found in a mass grave.

2016.09.05 Iraq Awsaja 18 4 Eighteen people are killed in a house booby-trapped by ISIS.

2016.09.05 Afghanistan Kabul 41 103 Two suicide bombers on foot slaughter dozens of commuters.

2016.09.05 Syria Tartus 38 40 A double suicide bombing leaves at east
thirty-five dead.

2016.09.05 Syria Damascus 3 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three other souls.

2016.09.05 Syria Homs 4 10 Four people are laid out by a Shahid suicide car bomber.

2016.09.05 Syria Hasakeh 8 7 Eight bystanders are obliterated by an ISIS suicide bomber on a motorbike.

2016.09.05 Egypt Rafah 1 0 A young border guard is picked off by an Islamist sniper.

2016.09.05 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A 51-year-old man is beheaded for apostasy.

2016.09.04 France Osny 0 2 A Muslim radical stabs two prison guards.

2016.09.04 Saudi Arabia Jizan 1 2 A woman is liquified by a Shiite shell slamming into her house.

2016.09.04 Yemen Midi 11 28 Eleven security personnel are left dead after a sustained assault by Shiite radicals.

2016.09.04 Iraq Taji 2 8 Two people are sectionalized by a market-place bomb.

2016.09.04 Pakistan FATA 3 1 Taliban bombers kill three people in two blasts.

2016.09.04 Afghanistan Omna 7 5 The Taliban overrun a small town, killing seven defenders.

2016.09.04 Yemen Aden 6 3 Suspected Shiite rebels kill six local security personnel with a roadside bomb.

2016.09.03 Iraq Amiriya 2 7 Two people at a vegetable stand are reduced to pulp by Jihadi bombers.

2016.09.03 Thailand Pattani 1 3 Muslim 'separatists' set off a bomb at a train station, killing one innocent.

2016.09.03 Iraq Shasaiwan 6 9 A teenage suicide bomber detonates in a group rushing to help victims of an earlier blast targeting religious minorities.

2016.09.03 France Belfort 0 2 Islamists savagely beat a writer and his son over a book about Jihad.

2016.09.03 Iraq Ramadi 3 3 Three women bleed to death after being hit with an ISIS rocket.

2016.09.02 Tanzania Lushoto 1 2 One person is killed when suspected extremists attack a Christian university.

2016.09.02 Iraq Baghdad 5 20 Two bombings at vegetable markets leave five dead.

2016.09.02 Iraq Ghazaliya 2 8 Mujahideen bombers attack a shopping district, killing two patrons.

2016.09.02 Niger Toumour 5 2 Five villagers are massacred by Boko Haram.

2016.09.02 Iraq Mutaibijah 24 60 An ISIS attack leaves two dozens dead.

2016.09.02 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 Three Iraqis are blown to bit by Jihadi bombers at a commerical area.

2016.09.02 Burkina Faso Markoye 2 0 The Islamic State in the Greater Sahara murder a border guard and a civilian.

2016.09.02 Philippines Davao 15 71 A pregnant woman is among fifteen patrons at a market ripped apart by an Abu Sayyaf bomb blast.

2016.09.02 Pakistan Peshawar 2 5 Four Jamaat-ur-Ahrar suicide bombers kill a guard and civilian in a targeted attack on a Christian community.

2016.09.02 Pakistan Mardan 13 54 At least a dozen people waiting outside a courthouse are laid out by a Jamaat-ur-Ahrar bomber with a suicide vest.

2016.09.02 France Vincennes 0 1 A Muslim radical stabs a police officer.

2016.09.01 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 9 Islamists send a pair of mortars into an apartment building, killing two residents.
2016.09.01 India Mendhar 1 0 A Muslim sniper picks off a border guard at long range.

2016.09.01 Somalia Biyo-Ade 3 3 A father and son are among three people shot to death in their own home by al-Shabaab.

2016.09.01 Iraq Mosul 9 0 Caliphate members cut nine teenagers in half with a chainsaw.

2016.09.01 Afghanistan Charkh 2 2 A suicide bomber murders two people at a government compound.

2016.08.31 Denmark Christiania 0 3 Two cops and a civilian are shot by a Bosnian-born Muslim with ties to ISIS.

2016.08.31 Tunisia Kasserine 1 0 A 16-year-old boy is killed by Muslim extremists.

2016.08.31 Lebanon Zahleh 1 11 A bomb thought to be targeting Shiites claims one life.

2016.08.30 Iraq Hawija 13 0 Thirteen civilians are beheaded for helping families escape the Islamic State.

2016.08.30 Iraq Sabaa al-Bour 2 9 Jihadis bomb a popular market, killing two patrons.

2016.08.30 Iraq Sharqat 2 4 Two people trying to flee the caliphate are picked off by ISIS bombers.

2016.08.30 Kyrgyzstan Bishkek 0 5 A suicide bomber detonates outside the Chinese embassy.

2016.08.30 Iraq Madain 2 4 Two mourners at a cemetery are sent to Allah by Mujahid bombers.

2016.08.30 Somalia Mogadishu 10 30 Shahid suicide bombers massacre at least ten patrons outside a popular hotel.

2016.08.30 Iraq Baghdad 5 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates in a residential neighborhood, killing five.

2016.08.30 France Toulouse 0 1 A young female police officer is stabbed by a Muslim in a planned attack.

2016.08.29 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 Two Mujahideen bomb blasts - one on a bus - leave three dead.

2016.08.29 Iraq Hamidat 35 0 Thirty-five civilians are reportedly executed by ISIS.

2016.08.29 Pakistan Rabaat Bazar 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by Jamaat-e-Islami.

2016.08.29 Yemen Aden 72 67 A massive suicide blast in a port city claims the lives of over seventy.

2016.08.29 Tunisia Mount Sammama 3 6 Jihadists ambush and kill three members of a security patrol.

2016.08.29 Afghanistan Helmand 6 5 Woman and children are among the casualties of a Taliban bomb blast.

2016.08.29 Philippines Patikul 12 5 Twelve local soldiers are shot to death by Abu Sayyaf.

2016.08.29 Syria Deir Ezzor 5 0 The caliphate execute five young men with anti-aircraft machine-guns.

2016.08.28 Saudi Arabia Najran 2 5 Two children are disassembled by a Shiite rocket.

2016.08.28 Nigeria Niger State 37 0 Islamists sweep through four different villages, massacring at least thirty-seven residents.

2016.08.28 Iraq Ein Tamer 18 26 An ISIS suicide bomber and four gunmen slaughter at least eighteen people at a Shia wedding.

2016.08.28 Afghanistan Ghor 3 8 Two women and a man are reduced to pulp by fundamentalist bombers.

2016.08.28 Indonesia Medan 0 1 A Muslim radical stabs a priest during a church service and attempts to detonate a suicide vest.

2016.08.28 Syria Raqqa 4 0 Four prisoners are shot in the back of the head on video by ISIS.

2016.08.27 Chad Kaiga Kindji 4 0 A Boko Haram landmine claims four lives.

2016.08.27 Iraq Rutba 4 0 Four local cops are ambushed and brutally murdered by Islamic State members.

2016.08.27 Afghanistan Jani Khel 20 20 The Taliban overrun a small town, killing at least twenty.

2016.08.27 Iraq Hawija 48 0 Another forty-eight Iraqis are shot and beheaded by the Islamic State.

2016.08.27 Kenya Lamu 1 1 An al-Shabaab IED takes down a rival cleric.

2016.08.27 Germany Oberhausen 0 2 A couple enjoying a picnic are brutally stabbed by a man shouting praises to Allah.

2016.08.27 India Koil 1 0 Muslim militants gun down a cop outside his home.

2016.08.27 Saudi Arabia Narjan 1 4 A 3-year-old child is killed by a cross-border rocket fired by Shiite radicals.

2016.08.26 Syria Manbij 100 140 At least 100 civilians are killed by ISIS booby-traps over a two-week period following the liberation of their city.

2016.08.26 Syria Raqqa 5 0 ISIS releases a video showing five children executing Kurds while praising Allah.

2016.08.26 Iraq Makhmour 3 5 Two Shahid suicide bombers attack a refugee camp, killing at least three others.

2016.08.26 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two civilians die from splinter injuries after al-Shabaab militants throw a grenade at them.

2016.08.26 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Three people are beheaded by the Islamic State, which afterwards puts a head in front of the family's home.

2016.08.26 Iraq Baghdad 4 17 ISIS cadres take out four innocents with two bombs.

2016.08.25 Syria Um al-Serj 2 0 Sunni militants send rockets into a small village, killing two residents.

2016.08.25 Libya Ganfouda 3 10 A suicide bomber sends three other souls to Allah.

2016.08.25 Syria Aleppo 8 34 Two children, including a baby, are among eight civilians blasted to pieces by targeted al-Nusra fire.

2016.08.25 Pakistan Gwadar 6 3 Six border guards are slain by religious extremists.

2016.08.25 Afghanistan Tajkirgan 3 12 Three civilians are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.

2016.08.25 Nigeria Nkanu 1 0 A Catholic seminary student is among several shot to death by Fulani terrorists.

2016.08.25 Iraq Taji 2 5 A Jihadi bomb blast claims two lives.

2016.08.25 Somalia Mogadishu 9 2 An al-Qaeda affiliate sets off a car bomb outside a restaurant and then machine-guns at least nine innocents.

2016.08.25 Iraq Hawija 20 45 Nine women are among twenty civilians ambushed and murdered by ISIS while trying to flee the caliphate.

2016.08.25 Afghanistan Khulm 4 14 Four people are blown to bits by Taliban bombers.

2016.08.24 Afghanistan Faryab 1 0 Fundamentalists behead a university student and use his corpse as a an IED.

2016.08.24 Iraq Bab al-Toub 12 0 Twelve employees at a fruit juice shop are executed with shots to the head by caliphate members.

2016.08.24 Iraq Nineveh 10 0 Ten young people are executed for trying to flee the Islamic State.

2016.08.24 India Pulwama 1 14 A civilian is killed when militants throw grenades at group of policeman.

2016.08.24 Afghanistan Kabul 12 53 A suicide attack on an American University campus leaves a dozen dead.

2016.08.24 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Two residents are killed by an Islamic State mortar round.

2016.08.24 Iraq Suwaib 2 6 Mujahid bombers murder two people outside a sheep market.

2016.08.24 Iraq Jouseq 15 0 Fifteen civilians are drowned in a swimming pool by the Islamic State.

2016.08.23 Iraq Hawija 6 5 A half-dozen women and children are disassembled by an ISIS bomb blast.

2016.08.23 Pakistan Korangi 1 0 A Shiite is gunned down by Sunnis near his mosque.

2016.08.23 Pakistan Gulsha-e-Iqbal 2 0 Two Islamic teachers are gunned down in their own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.

2016.08.23 Australia Home Hill 2 0 Two backpackers and a dog are stabbed to death at a hostel by a man shouting praises to Allah.

2016.08.23 Thailand Pattani 2 30 Two people are killed when Muslim 'separatists' bomb a hotel and massage parlor.

2016.08.22 DRC Kiteya 2 6 Islamists hack two people to death with machetes.

2016.08.22 Yemen Aden 1 0 A man walking down the street is shot in the back of the head by ISIS.

2016.08.22 Nigeria Talata Mafara 8 0 Eight people are killed when a Muslim mob targets Christians following a blasphemy accusation.

2016.08.22 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 10 Jihadis set off a bomb outside a row of shops, killing one passerby.

2016.08.22 Afghanistan Jawzjan 1 3 Sunni radicals take out a child with an IED.

2016.08.21 Somalia Galkayo 23 30 Two Shahid suicide car bombers slaughter at twenty-three others, including students.

2016.08.21 Cameroon Mora 3 20 A suicide bomber on a motorcycle blows himself up on a bridge, killing three civilians.

2016.08.21 Iraq Mosul 40 0 Forty people are executed on a charge of "conspiring against Allah's law".

2016.08.21 Iraq Jawaana 30 0 Thirty victims of ISIS torture and execution are discovered in a mass grave.

2016.08.21 Pakistan Shakardarra 4 4 A father and his two young sons are among four people brutally gunned down by Islamic militants.

2016.08.21 Iraq Mahmudiya 2 9 Jihadis set off a bomb at a popular market, killing two passersby.

2016.08.21 Egypt Monufia 2 5 Two local cops are shot point-blank by suspected fundamentalists.

2016.08.21 Nigera Ningon 2 1 A girl is among the casualties of a targeted attack on Christians as they slept.
You're comparing hate crimes within one country to terrorism world wide which may have nothing to do with "hate" but all kinds of other things.

Because hate crimes are what they are, crimes which target a particular ethnic or social group due to a specific hatred of those groups. Acts of terrorism by Islamic radicals on the other hand are not hate specific. They are indiscriminate acts of killing. Doesn't matter what faith you are, what color or gender you are, it doesn't matter. Period. They will kill you. Equal opportunity killers.
Come on Imperius...are those innocent people subject to hate crimes supposed to feel better about it then or feel it should be of no consequence because extremists who claim to be of their religion do horrible things?

I invite you to read that post of mine again in the Muslims in Georgia thread. I address that specifically.
You're comparing hate crimes within one country to terrorism world wide which may have nothing to do with "hate" but all kinds of other things.

Because hate crimes are what they are, crimes which target a particular ethnic or social group that due to a specific hatred of those groups. Acts of terrorism on the other hand are not hate specific. They are indiscriminate acts of killing. Doesn't matter what faith you are, what color or gender you are, it doesn't matter. Period.

Is this supposed to make victims of hate crimes feel it's of no consequence?
The fact that hate crimes against innocent people are on the rise should matter. Should not be minimized

I'm not trying to minimize anything. :)

But on the other hand I see liberals (maybe not you specifically), liberal news outlets, and even our current presidential administration doing everything they can to minimize acts of terrorism committed my Muslim radicals here and abroad.

It's as if they are ignoring the radicals and trying to portray Islam as a perfectly peaceful, unblemished faith.

I am beginning to have a distinct hatred (or dislike) of the selective attitudes people take about this topic. Both sides.
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Is this supposed to make victims of hate crimes feel it's of no consequence?


I am simply letting Carbine know that she (or he) is only focusing on one side of the coin. I am not engaging in any sort of equivalence here.

I think that hate crimes committed against innocent people should not be held up to what terrorists do. These aren't people committing terrorist acts or supporting them. They're just ordinary people trying to live their lives. They don't deserve the callous disregard some seem to give. I have not heard that disregard given to other victims of hate crimes. It's just a sad commentary on the state of things.

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