Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Question for the OP.....

If healing wounds is your aim.....who do you think is more likely to facilitate healing between the homosexual community and fundamentalist Christians? Rachel Maddow or Phil Robertson?

I assume that Rachel Maddow was not pleased with Robertson's comments. She may have even said as much on her show. To you, that would be her trying to silence him. She could very well be a PC police chief, right?

But....if you had to choose one of them as the group leader in a meeting designed to promote understanding and healing...which of them would you select?
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Your opinions reflect who you are. Robertson openly reflecting his opinions revealed he was not the type of person A&E wants to be associated with

What a load of nonsense. He wasn't fired, rightwinger! There is no such thing as an "indefinite hiatus." He will be back filming his show in January, numbskull.

A few days ago you insisted that being put on indefinite hiatus meant that he was fired. Did you not?

Have I not changed my stance? That's called being objective and open mindedness. If you see objectivity and open mindedness as a sign of weakness, that unfortunate.

If you are trying to deviate from relevant subject discussion, you will fail. I will not acknowledge such.
A guy shot his mouth off and was held accountable

The end of freedom as we know it

I like it, good stuff.

The best thing that can happen here is that the PC Police keep doing what they're doing and deny it all the way. That will make it easier for those of us who have had enough to turn this around. And it's already begun.


This doesn’t make any sense.

There is no ‘PC police.’

Private citizens in a free and private society are at liberty to voice their opposition to things said and done by other private citizens or private organizations; and private society as a whole is at liberty to evaluate the arguments for and against what might be said and done and judge accordingly.

It’s utterly naïve to believe that a class of private persons will remain silent and not defend itself when subject to attack, and no one should expect them to do so.

Consequently there’s nothing for anyone to ‘deny,’ nothing to ‘turn around.’

And if you and others on the right have ‘had enough’ of private citizens in a free and private society voicing their opposition to things said and done by other private citizens or private organizations, then your only recourse is to seek punitive measures by the state, in violation of the First Amendment.

Otherwise, the American people will continue to voice their opinions concerning the conflicts and controversies of the day, and citizens will continue to defend themselves when attacked, whether you and others on the right consider such a defense justified or not.

Think of it as you will. But the bottom line is that the PC Police have jumped the shark, they've overplayed their hand, and the games are no longer working. Hopefully soon they'll realize that they have to honestly discuss issues instead of playing the PC game of putting people who dare to disagree with them on the defensive.

Then maybe we can starting healing wounds, finally.


I'm not about healing wounds... I'd rather inflict them on the people who inflicted them on me. (Metaphorically, of course.)

The Plutocrats have used the homophobes and the bigots and the nativists for years to get dumbasses to vote against their own economic interests. Once we've established that most of us, the 99%, are kind of in the same boat, the sooner we fix the real problems caused by wealth inequality and wrong-headed economic priorities.

Revenge? Dost thou not reveal thy true intentions?
Question for the OP.....

If healing wounds is your aim.....who do you think is more likely to facilitate healing between the homosexual community and fundamentalist Christians? Rachel Maddow or Phil Robertson?

I assume that Rachel Maddow was not pleased with Robertson's comments. She may have even said as much on her show. To you, that would be her trying to silence him. She could very well be a PC police chief, right?

But....if you had to choose one of them as the group leader in a meeting designed to promote understanding and healing...which of them would you select?

A guy shot his mouth off and was held accountable

The end of freedom as we know it


Dumb ass should have read his contract. Very simple really . You break company rules you get punished :eusa_boohoo:

He hasn't been punished. To be punished, you have to actually have an interest.

No kidding, they were millionairs to begin with without A&E...They were doing A&E a favor by doing a show for them... now let A&E SUFFER the consequences by listening to the militant homosexual lobby by LOSING MILLIONS of dollars and fans...serves them right...They can thank Glaad for it
What a load of nonsense. He wasn't fired, rightwinger! There is no such thing as an "indefinite hiatus." He will be back filming his show in January, numbskull.

A few days ago you insisted that being put on indefinite hiatus meant that he was fired. Did you not?

Have I not changed my stance? That's called being objective and open mindedness. If you see objectivity and open mindedness as a sign of weakness, that unfortunate.

If you are trying to deviate from relevant subject discussion, you will fail. I will not acknowledge such.

You just did.

If you had a change of heart...why are you stating your new views with such arrogance? Check yourself.
Question for the OP.....

If healing wounds is your aim.....who do you think is more likely to facilitate healing between the homosexual community and fundamentalist Christians? Rachel Maddow or Phil Robertson?

I assume that Rachel Maddow was not pleased with Robertson's comments. She may have even said as much on her show. To you, that would be her trying to silence him. She could very well be a PC police chief, right?

But....if you had to choose one of them as the group leader in a meeting designed to promote understanding and healing...which of them would you select?


Not an option. Pick one and explain please.
Question for the OP.....

If healing wounds is your aim.....who do you think is more likely to facilitate healing between the homosexual community and fundamentalist Christians? Rachel Maddow or Phil Robertson?

I assume that Rachel Maddow was not pleased with Robertson's comments. She may have even said as much on her show. To you, that would be her trying to silence him. She could very well be a PC police chief, right?

But....if you had to choose one of them as the group leader in a meeting designed to promote understanding and healing...which of them would you select?

Clearly rhetorical.
Question for the OP.....

If healing wounds is your aim.....who do you think is more likely to facilitate healing between the homosexual community and fundamentalist Christians? Rachel Maddow or Phil Robertson?

I assume that Rachel Maddow was not pleased with Robertson's comments. She may have even said as much on her show. To you, that would be her trying to silence him. She could very well be a PC police chief, right?

But....if you had to choose one of them as the group leader in a meeting designed to promote understanding and healing...which of them would you select?


Not an option. Pick one and explain please.

A few days ago you insisted that being put on indefinite hiatus meant that he was fired. Did you not?

Have I not changed my stance? That's called being objective and open mindedness. If you see objectivity and open mindedness as a sign of weakness, that unfortunate.

If you are trying to deviate from relevant subject discussion, you will fail. I will not acknowledge such.

You just did.

If you had a change of heart...why are you stating your new views with such arrogance? Check yourself.

Putting you on ignore to keep on topic. Merry Christmas.
A guy shot his mouth off and was held accountable

The end of freedom as we know it

I like it, good stuff.

The best thing that can happen here is that the PC Police keep doing what they're doing and deny it all the way. That will make it easier for those of us who have had enough to turn this around. And it's already begun.


This doesn’t make any sense.

There is no ‘PC police.’

Private citizens in a free and private society are at liberty to voice their opposition to things said and done by other private citizens or private organizations; and private society as a whole is at liberty to evaluate the arguments for and against what might be said and done and judge accordingly.

It’s utterly naïve to believe that a class of private persons will remain silent and not defend itself when subject to attack, and no one should expect them to do so.

Consequently there’s nothing for anyone to ‘deny,’ nothing to ‘turn around.’

And if you and others on the right have ‘had enough’ of private citizens in a free and private society voicing their opposition to things said and done by other private citizens or private organizations, then your only recourse is to seek punitive measures by the state, in violation of the First Amendment.

Otherwise, the American people will continue to voice their opinions concerning the conflicts and controversies of the day, and citizens will continue to defend themselves when attacked, whether you and others on the right consider such a defense justified or not.

A beautiful illustration of my point for the thread. Let's list the ways:

"There is no 'PC Police'":
Obtuse. You're right, there are no PC Police uniforms or billy clubs. But there are certainly people who regularly leverage the types of tactics that anyone who actually admits the existence of what is known as "PC" would acknowledge. As you know.

"Private citizens are free to..." Straw man #1. No one, NO one is saying that private citizens should not be free to speak their mind, least of all me.

It’s utterly naïve to believe that a class of private persons will remain silent..." Straw man #2. See above, same silly thing.

"And if you and others on the right have ‘had enough’ of private citizens in a free and private society voicing their opposition to things said and done by other private citizens or private organizations...." Straw man #3.

"Otherwise, the American people will continue to voice their opinions concerning the conflicts and controversies of the day, and citizens will continue to defend themselves when attacked, whether you and others on the right consider such a defense justified or not." Straw man #4. No one is saying otherwise.

And, of course, you completely ignore the point of the thread. Diversion. It's a little disappointing that you folks think I won't notice that. Oh well.

The funny thing here is that you guys don't realize you prove my point with most of your posts. I just toss the softballs up in the air and you folks whack 'em over the fence for me.

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Think of it as you will. But the bottom line is that the PC Police have jumped the shark, they've overplayed their hand, and the games are no longer working. Hopefully soon they'll realize that they have to honestly discuss issues instead of playing the PC game of putting people who dare to disagree with them on the defensive.

Then maybe we can starting healing wounds, finally.


I'm not about healing wounds... I'd rather inflict them on the people who inflicted them on me. (Metaphorically, of course.)

The Plutocrats have used the homophobes and the bigots and the nativists for years to get dumbasses to vote against their own economic interests. Once we've established that most of us, the 99%, are kind of in the same boat, the sooner we fix the real problems caused by wealth inequality and wrong-headed economic priorities.

Revenge? Dost thou not reveal thy true intentions?

It's supposed to be a dish best served cold.
Lets be real, the Corporations want to own you. In fact, i would say to a great extent they already do. They truly feel if they're paying you, they own you both professionally and personally. It's a disturbing trend in America. They use the old "Well, once you agreed to work here, you agreed to our approval or disapproval of all your professional and personal decisions." So what does Constitutional Freedom really mean these days?

If you have to sign all your rights away to be employed, are you really free? I mean, we have to work right? Americans need to contemplate whether or not they want to give so much power & control to their employers. Is it only gonna be, you either be employed and be a slave, or be unemployed and preserve your Freedom & Liberty? It's something all Americans better start contemplating.
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A guy shot his mouth off and was held accountable

The end of freedom as we know it

I like it, good stuff.

The best thing that can happen here is that the PC Police keep doing what they're doing and deny it all the way. That will make it easier for those of us who have had enough to turn this around. And it's already begun.


This doesn’t make any sense.

There is no ‘PC police.’

Private citizens in a free and private society are at liberty to voice their opposition to things said and done by other private citizens or private organizations; and private society as a whole is at liberty to evaluate the arguments for and against what might be said and done and judge accordingly.

It’s utterly naïve to believe that a class of private persons will remain silent and not defend itself when subject to attack, and no one should expect them to do so.

Consequently there’s nothing for anyone to ‘deny,’ nothing to ‘turn around.’

And if you and others on the right have ‘had enough’ of private citizens in a free and private society voicing their opposition to things said and done by other private citizens or private organizations, then your only recourse is to seek punitive measures by the state, in violation of the First Amendment.

Otherwise, the American people will continue to voice their opinions concerning the conflicts and controversies of the day, and citizens will continue to defend themselves when attacked, whether you and others on the right consider such a defense justified or not.
The PC police are those, undoubtedly like yourself, who demand that they are arbitrators of all things moral. They cannot abide free speech when it does not fit into their monolthic doctrine. Essentially, they are the flip side of hell and brimstone preachers whom I equally despise.
I like it, good stuff.

The best thing that can happen here is that the PC Police keep doing what they're doing and deny it all the way. That will make it easier for those of us who have had enough to turn this around. And it's already begun.


This doesn’t make any sense.

There is no ‘PC police.’

Private citizens in a free and private society are at liberty to voice their opposition to things said and done by other private citizens or private organizations; and private society as a whole is at liberty to evaluate the arguments for and against what might be said and done and judge accordingly.

It’s utterly naïve to believe that a class of private persons will remain silent and not defend itself when subject to attack, and no one should expect them to do so.

Consequently there’s nothing for anyone to ‘deny,’ nothing to ‘turn around.’

And if you and others on the right have ‘had enough’ of private citizens in a free and private society voicing their opposition to things said and done by other private citizens or private organizations, then your only recourse is to seek punitive measures by the state, in violation of the First Amendment.

Otherwise, the American people will continue to voice their opinions concerning the conflicts and controversies of the day, and citizens will continue to defend themselves when attacked, whether you and others on the right consider such a defense justified or not.
The PC police are those, undoubtedly like yourself, who demand that they are arbitrators of all things moral. They cannot abide free speech when it does not fit into their monolthic doctrine. Essentially, they are the flip side of hell and brimstone preachers whom I equally despise.

The flip side of fire and brimstone preachers? What does that mean, exactly
And keep in mind, PC (Political Correctness) is a Marxist-invented ideal. It's meant to keep the sheep in line. It's been around for a long time.
And keep in mind, PC (Political Correctness) is a Marxist-invented ideal. It's meant to keep the sheep in line. It's been around for a long time.

And we see it works by the posting on here who agree with A&E and Glaad and not stand up for Phils freedoms of speech

that should scare us

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