Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Or maybe we just refuse to believe in a God who would burn people FOR ALL ETERNITY because of who they chose to love?

The real problem you Christians have is that you've Disneyfied your diety. The God of the Bible really is a horrible monster and I rejoice at his non-existence.

But every once in a while, some of you actually embrace the suck to try to use the bible to rationalize your bad behavior.

Just like the misogynists who burned "witches" and racists who whipped slaves, because the bible told them so.

What you guys are really mourning is that when you behave badly, and hold up the bible, good hearted people are saying, "Not a good enough reason". As they should.

Shit, even Pope Francis is saying "Lay off the gay stuff!"

Jesus would not treat gays the way fundamentalist Christians do
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mahatma Gandhi

Well his Hindus are nothing to write home about.
Aw, more name-calling from Joe.

How am I a bigot, precisely?

And you still haven't figured out my point? Really?


I have figured out your point.

It's just an incredibly stupid one.

Just because you have the "freedom" to do a thing doesn't mean you should do a thing.

Yet, here you are still posting your hate and bigotry.
I like it, good stuff.

The best thing that can happen here is that the PC Police keep doing what they're doing and deny it all the way. That will make it easier for those of us who have had enough to turn this around. And it's already begun.


yes, because clearly, being able to say racist, sexist and homophobic things should be an enshrined virtue in America.

That's exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind, being straight, white males who wanted to keep it that way.

But Joe reserves the right to refer to me as a redneck, and BARBIE. And any black person who succeeds is an 'Uncle Tom.' He is the biggest bigot on this forum.

they don't like their hypocrisy thrown back at them...And yes he and quite a few others here who accuse others of being bigots, are Bigots and racist themselves...
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Dumb ass should have read his contract. Very simple really . You break company rules you get punished :eusa_boohoo:

He hasn't been punished. To be punished, you have to actually have an interest.

Is he still on the show ????? If the answer is no ,then he is being punished for breaking contract rules .


Please post his contract. I would like to read it too.
yes, because clearly, being able to say racist, sexist and homophobic things should be an enshrined virtue in America.

That's exactly what the Founding Fathers had in mind, being straight, white males who wanted to keep it that way.

But Joe reserves the right to refer to me as a redneck, and BARBIE. And any black person who succeeds is an 'Uncle Tom.' He is the biggest bigot on this forum.

they don't like their hypocrisy thrown back at them.

Figured that out over here, did ya?
I thought this was stupid when it was the Dixie Chicks. I think that it is stupid with these 'Duck' people. Making an issue of what someone that is just an entertainer states is silly. The man spoke as what he is. Simply stating that that statement was that of a millionaire redneck, and did not represent the views of the network showing the shows would have been adaquete.



Nice go ing, Mac.

You got the guy whose screen name was the original race baiting by Reagan and usually uses racist characteritures as his AVI to agree with you that your bigotry is A-Okay and don't let anyone tell you differently.


That's "caricature" Joe.

Just like with Fox's thread, we have idiots who are missing the point entirely. Namely you. You call everyone bigots, and give flimsy reasons why. Why are we all bigots, Joe?

Well he pronounced me a bigot because I have a southern accent. And people with southern accents did something 150 years ago he didn't like. That Joe, he's a real clear thinker, that one! LMAO!
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You need to define "PC police." Because otherwise, you're being overly vague, to the point of meaninglessness.

I don't have to do anything.

If you're going to pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about, I very much doubt that it will possible to have an honest conversation with you.


You're the one who is complaining about hypocrisy, but only when SOME people do a certain thing. The reason I asked that question is because I was trying to give you an out. This "PC police" group you speak of is undefined. You can easily be using it to reference SOME people who do what you are complaining about, while excluding others who do the same thing. In fact, as far as I can tell, that's exactly what you are doing.

Your unwillingness to put your own position and arguments into clear and precise terms shows that you have no interest in having an honest conversation in the first place. Your entire purpose here is to use simplistic and inflammatory rhetoric to invoke outrage. Outrage without any direction. And seemingly in hopes that it will simply latch on to the most readily available target, i.e. the current Duck Dynasty fiasco.

Did you ever see one of those comedy sketches in which the comedian is throwing swings in every direction and hitting nothing, almost like they have 8 arms? That is what I think of when I see Joe's posts. (And yours are no better.) He is a hater and is combative to pretty much everyone over not much of anything. (See my previous post about him calling me a bigot because I have a southern accent and people with southern accents did something 150 years ago that he didn't like. Man that's some twisted justification for hating someone who has never done one thing to you.)

That's "caricature" Joe.

Just like with Fox's thread, we have idiots who are missing the point entirely. Namely you. You call everyone bigots, and give flimsy reasons why. Why are we all bigots, Joe?

You mean other than your crazy hatred of how other people are having sex?

Seriously. How does that effect your life in any way shape or form?

People don't choose to be gay any more than they choose to be black.

Therefore, screaming about how they are "oppressing" Duck Bigot when they call him out on his vile language isn't oppressing him, and it isn't "Political Correctness". It's calling a wrong a wrong.

No, more like your crazy hatred of someone who has an accent you don't like.

That's "caricature" Joe.

Just like with Fox's thread, we have idiots who are missing the point entirely. Namely you. You call everyone bigots, and give flimsy reasons why. Why are we all bigots, Joe?

You mean other than your crazy hatred of how other people are having sex?

Seriously. How does that effect your life in any way shape or form?

People don't choose to be gay any more than they choose to be black.

Therefore, screaming about how they are "oppressing" Duck Bigot when they call him out on his vile language isn't oppressing him, and it isn't "Political Correctness". It's calling a wrong a wrong.

No, more like your crazy hatred of someone who has an accent you don't like.

I've a deep southern drawl myself, but I've run Joe under table many times this year. Must be cause I'm a southern boy. That or he doesn't hold a stick to me debate wise.
I'm a bit flummoxed trying to figure out how we can hear accents on a message board... :dunno:
Jesus would not treat gays the way fundamentalist Christians do
Jesus was Love and mercy yes, and yet he knows sin also, and he knows about it's origins. He was not for gay sex, just as his father wasn't either. It is written, and it is SIN.

Jesus loveth the sinner, but not the sin. Remember that.

You try and use Jesus as if to confuse someone with him, but he is not to be used in this way, so all I see in you is fail when it comes to your wild ideas on these sorts of things in which you try and pull off against the weak minded, but I don't see the weak minded that you seek to confuse here, so your efforts are futile really.

Jesus would not call someone a fag

No, he told the Jews who hold being ceremonially clean and will make every effort to never touch something dead that they were like 'whited sepulchers.' He was calling them filth. You really need to get some education before you go spouting off on what Jesus would and would not do. In fact, he called homosexuals 'eunuchs from birth'.
It's not about people having sex, Joe. It's about people having an opinion. AN OPINION.

What part of that don't you understand? Save me the diatribe.

And the burning question everyone wants to know is:

How does Phil Robertson's opinion affect your life in any way shape or form?

Mostly, because the Homophobes have helped the real enemy, the Plutocrats, wreck the country.

So I don't mind them being collateral damage and otherwise ruining their lives.

His opinion is repulsive. It has no place in modern soceity any more than if he came out in a Klan robe and burned a cross.

The first step is to let them know their behavior is unacceptable.

Actually, it is not illegal to wear a Klan robe and burn a cross. Try again.
Okay, let's look at your list.. Most of them come from the Batshit Crazy Media... so they have to be taken with a grain of salt.

War On Christmas. Guess what, MOST companies and organizations have shied away from using the term "CHristmas" party, not just because of non-Christians, but because of the Christians. Do you know who used to make the biggest stink about Christmas celebrations at my current company? It isn't the 40% of the employees who are Hindus. It wasn't even Joe the Atheist. Nope, it was ONE Jehovah's Witness who decided that calling it a "Christmas" Party offended her beliefs.

As an aside, this woman was constantly preaching to people, and frankly, no one complained about it. Not even the gay woman who made the mistake of hiring her to start with. (in addition to being a annoying Christian idiot, she was also kind of a worthless employee.)

And so do you think that this woman should have changed the whole spirit and fun for everyone else ? I mean look at what you just wrote, and then turn that into what you are fighting against here. Kind of makes you a huge hypocrite doesn't it Joe ? Might be best if you don't opine so much Joe, as it appears you may be your own worst enemy.

Nobody has fun at a Company Christmas Party. One day a year, the company pretends they care about you.

And this year, they aren't even renting a banquet hall at cut-rates in Janauary. They are talking about doing a BYO thing on the loading dock.


I can't really fault the company, though, for calling it a Holiday Party. That way, you kind of throw in Christmas, Hanukah, Dahawli and all the rest of them, and no one feels left out.

And you have polled everybody on whether they have fun at a company Christmas party? See, that is how you look at everything. Black and white. All or none. You cannot conceptualize that there are many shades of gray in between. Your are too blind and bigoted.

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