Anti-Politically Correct Sign in Houston Restaurant: Yay or Nay?

What is your response to the Anti-PC Sign?

  • Yay - Positive: I like more than dislike

    Votes: 39 84.8%
  • Nay - Negative: I dislike more than I like

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Neutral - It doesn't invoke a response either way, positive or negative

    Votes: 6 13.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Anti-politically correct signs draw attention at popular Houston chain restaurant Berryhill Baja Grill

Businesses take a lot of care in catering to customers and clients, avoiding offending them at nearly any cost.

That is why signs posted on each of the five company-owned Berryhill Baja Grill restaurants in the Houston area are getting attention.

The signs read: "Notice. This store is politically incorrect.
We say Merry Christmas. God bless America.
We salute our flag and give thanks to our troops, police officers and firefighters.
If this offends you, you are welcome to leave. In God we trust."

It is signed, Berryhill.

The signs were posted at the direction of Berryhill CEO Jeff Anon. The tipping point for him was the generic red cups used for the holiday season by a well-known coffee establishment. At the time it was described as more inclusive for people of all beliefs.

When Anon's son showed him a picture of similar signs going up at other businesses around the country, he had his own printed.

"I don't think anybody means anything bad or mean when they say Merry Christmas, and I thought somebody had to stand up and say enough of this," he said.

Some signs have disappeared from the restaurants, from customers who were offended. They are quickly replaced.

Anon said there have been some complaints, but "I'd say for every one who thought it wasn't appropriate, probably 10 to 20 who thought it was and supported it."

That's echoed by customers like Randy Massy.

"I guess the political correctness has gone overboard sometimes," he said.

Ditto for Cynthia Bivins. While lunching at the Post Oak location with her friend, the attorney said, "I celebrate Christmas. I salute the flagl I'm an American. It doesn't offend me at all."

Business continues to go well at Anon's restaurants. The company owns five Berryhills in Houston. There are franchises as well. Anon says those are not included on the sign list, and doesn't know if any franchise-holders have asked to display them.


What is your response to the Sign: Yay Nay or Neutral?
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View attachment 57634 Anti-politically correct signs draw attention at popular Houston chain restaurant Berryhill Baja Grill

Businesses take a lot of care in catering to customers and clients, avoiding offending them at nearly any cost.

That is why signs posted on each of the five company-owned Berryhill Baja Grill restaurants in the Houston area are getting attention.

The signs read: "Notice. This store is politically incorrect.
We say Merry Christmas. God bless America.
We salute our flag and give thanks to our troops, police officers and firefighters.
If this offends you, you are welcome to leave. In God we trust."

It is signed, Berryhill.

The signs were posted at the direction of Berryhill CEO Jeff Anon. The tipping point for him was the generic red cups used for the holiday season by a well-known coffee establishment. At the time it was described as more inclusive for people of all beliefs.

When Anon's son showed him a picture of similar signs going up at other businesses around the country, he had his own printed.

"I don't think anybody means anything bad or mean when they say Merry Christmas, and I thought somebody had to stand up and say enough of this," he said.

Some signs have disappeared from the restaurants, from customers who were offended. They are quickly replaced.

Anon said there have been some complaints, but "I'd say for every one who thought it wasn't appropriate, probably 10 to 20 who thought it was and supported it."

That's echoed by customers like Randy Massy.

"I guess the political correctness has gone overboard sometimes," he said.

Ditto for Cynthia Bivins. While lunching at the Post Oak location with her friend, the attorney said, "I celebrate Christmas. I salute the flagl I'm an American. It doesn't offend me at all."

Business continues to go well at Anon's restaurants. The company owns five Berryhills in Houston. There are franchises as well. Anon says those are not included on the sign list, and doesn't know if any franchise-holders have asked to display them.


What is your response to the Sign: Yay Nay or Neutral?

Of course I voted Yay, being anti-politically correct myself.

What on earth is happening, when these perfectly normal sayings and comments are considered in any way offensive?

"Notice. This store is politically incorrect.
We say Merry Christmas. God bless America.
We salute our flag and give thanks to our troops, police officers and firefighters.
If this offends you, you are welcome to leave. In God we trust."

I mean, something is seriously wrong with a person if they're offended by any of these things. The whole political correctness craziness has totally got out of hand now, and is in fact bordering on total insanity.
It's a shame everything has to be political now.

It doesn't "HAVE TO BE." Fuck all these little weasels that think it does. Speak your mind, speak the truth, and don't be afraid.

THAT IS THE NEW TREND, because people are fed up with it.

Exactly, this is what I do, as I believe in Free Speech, I say what I want to say and when I want to....not a great deal offends me, except for paedophilia and paedophiles and rape and that stuff surely offends everyone anyhow.
I'm ok with the sign. They are just saying what a lot of Americans are saying. Many are tired of the PC junk put out by used car salesmen in America. Offend me and I'll sue culture of Stupidity.
None of those things offend anyone.

Some people freak at *gasp* Merry Christmas, I mean, seriously those people need to get help.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.
None of those things offend anyone.

Some people freak at *gasp* Merry Christmas, I mean, seriously those people need to get help.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.

So what's all this rubbish with the "Happy Holidays" stuff then? How did that all come about? That's right, because "Merry Christmas" was considered "offensive" by a minority of bedwetters, and as we know, minority rules now....who cares what the majority thinks anymore :rolleyes-41:

Personally I think the bedwetters problems began in early infancy, they probably weren't breastfed correctly.
It's a shame everything has to be political now.

It doesn't "HAVE TO BE." Fuck all these little weasels that think it does. Speak your mind, speak the truth, and don't be afraid.

THAT IS THE NEW TREND, because people are fed up with it.
Yeah but putting a sign up is just political. It sux.

I get in HEAPS of trouble for speaking my mind. People have been fed up with it since before it began, but they are too petty to ever be anything but part of the problem. I don't see an end in sight. People are fantastic with pedophile homosexual female teachers minding their kids all day, massive amounts of people pouring into their countries making life harder, multiculturalism, but not Bruce Jenner.

These retreating trench warfares aren't much chop as far as I can see.

It's easy to see just how people drop the last concern for the more pressing latest one. They are simply to gutless and stupid and unreasonable to face the reality that the only solution is a terrible war where everyone must risk their life. They are useless, and I rather don't blame the PTB for treating them as such.
None of those things offend anyone.

Some people freak at *gasp* Merry Christmas, I mean, seriously those people need to get help.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.
You're misconstruing rudeness with reality... of course... because that's what you leftists do.
None of those things offend anyone.

Some people freak at *gasp* Merry Christmas, I mean, seriously those people need to get help.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.

How absurd, WHY the heck would they want to use those phrases? That would be deliberately bad-mannered wouldn't it?
None of those things offend anyone.

Some people freak at *gasp* Merry Christmas, I mean, seriously those people need to get help.
No, people do not freak out at Merry Christmas.

If the owners really wanted to strike a blow against PC they'd use real politically incorrect phrases. "We will call you ******, ****, faggot! And if you don't like it, leave!

But of course they aren't brave enough for that.
You're misconstruing rudeness with reality... of course... because that's what you leftists do.

Thanks, this is what I've just tried to point out to him/her.
It's a shame everything has to be political now.

It doesn't "HAVE TO BE." Fuck all these little weasels that think it does. Speak your mind, speak the truth, and don't be afraid.

THAT IS THE NEW TREND, because people are fed up with it.
Yeah but putting a sign up is just political. It sux.

I get in HEAPS of trouble for speaking my mind. People have been fed up with it since before it began, but they are too petty to ever be anything but part of the problem. I don't see an end in sight. People are fantastic with pedophile homosexual female teachers minding their kids all day, massive amounts of people pouring into their countries making life harder, multiculturalism, but not Bruce Jenner.

These retreating trench warfares aren't much chop as far as I can see.

It's easy to see just how people drop the last concern for the more pressing latest one. They are simply to gutless and stupid and unreasonable to face the reality that the only solution is a terrible war where everyone must risk their life. They are useless, and I rather don't blame the PTB for treating them as such.
You must live in the city. Us bread basket of America rural folks aren't afraid to speak our mind whenever the hell we please, and say what we want. The first amendment is alive and well in the heartland.

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