Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

How is that a deflection? You're arguing that people need to stand up against hypocrisy of the "PC police." That is, itself, hypocrisy. Why do you accept one group of people using boycotts as a means of social pressure, but not another? Did you object when conservatives launched a boycott against Home Depot because they donate to Gay/Lesbian groups? Did you have a problem with the boycotts of the sponsors who supported Ed Schultz after he called Laura Ingraham a slut? Did you take exception to the conservative boycott of Nabisco because of Al Sharpton using the word "cracker" as a racial slur 25 years ago? Why is it NOW that you are speaking out? What makes this the moment when "intimidating and punishing" people has suddenly become a problem?

As far as I'm concerned it's all a solidly conservative, and 100% correct way of doing things. If you don't like what Phil Robertson has said, then you have the right not watch the show. If A&E wants to suspend him and that bothers you, you can boycott the network if you wish. If neither is a sufficient cause in your opinion to influence your TV watching decisions, then continue to go about your business as usual.

First of all, it was a deflection because you purposely took the topic and laid it somewhere else in an effort to move the discussion. That's what deflection is.

Second, since I'm not a partisan ideologue, I can be consistent. I've seen the behaviors you mentioned from the Right and disagree with them as well. I don't like people leveraging threats and intimidation to stop others from exercising their freedom of expression no matter WHAT the situation. So, sorry, that one doesn't fly.

And finally, the PC Police are about far more than threats and intimidation levied against freedom of expression. They are also about a wide range of other destructive cultural distortions, such as manipulation of the language, forced & artificial "inclusion", forced and artificial "self esteem" inflation, the Politics of Envy, the Politics of Victimhood, Identity Politics and more.

I hope that answers your questions.


You need to define "PC police." Because otherwise, you're being overly vague, to the point of meaninglessness.

I don't have to do anything.

If you're going to pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about, I very much doubt that it will possible to have an honest conversation with you.

The PC environment in our society is stifling debate. Has been for some time.

You mean that when you can't appeal to racism, misogyny and homophobia, the only thing you have left is telling people, "You'd better get used to eating rich people's shit and LIKE IT!!!!"

And wondering why that isn't a winning argument for you?

You need to define "PC police." Because otherwise, you're being overly vague, to the point of meaninglessness.

I don't have to do anything.

If you're going to pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about, I very much doubt that it will possible to have an honest conversation with you.


Actually, it's a valid question, Mac.

What have the PC police prevented you from saying that you think is so important to the debate?
I've seen media personalities crash and burn my whole life for something they said or did

Most did not wrap themselves in the bible

Some, not all of them were burned for their intolerance. Just like yours. Yet your liberal friends embrace your intolerance all the same. No wonder some media personalities don't suffer the consequences of their words. They have people like you shielding them from it.
I actually heard/saw some simian 'stand-in' host on MSNBC attempt to use a vague reference of a tree in the Bible to suggest that in fact having a Christmas tree was some sort of sin. It doesn't get any more LIB delusional than that.
Anyone else notice that A&E is running a 'Duck Dynasty' marathon over Christmas? Dear GOD attempting to understand the mind of a LIB is impossible.

Yeah....excellent point.

A&E is morally outraged by Phil's remarks. Incredibly morally outraged. In fact, they are so outraged they continue to air Phil on television 24/7, and will begin airing new episodes in January. So I guess it's okay to be outraged at the guy as long as you can continue to make millions of dollars off of him.

What complete horse shit. How do these Hollywood libs keep all the hypocrisy straight in their minds? Truly amazing.
Or maybe we just refuse to believe in a God who would burn people FOR ALL ETERNITY because of who they chose to love?

The real problem you Christians have is that you've Disneyfied your diety. The God of the Bible really is a horrible monster and I rejoice at his non-existence.

But every once in a while, some of you actually embrace the suck to try to use the bible to rationalize your bad behavior.

Just like the misogynists who burned "witches" and racists who whipped slaves, because the bible told them so.

What you guys are really mourning is that when you behave badly, and hold up the bible, good hearted people are saying, "Not a good enough reason". As they should.

Shit, even Pope Francis is saying "Lay off the gay stuff!"

Jesus would not treat gays the way fundamentalist Christians do
Jesus was Love and mercy yes, and yet he knows sin also, and he knows about it's origins. He was not for gay sex, just as his father wasn't either. It is written, and it is SIN.

Jesus loveth the sinner, but not the sin. Remember that.

You try and use Jesus as if to confuse someone with him, but he is not to be used in this way, so all I see in you is fail when it comes to your wild ideas on these sorts of things in which you try and pull off against the weak minded, but I don't see the weak minded that you seek to confuse here, so your efforts are futile really.
Yeah, this is all about loving the sinner --

On gays and lesbians:

"They’re full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant, God-haters. They are heartless, they are faithless, they are senseless, they are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil." - Duck Dood

You need to define "PC police." Because otherwise, you're being overly vague, to the point of meaninglessness.

I don't have to do anything.

If you're going to pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about, I very much doubt that it will possible to have an honest conversation with you.


Actually, it's a valid question, Mac.

What have the PC police prevented you from saying that you think is so important to the debate?

Never, not once, because I don't allow them to.

There, I answered your question. Are you going to answer mine?

How am I a bigot, Joe? Get specific.

You used the word, back it up.

Come on Joe, get specific. Bigotry is a pretty specific word.

Get specific, how am I a bigot?

You used the word, surely you can defend it.


The name calling thing is part of the PC bullshit you've been talking about. Calling someone a doesn't matter. The intent is to shut you up and stop discussion. When you turn it back on them they can never defend it...basically because it's crap.




Nice go ing, Mac.

You got the guy whose screen name was the original race baiting by Reagan and usually uses racist characteritures as his AVI to agree with you that your bigotry is A-Okay and don't let anyone tell you differently.

You seem to spend an awful time whining about political correctness, which is what a bigot does when people don't put up with his nonsense anymore.

Come on Joe, get specific. Bigotry is a pretty specific word.

Get specific, how am I a bigot?

You used the word, surely you can defend it.


The name calling thing is part of the PC bullshit you've been talking about. Calling someone a doesn't matter. The intent is to shut you up and stop discussion. When you turn it back on them they can never defend it...basically because it's crap.

I either ignore, laugh, and turn around the name calling folks. I recognize it for what it is. Complete, abject, surrender. :)

The PC environment in our society is stifling debate. Has been for some time.

You mean that when you can't appeal to racism, misogyny and homophobia, the only thing you have left is telling people, "You'd better get used to eating rich people's shit and LIKE IT!!!!"

And wondering why that isn't a winning argument for you?

I want to hear what the bigots are saying. That's why you're not on ignore.
I don't have to do anything.

If you're going to pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about, I very much doubt that it will possible to have an honest conversation with you.


Actually, it's a valid question, Mac.

What have the PC police prevented you from saying that you think is so important to the debate?

Never, not once, because I don't allow them to.

There, I answered your question. Are you going to answer mine?

How am I a bigot, Joe? Get specific.

You used the word, back it up.


Whining about Political Correctness = Bigot.

Every time.
The name calling thing is part of the PC bullshit you've been talking about. Calling someone a doesn't matter. The intent is to shut you up and stop discussion. When you turn it back on them they can never defend it...basically because it's crap.




Nice go ing, Mac.

You got the guy whose screen name was the original race baiting by Reagan and usually uses racist characteritures as his AVI to agree with you that your bigotry is A-Okay and don't let anyone tell you differently.


That's "caricature" Joe.

Just like with Fox's thread, we have idiots who are missing the point entirely. Namely you. You call everyone bigots, and give flimsy reasons why. Why are we all bigots, Joe?
I actually heard/saw some simian 'stand-in' host on MSNBC attempt to use a vague reference of a tree in the Bible to suggest that in fact having a Christmas tree was some sort of sin. It doesn't get any more LIB delusional than that.
Anyone else notice that A&E is running a 'Duck Dynasty' marathon over Christmas? Dear GOD attempting to understand the mind of a LIB is impossible.

Then you missed the lib professor who said that saying you love Jesus is homoerotic! If you missed it, it's here.

Georgetown Professor: Loving Jesus 'Interestingly Homoerotic' | Truth Revolt

This is who is teaching Sandra Fluke!

Libs are trying to make "love" only sexual with no other meaning. If that's what they want, then certainly if they love their dogs, they are also fucking the animals.
The name calling thing is part of the PC bullshit you've been talking about. Calling someone a doesn't matter. The intent is to shut you up and stop discussion. When you turn it back on them they can never defend it...basically because it's crap.




Nice go ing, Mac.

You got the guy whose screen name was the original race baiting by Reagan and usually uses racist characteritures as his AVI to agree with you that your bigotry is A-Okay and don't let anyone tell you differently.


I think Joe just called me a racist for about the fifteen time. Somebody get me a tissue...I might cry. :crybaby::laugh:
First of all, it was a deflection because you purposely took the topic and laid it somewhere else in an effort to move the discussion. That's what deflection is.

Second, since I'm not a partisan ideologue, I can be consistent. I've seen the behaviors you mentioned from the Right and disagree with them as well. I don't like people leveraging threats and intimidation to stop others from exercising their freedom of expression no matter WHAT the situation. So, sorry, that one doesn't fly.

And finally, the PC Police are about far more than threats and intimidation levied against freedom of expression. They are also about a wide range of other destructive cultural distortions, such as manipulation of the language, forced & artificial "inclusion", forced and artificial "self esteem" inflation, the Politics of Envy, the Politics of Victimhood, Identity Politics and more.

I hope that answers your questions.


You need to define "PC police." Because otherwise, you're being overly vague, to the point of meaninglessness.

I don't have to do anything.

If you're going to pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about, I very much doubt that it will possible to have an honest conversation with you.


You're the one who is complaining about hypocrisy, but only when SOME people do a certain thing. The reason I asked that question is because I was trying to give you an out. This "PC police" group you speak of is undefined. You can easily be using it to reference SOME people who do what you are complaining about, while excluding others who do the same thing. In fact, as far as I can tell, that's exactly what you are doing.

Your unwillingness to put your own position and arguments into clear and precise terms shows that you have no interest in having an honest conversation in the first place. Your entire purpose here is to use simplistic and inflammatory rhetoric to invoke outrage. Outrage without any direction. And seemingly in hopes that it will simply latch on to the most readily available target, i.e. the current Duck Dynasty fiasco.
Actually, it's a valid question, Mac.

What have the PC police prevented you from saying that you think is so important to the debate?

Never, not once, because I don't allow them to.

There, I answered your question. Are you going to answer mine?

How am I a bigot, Joe? Get specific.

You used the word, back it up.


Whining about Political Correctness = Bigot.

Every time.

Wow! Whining about Political Correctness is the new ******.

That's "caricature" Joe.

Just like with Fox's thread, we have idiots who are missing the point entirely. Namely you. You call everyone bigots, and give flimsy reasons why. Why are we all bigots, Joe?

You mean other than your crazy hatred of how other people are having sex?

Seriously. How does that effect your life in any way shape or form?

People don't choose to be gay any more than they choose to be black.

Therefore, screaming about how they are "oppressing" Duck Bigot when they call him out on his vile language isn't oppressing him, and it isn't "Political Correctness". It's calling a wrong a wrong.
You got something against STRAIGHT WHITE MALES ? What do you have as evidence that the founders wanted to keep this nation ruled strictly by the straight white male ? Do you have anywhere or anything you can point to that is written within the constitution that shows that to be the case ? I thought not, so you are just shooting your mouth off as nothing more than a troll and a trouble maker when making statements like that. You can put your big spoon away now, as your stirring up trouble is done for now. You been cold busted !

Being a straight white male, no I don't.

But the founders clearly wanted the country to be run by landed, white males and wanted women and minorities kept in their proper places.
Link to this that which you are saying, just so I can actually read it... Thanks

I hope it is specific in saying this to or you are a troll that loves stirring up trouble.
Your unwillingness to put your own position and arguments into clear and precise terms shows that you have no interest in having an honest conversation in the first place. Your entire purpose here is to use simplistic and inflammatory rhetoric to invoke outrage. Outrage without any direction. And seemingly in hopes that it will simply latch on to the most readily available target, i.e. the current Duck Dynasty fiasco.

It's not difficult to find my specific opinions at all. I'm usually pretty specific and clear.

That is, for those who have even an ounce of curiosity.


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