Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

And keep in mind, PC (Political Correctness) is a Marxist-invented ideal. It's meant to keep the sheep in line. It's been around for a long time.

What the Left has done so effectively is utilize the tactics a government would utilize, using the culture as the mechanism for their goals as a government would utilize laws.

Plus, they've been very, very patient and consistent with this tactic and it served them well. Fortunately, they've recently pushed too hard and exposed themselves. My guess is that it may have been the way they've responded to any criticism of Obama with "you're just a racist". I think that may have been the jumping of the shark, the point where more people saw what these folks have been doing and thought to themselves, "hey, wait a minute".

Either way, it's great to see it losing its effectiveness.

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And keep in mind, PC (Political Correctness) is a Marxist-invented ideal. It's meant to keep the sheep in line. It's been around for a long time.

What the Left has done so effectively is utilize the tactics a government would utilize, using the culture as the mechanism for their goals as a government would utilize laws.

Plus, they've been very, very patient and consistent with this tactic and it served them well. Fortunately, they've recently pushed too hard and exposed themselves. My guess is that it may have been the way they've responded to any criticism of Obama with "you're just a racist". I think that may have been the jumping of the shark, the point where more people saw what these folks have been doing.

Either way, it's great to see it losing its effectiveness.


If I didn't know better.....and wasn't aware that you are not a partisan ideologue....I would think that you are assigning political correctness to liberals exclusively in this post.

Fortunately? The left has pushed too hard? Interesting choice of words for a person who abhors identity politics.

That you think any criticism of Obama is seen as racist by all interesting. Interesting in that you have swallowed a nutter talking point.
The only way to take the power away from groups like Glaad is just what happened with Chic-fli-a and now this with A&E...Show them we are going to PUSH BACK
And keep in mind, PC (Political Correctness) is a Marxist-invented ideal. It's meant to keep the sheep in line. It's been around for a long time.

What the Left has done so effectively is utilize the tactics a government would utilize, using the culture as the mechanism for their goals as a government would utilize laws.

Plus, they've been very, very patient and consistent with this tactic and it served them well. Fortunately, they've recently pushed too hard and exposed themselves. My guess is that it may have been the way they've responded to any criticism of Obama with "you're just a racist". I think that may have been the jumping of the shark, the point where more people saw what these folks have been doing.

Either way, it's great to see it losing its effectiveness.

It's FONZI time and I love it. :lol: They pushed this one over the edge.

Lets be real, the Corporations want to own you. In fact, i would say to a great extent they already do. They truly feel if they're paying you, they own you both professionally and personally. It's a disturbing trend in America. They use the old "Well, once you agreed to work here, you agreed to our approval or disapproval of all your professional and personal decisions." So what does Constitutional Freedom really mean these days?

If you have to sign all your rights away to be employed, are you really free? I mean, we have to work right? Americans need to contemplate whether or not they want to give so much power & control to their employers. Is it only gonna be, you either be employed and be a slave, or be unemployed and preserve your Freedom & Liberty? It's something all Americans better start contemplating.

Or, like the vast majority, you could remain employed and simply keep your thoughts private.

Queers like the idea that the majority approves of their behaviour, so they've carefully constructed risk vs. rewards for anyone pulling the curtain back and exposing their deviance for what it really is.

As a result, most keep their disgust to themselves.
And keep in mind, PC (Political Correctness) is a Marxist-invented ideal. It's meant to keep the sheep in line. It's been around for a long time.

And we see it works by the posting on here who agree with A&E and Glaad and not stand up for Phils freedoms of speech

that should scare us

Phil has no freedoms, according to his Employer. When he signed his contract, he signed his free speech rights away. Unfortunately, that is a disturbing trend in our country. How far can an employer be allowed to go? How much of Citizens' personal lives will be controlled? I mean let's face it, we all have to work. What are Americans willing to sign away to be employed? It seems to be a form of Slavery, no? What good is the Constitution, if your Employer controls your private life too? And that does seem to be where we're headed. The Corporations want to own you completely 24/7. It's pretty sad.
Lets be real, the Corporations want to own you. In fact, i would say to a great extent they already do. They truly feel if they're paying you, they own you both professionally and personally. It's a disturbing trend in America. They use the old "Well, once you agreed to work here, you agreed to our approval or disapproval of all your professional and personal decisions." So what does Constitutional Freedom really mean these days?

If you have to sign all your rights away to be employed, are you really free? I mean, we have to work right? Americans need to contemplate whether or not they want to give so much power & control to their employers. Is it only gonna be, you either be employed and be a slave, or be unemployed and preserve your Freedom & Liberty? It's something all Americans better start contemplating.

Or, like the vast majority, you could remain employed and simply keep your thoughts private.

Queers like the idea that the majority approves of their behaviour, so they've carefully constructed risk vs. rewards for anyone pulling the curtain back and exposing their deviance for what it really is.

As a result, most keep their disgust to themselves.

We can't even question the "choice" anymore. That's all Phil was doing. Asshole vs vagina. Now you speak of it, OMG you're a homophobe if you prefer a vagina!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What kind of hell is this where a man can't say I'd rather make love with a woman than fuck some guy up the ass?

What type of crazy is this?
Lets be real, the Corporations want to own you. In fact, i would say to a great extent they already do. They truly feel if they're paying you, they own you both professionally and personally. It's a disturbing trend in America. They use the old "Well, once you agreed to work here, you agreed to our approval or disapproval of all your professional and personal decisions." So what does Constitutional Freedom really mean these days?

If you have to sign all your rights away to be employed, are you really free? I mean, we have to work right? Americans need to contemplate whether or not they want to give so much power & control to their employers. Is it only gonna be, you either be employed and be a slave, or be unemployed and preserve your Freedom & Liberty? It's something all Americans better start contemplating.

Or, like the vast majority, you could remain employed and simply keep your thoughts private.

Queers like the idea that the majority approves of their behaviour, so they've carefully constructed risk vs. rewards for anyone pulling the curtain back and exposing their deviance for what it really is.

As a result, most keep their disgust to themselves.

I hear ya, but the idea your Employer can demand your silence and obedience both professionally and privately, is a pretty disturbing idea. How far will they go? We all have to work. In the future, what will you be required to sign away in order to be employed? It is something Americans are gonna have to contemplate and confront. How much of our personal lives will the Corporations be allowed to control?
Who should Mac despise more?

The bigots who say crazy shit or the terrible people who would like the bigots to stop saying crazy shit?

Samson knows.......the bigots need some love!
Lets be real, the Corporations want to own you. In fact, i would say to a great extent they already do. They truly feel if they're paying you, they own you both professionally and personally. It's a disturbing trend in America. They use the old "Well, once you agreed to work here, you agreed to our approval or disapproval of all your professional and personal decisions." So what does Constitutional Freedom really mean these days?

If you have to sign all your rights away to be employed, are you really free? I mean, we have to work right? Americans need to contemplate whether or not they want to give so much power & control to their employers. Is it only gonna be, you either be employed and be a slave, or be unemployed and preserve your Freedom & Liberty? It's something all Americans better start contemplating.

Or, like the vast majority, you could remain employed and simply keep your thoughts private.

Queers like the idea that the majority approves of their behaviour, so they've carefully constructed risk vs. rewards for anyone pulling the curtain back and exposing their deviance for what it really is.

As a result, most keep their disgust to themselves.

I hear ya, but the idea your Employer can demand your silence and obedience both professionally and privately, is a pretty disturbing idea. How far will they go? We all have to work. In the future, what will you be required to sign away in order to be employed? It is something Americans are gonna have to contemplate and confront. How much of our personal lives will the Corporations be allowed to control?

You don't want to REGULATE them, do you?
Lets be real, the Corporations want to own you. In fact, i would say to a great extent they already do. They truly feel if they're paying you, they own you both professionally and personally. It's a disturbing trend in America. They use the old "Well, once you agreed to work here, you agreed to our approval or disapproval of all your professional and personal decisions." So what does Constitutional Freedom really mean these days?

If you have to sign all your rights away to be employed, are you really free? I mean, we have to work right? Americans need to contemplate whether or not they want to give so much power & control to their employers. Is it only gonna be, you either be employed and be a slave, or be unemployed and preserve your Freedom & Liberty? It's something all Americans better start contemplating.

Or, like the vast majority, you could remain employed and simply keep your thoughts private.

Queers like the idea that the majority approves of their behaviour, so they've carefully constructed risk vs. rewards for anyone pulling the curtain back and exposing their deviance for what it really is.

As a result, most keep their disgust to themselves.

I hear ya, but the idea your Employer can demand your silence and obedience both professionally and privately, is a pretty disturbing idea. How far will they go? We all have to work. In the future, what will you be required to sign away in order to be employed? It is something Americans are gonna have to contemplate and confront. How much of our personal lives will the Corporations be allowed to control?

But this is where some "conservatives" come across as hypocrites. They want less regulations on employers until they fire somebody for something they don't agree with. I don't think Robertson should have been fired, but that is A&E's decision to make. You can bitch, moan, boycott... At the end of the day it was A&E's call.
Or, like the vast majority, you could remain employed and simply keep your thoughts private.

Queers like the idea that the majority approves of their behaviour, so they've carefully constructed risk vs. rewards for anyone pulling the curtain back and exposing their deviance for what it really is.

As a result, most keep their disgust to themselves.

I hear ya, but the idea your Employer can demand your silence and obedience both professionally and privately, is a pretty disturbing idea. How far will they go? We all have to work. In the future, what will you be required to sign away in order to be employed? It is something Americans are gonna have to contemplate and confront. How much of our personal lives will the Corporations be allowed to control?

You don't want to REGULATE them, do you?

This is exactly what I was thinking. :confused:
Who should Mac despise more?

The bigots who say crazy shit or the terrible people who would like the bigots to stop saying crazy shit?

Samson knows.......the bigots need some love!

Expressing your preference to a woman's vagina over another man's butthole, does not a Bigot make. Would you call a man who openly expresses his preference for mens' buttholes, a Bigot? I have a feeling you wouldn't. In fact, i think you would probably bow and kiss his feet in joyous Political Correctness praise. Just a hunch on my part. But i could be wrong i guess.
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My goodness, my opinions certainly are important to LL.



My goodness, my opinions certainly are important to LL.



Of course they are. I have told you that before. I find you to be an intelligent, thoughtful person with some interesting takes on things. Is that so bad?
Who should Mac despise more?

The bigots who say crazy shit or the terrible people who would like the bigots to stop saying crazy shit?

Samson knows.......the bigots need some love!

Expressing your preference to a woman's vagina over another man's butthole, does not a Bigot make. Would you call a man who openly expresses his preference for mens' buttholes, a Bigot? I have a feeling you wouldn't. In fact, i think you would probably bow and kiss his feet in joyous Political Correctness praise. Just a hunch on my part. But i could be wrong i guess.

You are selecting a particular expression that I am not even aware of. Do you think this entire discussion is over hole preference?

It is not. Simple minds like yours would like that to be the case, though.

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