Anti-PC people making a mistake on the Duck Dynasty story

uh huh pot meet kettle, his name is Marty

oooh!!!! I got a giant pussy for a stalker. I'm touched. I'm sure your wacking off in mama's basement right now about how "awesome" you think you are.

Go yell for some more hot pockets so you can keep up this riveting posting stream.
hot pockets are gross man. im actually sitting in my home watching band of brothers because ts so good.
but hey if you think i am stalking you.....

Its a typical plasmadick drive by douching. Seriously, find a better hobby.
oooh!!!! I got a giant pussy for a stalker. I'm touched. I'm sure your wacking off in mama's basement right now about how "awesome" you think you are.

Go yell for some more hot pockets so you can keep up this riveting posting stream.
hot pockets are gross man. im actually sitting in my home watching band of brothers because ts so good.
but hey if you think i am stalking you.....

Its a typical plasmadick drive by douching. Seriously, find a better hobby.

im just killing time till the wife and i tackle the mountain of kids clothes we have to go through. You are just light entertainment.
hot pockets are gross man. im actually sitting in my home watching band of brothers because ts so good.
but hey if you think i am stalking you.....

Its a typical plasmadick drive by douching. Seriously, find a better hobby.

im just killing time till the wife and i tackle the mountain of kids clothes we have to go through. You are just light entertainment.

Nice bait mentioning a family member, are we one of those douches that trolls people to get them blank-hammered?
Its a typical plasmadick drive by douching. Seriously, find a better hobby.

im just killing time till the wife and i tackle the mountain of kids clothes we have to go through. You are just light entertainment.

Nice bait mentioning a family member, are we one of those douches that trolls people to get them blank-hammered?

nah not realize one can say that they are relaxing with their loved one without actually baiting? Unclench that hole of yours marty, Not everything is an attack to get you in trouble.

I was trying to relate as similar situation if you have kids of your own, in the attempt to lighten the mood from just attacking each other.
im just killing time till the wife and i tackle the mountain of kids clothes we have to go through. You are just light entertainment.

Nice bait mentioning a family member, are we one of those douches that trolls people to get them blank-hammered?

nah not realize one can say that they are relaxing with their loved one without actually baiting? Unclench that hole of yours marty, Not everything is an attack to get you in trouble.

I was trying to relate as similar situation if you have kids of your own, in the attempt to lighten the mood from just attacking each other.

No, you are trolling, and you don't have the balls to admit you were trying to bait me, and failed miserably.

You were the one who started the attacks, now you go with the typical olive branch to make yourself look like the "reasonable guy"

Your track record speaks for itself, its not going to work.

I don't start fights, but I sure as hell don't back down from them.

Now nut up, or shut up.
You freak, they had equal protection, they want special treatment.

What special treatment do they want?

For millions of years men married women, it was settled in tradition and it was settled in law. Now the faghadist want to be special and break with tradition and law, but now they not only want to co-opt the union but the definition of the union. If that isn't wanting special treatment I guess I don't know what is.
How is seeking to be treated the same as heterosexuals, seeking "special treatment?" To me, that sounds as them seeking equality. Who knows how that sounds like "special treatment" to Conservatives?

Oh, and I look forward to you proving that marriage dates back "millions of years" ....

BTW Did ya hear, A&E reinstated Phil, the faghadist lose again.
How did they lose? Phil Robertson was never fired. He was suspended. Suspension implies reinstatement.
Nice bait mentioning a family member, are we one of those douches that trolls people to get them blank-hammered?

nah not realize one can say that they are relaxing with their loved one without actually baiting? Unclench that hole of yours marty, Not everything is an attack to get you in trouble.

I was trying to relate as similar situation if you have kids of your own, in the attempt to lighten the mood from just attacking each other.

No, you are trolling, and you don't have the balls to admit you were trying to bait me, and failed miserably.

You were the one who started the attacks, now you go with the typical olive branch to make yourself look like the "reasonable guy"

Your track record speaks for itself, its not going to work.

I don't start fights, but I sure as hell don't back down from them.

Now nut up, or shut up.
ok...i wasnt baiting you. shrug i rally dont care if you dont believe me. Im used to ignorance, hell i read your posts.

Oh true you dont because you dont want to be held accountable for your actions. like a chump.
What special treatment do they want?

For millions of years men married women, it was settled in tradition and it was settled in law. Now the faghadist want to be special and break with tradition and law, but now they not only want to co-opt the union but the definition of the union. If that isn't wanting special treatment I guess I don't know what is.

BTW Did ya hear, A&E reinstated Phil, the faghadist lose again.

Those were not my words as shown in your quote box. Someone needs to fix the quote feature.

Seems OKTexas is thoroughly confused. :lol:
What special treatment do they want?

For millions of years men married women, it was settled in tradition and it was settled in law. Now the faghadist want to be special and break with tradition and law, but now they not only want to co-opt the union but the definition of the union. If that isn't wanting special treatment I guess I don't know what is.
How is seeking to be treated the same as heterosexuals, seeking "special treatment?" To me, that sounds as them seeking equality. Who knows how that sounds like "special treatment" to Conservatives?

Oh, and I look forward to you proving that marriage dates back "millions of years" ....

BTW Did ya hear, A&E reinstated Phil, the faghadist lose again.
How did they lose? Phil Robertson was never fired. He was suspended. Suspension implies reinstatement.

They were already being treated the same as heterosexuals, any man of age could marry any woman of age just like hetros. Now they want to redefine and bastardize the relationship reserved for opposite sexes, that's asking for special treatment. And the very fact that the species has continued through out history says that opposite sex coupling has occurred continuously through the ages.
A guy shot his mouth off and was held accountable

The end of freedom as we know it

Yeah. Jesus got nailed for it. Literally. You start turning over tables and questioning. There's a cross waiting for you.

Jesus NEVER, EVER uttered any words like Phil Robertson. Phil Robertson is the antithesis of the teaching of Jesus.

You folks are as far from 'Christian' as it gets.
For millions of years men married women, it was settled in tradition and it was settled in law. Now the faghadist want to be special and break with tradition and law, but now they not only want to co-opt the union but the definition of the union. If that isn't wanting special treatment I guess I don't know what is.

BTW Did ya hear, A&E reinstated Phil, the faghadist lose again.

Those were not my words as shown in your quote box. Someone needs to fix the quote feature.

Seems OKTexas is thoroughly confused. :lol:

So what was the point of what GLAAD did, if not to try to get him fired?
Nice bait mentioning a family member, are we one of those douches that trolls people to get them blank-hammered?

nah not realize one can say that they are relaxing with their loved one without actually baiting? Unclench that hole of yours marty, Not everything is an attack to get you in trouble.

I was trying to relate as similar situation if you have kids of your own, in the attempt to lighten the mood from just attacking each other.

No, you are trolling, and you don't have the balls to admit you were trying to bait me, and failed miserably.

You were the one who started the attacks, now you go with the typical olive branch to make yourself look like the "reasonable guy"

Your track record speaks for itself, its not going to work.

I don't start fights, but I sure as hell don't back down from them.

Now nut up, or shut up.

Gee....are you OK? This must have been a horrible experience.
You are gonna keep going with that myth, even after I gave you the ability to educate yourself.

Congratulations, you are a full blown right wing pea brain.

Yes, the standard bigoted personal insults and name-calling. Not interested.

Now, to what "myth" are you referring?


You accused me of not looking at your Google search. Even though I did look at it. Yet you totally ignored the article I posted. PC police is a fabricated term created by right wing rhetors and word smiths. Right wing think tanks spend billions training parrots like you...

Maybe you should take a clear eyed look at the 'morality police' who are on your side. They would lock gay people up in an instant if they ever gained the power.

If you had actually looked at the Google search, you would have seen example after example after example of precisely what we're talking about here. To deny the existence of what we're talking about here would be absurd.

You don't like the term "Political Correctness"? Then call it something else, I don't care. Call it a "saxophone". The fact remains that the group of behaviors exists and that's what that group of behaviors is called, whether you like it or not.

In fact - as I write this it occurs to me that you're practicing PC right now. Obviously one of the many elements of Political Correctness is declaring that certain words and phrases are no longer acceptable and off-limits because they "may offend someone", and we end up having to change them to suit you, which is about as silly as it gets. "Midget" to "dwarf", "secretary" to "receptionist", "fat" to "calorically challenged". What should we change "Politically Correct" to so that you're not offended?


You people literally can't help yourselves. You're so damn desperate to control the conversation. My "sig" really does nail it.

I don't think so. If you're "offended" at the use of the term "Political Correctness", too bad.

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Yes, the standard bigoted personal insults and name-calling. Not interested.

Now, to what "myth" are you referring?


You accused me of not looking at your Google search. Even though I did look at it. Yet you totally ignored the article I posted. PC police is a fabricated term created by right wing rhetors and word smiths. Right wing think tanks spend billions training parrots like you...

Maybe you should take a clear eyed look at the 'morality police' who are on your side. They would lock gay people up in an instant if they ever gained the power.

If you had actually looked at the Google search, you would have seen example after example after example of precisely what we're talking about here. To deny the existence of what we're talking about here would be absurd.

You don't like the term "Political Correctness"? Then call it something else, I don't care. Call it a "saxophone". The fact remains that the group of behaviors exists and that's what that group of behaviors is called, whether you like it or not.

In fact - as I write this it occurs to me that you're practicing PC right now. Obviously one of the many elements of Political Correctness is declaring that certain words and phrases are no longer acceptable and off-limits because they "may offend someone", and we end up having to change them to suit you, which is about as silly as it gets. "Midget" to "dwarf", "secretary" to "receptionist", "fat" to "calorically challenged". What should we change "Politically Correct" to so that you're not offended?


You people literally can't help yourselves. You're so damn desperate to control the conversation. My "sig" really does nail it.

I don't think so. If you're "offended" at the use of the term "Political Correctness", too bad.


Your 'sig' line is EXACTLY what right wing rhetors and right wing word smiths are PAID to do. Right wing think tanks spend billions trying to own words, phrases and language and turn those words, phrases and language against liberals and progressives to CONTROL the conversation and contol how political issues are framed.

But carry on Poly...
A guy shot his mouth off and was held accountable

The end of freedom as we know it

Yeah. Jesus got nailed for it. Literally. You start turning over tables and questioning. There's a cross waiting for you.

Jesus NEVER, EVER uttered any words like Phil Robertson. Phil Robertson is the antithesis of the teaching of Jesus.

You folks are as far from 'Christian' as it gets.

Jesus told the prostitute: 'Now go, and sin no more' - after saving her from the crowd; he did not condemn her for her sin, but he did call what she did a sin.

Given the far more traditional views of the time, it seems logical and reasonable to suppose that, should Jesus be confronted with a homosexual who was being condemned by a crowd, that Jesus would save the homosexual from the crowd, and tell the homosexual that he was not condemning it, but that the homosexual should go forth and sin no more.

Consequently, I'm not as certain as you, that you are on the right track, with your claims that those who oppose homosexuality - and recent attempts to 'normalize' or 'mainstream' it in the face of increasing opposition from that mainstream - are quite as far from the teachings of Jesus as you would have us believe.

Certainly, Christian straight-folk who abhor homosexuality no longer appear to be losing much sleep over it, and believe themselves to be on fairly solid ground with their God in such matters.
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