Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

Equal protection is there, but men and women marrying is not equal to men/men woman/woman marrying. Biology is a bitch.

By your definition I should be able to take maternity leave via maternity laws, or apply for government programs specifically for women/minorities, because, after all, "equal protection."

Play the devil's advocate. You may soon discover that your argument is ridiculous.

I have, and under strict scrutiny Equal protection is kept as long as men and women are allowed to marry without burdening restrictions.

Please note that the consitution also does not ban states from allowing gay or even polygamous marriage if done so via the legislature. And some STATE constitutions may be written in such a way as to allow gay/poly marriage. However equal protection simply does not cover gay marriage, as there is nothing equal between what was previously seen, hetero marriage, and gay marriage.

Odd that Federal Judges aren't coming to your same conclusions. They keep striking down these anti gay laws...based on equal protection.
Play the devil's advocate. You may soon discover that your argument is ridiculous.

I have, and under strict scrutiny Equal protection is kept as long as men and women are allowed to marry without burdening restrictions.

Please note that the consitution also does not ban states from allowing gay or even polygamous marriage if done so via the legislature. And some STATE constitutions may be written in such a way as to allow gay/poly marriage. However equal protection simply does not cover gay marriage, as there is nothing equal between what was previously seen, hetero marriage, and gay marriage.

Odd that Federal Judges aren't coming to your same conclusions. They keep striking down these anti gay laws...based on equal protection.

They are wrong. They are progressive judges who want a certain outcome, and then mold thier judgements to get it regardless of what the constitution actually says. They are appointed by progressive political masters who also want a certain outcome, and dont care how they get to it.
Have you told the million Moms? They've tried to get rid of Ellen, JC Penney, Sweaty balls ice cream, and on and on.

Boycotts are the ultimate free market.

And did any of them succeed? GLAAD bitched once, and less than 48 hours later A&E caved like a bunch of limp dicked pantywaists.

Isn't that how a free market works? Some things are successful and some aren't. And was it successful? The Douche is still on the show and the show is still on the air.

Your facetiousness takes away from your argument, Seawytch. Do you advocate what GLAAD did? A lot of your fellow homosexuals disagree with you if you do. Does it ever occur to you that not everyone holds your opinion of Phil's opinion?
The federal judges see themselves as little tyrants who have redefined their role.

Elections have consequences and when a liberal tyrant is elected to an office where he gets to appoint federal judges, the judges he appoints are liberal tyrants too.
Isn't that how a free market works? Some things are successful and some aren't. And was it successful? The Douche is still on the show and the show is still on the air.

NONE of the ones listed by you were sucessful, because the MSM didnt give a rats ass about them. GLAAD is a media butt-buddy, and BOOM 48 hours later A&E caves. the "people" had nothing to do with it, it was one speical interest group pressuring a fellow traveller.

GLAAD did it's job. Do you know what GLAAD stands for? That A&E caved (except they didn't) is solely on A&E and probably has more to do with all the gays that work there than anything else.

GLAAD can do what it wants to, the problem is the acceptance of certain groups being able to threaten economic sanctions for thought. I dont blame GLAAD, I blame the people like you who think what GLAAD did is a good idea.
GLAAD is finding out what happens when they go too far in opposing the majority. GLAAD thought all along that it was in the majority and now have to face up to the fact that they aren't.
Personal sex practices afford no special protection.

Well yes, they are. They're not specifically mentioned, but sexual acts, carried out in private, between consenting adults, are certainly covered by freedom of association, and privacy sections of the Constitution.

A&E has said that they have a lot of gay employees who Phil has disrespected, and out of respect for its gay employees, they suspended Phil. It seems to me that those in this thread who are criticizing A&E's stance are the ones who are being "politically correct" here. You're saying that the right of one man to disrespect his fellow workers is more important that all of his co-workers' rights to respect in their workplace. I can well imagine that the black employees at A&E aren't feeling much love for Phil either.

How disruptive and insulting does one man have to be before you realize that it's Phil who is the asshole here? I wouldn't want to work with someone who so publically disrespected blacks and gays, even though I'm a straight white woman. Hiding behind the Bible to express such vile sentiments is just cowardly, in my eyes.

Even if you don't like the idea of gays marrying, how does that affect you personally? How is marriage between a man and a woman changed or diminished in any way if gays are allowed to marry? Canada has had gay marriage for 10 years. My marriage has not been impacted in the slightest because gays can marry.

The only difference in society in allowing gays to marry is that employers who offer benefits to their employees, have to provide benefits for gays and their families. In Canada, there were a lot of people arguing that this would increase employers' costs in providing benefits and prove to be a financial hardship to employers. That hasn't happened at all.

Opposition to gay marriage is based on homophobia and bigotry. If that's who you are, it doesn't say much for your belief in the Constitution, or in the rights of others, now does it.
are the Robertsons the next folks

who get to live free in the heads of the libtards


certainly appears to be shaping up so
Personal sex practices afford no special protection.

Well yes, they are. They're not specifically mentioned, but sexual acts, carried out in private, between consenting adults, are certainly covered by freedom of association, and privacy sections of the Constitution.

A&E has said that they have a lot of gay employees who Phil has disrespected, and out of respect for its gay employees, they suspended Phil. It seems to me that those in this thread who are criticizing A&E's stance are the ones who are being "politically correct" here. You're saying that the right of one man to disrespect his fellow workers is more important that all of his co-workers' rights to respect in their workplace. I can well imagine that the black employees at A&E aren't feeling much love for Phil either.

How disruptive and insulting does one man have to be before you realize that it's Phil who is the asshole here? I wouldn't want to work with someone who so publically disrespected blacks and gays, even though I'm a straight white woman. Hiding behind the Bible to express such vile sentiments is just cowardly, in my eyes.

Even if you don't like the idea of gays marrying, how does that affect you personally? How is marriage between a man and a woman changed or diminished in any way if gays are allowed to marry? Canada has had gay marriage for 10 years. My marriage has not been impacted in the slightest because gays can marry.

The only difference in society in allowing gays to marry is that employers who offer benefits to their employees, have to provide benefits for gays and their families. In Canada, there were a lot of people arguing that this would increase employers' costs in providing benefits and prove to be a financial hardship to employers. That hasn't happened at all.

Opposition to gay marriage is based on homophobia and bigotry. If that's who you are, it doesn't say much for your belief in the Constitution, or in the rights of others, now does it.

Nothing affected gays or blacks in their workplace. Likely most of them in the workplace have never seen Phil Robertson or any of the Robertsons. They aren't co-workers.

How does someone who pollutes a stream in Kentucky affect you if you live in Oregon? It doesn't. We don't allow it because it pollutes the water. Someone else, in Alabama may decide to pollute the water. Same sex marriage is the same thing. It pollutes the culture. It makes it easier for the next depravity to insinuate itself and poison the culture. Phil Robertson was correct when he said that normalization of homosexuality would lead to acceptance of bestiality because that is exactly what it does and why countries that have had recognition of same sex marriage long ago have legal animal brothels today.
How does someone who pollutes a stream in Kentucky affect you if you live in Oregon? It doesn't. We don't allow it because it pollutes the water. Someone else, in Alabama may decide to pollute the water. Same sex marriage is the same thing. It pollutes the culture. It makes it easier for the next depravity to insinuate itself and poison the culture. Phil Robertson was correct when he said that normalization of homosexuality would lead to acceptance of bestiality because that is exactly what it does and why countries that have had recognition of same sex marriage long ago have legal animal brothels today.

Your analogy makes no sense whatsoever, but that's hardly surprising.

What countries have legal animal brothels? Canada has had same sex marriage for more than 10 years. We have not normalized bestiality, and if there are animal brothels they are well hidden from the public eye since I've never heard of one.

This idea that same sex marriage pollutes the culture is based on your bigotry and homophobia. We heard all of the same crap in Canada when gay marriage was legalized and yet none of the garbage the homophobes told us would happen, has happened. For those who are not gay, the only difference it made is that now and again, we get invitations to weddings from our gay friends and neighbours.

Homophobia and bigotry have lead to beatings and murders of homosexuals, to homosexuals committing suicide because of society's rejection of gays, and a lot more ills than acceptance has lead to. Your attitudes, and the attitudes of people like you is what is polluting and damaging the culture.
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Have you told the million Moms? They've tried to get rid of Ellen, JC Penney, Sweaty balls ice cream, and on and on.

Boycotts are the ultimate free market.

And did any of them succeed? GLAAD bitched once, and less than 48 hours later A&E caved like a bunch of limp dicked pantywaists.

Isn't that how a free market works? Some things are successful and some aren't. And was it successful? The Douche is still on the show and the show is still on the air.

The real problem coming in these days, is when federal judges take up a fight for a small group, and it does this over the decent and good will of the majority whom want their rights and lines respected and protected as well. There is still a majority in which has been founded in we the people of this nation for a long, long, time now, and through the agreements of, and the agreeing with, this majority has since created peace in a process that has allowed peace for the many to flourish, and the hope is to continue having within this nation such peace always, but the new judges don't see it at all in these ways anymore I think, because they are agenda oriented most of all these days anymore it seems, and that is a problem.

I mean just look at some of these bad federal rulings that were passed down over the last 30 years or more, I mean WOW!

That is how they have been winning their battles these smaller groups over the bigger masses, and they do this otherwise by forcing their will through the feds power upon everyone else in America, even though it is against the majority of the peoples good will and rightfully so, but it still gets done no matter, and that is a shame I think.

Wild eyed activist federal judges have been a major role player in all of this problem to date, but how did this happen ? It's that once government took one step, then it took another, and then it takes another, where as the rest is history. It has actually undermined certain ideologies and widely held beliefs that were excepted by the masses when it was in power at certain times, and when it was under certain management at certain times. They do this for the opposition to those ideologies that were once widely accepted Christian views in this nation, and within this, the government has seemingly empowered our enemies against us on occasion now, even though we did not want this to be the case over time, yet they forcibly made it that way regardless of what we wanted. Now who are our enemies you ask ? Well they are not of any specific color or gender in America, but rather they are of a specific character, and they are those who want to oppress and shut people down in light of their views over other peoples views, and even when they are not popular in their views they still push on no matter what.

Now this character can show up in large numbers crying to the government at any time or it can show up in smaller numbers as in a smaller group, yet still they are wielding bigger sticks in that group than the more fringe outliers for whom are more poorly organized and less affective, but are being represented by the more powerful smaller tightly knitted group no matter. The government has been the one to decide these days who it empowers, and who it does not by federal mandates, so take heed and take notes on what goes on people, and come election time just act accordingly is all. Elect them out of office if feel violated and abused, and it can be done, and it should be done in this way always.

Never resort to violence in anyway ever, because once this line is crossed you lose automatically every time. Look for the attempt by those to set you or your masses up also, because that is what some will try and get others to do while they hide their hand. People know that people abhor violence and rightfully so, and they want their opposition to become violent as would be born out of their underhandedness as a result of. Now be smart always people, and be aware of the games that are being played these days, because they are real, and they will affect everyone in one way or another when all is said and done.

Seek peace always, but also stand ones ground when needed if that peace is threatened by those who choose to force things upon you all, and worse upon your families. Rally at the voting booths or in Washington like so many others have done in the past, but do it together as Americans each and everyone of you. Love your neighbor as you would love yourself, and be kind to those who are kind to others always. Ask or expect to be treated as you would treat others. We are all Americans, but we are also free, and our freedom didn't come cheap. My belief is that the good Lord stepped up onto the cross to free us from these awful things that we all suffer from within our souls, and we should respect that always, and know that we are all sinners who have fallen short, but we can also help people by being great examples to them, and never forcing them into compliance by what we believe, but instead showing them that what we believe brings peace and goodness into our lives. Hopefully they shall see this and want it also, and if they do then we should always be there for them unless they are out to fool us when they come forth, and if they are out to fool us, then they are to be cut off from around us (lines drawn in the sand), until they are ready, because they could take our family and friends down to if we are not careful.

We should always be respectful of our public spaces (we being the religious and this also goes for the non-religious), and we should never violate these spaces by abusing another within those spaces that are public or private, just as it were so when Jesus went into the publicans house who had invited him in that day (the dwelling was respected). Like wise our private spaces should be respected by those who are visiting us as well or if we do have to cross over such private spaces or vice-versa, then we are all expected to respect the owners of and/or the masters of these private spaces for whom let us visit and/or lets us pass. There is a huge problem of the lines being crossed all over the place now, and people are not respecting those lines that are drawn out in ownership of or while being within the public spaces in which they are passing by or crossing over.
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I think all thoughts and opinions should be submitted to Employers and Government for Approval/Disapproval before being expressed. I think that would get rid of a lot of this awful Free Speech stuff. Government and Employers know what's best for you and the country.
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I think all thoughts and opinions should be submitted to Employers and Government for Approval/Disapproval before being expressed. I think that would get rid of a lot of this awful Free Speech stuff. Government and Employers know what's best for you and the country.

I think yours should be subject to some kind of intellectual capacity.

But I ask a lot.
It seems to me that those in this thread who are criticizing A&E's stance are the ones who are being "politically correct" here.

Exactly. And some of them are so pompously full of themselves that they've gone blind.

I'm not calling on the A&E executives to be suspended, or threatening thier sponsors, or threatening to not watch.

Sorry to get in the middle of your progressive asshat circle-jerk.
It seems to me that those in this thread who are criticizing A&E's stance are the ones who are being "politically correct" here.

Exactly. And some of them are so pompously full of themselves that they've gone blind.

I'm not calling on the A&E executives to be suspended, or threatening thier sponsors, or threatening to not watch.

Sorry to get in the middle of your progressive asshat circle-jerk.

Did someone mention your name? And no, that's not what that means.

Those who I'm talking about know who they are. Take a number. Your call is very important to us and will be answered in the order in which it was received.

"Asshat" :lol: defensive much?
Exactly. And some of them are so pompously full of themselves that they've gone blind.

I'm not calling on the A&E executives to be suspended, or threatening thier sponsors, or threatening to not watch.

Sorry to get in the middle of your progressive asshat circle-jerk.

Did someone mention your name? And no, that's not what that means.

Those who I'm talking about know who they are. Take a number. Your call is very important to us and will be answered in the order in which it was received.

"Asshat" :lol: defensive much?

Then be more specifc dingleberry. When you generalize you get called on it.
I'm not calling on the A&E executives to be suspended, or threatening thier sponsors, or threatening to not watch.

Sorry to get in the middle of your progressive asshat circle-jerk.

Did someone mention your name? And no, that's not what that means.

Those who I'm talking about know who they are. Take a number. Your call is very important to us and will be answered in the order in which it was received.

"Asshat" :lol: defensive much?

Then be more specifc dingleberry. When you generalize you get called on it.

:lmao: No shit. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Did you know I'm a gay communist? I didn't.

Why am I a gay communist? Damned if I know but apparently anyone who doesn't have Phil Robertson posters on their bedroom ceiling is. Generalization -- tell me about it, I have no idea what that is. No clue in the world.
Did someone mention your name? And no, that's not what that means.

Those who I'm talking about know who they are. Take a number. Your call is very important to us and will be answered in the order in which it was received.

"Asshat" :lol: defensive much?

Then be more specifc dingleberry. When you generalize you get called on it.

:lmao: No shit. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Did you know I'm a gay communist? I didn't.

Why am I a gay communist? Damned if I know but apparently anyone who doesn't have Phil Robertson posters on their bedroom ceiling is. Generalization -- tell me about it, I have no idea what that is. No clue in the world.

This is what happens when progressives such as youself run out of things to post, you end up spewing meaningless drivel.

Topics. Stick to them.
Then be more specifc dingleberry. When you generalize you get called on it.

:lmao: No shit. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Did you know I'm a gay communist? I didn't.

Why am I a gay communist? Damned if I know but apparently anyone who doesn't have Phil Robertson posters on their bedroom ceiling is. Generalization -- tell me about it, I have no idea what that is. No clue in the world.

This is what happens when progressives such as youself run out of things to post, you end up spewing meaningless drivel.

Topics. Stick to them.

This is what happens with the blind. Need everything spelled out. What it means is that to charge into a message board declaring everyone who doesn't immediately fall down and grovel at your point is a gay communist (or whatever) is no different than some outside group enforcing PC behavior in some TV actor. Same thing -- trying to force everybody else into one's own "approved" mold. Double standard.

Clearer now?

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