Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

I hear ya, but the idea your Employer can demand your silence and obedience both professionally and privately, is a pretty disturbing idea. How far will they go? We all have to work. In the future, what will you be required to sign away in order to be employed? It is something Americans are gonna have to contemplate and confront. How much of our personal lives will the Corporations be allowed to control?

You don't want to REGULATE them, do you?

This is exactly what I was thinking. :confused:

Too many Americans have become completely comfortable with the idea Employers should be allowed to control employees' private decisions as well. The belief that because an employee agreed to be employed, they should expect no freedom & liberty, is a very disturbing belief. If this trend continues, we'll all be obedient Corporate Slaves. It's a logical inevitability. When you sign on to be employed, what are you willing to sign away? It's a very tough call. We all have to work, no?
You don't want to REGULATE them, do you?

This is exactly what I was thinking. :confused:

Too many Americans have become completely comfortable with the idea Employers should be allowed to control employees' private decisions as well. The belief that because an employee agreed to be employed, they should expect no freedom & liberty, is a very disturbing belief. If this trend continues, we'll all be obedient Corporate Slaves. It's a logical inevitability. When you sign on to be employed, what are you willing to sign away? It's a very tough call. We all have to work.

Well have just made an argument in favor of labor unions. Well done.
Who should Mac despise more?

The bigots who say crazy shit or the terrible people who would like the bigots to stop saying crazy shit?

Samson knows.......the bigots need some love!

Expressing your preference to a woman's vagina over another man's butthole, does not a Bigot make. Would you call a man who openly expresses his preference for mens' buttholes, a Bigot? I have a feeling you wouldn't. In fact, i think you would probably bow and kiss his feet in joyous Political Correctness praise. Just a hunch on my part. But i could be wrong i guess.

You are selecting a particular expression that I am not even aware of. Do you think this entire discussion is over hole preference?

It is not. Simple minds like yours would like that to be the case, though.

The man expressed his opinions. You didn't like the opinions. That's all it is. It's not anymore complicated than that. Just reverse it, and really think about what i said.
You don't want to REGULATE them, do you?

This is exactly what I was thinking. :confused:

Too many Americans have become completely comfortable with the idea Employers should be allowed to control employees' private decisions as well. The belief that because an employee agreed to be employed, they should expect no freedom & liberty, is a very disturbing belief. If this trend continues, we'll all be obedient Corporate Slaves. It's a logical inevitability. When you sign on to be employed, what are you willing to sign away? It's a very tough call. We all have to work, no?

I agree a person's private opinions should have no effect on their employment, but these weren't private opinions. When you make those statements in a nationally distributed magazine interview you have made your opinions much less than private. You may as well stand on a street corner screaming it. A&E decided that he was negatively representing their network, and fired him based on that. I don't find any fault with either side. Both will be fine.
Or, like the vast majority, you could remain employed and simply keep your thoughts private.

Queers like the idea that the majority approves of their behaviour, so they've carefully constructed risk vs. rewards for anyone pulling the curtain back and exposing their deviance for what it really is.

As a result, most keep their disgust to themselves.

I hear ya, but the idea your Employer can demand your silence and obedience both professionally and privately, is a pretty disturbing idea. How far will they go? We all have to work. In the future, what will you be required to sign away in order to be employed? It is something Americans are gonna have to contemplate and confront. How much of our personal lives will the Corporations be allowed to control?

But this is where some "conservatives" come across as hypocrites. They want less regulations on employers until they fire somebody for something they don't agree with. I don't think Robertson should have been fired, but that is A&E's decision to make. You can bitch, moan, boycott... At the end of the day it was A&E's call.
I don't call running a Christmas DD marathon in which Phil appears in every episode being "fired". I don't call A&E's decision to air nine of next years episodes with Phil in them being "fired".
A&E has already caved.
This little homo-hissy fit is now going to increase DD's viewers to twenty million an episode instead of a paltry 14 million.
Those ass-holes at A&E once tried to use the 'bleep' sound to imply the Robertsons swore.
How far did that crap go?
Literally one word from Phil that he is no longer going to have anything to with A&E and the entire family walks...............straight to FOX!
Disney knows it and has been trying to suck the Robertsons dicks ever since some fag at A&E didn't like Phil saying he'd rather have sex with a woman than a man.
Everyone on this Board needs to take a deep breathe and take a minute to contemplate and be honest. If a man were to openly publicly express his preference to mens' buttholes over womens' vaginas, what would the overall reaction be? Do you think there would be any threats of suspension or firing? I would say absolutely not. In fact, just like the President of the U.S. calling to 'congratulate' an openly gay NBA Player, most would actually praise and congratulate the man for his open honesty. Personally, I would be fine with that man expressing his opinions. And i'm fine with this man expressing his. Free Speech is what our Nation is all about. We should all embrace it.
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I don't call running a Christmas DD marathon in which Phil appears in every episode being "fired". I don't call A&E's decision to air nine of next years episodes with Phil in them being "fired".
A&E has already caved.
This little homo-hissy fit is now going to increase DD's viewers to twenty million an episode instead of a paltry 14 million.
Those ass-holes at A&E once tried to use the 'bleep' sound to imply the Robertsons swore.
How far did that crap go?
Literally one word from Phil that he is no longer going to have anything to with A&E and the entire family walks...............straight to FOX!
Disney knows it and has been trying to suck the Robertsons dicks ever since some fag at A&E didn't like Phil saying he'd rather have sex with a woman than a man.

Fired... suspended... whatever...

As I have said, I personally wouldn't have suspended him if I was one of the executives at A&E. The show was a cash cow. As long as he wasn't saying it on the show I wouldn't have bothered. In the end neither side really wins or loses. A&E wasn't exactly a struggling network before Duck Dynasty, and Duck Commander wasn't a struggling business. Everyone walks away a multimillionaire.
Everyone on this Board needs to take a deep breathe and take a minute to contemplate and be honest. If a man were to openly publicly express his preference to mens' buttholes over womens' vaginas, what would the overall reaction be? Do you think there would be any threats of suspension or firing? I would say absolutely not. In fact, just like the President calling to congratulate an openly gay NBA Player, most would actually praise and congratulate the man for his open honesty. Personally, I would be fine with that man expressing his opinions. And i'm fine with this man expressing his. Free Speech is what our Nation is all about. We should all embrace it.

False equivalence. That is not ALL that the idiot said.
Everyone on this Board needs to take a deep breathe and take a minute to contemplate and be honest. If a man were to openly publicly express his preference to mens' buttholes over womens' vaginas, what would the overall reaction be? Do you think there would be any threats of suspension or firing? I would say absolutely not. In fact, just like the President calling to congratulate an openly gay NBA Player, most would actually praise and congratulate the man for his open honesty. Personally, I would be fine with that man expressing his opinions. And i'm fine with this man expressing his. Free Speech is what our Nation is all about. We should all embrace it.

False equivalence. That is not ALL that the idiot said.

Some men prefer womens' vaginas, some men prefer mens' arseholes. Personally, i don't get how a man can be enamored with another man's butthole. But hey, that's just me. To each his own i guess.
Everyone on this Board needs to take a deep breathe and take a minute to contemplate and be honest. If a man were to openly publicly express his preference to mens' buttholes over womens' vaginas, what would the overall reaction be? Do you think there would be any threats of suspension or firing? I would say absolutely not. In fact, just like the President calling to congratulate an openly gay NBA Player, most would actually praise and congratulate the man for his open honesty. Personally, I would be fine with that man expressing his opinions. And i'm fine with this man expressing his. Free Speech is what our Nation is all about. We should all embrace it.

False equivalence. That is not ALL that the idiot said.

Some men prefer womens' vaginas, some men prefer mens' arseholes. Personally, i don't get how a man can be enamored with another man's butthole. But hey, that's just me. To each his own i guess.

It would depend on where such preferences were being discussed. If this discussion were to take place at your place of employment, if would violate any number workplace sexual harassment guidelines. If this discussion were taking place in church, it would be considered to be rude and vulgar. If Phil had said this in a gay men's bathhouse, he'd likely be beaten up for his comments.

At the very least, these comments are crude and vulgar, which makes his defence of the comments being "Biblical" completely false. And certainly his comments with respect to blacks and the civil rights movement are racist and false. Attempting to justify your racism by saying the victims of racism were happier before they had equality is self-serving and delusional.

But again, those defending Phil in this thread are completely focussed on his comments regarding gays.
Everyone on this Board needs to take a deep breathe and take a minute to contemplate and be honest. If a man were to openly publicly express his preference to mens' buttholes over womens' vaginas, what would the overall reaction be? Do you think there would be any threats of suspension or firing? I would say absolutely not. In fact, just like the President calling to congratulate an openly gay NBA Player, most would actually praise and congratulate the man for his open honesty. Personally, I would be fine with that man expressing his opinions. And i'm fine with this man expressing his. Free Speech is what our Nation is all about. We should all embrace it.

False equivalence. That is not ALL that the idiot said.

Some men prefer womens' vaginas, some men prefer mens' arseholes. Personally, i don't get how a man can be enamored with another man's butthole. But hey, that's just me. To each his own i guess.

To each his you think the duck idiot believes that?
And keep in mind, PC (Political Correctness) is a Marxist-invented ideal. It's meant to keep the sheep in line. It's been around for a long time.

And we see it works by the posting on here who agree with A&E and Glaad and not stand up for Phils freedoms of speech

that should scare us

Homophobic assholes don't need "support", they need treatment.

before they hurt someone.
And keep in mind, PC (Political Correctness) is a Marxist-invented ideal. It's meant to keep the sheep in line. It's been around for a long time.

And we see it works by the posting on here who agree with A&E and Glaad and not stand up for Phils freedoms of speech

that should scare us

Homophobic assholes don't need "support", they need treatment.

before they hurt someone.

Then I recommend all the far left Obama drones go in for treatment.
You don't have to be PC to stop comparing gay Americans to humandogfucking and murder. You have to have a soul.
Well, this is just the latest and most well-known example of many.

There will be many more, no doubt.


Playing the political correctness card has become the Right's equivalent of playing the race card.

Think of it as you will. But the bottom line is that the PC Police have jumped the shark, they've overplayed their hand, and the games are no longer working. Hopefully soon they'll realize that they have to honestly discuss issues instead of playing the PC game of putting people who dare to disagree with them on the defensive.

Then maybe we can starting healing wounds, finally.


But who are you to decide whether someone is “honestly discuss[ing] issues” or “playing the PC game,” particularly when there is no such thing as a ‘PC game.’

You seem to be advocating for a safe, antiseptic Utopia free of conflict, controversy, and risk – no such society exists, and it’s naïve to believe otherwise.
And keep in mind, PC (Political Correctness) is a Marxist-invented ideal. It's meant to keep the sheep in line. It's been around for a long time.


‘PC’ is a partisan rightwing contrivance; a conservative myth that manifested around the time of the republican Southern Strategy as a countermeasure to the racism that began to appear in the GOP as a consequence of the Strategy.

‘PC’ is a classic republican creation, designed to deflect attention from the right to the left by attempting to accuse liberals of the ‘intolerance’ that republicans and conservatives in fact practice.

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