Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

The thing is most people support Phils right to speak his mind without retribution, or have you not noticed the backlash? Its a case of media elites running in fear from an interest group, not a massive swell of anger directed at phil and his family.

Phil doesn't have a right to speak his mind without retribution. No such right exists.

You don't like it? Tough fucking shit.

Your original statement seems to be that its the people angry at phil, and the real case is that its the chattering classes only. You then segway into phil not having a right to speak his mind without retribution, which plays perfectly to the point non progressives have been making that progressives seek to punish speech they do not like.

and as always, go Fuck yourself.

You're the one who brought up his "right to speak his mind without retribution", clown.

You guys have lost the war on homosexuality in this country.

Shit like this OP is just post fight whining.

Ignorant bigotry towards homosexuals no longer goes unchecked in this country. Boo fucking hoo.
Phil doesn't have a right to speak his mind without retribution. No such right exists.

You don't like it? Tough fucking shit.

Your original statement seems to be that its the people angry at phil, and the real case is that its the chattering classes only. You then segway into phil not having a right to speak his mind without retribution, which plays perfectly to the point non progressives have been making that progressives seek to punish speech they do not like.

and as always, go Fuck yourself.

You're the one who brought up his "right to speak his mind without retribution", clown.

You guys have lost the war on homosexuality in this country.

Shit like this OP is just post fight whining.

Ignorant bigotry towards homosexuals no longer goes unchecked in this country. Boo fucking hoo.

People may be accepting of homosexual marriage, as I am as long as it is implemented via legislative action at the state level, but once you start trying to ruin people by punishing them for voicing thier beliefs, then you are going to lose a shit ton of support.

and again, go fuck yourself.
Conservatives have lost their battle against gay rights.

Now they're just collecting their consolation prizes and parting gifts.

Bahahaha......Good one. Yes, this neanderthal represents the new right wing of 2013 very, very well. He sort of dresses like a homie, thinks he's as cool as ZZ Top, and borrowed his sunglasses from a Venice Beach pimp. He's the perfect new poster boy for the Republicans.


I live in a country where there are no laws whatsoever banning abortion, since the existing law was overturned by our Supreme Court. And yet we have fewer abortions per capita than the US.

I live in a country where gay marriage has been legal for more than 10 years, and yet the straight marriage is in no way threatened or under attack, rates of pedophilia have not increased, and NOTHING much has changed as a result.

This leads me to believe that the rightwing fanatics who opposed both gay marriage and abortion are the problem and that their continued opposition to gay marriage and abortion is not good for the population in general, no matter how much they scream that it's immoral and wrong, wrong, wrong. In fact, I have come to believe that it's the religious right that is immoral and wrong in their opposition. They're the politically correct bunch who are trying to impose their narrow, bigoted and wrong-headed beliefs on the rest of us. This is exactly WHY the constitution guarantees people the right of free association and the right to privacy - to prevent nosy, busybody religious wingnuts from inflicting their wrong-headed beliefs on the rest of the population.

Go to your church and pray to your narrow, bigoted and wrong-headed idea of God and leave the rest of us in peace.
You live in a much "whiter" country than America. I live in a country that has even less problems than yours. It is 97% white.
I live in a country where there are no laws whatsoever banning abortion, since the existing law was overturned by our Supreme Court. And yet we have fewer abortions per capita than the US.

I live in a country where gay marriage has been legal for more than 10 years, and yet the straight marriage is in no way threatened or under attack, rates of pedophilia have not increased, and NOTHING much has changed as a result.

This leads me to believe that the rightwing fanatics who opposed both gay marriage and abortion are the problem and that their continued opposition to gay marriage and abortion is not good for the population in general, no matter how much they scream that it's immoral and wrong, wrong, wrong. In fact, I have come to believe that it's the religious right that is immoral and wrong in their opposition. They're the politically correct bunch who are trying to impose their narrow, bigoted and wrong-headed beliefs on the rest of us. This is exactly WHY the constitution guarantees people the right of free association and the right to privacy - to prevent nosy, busybody religious wingnuts from inflicting their wrong-headed beliefs on the rest of the population.

Go to your church and pray to your narrow, bigoted and wrong-headed idea of God and leave the rest of us in peace.

Bravo! And you've got a pretty damn good health care system, too. Don't forget that.
No, he exhibited his hate and ignorance as was rebuked by private society; having nothing to do with ‘you guy’s or anyone else.

However fearful you and others on the right might be of free and open debate in the context of private society, there’s nothing you can do to stop it, including making false and meaningless accusations referencing the myth of ‘political correctness.’

You freaks blow me away, private society, played out in the national media, how far off can you be and remain on the planet? Give me a break and go wash your brown shirt.

If he is being rebuked by private society where is the massive disapproval of him from the people? And I mean THE PEOPLE, not the media, not the chattering classes, and not the suits at A&E.

The fact is that this is the same crap as chik-fil-a. The hoi poloi get all atwitter, try to use the media to get everyone on the bandwagon..... and nothing happens.

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke

I can GUARANTEE the majority of people see Phil Robertson as an ignorant red neck bigot. But you right wing whiners are always yelling at the top of your lungs protecting the most vile, anti social barbarians on this planet. As a matter of fact, you folks worship vile.
Canada is a mediocre place. The only good city is Montreal because it is the least Canadian

Those of us who have had enough BS from the PC Police are making it easy for them to wiggle out of this story on the hairy southern duck guy.

By bringing up -- or worse, letting them move the conversation to -- freedom of speech or religion or television contracts or the Constitution, you're giving them the opportunity to avoid the real issue (at least in my humble opinion): Their hypocritical, narcissistic intolerance.

Plus, this issue doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's just the latest in a long, long line of examples of their bigotry and intolerance. Holy crap, some of the things I've seen them say here about people who live in that area, wow.

The pushback is absolutely great and terribly overdue. They've jumped the shark with their race-baiting, language-manipulating, phony self esteem-building, forced inclusion silliness and it's clear that the pushback has begun. Yay!

This isn't (or shouldn't be) about the 1st Amendment or television contracts or religion. It should be about the hypocritical, paranoid, intolerant narcissism of the PC Police, and how they want to punish and intimidate people and businesses.


You're high.

A public figure got himself into hot water for making ignorant remarks in a public forum - ignorant remarks that 30 years ago would have been just fine at the vast majority of dinner tables in this country. That's no longer the case and that's a GOOD thing. Hearts and minds ARE changing - part of that means there is blow back when you herp your derp when once it was just accepted.

You don't like it? Tough fucking shit. The tide has turned regarding the country's views on homosexuality and it isn't going back.

The thing is most people support Phils right to speak his mind without retribution, or have you not noticed the backlash? Its a case of media elites running in fear from an interest group, not a massive swell of anger directed at phil and his family.
The crazy thing is, is that Phil actually didn't say anything wrong, but they have tried to tar and feather him for the purposes of attacking a whole backwoods culture that is an A-OK way of life in a vast amount of peoples thinking. The city slickers can't stand these cats, nor can the government stand them either, because if the nation were full of a lot more of these kinds of people, then the nation wouldn't have the problems with dependency, and all the entitlements that it has had up until now, nor would it be experiencing the woes of a more and more immoral sickened society that is on the rise, in which a few and the government is aiding and abetting more and more these days, and is fostering these things more and more now (hiding behind).

Like I said I think it was all a set up, but they didn't realize how much of a hornets nest they were jumping on. How about the waitress who tried to set her customer up by writing a homophobic slur on their ticket, and then blaming it on them, now where do you suppose they are learning this tactic from or why did she think she could get away with that when she had done that like she did ? I know why, it's because she was taking advantage of the stage that has been set now in America all around her, and so she tried the set up scam also, but it backfired also.

People need to go about with their eyes wide open these days, and more so than ever, because the heat is really on now.
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You freaks blow me away, private society, played out in the national media, how far off can you be and remain on the planet? Give me a break and go wash your brown shirt.

If he is being rebuked by private society where is the massive disapproval of him from the people? And I mean THE PEOPLE, not the media, not the chattering classes, and not the suits at A&E.

The fact is that this is the same crap as chik-fil-a. The hoi poloi get all atwitter, try to use the media to get everyone on the bandwagon..... and nothing happens.

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke

I can GUARANTEE the majority of people see Phil Robertson as an ignorant red neck bigot. But you right wing whiners are always yelling at the top of your lungs protecting the most vile, anti social barbarians on this planet. As a matter of fact, you folks worship vile.
Says who, YOU ? ROTFL

Man don't you think a little highly of yourself ? WOW!

Looking down your nose at people are you ? I thought people like yall didn't do those kinds of things in which you love to accuse others of all the time as a group ?
I live in a country where there are no laws whatsoever banning abortion, since the existing law was overturned by our Supreme Court. And yet we have fewer abortions per capita than the US.

I live in a country where gay marriage has been legal for more than 10 years, and yet the straight marriage is in no way threatened or under attack, rates of pedophilia have not increased, and NOTHING much has changed as a result.

This leads me to believe that the rightwing fanatics who opposed both gay marriage and abortion are the problem and that their continued opposition to gay marriage and abortion is not good for the population in general, no matter how much they scream that it's immoral and wrong, wrong, wrong. In fact, I have come to believe that it's the religious right that is immoral and wrong in their opposition. They're the politically correct bunch who are trying to impose their narrow, bigoted and wrong-headed beliefs on the rest of us. This is exactly WHY the constitution guarantees people the right of free association and the right to privacy - to prevent nosy, busybody religious wingnuts from inflicting their wrong-headed beliefs on the rest of the population.

Go to your church and pray to your narrow, bigoted and wrong-headed idea of God and leave the rest of us in peace.
What goes on in your country is not what goes on in our country, in which is why we both have different names and different constitutions and/or forms of governance. How about you keep your focus on your own country, and don't try and make us who you are thank you.
If he is being rebuked by private society where is the massive disapproval of him from the people? And I mean THE PEOPLE, not the media, not the chattering classes, and not the suits at A&E.

The fact is that this is the same crap as chik-fil-a. The hoi poloi get all atwitter, try to use the media to get everyone on the bandwagon..... and nothing happens.

It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke

I can GUARANTEE the majority of people see Phil Robertson as an ignorant red neck bigot. But you right wing whiners are always yelling at the top of your lungs protecting the most vile, anti social barbarians on this planet. As a matter of fact, you folks worship vile.
Says who, YOU ? ROTFL

Man don't you think a little highly of yourself ? WOW!

Looking down your nose at people are you ? I thought people like yall didn't do those kinds of things in which you love to accuse others of all the time as a group ?

I am not looking down my nose at anyone. I am stating facts.

If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless"

HOW would you take it? HOW would YOU label it if someone said that about you?

Perhaps YOU should reevaluate your position?
If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless"

HOW would you take it?

With a grain of salt.
If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless"

HOW would you take it?

With a grain of salt.

There is no sin except stupidity.
Oscar Wilde
It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund Burke

I can GUARANTEE the majority of people see Phil Robertson as an ignorant red neck bigot. But you right wing whiners are always yelling at the top of your lungs protecting the most vile, anti social barbarians on this planet. As a matter of fact, you folks worship vile.
Says who, YOU ? ROTFL

Man don't you think a little highly of yourself ? WOW!

Looking down your nose at people are you ? I thought people like yall didn't do those kinds of things in which you love to accuse others of all the time as a group ?

I am not looking down my nose at anyone. I am stating facts.

If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless"

HOW would you take it? HOW would YOU label it if someone said that about you?

Perhaps YOU should reevaluate your position?
If I was guilty of those things, then yes they would concern me when someone pointed them out to me, and I would probably be seeking help finally there afterwards, but no I wouldn't want a person to be punished for trying to help me or speaking about these things in which they don't believe in when they were asked about them. Now if I were dabbling in these things or if I was guilty of them, I would just keep quite about it because I would know that I was wrong in my life when doing such things, but that is the opposite of what is going on these days. People can be wrong about things in their life, but they sure don't want anyone to say anything about it, and that's how we end up with things like the shootings in columbine, new town, and that theater in Colorado and etc. Then we have all the suicide rates that are off the charts because of all these lifestyle choices that people regret severely in their lives later on down the line. I mean look at the murder rates also that come from lifestyle choices that people choose in their lives, and this by being in gangs by choices they have made (Chicago comes to mind 1st), and on and on it all goes.
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If I compared your lifestyle to bestiality, said you "invent ways of doing evil", you are "full of murder, envy, strife, hatred." You are "insolent, arrogant, a God-hater." That you are heartless, faithless, senseless, and ruthless"

HOW would you take it?

With a grain of salt.

There is no sin except stupidity.
Oscar Wilde
Yes and stupidity is what you call sinning when you know better about committing it, but do it anyway.. Hec even Phil is man enough to say he was stupid in his life once upon a time, and as long as he lives he is capable of being stupid again, but at least he's trying instead of lying about it.
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At least A&E realize they made a mistake without doing themselves irreparable damage.

It's actually possible to sympathize with them, and it's not difficult to imagine the conversation at A&E when the news broke about the hairy duck guy's comments:

"Holy shit, now the PC Police are gonna be all over us. Call the lawyers, we've gotta figure out what we need to do to keep them off our back." That's the environment we've been in: "offend" the PC Police and you'd better call the lawyers, and to hell with what your viewers enjoy.

So they knee-jerked out of sheer panic. But perhaps they saw the anti-PC blowback and got their nerve together to change their minds.

I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of this, thank goodness.

I'm tired of the PajamaBoys lecturing us over their hot cocoa.
At least A&E realize they made a mistake without doing themselves irreparable damage.

It's actually possible to sympathize with them, and it's not difficult to imagine the conversation at A&E when the news broke about the hairy duck guy's comments:

"Holy shit, now the PC Police are gonna be all over us. Call the lawyers, we've gotta figure out what we need to do to keep them off our back." That's the environment we've been in: "offend" the PC Police and you'd better call the lawyers, and to hell with what your viewers enjoy.

So they knee-jerked out of sheer panic. But perhaps they saw the anti-PC blowback and got their nerve together to change their minds.

I think we're going to be seeing a lot more of this, thank goodness.


You are gonna keep going with that myth, even after I gave you the ability to educate yourself.

Congratulations, you are a full blown right wing pea brain.

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