Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

The evidence is in your stances taken, and in your protectionisms written about over the concerns that you have for your side that is being (of course) written about here by you (or) do you want us to think that you take no side in this debate at all ? Come on man !

uh.... that post wasn't to you. And it doesn't make much sense as a sentence.

But that's OK. What "side" do you think I represent here? You can give evidence too. If you have any.

So ------------ came up with nothing huh?

What a surprise.


I know, I know. Can you say the side of the irrational and the irrelevant? Yep, that's it. LMAO
It's their money. You seem to think that employers shouldn't be forced to hire gays if they don't want to. If your employer is a gay man, why should he have to put up with an employee who tells everyone that gays are sinners? If your employer is black, why should he/she have to keep an employee who is racist and bad mouths the boss in public?

If you don't like your bosses rules, go find another job.

The right to freedom of speech only means you can't be arrested for speaking out against the government. It doesn't give you the right to slander or defame others nor can you yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre unless there rely is a fire in the theatre.

You're right, no one should be forced to hire anyone, no one should be forced to serve anyone, freedom of association is a basic freedom, it's you folks that are trying to force people with different beliefs together then you cry and moan when they don't get along.
It's because they think everyone is the same. THEY do not recognize the individual...nor do politicians, the media. It flies in the face of what the Founders built starting with the Declaration, and later codified with the Constitution.

FORCED ACCEPTENCE is not how most people live their lives, and you are correct...these leftists whine and moan when people exercise their guaranteed individual liberty.
Just being Non-PC. You Communists and gays are the ones who have over-reacted and contrived this non-issue. The man merely stated his honest opinion. And you guys didn't like it. It's as simple as that. But it has backfired a bit on you guys. Your hysterical 'outrage' has resulted in a substantial backlash. Looks like Free Speech is gonna get a rare much-needed victory. And it's thanks to you silly wingnuts.

No, he exhibited his hate and ignorance as was rebuked by private society; having nothing to do with ‘you guy’s or anyone else.

However fearful you and others on the right might be of free and open debate in the context of private society, there’s nothing you can do to stop it, including making false and meaningless accusations referencing the myth of ‘political correctness.’

You freaks blow me away, private society, played out in the national media, how far off can you be and remain on the planet? Give me a break and go wash your brown shirt.

If he is being rebuked by private society where is the massive disapproval of him from the people? And I mean THE PEOPLE, not the media, not the chattering classes, and not the suits at A&E.

The fact is that this is the same crap as chik-fil-a. The hoi poloi get all atwitter, try to use the media to get everyone on the bandwagon..... and nothing happens.
Conservatives have lost their battle against gay rights.

Now they're just collecting their consolation prizes and parting gifts.

The only winners here are the Divorce Attorneys across the country, the spittle is dripping from their collective mouths in anticipation. You think hetero divorce is a violent show......get the popcorn and take a seat, we haven't seen anything yet.

Gays have been marrying in Massachusetts for a decade. Where are the tales of woe you anticipate?
I would say that the rightwing, freedom lovers are the ones being embarassed. Wait until Phil wants THEM to live by his rules - make them hunt their own food, and live without sin. How he proposes to have 300 million people live off the land is beyond me.

Given Phil's sinful past, this should be a blast. We'll see how long he remains the darling of the right win, when he tries to save them and convert them to his beliefs.

Phil doesnt want anyone to live by his rules, unless they THEMSELVES want to live by those rules. I may have missed it, but I didnt see the massive rallies held by Phil informing us that we have to live by his rules or else....
I'm still not seeing where Political Correctness applies to this whole issue...unless "PC" these days mean people can say things people find offensive but you can't point out that you find it offensive.

PC means being punished for what you say beyond being told "you are an asshole" and letting individual people decide whether to associate with you or not. PC is pressure groups not just saying "your an asshole", but also saying said asshole has to be punished socially and economically, and anyone that doesnt do so will feel our wrath.

But keep this crap up. I am a partial supporter of marriage equality, as long as it is via legislative action instead of judicial fiat, and as long as said legislative action is at the state level. What is going on here is you are pissing off those who support you, even partially, on the legal equality thing, but also support peoples right to call your lifestyle wrong and sinful (even if we ourselves don't think it is wrong or sinful).

There are more of us out there than you realize.
I'm still not seeing where Political Correctness applies to this whole issue...unless "PC" these days mean people can say things people find offensive but you can't point out that you find it offensive.

PC means being punished for what you say beyond being told "you are an asshole" and letting individual people decide whether to associate with you or not. PC is pressure groups not just saying "your an asshole", but also saying said asshole has to be punished socially and economically, and anyone that doesnt do so will feel our wrath.

But keep this crap up. I am a partial supporter of marriage equality, as long as it is via legislative action instead of judicial fiat, and as long as said legislative action is at the state level. What is going on here is you are pissing off those who support you, even partially, on the legal equality thing, but also support peoples right to call your lifestyle wrong and sinful (even if we ourselves don't think it is wrong or sinful).

There are more of us out there than you realize.[/QUOTE]

You are correct. There are more homophobes out there than people realize. Unfortunately.
I'm still not seeing where Political Correctness applies to this whole issue...unless "PC" these days mean people can say things people find offensive but you can't point out that you find it offensive.

PC means being punished for what you say beyond being told "you are an asshole" and letting individual people decide whether to associate with you or not. PC is pressure groups not just saying "your an asshole", but also saying said asshole has to be punished socially and economically, and anyone that doesnt do so will feel our wrath.

But keep this crap up. I am a partial supporter of marriage equality, as long as it is via legislative action instead of judicial fiat, and as long as said legislative action is at the state level. What is going on here is you are pissing off those who support you, even partially, on the legal equality thing, but also support peoples right to call your lifestyle wrong and sinful (even if we ourselves don't think it is wrong or sinful).

There are more of us out there than you realize.

Have you told the million Moms? They've tried to get rid of Ellen, JC Penney, Sweaty balls ice cream, and on and on.

Boycotts are the ultimate free market.
I'm still not seeing where Political Correctness applies to this whole issue...unless "PC" these days mean people can say things people find offensive but you can't point out that you find it offensive.

PC means being punished for what you say beyond being told "you are an asshole" and letting individual people decide whether to associate with you or not. PC is pressure groups not just saying "your an asshole", but also saying said asshole has to be punished socially and economically, and anyone that doesnt do so will feel our wrath.

But keep this crap up. I am a partial supporter of marriage equality, as long as it is via legislative action instead of judicial fiat, and as long as said legislative action is at the state level. What is going on here is you are pissing off those who support you, even partially, on the legal equality thing, but also support peoples right to call your lifestyle wrong and sinful (even if we ourselves don't think it is wrong or sinful).

There are more of us out there than you realize.

Have you told the million Moms? They've tried to get rid of Ellen, JC Penney, Sweaty balls ice cream, and on and on.

Boycotts are the ultimate free market.

And did any of them succeed? GLAAD bitched once, and less than 48 hours later A&E caved like a bunch of limp dicked pantywaists.
I'm still not seeing where Political Correctness applies to this whole issue...unless "PC" these days mean people can say things people find offensive but you can't point out that you find it offensive.

PC means being punished for what you say beyond being told "you are an asshole" and letting individual people decide whether to associate with you or not. PC is pressure groups not just saying "your an asshole", but also saying said asshole has to be punished socially and economically, and anyone that doesnt do so will feel our wrath.

But keep this crap up. I am a partial supporter of marriage equality, as long as it is via legislative action instead of judicial fiat, and as long as said legislative action is at the state level. What is going on here is you are pissing off those who support you, even partially, on the legal equality thing, but also support peoples right to call your lifestyle wrong and sinful (even if we ourselves don't think it is wrong or sinful).

There are more of us out there than you realize.[/QUOTE]

You are correct. There are more homophobes out there than people realize. Unfortunately.

First, learn the quote function you technologically impaired hack.

Second, I am not homophobic, I believe in the consitutional process, something progressive fascists such as yourself do not.
I'm still not seeing where Political Correctness applies to this whole issue...unless "PC" these days mean people can say things people find offensive but you can't point out that you find it offensive.

PC means being punished for what you say beyond being told "you are an asshole" and letting individual people decide whether to associate with you or not. PC is pressure groups not just saying "your an asshole", but also saying said asshole has to be punished socially and economically, and anyone that doesnt do so will feel our wrath.

But keep this crap up. I am a partial supporter of marriage equality, as long as it is via legislative action instead of judicial fiat, and as long as said legislative action is at the state level. What is going on here is you are pissing off those who support you, even partially, on the legal equality thing, but also support peoples right to call your lifestyle wrong and sinful (even if we ourselves don't think it is wrong or sinful).

There are more of us out there than you realize.[/QUOTE]

You are correct. There are more homophobes out there than people realize. Unfortunately.

So if you don't agree/approve of something that means you're afraid of it?

PC means being punished for what you say beyond being told "you are an asshole" and letting individual people decide whether to associate with you or not. PC is pressure groups not just saying "your an asshole", but also saying said asshole has to be punished socially and economically, and anyone that doesnt do so will feel our wrath.

But keep this crap up. I am a partial supporter of marriage equality, as long as it is via legislative action instead of judicial fiat, and as long as said legislative action is at the state level. What is going on here is you are pissing off those who support you, even partially, on the legal equality thing, but also support peoples right to call your lifestyle wrong and sinful (even if we ourselves don't think it is wrong or sinful).

There are more of us out there than you realize.

Have you told the million Moms? They've tried to get rid of Ellen, JC Penney, Sweaty balls ice cream, and on and on.

Boycotts are the ultimate free market.

And did any of them succeed? GLAAD bitched once, and less than 48 hours later A&E caved like a bunch of limp dicked pantywaists.

Isn't that how a free market works? Some things are successful and some aren't. And was it successful? The Douche is still on the show and the show is still on the air.
Have you told the million Moms? They've tried to get rid of Ellen, JC Penney, Sweaty balls ice cream, and on and on.

Boycotts are the ultimate free market.

And did any of them succeed? GLAAD bitched once, and less than 48 hours later A&E caved like a bunch of limp dicked pantywaists.

Isn't that how a free market works? Some things are successful and some aren't. And was it successful? The Douche is still on the show and the show is still on the air.

NONE of the ones listed by you were sucessful, because the MSM didnt give a rats ass about them. GLAAD is a media butt-buddy, and BOOM 48 hours later A&E caves. the "people" had nothing to do with it, it was one speical interest group pressuring a fellow traveller.
PC means being punished for what you say beyond being told "you are an asshole" and letting individual people decide whether to associate with you or not. PC is pressure groups not just saying "your an asshole", but also saying said asshole has to be punished socially and economically, and anyone that doesnt do so will feel our wrath.

But keep this crap up. I am a partial supporter of marriage equality, as long as it is via legislative action instead of judicial fiat, and as long as said legislative action is at the state level. What is going on here is you are pissing off those who support you, even partially, on the legal equality thing, but also support peoples right to call your lifestyle wrong and sinful (even if we ourselves don't think it is wrong or sinful).

There are more of us out there than you realize.[/QUOTE]

You are correct. There are more homophobes out there than people realize. Unfortunately.

First, learn the quote function you technologically impaired hack.

Second, I am not homophobic, I believe in the consitutional process, something progressive fascists such as yourself do not.

The Constitutional process? When it comes to equal treatment under the law?

First, learn the quote function you technologically impaired hack.

Second, I am not homophobic, I believe in the consitutional process, something progressive fascists such as yourself do not.

The Constitutional process? When it comes to equal treatment under the law?


Equal protection is there, but men and women marrying is not equal to men/men woman/woman marrying. Biology is a bitch.

By your definition I should be able to take maternity leave via maternity laws, or apply for government programs specifically for women/minorities, because, after all, "equal protection."
The Constitutional process? When it comes to equal treatment under the law?


Equal protection is there, but men and women marrying is not equal to men/men woman/woman marrying. Biology is a bitch.

By your definition I should be able to take maternity leave via maternity laws, or apply for government programs specifically for women/minorities, because, after all, "equal protection."

Play the devil's advocate. You may soon discover that your argument is ridiculous.
Equal protection is there, but men and women marrying is not equal to men/men woman/woman marrying. Biology is a bitch.

By your definition I should be able to take maternity leave via maternity laws, or apply for government programs specifically for women/minorities, because, after all, "equal protection."

Play the devil's advocate. You may soon discover that your argument is ridiculous.

I have, and under strict scrutiny Equal protection is kept as long as men and women are allowed to marry without burdening restrictions.

Please note that the consitution also does not ban states from allowing gay or even polygamous marriage if done so via the legislature. And some STATE constitutions may be written in such a way as to allow gay/poly marriage. However equal protection simply does not cover gay marriage, as there is nothing equal between what was previously seen, hetero marriage, and gay marriage.
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And did any of them succeed? GLAAD bitched once, and less than 48 hours later A&E caved like a bunch of limp dicked pantywaists.

Isn't that how a free market works? Some things are successful and some aren't. And was it successful? The Douche is still on the show and the show is still on the air.

NONE of the ones listed by you were sucessful, because the MSM didnt give a rats ass about them. GLAAD is a media butt-buddy, and BOOM 48 hours later A&E caves. the "people" had nothing to do with it, it was one speical interest group pressuring a fellow traveller.

GLAAD did it's job. Do you know what GLAAD stands for? That A&E caved (except they didn't) is solely on A&E and probably has more to do with all the gays that work there than anything else.

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