Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

The problem is however, is that you have groups out here in America now, that are trying to make everyone capitulate to their demands or else, and in this their goal undoubtedly one day, is to have their dreams come true of a new nation that is being re-formed in the way that they want it to be.

Are you aware that you have just described the religous rightwingers to a "T"? They want a ban on gay marriage and a ban on abortion, regardless of what anyone else believes. Anyone who stands up to them is either "politically correct", or infringing on their religious freedoms. In particular the "ban all abortions" crowd have vowed to never give up until abortion is illegal, so that absolutely meets the defintion of the problem you describe.
It seems to me that those in this thread who are criticizing A&E's stance are the ones who are being "politically correct" here.

Exactly. And some of them are so pompously full of themselves that they've gone blind.
Are you sort of dumb sometimes ? A&E laid Phil off or suspended him for what his opinion was when it was asked of him, and that is where in lies the problem in all of this, because they caved for a few militant extremist over their most highly rated popular show, and therefore it caused them to alienate hundreds of thousands of their viewers who loved that show, and this when they attacked it like they did, and in the way that they did. Talk about biting off the arm and hand that helps feed you, wow !

Now what they should have done is like MTV does, and let the chips fall where they may. Hey if you don't like the show, then there are plenty of other networks to watch, and also you can turn back once the show goes off the air. You can stage a boycott of the show by not tuning in when it is on, and you can make it known that A&E is not to blame as a network, and that you do disprove of that specific show just like other shows and speak that someone may have in life, and so you won't be watching it that's all. End of Story!

The problem is however, is that you have groups out here in America now, that are trying to make everyone capitulate to their demands or else, and in this their goal undoubtedly one day, is to have their dreams come true of a new nation that is being re-formed in the way that they want it to be.

They are not willing to be neglected at all by those whom disagree with them, and they are always for forcing agreement through what ever power or means that they have in which they feel they somehow do control or have since taken control over. They will use their leveraging of or their manipulation of, and their intimidation of as vital tools that are to be pulled out often, and they will do this on and on in order to get their way over another every time which is their hopes for, and even when they are wrong on some things, they still want to force us to agree with them no matter.

That is the big rub going on these days in it all, so what does one do anymore I wonder ? Give up everything that one believes in for another ? I don't think so.

Are you claiming with a straight face that someone, ANYONE is trying to make Phil Robertson "change his opinion"?

LOL, your entire post was a satirical piece, right?
The problem is however, is that you have groups out here in America now, that are trying to make everyone capitulate to their demands or else, and in this their goal undoubtedly one day, is to have their dreams come true of a new nation that is being re-formed in the way that they want it to be.

Are you aware that you have just described the religous rightwingers to a "T"? They want a ban on gay marriage and a ban on abortion, regardless of what anyone else believes. Anyone who stands up to them is either "politically correct", or infringing on their religious freedoms. In particular the "ban all abortions" crowd have vowed to never give up until abortion is illegal, so that absolutely meets the defintion of the problem you describe.

and they want to do it via legislative means. Considering there is no right to an abortion in the constituion, despite what 9 unelected lawyers 40+ years ago said, they can do it if they get the votes for it.

You seem to think people should not even be trying to make abortion illegal, which kind of makes the point of the anti-PC crowd.
The whole thing was nothing but a distraction and cover for the passage of the new NDAA.

The problem is however, is that you have groups out here in America now, that are trying to make everyone capitulate to their demands or else, and in this their goal undoubtedly one day, is to have their dreams come true of a new nation that is being re-formed in the way that they want it to be.

Are you aware that you have just described the religous rightwingers to a "T"? They want a ban on gay marriage and a ban on abortion, regardless of what anyone else believes. Anyone who stands up to them is either "politically correct", or infringing on their religious freedoms. In particular the "ban all abortions" crowd have vowed to never give up until abortion is illegal, so that absolutely meets the defintion of the problem you describe.

Do you realize how little sense that made?
The problem is however, is that you have groups out here in America now, that are trying to make everyone capitulate to their demands or else, and in this their goal undoubtedly one day, is to have their dreams come true of a new nation that is being re-formed in the way that they want it to be.

Are you aware that you have just described the religous rightwingers to a "T"? They want a ban on gay marriage and a ban on abortion, regardless of what anyone else believes. Anyone who stands up to them is either "politically correct", or infringing on their religious freedoms. In particular the "ban all abortions" crowd have vowed to never give up until abortion is illegal, so that absolutely meets the defintion of the problem you describe.

and they want to do it via legislative means. Considering there is no right to an abortion in the constituion, despite what 9 unelected lawyers 40+ years ago said, they can do it if they get the votes for it.

You seem to think people should not even be trying to make abortion illegal, which kind of makes the point of the anti-PC crowd.

No law ever makes abortion "illegal". Never did.
"The procedure was done for the health of the mother" will NEVER be challenged by another doctor.
So if one has $5000 they get their "legal" abortion.
And what we are left with is GOVERNMENT in control and MORE GOVERNMENT forcing women that do not have $5000 to have babies they do not want and in most cases do not know how to care for if the foolish pass laws to make abortion "illegal".
Smart people do not want that.
Smart people OPPOSE abortion but oppose MORE giving the power to government to make those decisions.
Are you aware that you have just described the religous rightwingers to a "T"? They want a ban on gay marriage and a ban on abortion, regardless of what anyone else believes. Anyone who stands up to them is either "politically correct", or infringing on their religious freedoms. In particular the "ban all abortions" crowd have vowed to never give up until abortion is illegal, so that absolutely meets the defintion of the problem you describe.

and they want to do it via legislative means. Considering there is no right to an abortion in the constituion, despite what 9 unelected lawyers 40+ years ago said, they can do it if they get the votes for it.

You seem to think people should not even be trying to make abortion illegal, which kind of makes the point of the anti-PC crowd.

No law ever makes abortion "illegal". Never did.
"The procedure was done for the health of the mother" will NEVER be challenged by another doctor.
So if one has $5000 they get their "legal" abortion.
And what we are left with is GOVERNMENT in control and MORE GOVERNMENT forcing women that do not have $5000 to have babies they do not want and in most cases do not know how to care for if the foolish pass laws to make abortion "illegal".
Smart people do not want that.
Smart people OPPOSE abortion but oppose MORE giving the power to government to make those decisions.

If mississipi wants to make abortion illegal via legislative action, it is thier right under the constituion. If people think abortion is a right, it should be enshrined as an amendment, and laws made at the federal level to enforce said right.

Smart people follow the rule of the document, they do not have 5 of 9 unelected lawyers create laws and rights out of thin air.
Exactly. And some of them are so pompously full of themselves that they've gone blind.

I'm not calling on the A&E executives to be suspended, or threatening thier sponsors, or threatening to not watch.

Sorry to get in the middle of your progressive asshat circle-jerk.

Did someone mention your name? And no, that's not what that means.

Those who I'm talking about know who they are. Take a number. Your call is very important to us and will be answered in the order in which it was received.
"Asshat" :lol: defensive much?

Where do you know this that I have emboldened above from, just curious ?
and they want to do it via legislative means. Considering there is no right to an abortion in the constituion, despite what 9 unelected lawyers 40+ years ago said, they can do it if they get the votes for it.

You seem to think people should not even be trying to make abortion illegal, which kind of makes the point of the anti-PC crowd.

No law ever makes abortion "illegal". Never did.
"The procedure was done for the health of the mother" will NEVER be challenged by another doctor.
So if one has $5000 they get their "legal" abortion.
And what we are left with is GOVERNMENT in control and MORE GOVERNMENT forcing women that do not have $5000 to have babies they do not want and in most cases do not know how to care for if the foolish pass laws to make abortion "illegal".
Smart people do not want that.
Smart people OPPOSE abortion but oppose MORE giving the power to government to make those decisions.

If mississipi wants to make abortion illegal via legislative action, it is thier right under the constituion. If people think abortion is a right, it should be enshrined as an amendment, and laws made at the federal level to enforce said right.

Smart people follow the rule of the document, they do not have 5 of 9 unelected lawyers create laws and rights out of thin air.

So the Founders that never banned abortion when this nation was founded did so "out of thin air".
They knew better.
Now I agree with you it is a states rights issue as there are many states with ignorant populations that would make abortion illegal and if they do that is their right and I believe in that.
So Marty let us agree on that so what do we end up with if Roe was overturned and it goes to the states:
Some states would allow it with very few restrictions
Some would allow it with no restrictions
Some would allow it with many restrictions
Some states would ban it with few exceptions
Some states would ban it with many exceptions
Some states would ban it with no exceptions.

So at the end of the day if Roe was overturned and it went back to the states if a woman with money lives in a state that bans it with NO exceptions she gets on a plane to a state that allows it with no restrictions and has her abortion and the woman that has no money lives in that state is FORCED BY GOVERNMENT to have her baby that she does not want and in most cased does not know how to care for.

Why do I have to repeat the facts twice to you Marty?
No law ever makes abortion "illegal". Never did.
"The procedure was done for the health of the mother" will NEVER be challenged by another doctor.
So if one has $5000 they get their "legal" abortion.
And what we are left with is GOVERNMENT in control and MORE GOVERNMENT forcing women that do not have $5000 to have babies they do not want and in most cases do not know how to care for if the foolish pass laws to make abortion "illegal".
Smart people do not want that.
Smart people OPPOSE abortion but oppose MORE giving the power to government to make those decisions.

If mississipi wants to make abortion illegal via legislative action, it is thier right under the constituion. If people think abortion is a right, it should be enshrined as an amendment, and laws made at the federal level to enforce said right.

Smart people follow the rule of the document, they do not have 5 of 9 unelected lawyers create laws and rights out of thin air.

So the Founders that never banned abortion when this nation was founded did so "out of thin air".
They knew better.
Now I agree with you it is a states rights issue as there are many states with ignorant populations that would make abortion illegal and if they do that is their right and I believe in that.
So Marty let us agree on that so what do we end up with if Roe was overturned and it goes to the states:
Some states would allow it with very few restrictions
Some would allow it with no restrictions
Some would allow it with many restrictions
Some states would ban it with few exceptions
Some states would ban it with many exceptions
Some states would ban it with no exceptions.

So at the end of the day if Roe was overturned and it went back to the states if a woman with money lives in a state that bans it with NO restrictions she gets on a plane to a state that allows it with no restrictions and has her abortion and the woman that has no money lives in that state is FORCED BY GOVERNMENT to have her baby that she does not want and in most cased does not know how to care for.

Why do I have to repeat the facts twice to you Marty?

A poor woman can also get on a greyhound bus and get it done in a neighboring state. Or in states that decide to ban abortions charity groups can form to transport women to other states. (and laws banning transport would be unconsitutional as only the feds can regulate interstate commerce, and people are allowed to travel as a right)

I have zero issue with the bolded part, as the US consititution does not address abortion at all, so it devolves to the state legislatures.

Just because the consitiution can make some issues difficult doesnt mean we just throw it out and make crap up because we feel like it.

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


You're high.

A public figure got himself into hot water for making ignorant remarks in a public forum - ignorant remarks that 30 years ago would have been just fine at the vast majority of dinner tables in this country. That's no longer the case and that's a GOOD thing. Hearts and minds ARE changing - part of that means there is blow back when you herp your derp when once it was just accepted.

You don't like it? Tough fucking shit. The tide has turned regarding the country's views on homosexuality and it isn't going back.
If mississipi wants to make abortion illegal via legislative action, it is thier right under the constituion. If people think abortion is a right, it should be enshrined as an amendment, and laws made at the federal level to enforce said right.

Smart people follow the rule of the document, they do not have 5 of 9 unelected lawyers create laws and rights out of thin air.

So the Founders that never banned abortion when this nation was founded did so "out of thin air".
They knew better.
Now I agree with you it is a states rights issue as there are many states with ignorant populations that would make abortion illegal and if they do that is their right and I believe in that.
So Marty let us agree on that so what do we end up with if Roe was overturned and it goes to the states:
Some states would allow it with very few restrictions
Some would allow it with no restrictions
Some would allow it with many restrictions
Some states would ban it with few exceptions
Some states would ban it with many exceptions
Some states would ban it with no exceptions.

So at the end of the day if Roe was overturned and it went back to the states if a woman with money lives in a state that bans it with NO restrictions she gets on a plane to a state that allows it with no restrictions and has her abortion and the woman that has no money lives in that state is FORCED BY GOVERNMENT to have her baby that she does not want and in most cased does not know how to care for.

Why do I have to repeat the facts twice to you Marty?

A poor woman can also get on a greyhound bus and get it done in a neighboring state. Or in states that decide to ban abortions charity groups can form to transport women to other states. (and laws banning transport would be unconsitutional as only the feds can regulate interstate commerce, and people are allowed to travel as a right)

I have zero issue with the bolded part, as the US consititution does not address abortion at all, so it devolves to the state legislatures.

Just because the consitiution can make some issues difficult doesnt mean we just throw it out and make crap up because we feel like it.

Marty, love you my brother but the point is NOTHING CHANGES if abortion is made "illegal" in any AND ALL states.
Nothing, nada, zero changes.
Real world Marty, please join us in it.
NO LAW ever makes abortion "illegal" and those that support laws to ban it are ignorant.
Supporters of bans on abortion are supporters of BIG GOVERNMENT and more of it.
So the Founders that never banned abortion when this nation was founded did so "out of thin air".
They knew better.
Now I agree with you it is a states rights issue as there are many states with ignorant populations that would make abortion illegal and if they do that is their right and I believe in that.
So Marty let us agree on that so what do we end up with if Roe was overturned and it goes to the states:
Some states would allow it with very few restrictions
Some would allow it with no restrictions
Some would allow it with many restrictions
Some states would ban it with few exceptions
Some states would ban it with many exceptions
Some states would ban it with no exceptions.

So at the end of the day if Roe was overturned and it went back to the states if a woman with money lives in a state that bans it with NO restrictions she gets on a plane to a state that allows it with no restrictions and has her abortion and the woman that has no money lives in that state is FORCED BY GOVERNMENT to have her baby that she does not want and in most cased does not know how to care for.

Why do I have to repeat the facts twice to you Marty?

A poor woman can also get on a greyhound bus and get it done in a neighboring state. Or in states that decide to ban abortions charity groups can form to transport women to other states. (and laws banning transport would be unconsitutional as only the feds can regulate interstate commerce, and people are allowed to travel as a right)

I have zero issue with the bolded part, as the US consititution does not address abortion at all, so it devolves to the state legislatures.

Just because the consitiution can make some issues difficult doesnt mean we just throw it out and make crap up because we feel like it.

Marty, love you my brother but the point is NOTHING CHANGES if abortion is made "illegal" in any AND ALL states.
Nothing, nada, zero changes.
Real world Marty, please join us in it.
NO LAW ever makes abortion "illegal" and those that support laws to ban it are ignorant.
Supporters of bans on abortion are supporters of BIG GOVERNMENT and more of it.

How is allowing states to legislate as per the consitution seen as being big government? 5 of 9 unelected lawyers saying states cannot legislate as per the constitution is more big government than my position.

The rules are the rules. If you want the rules to allow your "real world" push for an amendment guaranteeing a right to an abortion whenever someone wants it.

and your "no law ever makes abortion illegal" line is wrong. You could have said "no law ever makes abortion not ever happen" much like murder laws fail to prevent murders from happening.

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


You're high.

A public figure got himself into hot water for making ignorant remarks in a public forum - ignorant remarks that 30 years ago would have been just fine at the vast majority of dinner tables in this country. That's no longer the case and that's a GOOD thing. Hearts and minds ARE changing - part of that means there is blow back when you herp your derp when once it was just accepted.

You don't like it? Tough fucking shit. The tide has turned regarding the country's views on homosexuality and it isn't going back.

The thing is most people support Phils right to speak his mind without retribution, or have you not noticed the backlash? Its a case of media elites running in fear from an interest group, not a massive swell of anger directed at phil and his family.

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


You're high.

A public figure got himself into hot water for making ignorant remarks in a public forum - ignorant remarks that 30 years ago would have been just fine at the vast majority of dinner tables in this country. That's no longer the case and that's a GOOD thing. Hearts and minds ARE changing - part of that means there is blow back when you herp your derp when once it was just accepted.

You don't like it? Tough fucking shit. The tide has turned regarding the country's views on homosexuality and it isn't going back.

The thing is most people support Phils right to speak his mind without retribution, or have you not noticed the backlash? Its a case of media elites running in fear from an interest group, not a massive swell of anger directed at phil and his family.

Phil doesn't have a right to speak his mind without retribution. No such right exists.

You don't like it? Tough fucking shit.
You're high.

A public figure got himself into hot water for making ignorant remarks in a public forum - ignorant remarks that 30 years ago would have been just fine at the vast majority of dinner tables in this country. That's no longer the case and that's a GOOD thing. Hearts and minds ARE changing - part of that means there is blow back when you herp your derp when once it was just accepted.

You don't like it? Tough fucking shit. The tide has turned regarding the country's views on homosexuality and it isn't going back.

The thing is most people support Phils right to speak his mind without retribution, or have you not noticed the backlash? Its a case of media elites running in fear from an interest group, not a massive swell of anger directed at phil and his family.

Phil doesn't have a right to speak his mind without retribution. No such right exists.

You don't like it? Tough fucking shit.

Your original statement seems to be that its the people angry at phil, and the real case is that its the chattering classes only. You then segway into phil not having a right to speak his mind without retribution, which plays perfectly to the point non progressives have been making that progressives seek to punish speech they do not like.

and as always, go Fuck yourself.
The thing is most people support Phils right to speak his mind without retribution, or have you not noticed the backlash? Its a case of media elites running in fear from an interest group, not a massive swell of anger directed at phil and his family.

Phil doesn't have a right to speak his mind without retribution. No such right exists.

You don't like it? Tough fucking shit.

Your original statement seems to be that its the people angry at phil, and the real case is that its the chattering classes only. You then segway into phil not having a right to speak his mind without retribution, which plays perfectly to the point non progressives have been making that progressives seek to punish speech they do not like.

and as always, go Fuck yourself.

Yep. Threats and intimidation are no longer working, though. Pushback, baby.

"Tough fucking shit" for the PC Police, in other words.


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I live in a country where there are no laws whatsoever banning abortion, since the existing law was overturned by our Supreme Court. And yet we have fewer abortions per capita than the US.

I live in a country where gay marriage has been legal for more than 10 years, and yet the straight marriage is in no way threatened or under attack, rates of pedophilia have not increased, and NOTHING much has changed as a result.

This leads me to believe that the rightwing fanatics who opposed both gay marriage and abortion are the problem and that their continued opposition to gay marriage and abortion is not good for the population in general, no matter how much they scream that it's immoral and wrong, wrong, wrong. In fact, I have come to believe that it's the religious right that is immoral and wrong in their opposition. They're the politically correct bunch who are trying to impose their narrow, bigoted and wrong-headed beliefs on the rest of us. This is exactly WHY the constitution guarantees people the right of free association and the right to privacy - to prevent nosy, busybody religious wingnuts from inflicting their wrong-headed beliefs on the rest of the population.

Go to your church and pray to your narrow, bigoted and wrong-headed idea of God and leave the rest of us in peace.
I live in a country where there are no laws whatsoever banning abortion, since the existing law was overturned by our Supreme Court. And yet we have fewer abortions per capita than the US.

I live in a country where gay marriage has been legal for more than 10 years, and yet the straight marriage is in no way threatened or under attack, rates of pedophilia have not increased, and NOTHING much has changed as a result.

This leads me to believe that the rightwing fanatics who opposed both gay marriage and abortion are the problem and that their continued opposition to gay marriage and abortion is not good for the population in general, no matter how much they scream that it's immoral and wrong, wrong, wrong. In fact, I have come to believe that it's the religious right that is immoral and wrong in their opposition. They're the politically correct bunch who are trying to impose their narrow, bigoted and wrong-headed beliefs on the rest of us. This is exactly WHY the constitution guarantees people the right of free association and the right to privacy - to prevent nosy, busybody religious wingnuts from inflicting their wrong-headed beliefs on the rest of the population.

Go to your church and pray to your narrow, bigoted and wrong-headed idea of God and leave the rest of us in peace.

Nothing better than someone who fights bigotry by displaying it themselves.

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