Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story


That's "caricature" Joe.

Just like with Fox's thread, we have idiots who are missing the point entirely. Namely you. You call everyone bigots, and give flimsy reasons why. Why are we all bigots, Joe?

You mean other than your crazy hatred of how other people are having sex?

Seriously. How does that effect your life in any way shape or form?

People don't choose to be gay any more than they choose to be black.

Therefore, screaming about how they are "oppressing" Duck Bigot when they call him out on his vile language isn't oppressing him, and it isn't "Political Correctness". It's calling a wrong a wrong.

GLAAD said they wanted to punish him and silence him. That is almost the precise definition of oppression. He is being deprived of his income and living for expressing his views. That is oppression.

Disagreement is fine...but this is not about genuine disagreement. This is about silencing someone because their views differ from yours. That is the problem.
Like I said also, WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE AGAINST THE ONE WHO CONDUCTED THE INTERVEW GQ ? How come the left isn't going after the one who set the Dynasty up by asking for his opinion in a public forum like that ? They are the ones who are culpable in stirring up trouble between the cultures, but there are so many idiots that don't understand this for some reason. I mean your kidding me right ?

The only reason they were let off the hook (IMHO), is because the gay's were with GQ in the setting these people up, so they have nothing to cry about, because anyone who was involved was aiding and abetting GQ in their evilness against these people for whom were knowingly being set up like this. Then it was all played out on the public stage for the total impact to be felt, and to show the destruction of those who do not toe the line after they were asked their opinions on things in a public forum. I guess they figure they would trap him into not saying what he believed or if he did say what he believed, then the consequences would be severe. How about the media wielding this much power over us now yall ? Is it good or is it bad ? When are people going to go after the real crap stirrers finally ?
No, it's not a problem at all.

The homophobes really do need to shut the fuck up and go away.

But that's not even what GLAAD did. GLAAD merely asked A&E if they stood behind what this guy said. Not just about gays but about blacks as well.

And A&E, having been dealing with this guy for years, no doubt having left hundreds of hours of off-color comments on the editing room floor, decided that they didn't want to be left hanging in the wind when other things started coming out of the woodwork.


I saw an interview on CNN with a GLAAD spokesman. "We want to punish him," is a direct quote.

Sent to bed without his supper?

Threaten to kill his grandchildren like they threatened to kill Melissa Klein's children.
Okay, let's look at your list.. Most of them come from the Batshit Crazy Media... so they have to be taken with a grain of salt.

War On Christmas. Guess what, MOST companies and organizations have shied away from using the term "CHristmas" party, not just because of non-Christians, but because of the Christians. Do you know who used to make the biggest stink about Christmas celebrations at my current company? It isn't the 40% of the employees who are Hindus. It wasn't even Joe the Atheist. Nope, it was ONE Jehovah's Witness who decided that calling it a "Christmas" Party offended her beliefs.

As an aside, this woman was constantly preaching to people, and frankly, no one complained about it. Not even the gay woman who made the mistake of hiring her to start with. (in addition to being a annoying Christian idiot, she was also kind of a worthless employee.)

Yeah, and calling out the Communist Dictator Putin on his homophobia. What a terrible thing that is! (Hey, remember when Conservatives used to hate Communist Oppression?)

It's a changing world, guy. You just can't be a bigot without consequences. That means no more Minstrel shows at Rodeos and no more shoving your religion down other people's throats.
GLAAD said they wanted to punish him and silence him. That is almost the precise definition of oppression. He is being deprived of his income and living for expressing his views. That is oppression.

Disagreement is fine...but this is not about genuine disagreement. This is about silencing someone because their views differ from yours. That is the problem.

No, it's not a problem at all.

The homophobes really do need to shut the fuck up and go away.

But that's not even what GLAAD did. GLAAD merely asked A&E if they stood behind what this guy said. Not just about gays but about blacks as well.

And A&E, having been dealing with this guy for years, no doubt having left hundreds of hours of off-color comments on the editing room floor, decided that they didn't want to be left hanging in the wind when other things started coming out of the woodwork.


I saw an interview on CNN with a GLAAD spokesman. "We want to punish him," is a direct quote.

Can you link to a video and put it in context?
Hey, there's that word again.

Come on, Joe, back it up.

Does anyone want to help Joe?


Hey, guy, I know that you are terribly upset you can't talk about "those people" without shouting you down.

How about giving us the example of "Political Correctness" you keep whining about.

Duck Dynasty.

Good enough for you? Apparently not, since you're willing to ignore the obvious example of it.

Here's a few others:

Army: Don't say Christmas | Fox News

'Holiday' trees offend the religious and the secular: Column

Rodeo clowns asked to take 'sensitivity training' - Washington Times

Seattle officials call for ban on 'potentially offensive' language | Fox News

Florida Officer Fired After Calling Trayvon Martin a 'Thug' on Facebook | Video |

Interior Secretary: I don't want any climate-change deniers in my department |

Physics prof a victim of 'double standard' in academia

Gospel singer: I was "asked not to attend" my own concert

US Lawmaker Calls for Olympic Gay Rainbow Flag Parade to "Embarrass" Putin | World | RIA Novosti

Cali. governor signs transgendered students' rights bill | The Daily Caller

Pornography at San Francisco library prompts privacy screens | Fox News

School Orders Child To Remove God From Poem | Fox News

Track Team Disqualified For Thanking God | Fox News

School Calls Cops on Gideons Distributing Bibles - Todd Starnes - Page 1

Police Chaplains Told To stop Invoking Jesus

New Army Manual Orders Soldiers Not To Criticize Taliban | Judicial Watch

Pepsi Settles EEOC Racial Bias Case for $3.1 Million - In House

Care to deny what is clearly there, Joe?
Oh he'll deny because he is a troll plain and simple..

That's "caricature" Joe.

Just like with Fox's thread, we have idiots who are missing the point entirely. Namely you. You call everyone bigots, and give flimsy reasons why. Why are we all bigots, Joe?

You mean other than your crazy hatred of how other people are having sex?

Seriously. How does that effect your life in any way shape or form?

People don't choose to be gay any more than they choose to be black.

Therefore, screaming about how they are "oppressing" Duck Bigot when they call him out on his vile language isn't oppressing him, and it isn't "Political Correctness". It's calling a wrong a wrong.

Truth isn't vile language it's just truth.

Joe thinks that by calling people a bigot he'll put them on the defensive. A fundamental tactic of the PC Police.

At some point he'll realize that lie no longer works.

Maybe not soon, though!

I don't have to do anything.

If you're going to pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about, I very much doubt that it will possible to have an honest conversation with you.


You're the one who is complaining about hypocrisy, but only when SOME people do a certain thing. The reason I asked that question is because I was trying to give you an out. This "PC police" group you speak of is undefined. You can easily be using it to reference SOME people who do what you are complaining about, while excluding others who do the same thing. In fact, as far as I can tell, that's exactly what you are doing.

Your unwillingness to put your own position and arguments into clear and precise terms shows that you have no interest in having an honest conversation in the first place. Your entire purpose here is to use simplistic and inflammatory rhetoric to invoke outrage. Outrage without any direction. And seemingly in hopes that it will simply latch on to the most readily available target, i.e. the current Duck Dynasty fiasco.

This is Mac's thread...but here is my take.

Political correctness is the polar opposite of true free speech. It seeks to silence people and shut down genuine discussion. It is the opposite of honesty and truth. It distorts, obfuscates, and lies. It hurts people.

Does that clear it up for ya?

That is just as pointlessly vague. Based on your definition, I could say that Mac is the PC police.

That's "caricature" Joe.

Just like with Fox's thread, we have idiots who are missing the point entirely. Namely you. You call everyone bigots, and give flimsy reasons why. Why are we all bigots, Joe?

You mean other than your crazy hatred of how other people are having sex?

Seriously. How does that effect your life in any way shape or form?

People don't choose to be gay any more than they choose to be black.

Therefore, screaming about how they are "oppressing" Duck Bigot when they call him out on his vile language isn't oppressing him, and it isn't "Political Correctness". It's calling a wrong a wrong.

It's not about people having sex, Joe. It's about people having an opinion. AN OPINION.

What part of that don't you understand? Save me the diatribe.

And the burning question everyone wants to know is:

How does Phil Robertson's opinion affect your life in any way shape or form? It doesn't. You really need to get over yourself.
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Like I said also, WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE AGAINST THE ONE WHO CONDUCTED THE INTERVEW GQ ? How come the left isn't going after the one who set the Dynasty up by asking for his opinion in a public forum like that ? They are the ones who are culpable in stirring up trouble between the cultures, but there are so many idiots that don't understand this for some reason. I mean your kidding me right ?

The only reason they were let off the hook (IMHO), is because the gay's were with GQ in the setting these people up, so they have nothing to cry about, because anyone who was involved was aiding and abetting GQ in their evilness against these people for whom were knowingly being set up like this. Then it was all played out on the public stage for the total impact to be felt, and to show the destruction of those who do not toe the line after they were asked their opinions on things in a public forum. I guess they figure they would trap him into not saying what he believed or if he did say what he believed, then the consequences would be severe. How about the media wielding this much power over us now yall ? Is it good or is it bad ? When are people going to go after the real crap stirrers finally ?

Guy, as my ex-boss once said, "You don't get someone in trouble, they get themselves in trouble."

If Phil really was the ignorant redneck he plays on TV, then you can kind of excuse him for making these kinds of ignorant comments.

But he's got a masters in education and runs a fairly large company. He really knows better.

He just calculated he could use this forum to advocate for homophobia and got slapped down.
You're the one who is complaining about hypocrisy, but only when SOME people do a certain thing. The reason I asked that question is because I was trying to give you an out. This "PC police" group you speak of is undefined. You can easily be using it to reference SOME people who do what you are complaining about, while excluding others who do the same thing. In fact, as far as I can tell, that's exactly what you are doing.

Your unwillingness to put your own position and arguments into clear and precise terms shows that you have no interest in having an honest conversation in the first place. Your entire purpose here is to use simplistic and inflammatory rhetoric to invoke outrage. Outrage without any direction. And seemingly in hopes that it will simply latch on to the most readily available target, i.e. the current Duck Dynasty fiasco.

This is Mac's thread...but here is my take.

Political correctness is the polar opposite of true free speech. It seeks to silence people and shut down genuine discussion. It is the opposite of honesty and truth. It distorts, obfuscates, and lies. It hurts people.

Does that clear it up for ya?

That is just as pointlessly vague. Based on your definition, I could say that Mac is the PC police.

I love it!

Examples of me trying to silence anyone?

Knock it out of the park!

No, it's not a problem at all.

The homophobes really do need to shut the fuck up and go away.

But that's not even what GLAAD did. GLAAD merely asked A&E if they stood behind what this guy said. Not just about gays but about blacks as well.

And A&E, having been dealing with this guy for years, no doubt having left hundreds of hours of off-color comments on the editing room floor, decided that they didn't want to be left hanging in the wind when other things started coming out of the woodwork.


I saw an interview on CNN with a GLAAD spokesman. "We want to punish him," is a direct quote.

Can you link to a video and put it in context?

Look it up yourself. I don't give a damn if you believe it or not. :)
It's not about people having sex, Joe. It's about people having an opinion. AN OPINION.

What part of that don't you understand? Save me the diatribe.

And the burning question everyone wants to know is:

How does Phil Robertson's opinion affect your life in any way shape or form?

Mostly, because the Homophobes have helped the real enemy, the Plutocrats, wreck the country.

So I don't mind them being collateral damage and otherwise ruining their lives.

His opinion is repulsive. It has no place in modern soceity any more than if he came out in a Klan robe and burned a cross.

The first step is to let them know their behavior is unacceptable.
Like I said also, WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE AGAINST THE ONE WHO CONDUCTED THE INTERVEW GQ ? How come the left isn't going after the one who set the Dynasty up by asking for his opinion in a public forum like that ? They are the ones who are culpable in stirring up trouble between the cultures, but there are so many idiots that don't understand this for some reason. I mean your kidding me right ?

The only reason they were let off the hook (IMHO), is because the gay's were with GQ in the setting these people up, so they have nothing to cry about, because anyone who was involved was aiding and abetting GQ in their evilness against these people for whom were knowingly being set up like this. Then it was all played out on the public stage for the total impact to be felt, and to show the destruction of those who do not toe the line after they were asked their opinions on things in a public forum. I guess they figure they would trap him into not saying what he believed or if he did say what he believed, then the consequences would be severe. How about the media wielding this much power over us now yall ? Is it good or is it bad ? When are people going to go after the real crap stirrers finally ?

Guy, as my ex-boss once said, "You don't get someone in trouble, they get themselves in trouble."

If Phil really was the ignorant redneck he plays on TV, then you can kind of excuse him for making these kinds of ignorant comments.

But he's got a masters in education and runs a fairly large company. He really knows better.

He just calculated he could use this forum to advocate for homophobia and got slapped down.

As my grandmother always says, "you're old enough for your 'wants' not to hurt you."
Okay, let's look at your list.. Most of them come from the Batshit Crazy Media... so they have to be taken with a grain of salt.

War On Christmas. Guess what, MOST companies and organizations have shied away from using the term "CHristmas" party, not just because of non-Christians, but because of the Christians. Do you know who used to make the biggest stink about Christmas celebrations at my current company? It isn't the 40% of the employees who are Hindus. It wasn't even Joe the Atheist. Nope, it was ONE Jehovah's Witness who decided that calling it a "Christmas" Party offended her beliefs.

As an aside, this woman was constantly preaching to people, and frankly, no one complained about it. Not even the gay woman who made the mistake of hiring her to start with. (in addition to being a annoying Christian idiot, she was also kind of a worthless employee.)

Yeah, and calling out the Communist Dictator Putin on his homophobia. What a terrible thing that is! (Hey, remember when Conservatives used to hate Communist Oppression?)

It's a changing world, guy. You just can't be a bigot without consequences. That means no more Minstrel shows at Rodeos and no more shoving your religion down other people's throats.
And so do you think that this woman should have changed the whole spirit and fun for everyone else ? I mean look at what you just wrote, and then turn that into what you are fighting against here. Kind of makes you a huge hypocrite doesn't it Joe ? Might be best if you don't opine so much Joe, as it appears you may be your own worst enemy.
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Americans need to grow up, and stop buying into Media/Political hype. People say shit. Deal with it. The Freedom to say shit is exactly what our nation is about. It's what has always made us such a unique nation in the world. We don't do 'Hate Speech' Laws here. Those that do, are not truly free nations.

So, one guy over at NBC wants to shit in Sarah Palin's mouth, and this guy doesn't understand how a man can prefer another man's butthole over a woman's vagina. Oh well. People are gonna keep on saying shit. That's America. It is what it is.
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You're the one who is complaining about hypocrisy, but only when SOME people do a certain thing. The reason I asked that question is because I was trying to give you an out. This "PC police" group you speak of is undefined. You can easily be using it to reference SOME people who do what you are complaining about, while excluding others who do the same thing. In fact, as far as I can tell, that's exactly what you are doing.

Your unwillingness to put your own position and arguments into clear and precise terms shows that you have no interest in having an honest conversation in the first place. Your entire purpose here is to use simplistic and inflammatory rhetoric to invoke outrage. Outrage without any direction. And seemingly in hopes that it will simply latch on to the most readily available target, i.e. the current Duck Dynasty fiasco.

This is Mac's thread...but here is my take.

Political correctness is the polar opposite of true free speech. It seeks to silence people and shut down genuine discussion. It is the opposite of honesty and truth. It distorts, obfuscates, and lies. It hurts people.

Does that clear it up for ya?

That is just as pointlessly vague. Based on your definition, I could say that Mac is the PC police.

I knew any response I would get back would be pointless....but wow...just wow. This is the best you've got? Okay man. :bye1:
Okay, let's look at your list.. Most of them come from the Batshit Crazy Media... so they have to be taken with a grain of salt.

War On Christmas. Guess what, MOST companies and organizations have shied away from using the term "CHristmas" party, not just because of non-Christians, but because of the Christians. Do you know who used to make the biggest stink about Christmas celebrations at my current company? It isn't the 40% of the employees who are Hindus. It wasn't even Joe the Atheist. Nope, it was ONE Jehovah's Witness who decided that calling it a "Christmas" Party offended her beliefs.

As an aside, this woman was constantly preaching to people, and frankly, no one complained about it. Not even the gay woman who made the mistake of hiring her to start with. (in addition to being a annoying Christian idiot, she was also kind of a worthless employee.)

And so do you think that this woman should have changed the whole spirit and fun for everyone else ? I mean look at what you just wrote, and then turn that into what you are fighting against here. Kind of makes you a huge hypocrite doesn't it Joe ? Might be best if you don't opine so much Joe, as it appears you may be your own worst enemy.

Nobody has fun at a Company Christmas Party. One day a year, the company pretends they care about you.

And this year, they aren't even renting a banquet hall at cut-rates in Janauary. They are talking about doing a BYO thing on the loading dock.


I can't really fault the company, though, for calling it a Holiday Party. That way, you kind of throw in Christmas, Hanukah, Dahawli and all the rest of them, and no one feels left out.
Americans need to grow up, and stop buying into Media/Political hype. People say shit. Deal with it. The Freedom to say shit is exactly what our nation is about. It's what has always made us such a unique nation in the world. We don't do 'Hate Speech' Laws here. Those that do, are not truly free nations.

So, one guy over at NBC wants to shit in Sarah Palin's mouth, and this guy doesn't understand how a man can prefer another man's butthole over a woman's vagina. Oh well. People are gonna keep on saying shit. That's America. It is what it is.

But here's the point. The very same people who are now insisting that Phil should have his right to say what he wants were the ones insisting that Bashir get fired.
It's not about people having sex, Joe. It's about people having an opinion. AN OPINION.

What part of that don't you understand? Save me the diatribe.

And the burning question everyone wants to know is:

How does Phil Robertson's opinion affect your life in any way shape or form?

Mostly, because the Homophobes have helped the real enemy, the Plutocrats, wreck the country.

So I don't mind them being collateral damage and otherwise ruining their lives.

His opinion is repulsive. It has no place in modern society any more than if he came out in a Klan robe and burned a cross.

The first step is to let them know their behavior is unacceptable.

You have completely evaded my question Joe. I will ask it until you give a definite answer or you put me on your ignore list, one of the two.

How does Phil Robertson's opinion hurt you or impact your life in any way, shape, or form?

FYI, you are not the arbiter of what types of behavior are 'acceptable' to you. Bottom line.

Another burning question, Joe:

I find your opinions repulsive, but do I stop you from having them?

I find many a far left liberal's opinion to be repulsive... or stupid... but still, they are allowed to have it. We are supposed to be a country that exemplifies the principles set forth in the Constitution, regardless of any government involvement, but alas, we have people like you trying to forcefully influence opinions with their own.

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