Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Joe thinks that by calling people a bigot he'll put them on the defensive. A fundamental tactic of the PC Police.

At some point he'll realize that lie no longer works.

Maybe not soon, though!


No, guy, I know that you guys won't be able to keep using homophobia, racism and misogyny to keep the working folks fighting amonst themselves.

And eventually, someone might start asking question about why we let you clowns on Wall Street run our lives.

Aside from the fact that you have several unreliable sources, you also highlight the very hypocrisy that I find with Mac. The REAL hypocrisy in the whole "PC" debate.

Local business instructing employees to answer phone with "Happy Holidays" is the PC police gone amok.

Local business instructing employees to answer phone with "Merry Christmas" is free speech/freedom of religion.
Okay, let's look at your list.. Most of them come from the Batshit Crazy Media... so they have to be taken with a grain of salt.

War On Christmas. Guess what, MOST companies and organizations have shied away from using the term "CHristmas" party, not just because of non-Christians, but because of the Christians. Do you know who used to make the biggest stink about Christmas celebrations at my current company? It isn't the 40% of the employees who are Hindus. It wasn't even Joe the Atheist. Nope, it was ONE Jehovah's Witness who decided that calling it a "Christmas" Party offended her beliefs.

As an aside, this woman was constantly preaching to people, and frankly, no one complained about it. Not even the gay woman who made the mistake of hiring her to start with. (in addition to being a annoying Christian idiot, she was also kind of a worthless employee.)

And so do you think that this woman should have changed the whole spirit and fun for everyone else ? I mean look at what you just wrote, and then turn that into what you are fighting against here. Kind of makes you a huge hypocrite doesn't it Joe ? Might be best if you don't opine so much Joe, as it appears you may be your own worst enemy.

Nobody has fun at a Company Christmas Party. One day a year, the company pretends they care about you.

And this year, they aren't even renting a banquet hall at cut-rates in Janauary. They are talking about doing a BYO thing on the loading dock.


I can't really fault the company, though, for calling it a Holiday Party. That way, you kind of throw in Christmas, Hanukah, Dahawli and all the rest of them, and no one feels left out.

"And no one feels left out." The is the epitome of the PC mindset. Thank you for making my argument for me, Joe.
Americans need to grow up, and stop buying into Media/Political hype. People say shit. Deal with it. The Freedom to say shit is exactly what our nation is about. It's what has always made us such a unique nation in the world. We don't do 'Hate Speech' Laws here. Those that do, are not truly free nations.

So, one guy over at NBC wants to shit in Sarah Palin's mouth, and this guy doesn't understand how a man can prefer another man's butthole over a woman's vagina. Oh well. People are gonna keep on saying shit. That's America. It is what it is.

But here's the point. The very same people who are now insisting that Phil should have his right to say what he wants were the ones insisting that Bashir get fired.
And the reason they were doing that is because this hypocritical PC crap has been going on for quite sometime, so payback is HELL right ?

Aside from the fact that you have several unreliable sources, you also highlight the very hypocrisy that I find with Mac. The REAL hypocrisy in the whole "PC" debate.

Local business instructing employees to answer phone with "Happy Holidays" is the PC police gone amok.

Local business instructing employees to answer phone with "Merry Christmas" is free speech/freedom of religion.

You missed the point entirely. Nobody should be telling ANYONE what to say or do. Understand? However, I see more cases coming from the left than anywhere else.

You want more?

11-year-old football star told not to score too many touchdowns | Hot Air

Hudson Falls boy says librarian wants him to step down as 'top reader' - ABC News 10

And you seem to think I'M the hypocrite?
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And so do you think that this woman should have changed the whole spirit and fun for everyone else ? I mean look at what you just wrote, and then turn that into what you are fighting against here. Kind of makes you a huge hypocrite doesn't it Joe ? Might be best if you don't opine so much Joe, as it appears you may be your own worst enemy.

Nobody has fun at a Company Christmas Party. One day a year, the company pretends they care about you.

And this year, they aren't even renting a banquet hall at cut-rates in Janauary. They are talking about doing a BYO thing on the loading dock.


I can't really fault the company, though, for calling it a Holiday Party. That way, you kind of throw in Christmas, Hanukah, Dahawli and all the rest of them, and no one feels left out.

"And no one feels left out." The is the epitome of the PC mindset. Thank you for making my argument for me, Joe.
Yes, because even Joe wants evilness to have a seat at the table also, uh except for the woman he spoke of... What a hypocrite he is..LOL
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This is Mac's thread...but here is my take.

Political correctness is the polar opposite of true free speech. It seeks to silence people and shut down genuine discussion. It is the opposite of honesty and truth. It distorts, obfuscates, and lies. It hurts people.

Does that clear it up for ya?

That is just as pointlessly vague. Based on your definition, I could say that Mac is the PC police.

I love it!

Examples of me trying to silence anyone?

Knock it out of the park!


Right here.
You missed the point entirely. Nobody should be telly ANYONE what to say or do. Understand?

YOU are missing the point. By saying ^^THAT^^ you are telling people what to say and do.

So why is it acceptable for YOU to tell people to stop saying this and that.....but it's not okay for other people to tell Phil, or Bashir, to stop saying this and that?

You have completely evaded my question Joe. I will ask it until you give a definite answer or you put me on your ignore list, one of the two.

How does Phil Robertson's opinion hurt you or impact your life in any way, shape, or form?

I have given you a definitive answer. The Homophobes AIDED AND ABETTED the Plutocrats in destroying the country.

You do get this, right. That if Bush hadn't won a second term (he really didn't 'win' a first term) we'd have avoided all the trouble we are having now. And Bush won a second term because guys like Duck-dick put marriage resolutions on the ballots of all the swing states.

"Hey, Isn't Cheney's daughter a Lesbian?"

"Don't you dare point that out!!!"

FYI, you are not the arbiter of what types of behavior are 'acceptable' to you. Bottom line.

No, history is. And you are on the wrong side of it. 1/3 of the country now has marriage equality.

Another burning question, Joe:

I find your opinions repulsive, but do I stop you from having them?

I find many a far left liberal's opinion to be repulsive... or stupid... but still, they are allowed to have it. We are supposed to be a country that exemplifies the principles set forth in the Constitution, regardless of any government involvement, but alas, we have people like you trying to forcefully influence opinions with their own.

Guy, one more time.

You are 26 year old man who lives at home, can't find or hold down a job, and can't get health insurance, because of conservative policies that see you as someone they can't make money off of.

And you blame liberals for all your woes?

I think a lot of your anger is misdirected, at best.

That's "caricature" Joe.

Just like with Fox's thread, we have idiots who are missing the point entirely. Namely you. You call everyone bigots, and give flimsy reasons why. Why are we all bigots, Joe?

You mean other than your crazy hatred of how other people are having sex?

Seriously. How does that effect your life in any way shape or form?

People don't choose to be gay any more than they choose to be black.

Therefore, screaming about how they are "oppressing" Duck Bigot when they call him out on his vile language isn't oppressing him, and it isn't "Political Correctness". It's calling a wrong a wrong.

It's not about people having sex, Joe. It's about people having an opinion. AN OPINION.

What part of that don't you understand? Save me the diatribe.

And the burning question everyone wants to know is:

How does Phil Robertson's opinion affect your life in any way shape or form? It doesn't. You really need to get over yourself.

Your opinions reflect who you are. Robertson openly reflecting his opinions revealed he was not the type of person A&E wants to be associated with
You missed the point entirely. Nobody should be telly ANYONE what to say or do. Understand?

YOU are missing the point. By saying ^^THAT^^ you are telling people what to say and do.

So why is it acceptable for YOU to tell people to stop saying this and that.....but it's not okay for other people to tell Phil, or Bashir, to stop saying this and that?

And why are you formulating false contrivances? Why is it acceptable for people to tell others what to think? Hmm?

It is acceptable for me, because I take a position that benefits both the side I support, and the side I oppose. You are allowed to think what you want to think, and I am allowed to think what I want to think, and nobody who thinks otherwise is allowed to tell us to do any different.

It isn't okay for other people to tell other people how to think because such an action is OPPRESSIVE. Understand?
You mean other than your crazy hatred of how other people are having sex?

Seriously. How does that effect your life in any way shape or form?

People don't choose to be gay any more than they choose to be black.

Therefore, screaming about how they are "oppressing" Duck Bigot when they call him out on his vile language isn't oppressing him, and it isn't "Political Correctness". It's calling a wrong a wrong.

It's not about people having sex, Joe. It's about people having an opinion. AN OPINION.

What part of that don't you understand? Save me the diatribe.

And the burning question everyone wants to know is:

How does Phil Robertson's opinion affect your life in any way shape or form? It doesn't. You really need to get over yourself.

Your opinions reflect who you are. Robertson openly reflecting his opinions revealed he was not the type of person A&E wants to be associated with

What a load of nonsense. He wasn't fired, rightwinger! There is no such thing as an "indefinite hiatus." He will be back filming his show in January, numbskull.
And so do you think that this woman should have changed the whole spirit and fun for everyone else ? I mean look at what you just wrote, and then turn that into what you are fighting against here. Kind of makes you a huge hypocrite doesn't it Joe ? Might be best if you don't opine so much Joe, as it appears you may be your own worst enemy.

Nobody has fun at a Company Christmas Party. One day a year, the company pretends they care about you.

And this year, they aren't even renting a banquet hall at cut-rates in Janauary. They are talking about doing a BYO thing on the loading dock.


I can't really fault the company, though, for calling it a Holiday Party. That way, you kind of throw in Christmas, Hanukah, Dahawli and all the rest of them, and no one feels left out.

"And no one feels left out." The is the epitome of the PC mindset. Thank you for making my argument for me, Joe.

I work with a Jewish lady, a lady from Japan who is Bhuddist, about 40% of our employees are Hindus.

You really think "In your face, Jesus is so much better than Krishna or Bhudda" is really going to make them feel better?

Fact is, everyone gets off on Christmas, even those who don't celebrate it... Sticking it in their face is a bit much, don't you think?
A guy shot his mouth off and was held accountable

The end of freedom as we know it

I like it, good stuff.

The best thing that can happen here is that the PC Police keep doing what they're doing and deny it all the way. That will make it easier for those of us who have had enough to turn this around. And it's already begun.


You picked a funny place to pick a fight over political correctness.
It's not about people having sex, Joe. It's about people having an opinion. AN OPINION.

What part of that don't you understand? Save me the diatribe.

And the burning question everyone wants to know is:

How does Phil Robertson's opinion affect your life in any way shape or form? It doesn't. You really need to get over yourself.

Your opinions reflect who you are. Robertson openly reflecting his opinions revealed he was not the type of person A&E wants to be associated with

What a load of nonsense. He wasn't fired, rightwinger! There is no such thing as an "indefinite hiatus." He will be back filming his show in January, numbskull.

Then why is the right so Butthurt?

criticizing one of their idols?
A guy shot his mouth off and was held accountable

The end of freedom as we know it

I like it, good stuff.

The best thing that can happen here is that the PC Police keep doing what they're doing and deny it all the way. That will make it easier for those of us who have had enough to turn this around. And it's already begun.


You picked a funny place to pick a fight over political correctness.

Well, this is just the latest and most well-known example of many.

There will be many more, no doubt.

You mean other than your crazy hatred of how other people are having sex?

Seriously. How does that effect your life in any way shape or form?

People don't choose to be gay any more than they choose to be black.

Therefore, screaming about how they are "oppressing" Duck Bigot when they call him out on his vile language isn't oppressing him, and it isn't "Political Correctness". It's calling a wrong a wrong.

It's not about people having sex, Joe. It's about people having an opinion. AN OPINION.

What part of that don't you understand? Save me the diatribe.

And the burning question everyone wants to know is:

How does Phil Robertson's opinion affect your life in any way shape or form? It doesn't. You really need to get over yourself.

Your opinions reflect who you are. Robertson openly reflecting his opinions revealed he was not the type of person A&E wants to be associated with

Right. Exactly correct. And A&E has shown itself to be the kind of network that advertisers and the public don't want to be associated with.

Let the chips fall where they may.
Nobody has fun at a Company Christmas Party. One day a year, the company pretends they care about you.

And this year, they aren't even renting a banquet hall at cut-rates in Janauary. They are talking about doing a BYO thing on the loading dock.


I can't really fault the company, though, for calling it a Holiday Party. That way, you kind of throw in Christmas, Hanukah, Dahawli and all the rest of them, and no one feels left out.

"And no one feels left out." The is the epitome of the PC mindset. Thank you for making my argument for me, Joe.

I work with a Jewish lady, a lady from Japan who is Bhuddist, about 40% of our employees are Hindus.

You really think "In your face, Jesus is so much better than Krishna or Bhudda" is really going to make them feel better?

Fact is, everyone gets off on Christmas, even those who don't celebrate it... Sticking it in their face is a bit much, don't you think?

Was he pushing Jesus on anyone? Was he flaunting his faith? Nope. Last time I checked, quoting the Bible does not constitute "forcing Jesus" on anyone or flaunting their faith. I have a right to believe that Jesus is superior to Krishna or Buddha simply because of the fact I believe in him as the son of God of this universe. Am I forcing that on anyone? No.
If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

Matthew 10:14

Are we to shut up about it? Once again, no.

"Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven."

Matthew 10:33-34

Simply put, Joe, you shouldn't ruin the fun for everyone else simply because you get offended by it. That's childish.
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