Anti-Muslim attacks up 78%

You can google - "muslims speak out against" and find endless references.

Of course you can. But I personally believe members of the Islamic faith aren't conducting enough outreach, or adequately educating the public about the real goals of Islam. There are 2 billion Muslims in the world. If 1% (20 million) of them went out and engaged in peaceful dialogue with the rest of the world, there would be no ideological divide between the America and the whole of Islam.

There are 2 billion Muslims - who span a multitude of countries, ethnic groups, and religious sects - not all of whom even agree on what it is to be Muslim or who is Muslim. They aren't a united group. They are as divided as Christians and don't speak with one voice. I think that is an unrealistic expectation. There are many individual groups striving to do what you are saying and they should be supported.

there are only TWO MAIN groups.
Islam Denominations
You can google - "muslims speak out against" and find endless references.

Of course you can. But I personally believe members of the Islamic faith aren't conducting enough outreach, or adequately educating the public about the real goals of Islam. There are 2 billion Muslims in the world. If 1% (20 million) of them went out and engaged in peaceful dialogue with the rest of the world, there would be no ideological divide between the America and the whole of Islam.

There are 2 billion Muslims - who span a multitude of countries, ethnic groups, and religious sects - not all of whom even agree on what it is to be Muslim or who is Muslim. They aren't a united group. They are as divided as Christians and don't speak with one voice. I think that is an unrealistic expectation. There are many individual groups striving to do what you are saying and they should be supported.

there are only TWO MAIN groups.
Islam Denominations

Sunni and Shia
Hijab day?:wtf:I'm sure the leftist will happily wear their hijabs:uhoh3:


A Jihad Watch reader in the Sacramento area has sent me this flier (click to enlarge), showing that today is NP3 Hijab Day at NP3 High School. NP3 stands for Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep; the school is in the Natomas Unified School District in Sacramento. This all started with a student at NP3 High who is an intern for the Hamas-linked terror organization the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). This student gave a presentation about Islamophobia and Islam at what was a mandatory staff meeting that also included an official CAIR representative.

The school then now decided to sponsor an official “Hijab Day” in cooperation with Hamas-linked CAIR. The flier also shows that another Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization, the Muslim Students Association, is also involved. Every female member of the faculty and staff, and students as well, has been encouraged to wear a hijab today. NP3’s principal, Tom Rutten, has been strongly encouraging everyone to participate and wear one.

Islamophobia Propaganda | The Counter Jihad Report | Page 5
The hijab is a headcovering worn by Muslim women as a symbol of their brainwashed enslavement to Muslim men...


"Coyote" doesn't mind wear her Hijab

But it's truly pathetic - by Western standards - watching Muslim females defend the hijab, and the burqa, etc... deluding themselves about what it actually is.

Dozens of generations of brainwashing, and dozens of generations of conjured bullshit rationalizations out of ambiguous scriptural vapors, have all taken their toll...

The saddest thing of all, is that they believe what they're saying, and don't realize how ridiculous that sounds to the rest of the world...
but nowhere, except for Islam, is there a mandate requiring them to publicly do so. Do you see what I mean?

There needn't be a mandate. People should themselves feel obligated to do so. If you're a peaceful Muslim, say so. If you are responsible gun owner, say so. Don't let the ignorance of the masses bury you.

You've missed the point once again. There already is a mandate, but it only applies to those of the Muslim faith. They are the only group that is supposed to speak out as once voice anytime someone who is Muslim commits a crime.
You can google - "muslims speak out against" and find endless references.

Of course you can. But I personally believe members of the Islamic faith aren't conducting enough outreach, or adequately educating the public about the real goals of Islam. There are 2 billion Muslims in the world. If 1% (20 million) of them went out and engaged in peaceful dialogue with the rest of the world, there would be no ideological divide between America and the whole of Islam.

Gosh, and I personally believe that gun owners are not doing enough to stop the rampant violence in America. Half of the 275 million guns in the US are owned by only 3% of the population and yet 13,286 people were killed in the US by firearms in 2015 and 26,819 people were injured (not including suicide).

If only the "responsible gun owners" would engage in education and turn in those irresponsible gun owners, there would be no gun violence in all of America...right?
Compared to the number of attacks under Bush, Terrorist attacks on Obama's watch has increased more than 100%.
You can google - "muslims speak out against" and find endless references.

Of course you can. But I personally believe members of the Islamic faith aren't conducting enough outreach, or adequately educating the public about the real goals of Islam. There are 2 billion Muslims in the world. If 1% (20 million) of them went out and engaged in peaceful dialogue with the rest of the world, there would be no ideological divide between America and the whole of Islam.

Gosh, and I personally believe that gun owners are not doing enough to stop the rampant violence in America. Half of the 275 million guns in the US are owned by only 3% of the population and yet 13,286 people were killed in the US by firearms in 2015 and 26,819 people were injured (not including suicide).

If only the "responsible gun owners" would engage in education and turn in those irresponsible gun owners, there would be no gun violence in all of America...right?
You are either conflating on purpose or because you are not thinking clearly.
You left out the word 'legal'.
Of the 13K people killed by guns only a very small fraction were committed using a 'legal' gun.
The vast majority of the killings were committed by 'young negro men' using an ILLEGAL gun.
People can 'create' any 'narrative' they want by fucking around with the numbers.
Anyone seriously interested in the FACTS only needs to visit any inner city shithole on any night of the week to see the truth.
Hijab day?:wtf:I'm sure the leftist will happily wear their hijabs:uhoh3:


A Jihad Watch reader in the Sacramento area has sent me this flier (click to enlarge), showing that today is NP3 Hijab Day at NP3 High School. NP3 stands for Natomas Pacific Pathways Prep; the school is in the Natomas Unified School District in Sacramento. This all started with a student at NP3 High who is an intern for the Hamas-linked terror organization the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). This student gave a presentation about Islamophobia and Islam at what was a mandatory staff meeting that also included an official CAIR representative.

The school then now decided to sponsor an official “Hijab Day” in cooperation with Hamas-linked CAIR. The flier also shows that another Muslim Brotherhood-linked organization, the Muslim Students Association, is also involved. Every female member of the faculty and staff, and students as well, has been encouraged to wear a hijab today. NP3’s principal, Tom Rutten, has been strongly encouraging everyone to participate and wear one.

Islamophobia Propaganda | The Counter Jihad Report | Page 5
The hijab is a headcovering worn by Muslim women as a symbol of their brainwashed enslavement to Muslim men...


"Coyote" doesn't mind wear her Hijab
The fact that hate crimes against innocent people are on the rise should matter. Should not be minimized

I'm not trying to minimize anything. :)

But I see liberals (maybe not you specifically), liberal news outlets, and our current presidential administration doing everything they can to minimize acts of terrorism committed my Muslim radicals here and abroad.

Muslim radicals have nothing to do with ordinary law abiding Muslim Americans. It's like blaming all gun owners for the actions of criminals.

You want to un-vetted, potential muslim terrorist into the country CAIR girl?

Dude. Not cool. Coyote is a good person who I don't believe would ever support terrorists or specifically allowing terrorists into our country unabated.

I support the vetting process, but I don't care for people putting down my friends either. She likes Hillary, I like Trump, but there's no reason for us to hate each other for it.

Shut up idiot, people like you are used as fodder by the islamo- fascist supporters "Coyote" CAIR girl is all over the internet pushing this Islamophobia crap. Why did she vehemently support this women? Maybe if you were a Jew you're understand better...Get lost:slap:

I think that hate crimes committed against innocent people should not be held up to what terrorists do. These aren't people committing terrorist acts or supporting them. They're just ordinary people trying to live their lives.

Perhaps they are.

But, I feel that if you (if you are a Muslim) wish to discourage acts of hatred against you or people who believe in the same thing you do, that you encourage your peers to speak out against these acts of terrorism and engage in dialogue with people who have concerns about your beliefs. That will in turn discourage hatred of you and your peers.

I'm not a Muslim, but if I were...I think I would feel much as you expressed so well in another thread. The thing is, they do exactly that, over and over. And it's ignored. You can google - "muslims speak out against" and find endless references. But it's never enough in eyes of critiques and it never will be enough because the goal posts just get changed - speaking out isn't enough, how about mass protests? No other religious group has such demands. And in the end - why do they need to? They're ordinary Americans. They have no control over or say over what extremists are doing in Syria. They're probably hoping and praying their children don't get dragged into ISIS' propoganda, they're wanting the same things you and I want. They aren't aliens.

This divisive rhetoric doesn't help either. It encourages both sides to hate each other even more. When hate reaches a certain level, violence can occur. Like these hate crimes.

Which divisive rhetoric?

But if I may, while we're bemoaning these acts of hatred against Muslims in America...

What if I told you more hate crimes are being perpetrated against Jews than Muslims in America? Take it from Snopes (I hate these guys, but you know the old saying about broken clocks).

TRUE: Jews are More Often Victims of Hate Crimes than Muslims

Like I said, we are engaging in selective attitudes, and even ignorance regarding the acts of hatred being perpetrated against the Jewish population here in America. But it seems all the attention is being focused on those innocent Muslims.

Hate crimes AREN'T a competition. We shouldn't be selective in what hate crimes we condemn. We should condemn them all. What's worrisome to me is this: hate crimes against almost every group has DECREASED - including Jews. Hate crimes against two groups has significantly INCREASED, and those groups are Muslims and transgenders.

Shouldn't we care?

We are importing muslim Jew haters here. There are no anti-muslim hate groups on campus..the leftist love them

You can google - "muslims speak out against" and find endless references.

Of course you can. But I personally believe members of the Islamic faith aren't conducting enough outreach, or adequately educating the public about the real goals of Islam. There are 2 billion Muslims in the world. If 1% (20 million) of them went out and engaged in peaceful dialogue with the rest of the world, there would be no ideological divide between the America and the whole of Islam.

There are 2 billion Muslims - who span a multitude of countries, ethnic groups, and religious sects - not all of whom even agree on what it is to be Muslim or who is Muslim. They aren't a united group. They are as divided as Christians and don't speak with one voice. I think that is an unrealistic expectation. There are many individual groups striving to do what you are saying and they should be supported.

Christians aren't slaughtering each other..The real goal of islam is submission to islam
but nowhere, except for Islam, is there a mandate requiring them to publicly do so. Do you see what I mean?

There needn't be a mandate. People should themselves feel obligated to do so. If you're a peaceful Muslim, say so. If you are responsible gun owner, say so. Don't let the ignorance of the masses bury you.

You've missed the point once again. There already is a mandate, but it only applies to those of the Muslim faith. They are the only group that is supposed to speak out as once voice anytime someone who is Muslim commits a crime.

If Jews were committing terrorist acts, killing people, recruiting people to be terrorist, id expect Jews to be profiled, and other Jews to be involved in finding these people ....People like you are a joke:slap:
As a responsible gun owner - you are NOT responsible for criminals who use a gun to engage in crimes (guns, like religion, are tools).

Forgive me, but in a minute way you are. As a responsible gun owner you and and your counterparts have an image to maintain. Such as defending responsible gun owners against someone who says "all gun owners are criminals" or some stupid crap like that. Engaging in education about proper gun safety, what to do and not to do with a gun, and etc.

I believe it works in the same way for Muslims. Discourage hatred by engaging in positive interaction with the public, like education, or joining the public in condemnation for the acts of the fringe.

I agree with that, but you (and they) are not responsible for what others do.
Shut up idiot, people like you are used as fodder by the islamo- fascist supporters "Coyote" CAIR girl is all over the internet pushing this Islamophobia crap.

Oh lordy.

That's her business. However, unlike you, I'm able to make friends on both sides of the aisle. She and I only want good things to happen to this world, but it just so happens we disagree on how that should occur. That's all.

Why did she vehemently support this women? Maybe if you were a Jew you're understand better...Get lost

Um, ohhhhkay. This hyper political atmosphere has driven you insane.
Hijab day?:wtf:I'm sure the leftist will happily wear their hijabs:uhoh3:


Islamophobia Propaganda | The Counter Jihad Report | Page 5
The hijab is a headcovering worn by Muslim women as a symbol of their brainwashed enslavement to Muslim men...


"Coyote" doesn't mind wear her Hijab
The fact that hate crimes against innocent people are on the rise should matter. Should not be minimized

I'm not trying to minimize anything. :)

But I see liberals (maybe not you specifically), liberal news outlets, and our current presidential administration doing everything they can to minimize acts of terrorism committed my Muslim radicals here and abroad.

Muslim radicals have nothing to do with ordinary law abiding Muslim Americans. It's like blaming all gun owners for the actions of criminals.

You want to un-vetted, potential muslim terrorist into the country CAIR girl?

Dude. Not cool. Coyote is a good person who I don't believe would ever support terrorists or specifically allowing terrorists into our country unabated.

I support the vetting process, but I don't care for people putting down my friends either. She likes Hillary, I like Trump, but there's no reason for us to hate each other for it.

Shut up idiot, people like you are used as fodder by the islamo- fascist supporters "Coyote" CAIR girl is all over the internet pushing this Islamophobia crap. Why did she vehemently support this women? Maybe if you were a Jew you're understand better...Get lost:slap:

I'm all over the internet? WTF - that's news to me dude. Maybe you're making shit up. You're good at that aren't you?

I've never supported terrorism. If you think I have, please feel free to supply a link. Whenever I ask for that though, you guys just obfuscate.

In the mean time now about discussing the topic rather than me, or are you that obsessed with me?

When you broadbrush an entire group based on the actions of a few, wonder what that makes you?

When it comes to a president - his words carry power. Why is it SO important to you guys that EVERY criminal act by a Muslim be labeled "Islamic Terrorism"? What is more important - countering it? Or, labeling it in the way you are salivating for?
Shut up idiot, people like you are used as fodder by the islamo- fascist supporters "Coyote" CAIR girl is all over the internet pushing this Islamophobia crap.

Oh lordy.

That's her business. However, unlike you, I'm able to make friends on both sides of the aisle. She and I only want good things to happen to this world, but it just so happens we disagree on how that should occur. That's all.

Why did she vehemently support this women? Maybe if you were a Jew you're understand better...Get lost

Um, ohhhhkay. This hyper political atmosphere has driven you insane.

It's insanity alright...and an insanity that can lead to even more violence :(

Seems we should be looking for solutions, not scapegoats.

Edited to add: in terms of responsibility - been thinking about that more. We are not responsible for their actions. But we do have a responsibility to set a good example and to try and educate. I realized that with several dog-related incidents recently. Like gun owners, and like people of faith (doG is my faith ;) ) - I have a responsibility to educate people on responsible dog ownership and to condemn or try to change abusive practices. That is how I view responsibility.
Last edited:
The hijab is a headcovering worn by Muslim women as a symbol of their brainwashed enslavement to Muslim men...


"Coyote" doesn't mind wear her Hijab
I'm not trying to minimize anything. :)

But I see liberals (maybe not you specifically), liberal news outlets, and our current presidential administration doing everything they can to minimize acts of terrorism committed my Muslim radicals here and abroad.

Muslim radicals have nothing to do with ordinary law abiding Muslim Americans. It's like blaming all gun owners for the actions of criminals.

You want to un-vetted, potential muslim terrorist into the country CAIR girl?

Dude. Not cool. Coyote is a good person who I don't believe would ever support terrorists or specifically allowing terrorists into our country unabated.

I support the vetting process, but I don't care for people putting down my friends either. She likes Hillary, I like Trump, but there's no reason for us to hate each other for it.

Shut up idiot, people like you are used as fodder by the islamo- fascist supporters "Coyote" CAIR girl is all over the internet pushing this Islamophobia crap. Why did she vehemently support this women? Maybe if you were a Jew you're understand better...Get lost:slap:

I'm all over the internet? WTF - that's news to me dude. Maybe you're making shit up. You're good at that aren't you?

I've never supported terrorism. If you think I have, please feel free to supply a link. Whenever I ask for that though, you guys just obfuscate.

In the mean time now about discussing the topic rather than me, or are you that obsessed with me?

When you broadbrush an entire group based on the actions of a few, wonder what that makes you?

When it comes to a president - his words carry power. Why is it SO important to you guys that EVERY criminal act by a Muslim be labeled "Islamic Terrorism"? What is more important - countering it? Or, labeling it in the way you are salivating for?

Why is it so important to you to push Islamophobia crap all over the internet....We know why ..CAIR girl

Hamas-linked CAIR releases “toolkit” to help Muslims introduce resolutions against “Islamophobia”

These anti- “Islamophobia” resolutions are designed to “counter the continued introduction of unconstitutional and discriminatory ‘anti-Sharia,’ ‘anti-foreign law,’ and ‘anti-Islamic Indoctrination’ bills in state legislatures nationwide.” So they’re designed to clear away obstacles to the introduction of practices such as wife-beating, polygamy, and the devaluation of a woman’s testimony and inheritance rights — all of which are elements of Sharia that anti-Sharia laws are meant to prevent spreading in the U.S. These anti- “Islamophobia” resolutions are meant to stop protests against the teaching of Islam as fact in public schools. The very idea of “Islamophobia” is a concept designed to intimidate people into thinking it wrong to resist jihad terror. So this initiative reveals Hamas-linked CAIR’s true agenda yet again.

Hamas-linked CAIR releases “toolkit” to help Muslims introduce resolutions against “Islamophobia”
CAIR lawyering up and protecting terrorist...

Calls to Omar Mateen’s father and other relatives are now redirected to a phone number for a CAIR attorney, and another CAIR lawyer is sitting in on FBI interviews with suspects at Mateen’s radical mosque in Fort Pierce, Fla. — even though the FBI has suspended formal ties to CAIR over the group’s association with terrorist groups.

What’s more, CAIR’s legal counsel and communications director for its Florida chapter is acting as the official spokesman for the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce. The CAIR official, Wilfredo Amr Ruiz, has minimized Mateen’s involvement in the mosque, claiming he was a fringe member who was quiet and kept to himself.

“He was very unusual,” Ruiz told the local press. “After Fridaynoon prayers, the older people stay and socialize. He did so very few times.”

CAIR’s Saleh agreed: “He was just a person who came in and out. Most people didn’t know him at all … There’s no way anyone would know” he sought to carry out violent jihad against fellow Americans.

But that doesn’t square with accounts from co-workers and classmates who describe Mateen as an opinionated loudmouth with violently anti-American and homophobic views. And Mateen was hardly on the fringes of the mosque community. As first reported, mosque records show his father helped lead the Islamic center as a top officer and board member

Last year, CAIR intervened on behalf of the family and mosque of the San Bernardino terrorists, even holding a press conference for family members to help spin their story before investigators had a chance to talk to them. Within hours of the attack, CAIR swooped in and lawyered up key witnesses and suspected co-conspirators in the plot, including relatives and friends of the shooters along with leaders of their mosque.

CAIR officials defended the parents of the lead shooter even as they were placed on a federal terrorist watchlist.
“Those family members would have been key (persons of interest) for those FBI agents and other law enforcement agencies to interview after the immediate fact, to try to find out what the motives were and why this attack took place,” former FBI agent Chad Jenkins said at the time. “Instead, they’re doing public appearances with that organization.”

CAIR officials characterized the San Bernardino terrorist attack as “workplace violence,” adding “This is not a Muslim problem.”

Hamas-Linked CAIR Lawyers-Up Orlando Terrorist’s Family, Mosque Suspects

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