Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Your evidence that I am either communist or gay is ..... where?


Lying asshole. :fu:

Oh excuse me, you probably call yourself a 'Progressive' or even a 'Socialist.' But in reality, you're just another run-of-the-mill Communist. It is what it is.

Alright, paul, that's where I draw the line. There is absolutely no evidence that suggests Pogo is a communist. Unless you know something I don't?

Thanks TK. Just a couple of losers full of self-hate for losing their argument, lashing out with blanket attacks on anyone they can find.

Isn't it ironic how some people come in crying the blues about societal behavior pressure, and then try to make that point with societal behavior pressure?

Freaking hypocrites, both of 'em.
Oh excuse me, you probably call yourself a 'Progressive' or even a 'Socialist.' But in reality, you're just another run-of-the-mill Communist. It is what it is.

Alright, paul, that's where I draw the line. There is absolutely no evidence that suggests Pogo is a communist. Unless you know something I don't?

He or she is either a Communist or an average Authority-Worshipping dolt. How far do we let Employers go? How much of our personal lives will we allow them to control? Being employed by them, doesn't make you their slaves. You shouldn't have to sign all your Freedom & Liberty away in order to be employed. Where does it end? Should your employer have the right to approve or disapprove of all your expressions of beliefs and opinions? If that's the case, what's the point of having Constitutional Freedoms?

And did it never occur to that pea you call your brain to ask ME those questions before lumping me in with some crock on which I haven't even opined?

No of course it didn't. Because you're an idiot.
No, he exhibited his hate and ignorance as was rebuked by private society; having nothing to do with ‘you guy’s or anyone else.

However fearful you and others on the right might be of free and open debate in the context of private society, there’s nothing you can do to stop it, including making false and meaningless accusations referencing the myth of ‘political correctness.’

He never expressed hate for anyone. That's just you wingnuts over-reacting and screeching hysterical nonsense. And hypocrites like you should start practicing what you preach. You clearly haven't yet grasped the concept of 'free and open debate in the context of society.' You talk a lot about that, but you don't practice it. You're very disingenuous and hypocritical.

-- says the assfascist who claims to know everybody's sex life and political affiliation.


"Free and open debate" my ass. Blanket ad homs based on nothing. Pathetic loser.

You Authority-Worshipping dolts better watch it. Your Employers may not approve of your beliefs and opinions being expressed on this Message Board. Maybe they'll decide to shit-can your dumb asses. But who knows, maybe that's what it'll take for you guys to get it.
You've already embarrassed yourself enough for one night, doncha think Okie?

So you still haven't figured out that this has nothing to do with the first amendment, it's all about faghadist, race pimps and other PC Nazis making a federal case out of a man expressing a simple honest opinion. He was acting as an advocate for no one but himself. You can't accept that then you aren't much of a man.
Actually you haven’t figured out the issue concerns the ignorance and hate you and others on the right exhibit, and how private society in general rejects your ignorance and hate.

In essence you’re an ignorant, hateful coward; you use terms such as “faghadist” against fellow Americans you know nothing about; a majority of the American people find you repugnant, and justifiably so.

Really, I know enough about them that they want to deny a livelihood to people who have an opinion they don't like. That's economic terrorism in my book, you PC Nazis can make all the bullshit claims who supports what, but the majority of people speaking on this subject don't agree with you. Phil didn't express any hate about anyone or anything, but because he considers things sinful the faghadist are out there throwing their economic bombs and idiots like you are cheering them on. Your turn in their sight will come and I'll be laughing my ass off.
It's their money. You seem to think that employers shouldn't be forced to hire gays if they don't want to. If your employer is a gay man, why should he have to put up with an employee who tells everyone that gays are sinners? If your employer is black, why should he/she have to keep an employee who is racist and bad mouths the boss in public?

If you don't like your bosses rules, go find another job.

The right to freedom of speech only means you can't be arrested for speaking out against the government. It doesn't give you the right to slander or defame others nor can you yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre unless there rely is a fire in the theatre.
Um I don't think anyone was conspiring with each other in this, but it did take on a life of it's own afterwards. That is to be expected in this whole volatile atmosphere in which Hollywood, The Feds and the small but powerful Groups who have lead the feds for whom are influenced by Hollywood and these groups upon what it has since created in this nation.

I guarantee you that PR and A&E didn't want anything to do with all of this, but he was ask a question by someone who was trying to set him up, and the PC police didn't like his answer so the rest is history. The problem for the PC police however, is that they are finding out that there is a sleeping giant out here, and it is one that is not to be disturbed.

I am glad it was awoken, and then disturbed by what it has found though, because it has been asleep and undisturbed for way to long now.

While you're spouting off on the evils of Hollywood and how poor Phil was set up, I strongly suggest you read the article. Phil wasn't set up. He set up this controversy on purpose and I'd be shocked if he didn't know exactly what he was doing. Phil is out to save America from sinners. And he wants out of his TV show to do it.:

Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson Gives Drew Magary a Tour
Ok I read the article, and your spouting off just made you look a fool for what you just wrote in response to me and my post.. Again like I said they ask Phil or went after him, and he didn't seek them out, now eat your little heart out after reading what I will paste copy next.. Then tell me who sought out who ?

"How in the world did a family of squirrel-eating, Bible-thumping, catchphrase-spouting duck hunters become the biggest TV stars in America? And what will they do now that they have 14 million fervent disciples? Our Drew Magary toured the Louisiana backwater with Phil Robertson and the Duck Dynasty gang to find out"

Mighty curious aren't we ? Then look at the cursing from your so called source, I mean WOW. Phil probably cringed to know that he had such a person riding along with him who curses like that, and then probing him and his character like it was being done by the city slicking Drew person (priceless). Like I said it appears to have been a set up in hopes to get Phil to speak in what they hoped was in an inarticulate way in which he did do it appears, and they got what they wanted in what they figured was the DIRT they were after and/or needed in the set up.

They figured he was just dumb enough to not speak so well, and that they could take it and run with it from there. They've been after Joe Arpile, that sheriff down in Arizona in the same ways, and for the last longest they been at it, but the people of Arizona keep on electing him right back in office got it?
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No, he exhibited his hate and ignorance as was rebuked by private society; having nothing to do with ‘you guy’s or anyone else.

However fearful you and others on the right might be of free and open debate in the context of private society, there’s nothing you can do to stop it, including making false and meaningless accusations referencing the myth of ‘political correctness.’

You freaks blow me away, private society, played out in the national media, how far off can you be and remain on the planet? Give me a break and go wash your brown shirt.

Again coward..... your evidence. Do YOU read not English either?

Tell me how private is synonymous in any manner with national news? Let's see your evidence that this is a "private" societal discussion as the other brown shirt says.
It's their money. You seem to think that employers shouldn't be forced to hire gays if they don't want to. If your employer is a gay man, why should he have to put up with an employee who tells everyone that gays are sinners? If your employer is black, why should he/she have to keep an employee who is racist and bad mouths the boss in public?

If you don't like your bosses rules, go find another job.

The right to freedom of speech only means you can't be arrested for speaking out against the government. It doesn't give you the right to slander or defame others nor can you yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre unless there rely is a fire in the theatre.

We all have to work, no? How much control should Employers have over their Employees' personal lives? How much of your Freedom & Liberty should you have to give up in order to be employed? Where does it end? Americans are gonna have to draw a clear line. Their Professional and Personal lives are gonna have to be clearly separated. The more you give up, the more they'll demand. In the future, will all expressions of opinions and beliefs have to be subject to Employer approval/disapproval? It's a very Slippery Slope we're currently headed down. It's something Americans are gonna have to confront.
I thought so. Neither one of these pathetic trolls can back up their blanket generalizations. Now they run away.

Pathetic dumbass cowards.

Fuck off, your ignorant Stalinist attitudes are my observations of your dispalyed stupidity. I guess I'm not entitled to my opinion any more that Phil is. Go wash your brown shirt also.

Uh-- you're the one who decided to play stupid on "morality clause" even after I gave you links.

Want me to repost 'em so we can revistit your profound dumbfuckity?

How about you just answer the simple question I asked, I answered yours.
So you still haven't figured out that this has nothing to do with the first amendment, it's all about faghadist, race pimps and other PC Nazis making a federal case out of a man expressing a simple honest opinion. He was acting as an advocate for no one but himself. You can't accept that then you aren't much of a man.
Actually you haven’t figured out the issue concerns the ignorance and hate you and others on the right exhibit, and how private society in general rejects your ignorance and hate.

In essence you’re an ignorant, hateful coward; you use terms such as “faghadist” against fellow Americans you know nothing about; a majority of the American people find you repugnant, and justifiably so.

Really, I know enough about them that they want to deny a livelihood to people who have an opinion they don't like. That's economic terrorism in my book, you PC Nazis can make all the bullshit claims who supports what, but the majority of people speaking on this subject don't agree with you. Phil didn't express any hate about anyone or anything, but because he considers things sinful the faghadist are out there throwing their economic bombs and idiots like you are cheering them on. Your turn in their sight will come and I'll be laughing my ass off.

In the comic book you live in.

Guess what dumbass -- I didn't express any hate about anyone or anything either. I haven't even opined on the whole gay thing or Robertson's comments, but your nose is in that comic book you pulled out of your ass, so you wouldn't know that. You can't even figure out what a morality clause is.

Rhetorical fascists like you come in screaming about "PC pressure" -- and you're the first ones to go directly to that well while the rest of us simply try to analyze what the facts are.

Go back to your faghadist comic book before the pages get stuck together, ya ignorant flaming hypocrite. We're done here.
It's their money. You seem to think that employers shouldn't be forced to hire gays if they don't want to. If your employer is a gay man, why should he have to put up with an employee who tells everyone that gays are sinners? If your employer is black, why should he/she have to keep an employee who is racist and bad mouths the boss in public?

If you don't like your bosses rules, go find another job.

The right to freedom of speech only means you can't be arrested for speaking out against the government. It doesn't give you the right to slander or defame others nor can you yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre unless there rely is a fire in the theatre.

We all have to work, no? How much control should Employers have over their Employees' personal lives? How much of your Freedom & Liberty should you have to give up in order to be employed? Where does it end? Americans are gonna have to draw a clear line. Their Professional and Personal lives are gonna have to be clearly separated. The more you give up, the more they'll demand. In the future, will all expressions of opinions and beliefs have to be subject to Employer approval/disapproval? It's a very Slippery Slope we're currently headed down. It's something Americans are gonna have to confront.

Oh get off your pathetic self-righteous high horse, moron. Morality clauses have been used in movies, TV and sports since 1921. Idiot.
Blacks and fags are killing this country, and draining our tax dollars for their gay agenda. Im done sugar coating it, and Im sick of them living off my welfare payments to them.
It's their money. You seem to think that employers shouldn't be forced to hire gays if they don't want to. If your employer is a gay man, why should he have to put up with an employee who tells everyone that gays are sinners? If your employer is black, why should he/she have to keep an employee who is racist and bad mouths the boss in public?

If you don't like your bosses rules, go find another job.

The right to freedom of speech only means you can't be arrested for speaking out against the government. It doesn't give you the right to slander or defame others nor can you yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre unless there rely is a fire in the theatre.

We all have to work, no? How much control should Employers have over their Employees' personal lives? How much of your Freedom & Liberty should you have to give up in order to be employed? Where does it end? Americans are gonna have to draw a clear line. Their Professional and Personal lives are gonna have to be clearly separated. The more you give up, the more they'll demand. In the future, will all expressions of opinions and beliefs have to be subject to Employer approval/disapproval? It's a very Slippery Slope we're currently headed down. It's something Americans are gonna have to confront.

Oh get off your pathetic self-righteous high horse, moron. Morality clauses have been used in movies, TV and sports since 1921. Idiot.

I rest my case. You may not be a dumb Communist after all. But you sure are an Authority-Worshipping dunce. This man didn't express anything immoral or unethical. So to Hell with you and A&E. Have a nice evening. :)
It's their money. You seem to think that employers shouldn't be forced to hire gays if they don't want to. If your employer is a gay man, why should he have to put up with an employee who tells everyone that gays are sinners? If your employer is black, why should he/she have to keep an employee who is racist and bad mouths the boss in public?

If you don't like your bosses rules, go find another job.

The right to freedom of speech only means you can't be arrested for speaking out against the government. It doesn't give you the right to slander or defame others nor can you yell "Fire" in a crowded theatre unless there rely is a fire in the theatre.

You're right, no one should be forced to hire anyone, no one should be forced to serve anyone, freedom of association is a basic freedom, it's you folks that are trying to force people with different beliefs together then you cry and moan when they don't get along.
I would say that the rightwing, freedom lovers are the ones being embarassed. Wait until Phil wants THEM to live by his rules - make them hunt their own food, and live without sin. How he proposes to have 300 million people live off the land is beyond me.

Given Phil's sinful past, this should be a blast. We'll see how long he remains the darling of the right win, when he tries to save them and convert them to his beliefs.

Whatever. Communists and gays love forcing their agendas and 'converting' people to their beliefs. You wingnuts are so disingenuous and hypocritical.

Your evidence. Where is it?

Do you read English?
The evidence is in your stances taken, and in your protectionisms written about over the concerns that you have for your side that is being (of course) written about here by you (or) do you want us to think that you take no side in this debate at all ? Come on man !
We all have to work, no? How much control should Employers have over their Employees' personal lives? How much of your Freedom & Liberty should you have to give up in order to be employed? Where does it end? Americans are gonna have to draw a clear line. Their Professional and Personal lives are gonna have to be clearly separated. The more you give up, the more they'll demand. In the future, will all expressions of opinions and beliefs have to be subject to Employer approval/disapproval? It's a very Slippery Slope we're currently headed down. It's something Americans are gonna have to confront.

Oh get off your pathetic self-righteous high horse, moron. Morality clauses have been used in movies, TV and sports since 1921. Idiot.

I rest my case. You may not be a dumb Communist after all. But you sure are an Authority-Worshipping dunce. This man didn't express anything immoral or unethical. So to Hell with you and A&E. Have a nice evening. :)

If you can find a way to put a pronoun for me and "authority worship" in the same sentence, then clearly you're even stupider and more illiterate than I had imagined. Good luck with the return trip out of your own bunghole. Please take a shower once you get out. Dumbass.

Whatever. Communists and gays love forcing their agendas and 'converting' people to their beliefs. You wingnuts are so disingenuous and hypocritical.

Your evidence. Where is it?

Do you read English?
The evidence is in your stances taken, and in your protectionisms written about over the concerns that you have for your side that is being (of course) written about here by you (or) do you want us to think that you take no side in this debate at all ? Come on man !

uh.... that post wasn't to you. And it doesn't make much sense as a sentence.

But that's OK. What "side" do you think I represent here? You can give evidence too. If you have any.

I wouldn't use the two clowns as a point of departure. One of them calls me a communist and then an authority worshipper in the same breath. You can see where it took him.
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Actually you haven’t figured out the issue concerns the ignorance and hate you and others on the right exhibit, and how private society in general rejects your ignorance and hate.

In essence you’re an ignorant, hateful coward; you use terms such as “faghadist” against fellow Americans you know nothing about; a majority of the American people find you repugnant, and justifiably so.

Really, I know enough about them that they want to deny a livelihood to people who have an opinion they don't like. That's economic terrorism in my book, you PC Nazis can make all the bullshit claims who supports what, but the majority of people speaking on this subject don't agree with you. Phil didn't express any hate about anyone or anything, but because he considers things sinful the faghadist are out there throwing their economic bombs and idiots like you are cheering them on. Your turn in their sight will come and I'll be laughing my ass off.

In the comic book you live in.

Guess what dumbass -- I didn't express any hate about anyone or anything either. I haven't even opined on the whole gay thing or Robertson's comments, but your nose is in that comic book you pulled out of your ass, so you wouldn't know that. You can't even figure out what a morality clause is.

Rhetorical fascists like you come in screaming about "PC pressure" -- and you're the first ones to go directly to that well while the rest of us simply try to analyze what the facts are.

Go back to your faghadist comic book before the pages get stuck together, ya ignorant flaming hypocrite. We're done here.

So it's back to that irrelevant morality clause again is it, you know the one that no one involved has mentioned, just ignorant speculators like you. Are you ever going to answer my question?
Conservatives have lost their battle against gay rights.

Now they're just collecting their consolation prizes and parting gifts.

The only winners here are the Divorce Attorneys across the country, the spittle is dripping from their collective mouths in anticipation. You think hetero divorce is a violent show......get the popcorn and take a seat, we haven't seen anything yet.
Your evidence. Where is it?

Do you read English?
The evidence is in your stances taken, and in your protectionisms written about over the concerns that you have for your side that is being (of course) written about here by you (or) do you want us to think that you take no side in this debate at all ? Come on man !

uh.... that post wasn't to you. And it doesn't make much sense as a sentence.

But that's OK. What "side" do you think I represent here? You can give evidence too. If you have any.

So ------------ came up with nothing huh?

What a surprise.


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